The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 07, 1901, Image 3

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Jacket and Suit Sale !
Our Reduced Prices on Ladies'
Jackets and Suits is still in effect.
Jackets are going at One-half
off on the regular retail price.
Suits are divided into two lots :
All Garments up to $13.50 go for
$7 -
All Garments up
See our line of Spring WASH SILKS the
season's latest now on sale, at
50c per yard.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
fP Ttaltpc naHtf nhftnnfofo iKev- A- Kronsgeest, Mr. August Deck
L,e VmiZS Uchiy WiroiHeie. U,0f Ten Mile, to Miss Vera Simpson,
All IVimcii County wiirrimtN rlitcriil
prior tu ititinlir 1 , I HOT, will Un puld
mi primimtutliiii ut my uHlee. Interest
en hi ! urinr Niivi'iiilinr :M, 1 1)00.
JOHN F.'hlllKK,
County Trnnnurxr.
.Jtistlee.Brownhill und wife are both ill
with tliu grippe.
Lfi) Sehunno mid Vic Schmidt left
ycdtonluy on ti pleasure trip to San
Francisco. "'
All members of Cedar Circle are re
quested to meet promptly at 7:30 ut the
liall Friday evening.
Wanted A furnished room and board
in u private family by a ludy and one
child. Apply at this olllce. f7-2t
The Salem Sentinel insists that the
Corlmtt headquarters in that city ehould
hi) compelled to takeout u liquor license.
The young ladies of the MethodiBt
church will have a sale of home-made
:amly next Saturday at Mr. Croats'
l.oBt An elk charm engraved F. J. 11.
A liberal reward will be given for its
rdturn to F. J. Bonn at Maya & Crowe.
f(l lwk
'I'll ii Salem Sentinel would like awful
lv to turn Mrs. Carrie Nation loose in
-lu Man Corbott'a headquarters ntJ
nuiuiu. it iiunkH Mrs. Nation wouiu
play havoc with the old man's bibulous
Over at Texas Bar Miss G. Wendoleen
Winthrop has started a stewdio, and
alter stewing pun of dried apples she
slammed them aguinBt the wall and then
asked her assembled admirers: "How
Is that for an Italian sunset?" Hepp
r Gazette.
Mrs. .laiuys Duncan, of this city, wfio
umlerwent an operation at St. Vincent's
hospital some fivo weeks ago, Is recover"'
iiur rapidly and has permission to return
h(i:nn next Monday. Mr. Duncan ex
pi!tH to leave here for Portland Sunday
morning and bring Mrs. Duncan homo
Monday's host.
Hern Is the latest narodv on an old
adaiio: "JJ.rly to bod and early to rise
does verv well for preachers and guyes,
'ut iiiakos a man misa all the fun till he
iia and joins nil the angels that are up
tho skies. Go to bed when you
plvaan, ami lie at your ease, and you'll
just the anmo of a Latin disease"
Married, at 0 o'clock this (Thursday
morning, at the Catho'le reotirv. ht
ff& "
bysters H
' At Andrew Keller's.
to $25.00 go for
of this city. Only a few immediate
friends of the bride and bridegroom were
present, and tho young couple left on
the Dalles City on a wedding trip to
Portland. "
At a meeting of the Multnomah
county W. C. T. U., held in Portland
yesterday, Kev. Hay Palmer defended
Mrs. Nation and upheld her in her
work of confiscation, saying that if ever
woman deserved to be crowned in the
hereafter for her deeds in this world,
that woman was Mrs. .Nation. "Am I
extreme?" he concluded ; "if so, Jesus
Christ wub extrem-j when he drove the
money-changers out of the temple."
The building season will soon be here,
am' now is the time to be looking around
for suitable locations. We want to say
to those people who contemplate build
ing a home for themselves that we have
the largest list of city properties for sale
of any real estate llrm in The Dalles, and
at prices that will surprise you. If you
have not the money to pay at once, we
will sell to you on small monthly in
stallments. Do not overlook us in case
you intend to purchase; otherwise you
may regret it. Hudson & Brownhill.
Says the Hillaboro Argus (dem.) : "If
the vote last spring is indicative of any
thing, it would appear that the people of
Washington county should stand ready
to sanction any move that will mean
political burial of this gross, corrupting
force in Oregon politics Corhettism.
We do not think that any faith would
be broken in scotching this element, ami
if this wholesale purchase goes on and
it will by Corbett and his people, it
would be no political sin for the balance
of the delegation to find a way to ac
complish Corbett's permanent retire
ment." Senator Williamson's bill amending
the scalp bounty law so as to require the
counties to pay one-third of tho boun
ties, and providing that, the proof of tho
killing of coyotes, etc., shall be taken by
the county clerks, passed the senate yes
terday with only a light opposition. The
vote stood IV to 5, with six absent.
When this bill came on for final passage,
Williamson made a brief statement of
the new features proposed by this bill,
luid submitted it without any further
'argument in its favor. Tho only pro
nounced opposition to the bill came.
strange to say, Iron) an eastern Oiegou
man, Senator .Smith, of Baker.
Pot iiilauta and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
&lg uature of
rp n. ulmih. utiilut.ion Tli'n
Aforee furniahed bed rooms. Inquire of
'Mrs. Stone. H-lw
in the
.laiBiicHf Kuril ItHll.
Thia is something entirely new and
the finest decorative plant ever intro
duced. It comes all the way from Japan
nd is composed of Japanese inland fern
roots, known as Dnvollia Bullato var
Nagaha, and Sprihngum Moss and so
constructed as to send out leaves of beau
tiful emerald green from every point.
Fern dishes are generally an expensive
luxury. The Jananese Fern Ball will
make two fern dishes of the finest kind.
For the window, drawing room, or sus
pended from chandelier, or over dining
table, or need in fern dishes, the fern ball
is beautiful, rare, perpetual and cheap.
Fern balls are more handsome than
palms for decorative plants, and are
much easier grown.
The DalleB Nurseries have ;ust re
ceived a shipment of 150 of these plants.
They are selling like hot cakes at ifl
each. Apply to H. H. Weber, The
Dalles. fh7-2ld&w
In Oregon
The following advertisement is on a
flyer Bent out by the New York Central
lines, the words "in Oregon" being un
derscored so as to strike the eye:
Millions of acres of the best lauds left
in the gift of the government are in
Oregon. Soil that yields from three to
five harvests of wheat from one seeding
in Oregon. Over 20,000,009 acres of for
ests, that produce Irom 25,000 to 250,000
feet timber to the acre in Oregon. Pas
tures that turn out 250-pound sheep and
2200-pound cattle in Oregon. More
than J 4,000 square miles of mineral
lands, rich as the richest in Colorado,
California or the Klondike in Oregon.
A climate that is unsurpassed ; no win
ter cold, no summer heat, no blizzards,
no droughts and no crop failures in
The O. K. barber shop is now running
three chairs with three first-class
barbers. Patrons of tlu shop will thus
be assured of quick attention and prompt
and satisfactory sot vice. J. H. Hees,
proprietor. j'2S 2w
Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream
Hair Tonic will save your and your
children's hair? You can get it for 50
and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer's barber
shop, sole agent. tf
VliiN'iil Kurt 1ii iiulif 1't'll ut Sea.
San FiiANfiMO, ' Feb, I! A violent
earthquake threw the steamer Guatema
la partly out of the water and caused
tho vessel to tremble from stem to stern
for at least a minute oil' the coast of
Ecuador during her latest trip. The
shock took place when the Guatemala
was five miles oil' the coast, about 100
miles south of Guayaquil at 7 :15 o'clock,
on the evening of January (ith. On
reaching Guayaquil it waa learned that
the most violent earthquake in the IiIf
tory of the place had taken place at the
moment when the Guatemala had been
bo shaken. No eerlous damage was
Senatorial Vote flame Yentrrday, Kx
cept for Two Ahorntnnii., Feb. 7. The house today
passed the Smith bill taxing foreign cor
porations, and Coivig's bill regulatin
disbarment proceedings.
The following bills failed to pass:
Briggs' providing for the reimbursement
of Jackson county for school funds that
were lost by the county bv embezzle
ment; Pearce's bill for the distribution
ot school funds, a measure repealing the
law which disttibutes $50 to each school
district before the per capita distribu
tion is made; Briggs' bill providing re
lief for the supreme court.
In a discussion that lasted one hour
Representative Eddy favored and Rep
resentative Harris opposed a resolution
increasing the appropriation to the Cap
tain Clark sword fund so as to raise the
fund to one thousand dollars. The res
olution passed, and the state's contri
bution to the fund will be $f03, $337
having been already raised by voluntary
After a debate of an hour the senate
passed Sweek's bill changing the salary
of the supreme court reporter from $000
annually to $500 per volume, or about
$1500 per year.
The senate also passed Knykcndall's
bill regulating medical practice, making
diplomas of state medical colleges good
for admission to practice in this state.
The vote for senator was the same as
yesterday, excepting that Keene and
Hemenwav were absent.
Mitchell' Nanm In Flontlng Through
Mm Air ut Salem.
Special Correspondence
The senatorial situation has changed.
It is now assured that a senator is to be
elected within a few days, probably on
next Tuesday. A caucus being held to
night may result in no conclusion on
the subject, but there are others. Fif
teen men who now vote for Senator
Smith, of Baker, are ready to cast their
ballot in favor of John H. Mitchell the
man who just now stands the best
chance of election. .
A hoet of lobbyists are here in the in
terests of their respective candidates,
yet Mitchell, s name seems to be in the
air and many signs seem to point to his
ultimate election. His selection at this
time would be a good lesson to those who
are spending the people's money in an
effort to further their own mteiests, and
might serve as an object lesson to future
aspirants to a seat in the United States
senate from Oregon. There is no doubt
today in regard to this matter. Mem
bers are tiring of the present strained
position, and are willing to give in a few
points so as to have the state fully rep
resented In our national body.
Thirty-six new bills were introduced
today in the house. It is thought that
thia will be the laet large bunch of bills
to be introduced during this session.
Routine work in both houses is being
rushed along, clerks now being required
to work early and late. The system
used this session in providing clerks and
apportioning their work is proving very
satisfactory; so much so, in fact, that it
is improbable that the Kuykendall bill
will soon be repealed or amended., Or., Feb. 7. The small change
in the vote for United States senator
yesterday was not in line with the ex
pected change. True, it shows the
reetleesness of members and their in
tention to vote difieiently, still it does
not show in any way the candidate to
whom the vote may bo thrown. While
the present feeling exists, it Is certainly
positive that no senator can be elected,
Mitchell claims some forty votes, yet he
lacke a few. There are about sixteen
democrats who are willing to help elect
some good man to fill the place, even
though he might bu a republican ; and
with this feeling on their part there
should bu no trouble in settling this
troublesome problem. Corbett's fol
lowers claim many things for their
candidate, yet it is believed that he can
muster but little mom strength than he
has already shown. McBride has really
his strongest vote now, and it begins to
look like it. it adjournment without an
election. It is said, by a few only, how
ever, thut some Republicans stand ready i
to support Smith, of Baker, unless the ,
republicans soon settle their trouble j
within their own ranks. This might be j
better than to send one of the principal
actors in this political racket to Wash
ington, and would incline aspirants fori
senatorial honors to lie careful about
holding up legislative assemblies in
their own personal interests in the!
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
We do
Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates
made and contracts taken for heating old or new
t Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also n ma
chine repair ehop in connection with our. hardware
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold by
any one. Our prices are right.
7VtklER 5t BENTON.
Salmon .rglKlattou.
The special committee appointed to
confer with a like committee of the
Washington legislature presented the
follnwine recommendations for enact
ment of laws :
Closing season, during which the
taking of salmon in the Columbia shall
be unlawful:
Present law March 1 to April 15, anil
August 10 to September 10, in each year.
Proposed change March 1 to April
15, and August 15 to September 10.
Protection nf anadramoua fish (fish
that leave the sea and ascend rivers)
during spawning season.
A law prohibiting taking of such fish
in any manner on any spawning bed
above Celilo fall, except for propagation.
Spearing, foul hooking, etc.
A law prohibiting the taking of fish at
any time with spear, gaff or foul iiook
of any kind, expect in the case ot In
dians. Protection of salmon in tide water:
A law prohibiting the taking of the
young fish between March 1st and May
1st in each year.
"Tho question of Sunday prohibition,
a matter of vital importance to the fish
ing industry, was discussed at consider
able length, but no definite conclusion
lias yet b'en arrived at on account of
curtain prejudices against it in the state
of Washington. Your committee is
therefore awaiting further advices from
our Washington contemporaries," con
cludes tho report.
The Dalles' Leading
Oigar and Tobacco House.
Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobac
cos and Pipes, Suiokeis' Articles
und Periodicals of all de
scriptions. Second Street, in Wilson Building
Neat Hub Hoom In eoiiiicriloii,
Jfjr"Now York Sunday World 5c.
Land Qffick at Tub IU, or,,
, December 17, 1UO0. 1
Notice is lineby Klven Unit tliu follow Iin
litiiueil t-cttler lins, Mel notice of Iiin Intention
tomiike Until proof in Mipimrtof Ills elulm, mid
t Jin t til proof will Lie made before the leglhcer
unit receiver of tliu IJ, K. lunU olllce ut Tliu
Dulles, Or , mi Sutwdiiy, Jmuiary 'JO, woi, vUi
I'thiicIh a, OlirUt,
of The Dulles, (iiegou, If, K. No. 1070, for the
It 11', M, 1,
lie iiiimes the following witnesses to prove
lib continuous resilience upon unit uulttviKtou
of mlil IhihI, viz:
J. K. Hull, D. D. NeUon, (Jims, ntbton, Alx
Kruzer, all of TJie Dulles, Oregon,
ii'O'S My I', l.UCAS, Register,
Nickle Plated Tea Pot,
Iluw to Cure Croup.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
fails to cure." When given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
tho croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent, the attack. This should be
bo-ne in mind and a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept nt hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by Biakeloy, the druggist. .
Your Faca
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If ynu are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley, the druggist.
Reports show a greatly increased death
rate from throat and lung troubles, due
to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia
and grippe. We adviso the use of One
Minute Cough C ore in all of these
difficulties. It is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results
Children like it. Claike & Falk's P. O.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. Ono little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
Remember that you don't have to be
bald ; you can keep your hair by using
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be
had at Fnuer's barber shop. tf
Hustling young man can make f GO per
month and expenses. Permanent, posi
tion, Experience unnecessary. Writ
quick for particulars. Clark c'i Co,,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Phihulel
hpia, Pa, sS-t
Mrs. Ilhttie Morris, stylish dress
making. Koister-Tnylor sqnaie, taught
as in St. Louis and Chicago. All the
latest patterns. Above Peace & Mays'
store, j:,3 tw
Cfcoanut Cream Hair Tunic will cure
dan rull'ttiui all t-calp din-u-crt, Don't
ne fd your hair. Fur sain at Frnsser'a
b r shop, sole ai'i'iit. tf
F u faahloiiahln dres-un'tkiiig and plain
sen tig, call and see Mr. S, E. Hender
foi 'WS Third street, in Mrs. Eddon'a
bou . jlfl lin
? . vsl'ITbu ijf I'll iv ClIKONlCT.K.