The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY - - - FEB. 7, 1901 STUPID DEFENSE OF EVOLUTION. of the senatorial election, they seem to bo rushing business as fast as if tbnt question were out of the way or j settled beyond reconsideration. If Mr. Kdwin Mnrkhnm lias n few The Oregonmn and Kcv. Kobort minutes. lcisurc ho ml hl ianco ovcr McLean are having nn interesting! tbc haV0(J wrought by Mrs. Nntion 1? . .. I 1 . I . ! poem entitled "The Woman With the discussion these days on the question ftn(j ,,uijtc of evolution. The Oreconinn. as is usual with it when a minister of any orthodox denomination presumes to call bis soul his own, sits down on the preacher hard and more than bints that he is an ignoramus, as every man must needs be who re fuses to nelieve that his grandfather was a monkey. Some of the Ore gonian's arguments are so amusing that oce is led to doubt if they were intended to be taken seriously. In a lecture delivered before the Portland ministerial association last Monday, Mr. McLean attacked Spencer's doctrine of the transmuta tion of forces, admittiug that gravity may be transmuted into heat but de nying that heat can be transmuted into gravity. The Oregonian re plies' by affirming that "the transmu tation of" heat into gravity is tho commonest thing in the universe. It is seen in every waterfall and in the rainfall that makes the waterfall, for heat is the agency that makes them both." The preacher's re joinder is: "Surely, Mr. Editor, you did not mean that! Acting as an agent and being 'transmuted' are not tbc same thing. If I carry the water to the top of a precipice and then pour it down I am an agent but am not transmuted' into gravity. The heat, rnisii.g the water, is not annihilated; it has not lost its force; bence is not transmuted." If the Oregonian denies this it will have to admit that its effort to raise a ccrlaiu person to the United States senate has annihilated the Oregonian and transmuted it into the Old Man of thj Sea The comment of the Oregonian on n quotation made by Dr. McLean from the writings of the '.earned Dr. Henry Van Dyke, ot rnnceton, is absolutely inexplicable as the natural deduction of any sane mind from tho doctor's words. Dr. McLean quotes Dr. Van Dyke as tollows 'The absurd caricature which reprc sents tran as descended from the monkey is, of course, rejected by all thoughtful persons." Ttic Oregon ian's comment is: "Van Dyke's re mark is consistent witli the Darwinian hypothesis that man and the ape have a common animal origin." Consistent with the Darwinian hy pothesis! when Dr. Van Dyke coils that hypothesis an absurd caricature! Did ever perversity of interpretation go farther than this? The Oregonian has not met Dr. McLean's arguments and cannot meet them, but it will do anything in the world rather than admit that it is beaten. Ax." Telegram. Wipe out Corbctt this time and the people, under the Mays' law, will t ike care of Joe Simon later on. DRUGLESS HEALING With Oxygenor Company's Perfected Oxygenor King, It is not a battery. It is not electricity. It cures with the oxy gen of the air, without doctors, without dniRF, without medicine. The greatest boon to mankind ever discovered. It atauds without n rival as a curative agent and possesses complete mastery over all curable diseases without em ploying nauseous or poisonous drugs. Description, theory, method of operation, list of diseases for which it is recom mended, etc.. furnished free. Gallon or address. J. M. Fii.i.oon, The Dalles, Or. 'Phone No. 390. j-Jl NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the eaid Chew Kee Co., doing businees on Front street, in Dalles City, Or., for many years past, has not been dissolved, but that eaid business is still owned and conducted by eaid Chew Kee Co., and that said firm will not be responsible for any debts or transactions contracted by the so-called enccespnrs Wong Ken, Wong Chaen, Wong Yon, Lu Guien, Ma Wei and Ma Kei, who have no Interest whatever in said business of the Chew Kee Co. since the lUth day of Jannarv, 1901. Dited Dallee City, Or.. .Tan. 25, 1901. Chew Kkk Co. BUSINESS LOCALS. To those who arc getting im patient nith tho legislature because the senatorial question is apparently no nearer settlement than it was three weeks ago it is comforting to reflect that if Senator Mays' bill be comes a law, and it surely will, this will be the last dead-lock the people of Oregon will bo troubled with. So mote it be. Alexandra, she of the famous royal bouse of Denmark and now queen and consort, is probably the most admirable royal personage alive to day. None too poor, none too lofty to do reverence to her, who, as I'rincess of Wales, has for more than a generation been first in the hearts of her countrywomen. Minneapolis Times. Representative Briggs, of Douglas and Jackson counties, has introduced a bill lowering the age of consent to 1-1 years and inflicting n penalty of not lees than one and not more than twenty years. It ought to pass by an unanimous vote. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brnehee. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your a' er for them. Paint your house with paints that ara fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good ae Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated J a me E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Quality and not quantity makee De- Witt's Little Earlv Risers such valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Complete life of Queen Victoria. L'est book. Best terms. Outfit mailed on receipt of 15 cents. Address S. C. Mill er & Co,. Portland, Or. tu thur-sat-Ot Acker's English Remedy will stops cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cte. and 50 cts. Blakeley the druggist. Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are worth less. The original .quickly cures piles, sores and all ekin diseases. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacv. NOTICE. My wife, Hattie BlleBiirlingame, hav ing deserted me, I will not be responsi ble for any debts she may contract from this date. Eixjah January 29, 1901. For February. A flue 16x20 enlargement witii every dozen of my "best cabinet photos." Cloudy days are just ns good for sittings. UiKKoan. Gilforda pictures never fade. td It is due to the members of the Oregon legislature to say that not withstanding the disturbing element1 store. That Tliri.lililug flemlaolie Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley. the druggist. 5 Itolilie.l Hit, (IruvH, A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, Is narrated by him as follows: "I. was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, puiu continually in back m niuvoi ."- tipviu i (mutiny prun ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised 'Electric Bitters'; and to my great joy and surprise, tho first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim.'.' No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blukeley's drug 0 CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please remember that wo carry a full line of LOWNEY'S. just opened, freBh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxes for ChristirnB trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forget that we urn head quarters for the bast 'on earth. Name LOWNEY settles it. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening aud recon structing tho exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gaatralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. PriceSOc.andll. Lar(rosiiocontatns2M ttmea small slxe. Book all about dyspepslaznutleatree Prepared by E. G. DcWITT A CO.. Chicago Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy Nasal - CATARRH In all its Etageg thero should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm clean tee, soothes andheals tho diseased membrane. It cures catarrh anil drives away a cold In the head quickly. Cream Halm Is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Itcllef is Im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying does cot produce sneezing. Large Size, SO cents at Drug' gists or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. H.Y JfcKVniEltS, 50 Warren Street, 2eiv York. Km E E D The most complete Htock ot Garden, Grass, Field and Vegetable Seeds in bulk in the Inland Em pire at the Feed. Seed aad Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS, THE DALLES, OR. SEED S E E s E E D s Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhero to tho membrane and decom pose, causing n far more Kerious trottblo than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuua aud uso that which cleanses, soothes aud heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and Trill euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho Cue. size. Ely Brothers. fiO Warren Ht., N.Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated ami unary surface, reliev. ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Halm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Complete Cipc of Drugs at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Just What Yoa cuant. TtT IF tfh Ughtcn9 1 B helps the team. Saves wear and I expense. Bold every where. B KL STANDARD OIL CO. aB NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. IjANn orricK at Tim Jum.hh, oit., Jitn.'Ji.i'joi. ( hollo Is hereby (riven that tho following. immiil settler lias illtil notice ol lier Inten tion to muko llnul proof In support ol her cUlin, and tout said proof will Lu mmlo be. fore thy nal.ter nuil receiver tit Tliu Jtallet, Oregon, on Wednesday, Jliirch o, luoi, viz; AdHlllit) V., nnoof the heirs mid for the helm of Ituth (ion. evlu dleel, deceased, of Tho Holies, Uiegou, If, n. ro. i'jiu, lor mo beo ai, tji l .N, it 1U E, Hhu names tho fnllmvlnir u'ltnetupx to nrnvn her continuous rcsldencu noon, anil (nlilvurlnn of said land, viz: W. Oaten. John k. cook, Jl. II. llUler, James Hlinoiison,all of The. Dalles, Oregon. JAY I'. I.UCAB, J'- Ito, uier New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Keal imita tion cretun effects at ordinary prices. Good papurB at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of houses paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & LamMe, 'Phone 157 J. 6. BCHSNCK, Jf resident. Max A. Voot. Cm tile) First National Bank. THE DALLES ... OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on new xorK, nan urancisco anc Port land. DIRROTOHH D. P. Thompson. Jno. B. Bobkmcx, bt. M. Williams, Gko. A. Lush. rt. m. HKALL. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horseshoe?. All kinds of blacksmithing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in first-class shape. Give him a call. Richardson's Old Stand, Wiirtl 8t., near Federal, The Dallee, Or. mm Min t P. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA WAV. COMPANY HtennierN of the lleKUlutor l.lno will run ni nor the fol ou.HK M'hrtliilc, the Compiiny nwrvliiB thu rlRlit to o)miiRUJ - M'luilule without notice. k w k DOWN. P l.v. Dulles l.V E lit 7 A. M. I Tif.tHilii V C, ThutMlny .... K Krttunliiy. .. fc' Arr. 1'ortlniid ur. .nt'ltoU r. u. l'ortlund Ml 7 A. M. . . . Monday Wediuwiiiy . ...Friday Arr. Dulles it G r. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallas City. '! . j DOWN u l.v. Dulles l,v .Portland , t7A.l. iit7:(WA. h. i Sloi'dny. TucMlar 4 Wrdinsiliiy Trldiiy Arr. Portland ut I ::!0 v. m. ( FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, J, Tnivol by tin- Hti'nmi'rs nf tho KrRillntnr Line. Thu Cotiipiiuy wilt ondravor to glvo Um put- , I'orthmtl Otllrtc, Oiik-HlmU Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. ABt. ThtirMlnv Ji .Hiittinlny 3 Arr. Dulles 4 3 3 u3 Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry (mio.Ih, Clothing, KootB nnd Shoe?, at much Iuhe than wholcsalo priufe. Will kuII in bulk or in lotn, or any way to suit iiurchasurn. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All (rood? will be Biicrifici'd f.xfi'jit Thiunpson's Glnvi'-fitting Oorsute nnd (limerick Patterns. Your prices will hu initio. Cull oarly and secure J. P. McINERNY, Cornor Socoml and CJourt Sts. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies! Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKE- I tP EMBALMERS The Dalles. Or. Kobes, BufiaSh Etc. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, E t?JLka?D Jieaaquarters tor "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr T,,iB Flour l n"faBturI xpreH8ly for famll; . , , "hb : verv sack is BtiaranUiud to give Bntiefaution. 11 1 . " .....v,. v.... mi; nwiint. in mn iruuu, uuu 11 you UOu l imniiw call and not our prices and 1ms convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. r1 THE CELEBRATED o .. .GObUpfilA BHEWEKY .. jj auwust BUCHLER, Prop. Ren?rf8t,,forPr?ntl.? wel-ko" 'wry thu United HtatoB Hoalth of t liu h I i ii blent i r b pi f H ih! i i'iH 1I,',"l,h ref,wrtH' 11 absolutely devoid h. be ft u n lt Z ?if 1,11 Uf,H i0"1 bn,t0" otl,,,r 8 coin posed ul I a ant ! 1 1 ci I , ll h0p8, tH tonic IHttUtlen ru of the high- yo.Z iu . .. 2 lu, i Ul- KUllTl lK,m,,lt "", "tiHftion by old iui.1 Si ctmlntv t at ,,e1!i(,n,,0Bly ro!rilieU by tho phyBiofanfl with TSby found." ' r' ,,,,rur 0r-",oru wl'0'Moii.e beverage could not TRnf. Ronnnrl U t-,ni- hitttti t . wvwununotu,, i nm fiKKfinw L. Y. Honu, Prop'r. first-Class in Every fjespect MKALH AT AU IlUUltN. Oysters Seryed in any Style. 17 gecoud St., Tlie PUe, Or. OLD MEN. TIiouwhIh of gld iiidii who thouulit tlieir rnain' liii.' days on earth would be (kw now IiIhhh tiiedw Umi they ciiiunienced tm use of thin unitent of " lriijeth InillilorK. Lincoln Sexual PUIb will brii'K about a dfttruH of health and Htieiittlh for you awny beyond tu avermre man of your yenr, and uive you great i)HCf anil uuiufurt. I'rh!100 par box buy of your druggifit or sent by (iihII up leceipt of price, in plain wrapper, LINCOLN PROPRIETARY OO., Ft. Wayno, M. '.. Doiiuel, Agent, The Dulles.