To Soften and Whiten the HANDS To Stop Falling HAIR To Beautify the The Standard Skin andToi.'et Scap of the World. ffWM 1 , ill P0X Gp WOMEN mil! ilm USE the stopping of fallimt hair, for eollcnlng and whitening red, rough hands, in the form of b.ith for annoying Irritations, for too frco or offi-mlvo pertplratlon, lu tho farm nt mr f..,- din, . ... t. T'KItSONAL MENTION. Miss Nellie Davenport left on the noon train (or liur home at Moaier. Mr A. .1. Tolmip went lo New York ye'tenlHV 'in business to bi; gone, some three weeks. Leon HuntinL', of the Collins' Hot Sprinirr, if in the city tho e,ue3t of the' Umatilla Houet'. Mr?. L. H. Nichols, of this city, left Miuiiiiiy for Marion county on receipt of a telegram :innontiuin(r tlie death of her father. 1 rs.. Sueslici, who wn- formerly a resilient ut tlie Hooii Itiver valley. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. 2intie- i- nerelij given that the county piiieriiiterule.nt of Waco county will hold tlie regular examination of appli cant fur ntate paperb at The Dalle-, Ore yon a- f ill'uvp : Uoiiiini-i'C.ini; V'eniie.j(lny, February loth, t 0 ii'uluck a m , and continuing unti S itnuiay, h elu piiry (i;h, ut 4 p. tn Wedne-ihiy Penmanship, hielory. spelliiiL'. ultjelira, reading, composition. Thu'cday Written arithmetic, theon of leachinc, irriurnimr, hook-keeping, Eiitli"h literature, civil govern men t. Friday PhyHiolojry, nefiKraphy, phy sical !e(,L'raphy, mental arithmetic, school i a . Saturday Bolany, plane cpnmetry, general liH'nrv, physic. p-vcholoL'V. The Dalles, Or., Feb. 2. 1901. C. L. Gimiekt, 11)5 13d&w County Supt. . jroii who can not take ordinary r.U; 1.1' lit 3'p find it a plciisure to take DeU'itt's Early Hirers. They are the best 'ver tdlls ever made. Clarke & ' . r. Pharmacy. Auiuni: the teimof thousands who have need Cham licrlain'. Cough Remedy for cold .- ml la trrippe during tlie past few year, tn mir knowledge, not a flinttle case Jui- re-nhed in piieiimonia. Tho?. WJutfl-id & C... '.MO Wabash avenue, Cliic.ino, iiwi of the must prominunt re ail drni,i;iut8 in that cily, in speaking of thiJ, ; "We riicumniend' Chamtier- For You "What puzzled me in the beginning was that I kept losing flesh without any cause for it that I could see. I hud a little trouble with my stoninsh, too, and after a while began to grow.weakor and to cough. The cough, I thought, would soon go away anu cure itselt, but U didn t. It grow worse, and then I began to spit up a pecu liar looking substance. I never thought of consumption, but ono day I had a hemorrhage, and then was frightened in earnest and did just what you would do. I rushed to the doctor. lie was either too busy, or something else, for he didn't domeany good. 1 kept going on down hill, and the outlook was bad. Things took a uiiieretu turn, However, when 1 lieardof Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, for I took it, and it not only cured my cough ing and spitting, but also built up my whole system. I took on per manent flesh, and today am just as healthy a man as you can fled in a week's travel. You may bo sure I always keep Acker's Eng. lish Remedy in thu house, and it is a good thing I do so, for ono night my youngest child was seized with croup. That hoarse, wheezy couch war. the first siirnal. and I io3t no time in giving the poor liltle sufferer proper doses of this grand medicine. In almost no time the disease was under control, and my child was suved. I advise every parent to have a bottle handy all the time. It serves the came purpose in keeping croup out of the house that u good lock and key serve lo keep burglars out. It is both an expectorant and u tonic. It cured me of con sumption and my childof croup, and I know what I am talking about." (Signed) Hon. M. Hocjan, picture framo manufacturer, 242 Center Street, New York. Aoker'a Knglub tUoMdriuold by all druggUU undr a uoiitlre giuranteo tbt jour money will bor. WOiUilinsiuoof UUun. c., toenail ill u boulolu U.K. ami Canada. lnEogluud,U.'Jd.,'i.3j.,aaiJi,s4 Wt Qltlwlx (AC 04W yumnlii, It'. U. HOOKER Jc CO,, i-roprtttore, tow Vvrk, For sale at Blakeley's Pharmaoy. AW wm m CUTICURA SOAP M for ninny sanative cntleeptlc purposes, and for all tho tinea uJ 'J'S1, b:V.h nnd """SP?- uTicuia n1.?? 1 mcc )'LS" NTy-FiVE Cents, the nET skit, and com plosion joap, tho best toilet and jikst baby soap in tho uM 1 .)TTEIi,I?"uo AND CnEM- Conl-. Bolo Drops., Doston. "All about the BUu, Scalp, Hands, and nalr." free. loin's Cough Remedy for la grippe in many caBes, as it not only fives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of la enppe to result in pneumonia." For sale by IJlakeley, the druggist. GOING EAST- If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every throusih train Iibb free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Cuxu, Pacific Coast Pass. Ant,, Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Ckane. G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Cr coanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure dandruff and all Ecalp diseases. Don't ne -ect your hair. For sale at Frazer's bar jr shop, sole aneut. tf Remember that you don't have to be bald ; you can keep your I. air by using Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To he had at Frazer'a barber shop. tf You will not hove boils if vou i, Clarke & Folk's sure cure toi boils. Subscrih for The Chronicle NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Nntlre is hutciiy Riven th it the undcrMned tins duly Hied with Hm County Clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, hit 1) mil account ami report as administrator of thevlnto nf Adolpli AKiilllis, ileeeii-cd, mid that die Honorable County Court ha fixed Moiuhi ,tlio.rth day o! November, li'ijl), at 10 o'clock a ni. of Mild tiny us the time, mill the County Court room of the County Court houe in Dalles city, Wiin-n County, Oregon, fis the ihice fur heatiuK ld liiial iict'inint and re port. All in rous interested in Mild eMato are hcicliy notlllod to appear at nid time nnd place ami show canv.', ii any there be, why said report sliouht not be approved and Mild admitihirator illschniKed. liatcd this 5th day o( October, 1000. .1. 1' .UJIDII'S, Administrator of the estate of Adolpli Ayi is, deceased. cW to Res a---' OREGON Shot lime and Union Pacific parAitT rou i TIMK SOHlIhULKS FltOM THE DAI.I.Ky. AUBIVll FltOM ChiciiRO l'ortland Siieclal. li?a i. m. via Hunt iiiKtou. Atlantic Kxpress, l'2'M ii. m. via 1 1 tin t itiiltoii. Ht. l'rtiil Kat Mall, '.i:'J."i p. m. via him kaiie, 'Suit Ijike, Denver. Kt. i Wortli, Oiualin, Knit I sasClty.Kt.Uiuis.Clii I eago and the Kast. llC.'i p.Jll. .Salt Lake, Denver, I't. ! Worth. Omaha. Krii- 1:15 a. m. sasClt.v.SI. bulls, Chi- ciiko mill tlie Knst. Walhi Walla, l.t:vlston. Minneapolis, St, l'liul. Duluth, Milwau kee, Chicago ami Knst. :i::;o n. m, OCEAN AND EIVER S0HEDULE Kriiiii I'lirtlnnil. 1 (All Milling dates sub-' i Irnt In f.hntit',. 1 ' b:C0 p. in. i j n - I For San Kriinclseo, i Sail every 5 days. 1:00 p. in. Daily except Kuiiiiny, 8:C0 p. 111. Satiirdny, 10:00 p. m. Col iiiii Ii lu Itlvnr. To Astoria and Wny Uinillngs. 1:00 p. m. except Huuday. Dally Wllliinmttt. Itlvnr. , , Sumlay 'LCK,n" 'V'5'.1 bcrK' ' except in ''fX' 1"1'lu"J."tlcni;o- Sunday, m. nnd wny-Uiiidltigs. ' Tuesday, ThuiMliiy, Saturthiy, 0:00 u. m. I (:: p. m. Monday, VediiCMlny Friday. Corvallis mid Way Landings. Tuesday, Willamette mid !!:S0p. ni. Thursday, Viiinlilll ItlverM. ! Monthly, til 1 Oregon City, Dayton and i " ca"e,s'la triday, i v. jii iiinirs. Ixavu r.iparia dully, il.10 a. m. Snake ltlrcr. f.cavc l.ewl'itoii dally, :zo a. in. Itiparla tn l.uwlstun. l'arties Jeslrlni: to co to HenDtier or points on ('olumbin Southern via lllggs. should take No. 'J, leiivltiK 'the Dalles at 12:25 p. m. linikliig direct couuectlous at Hcppucr Junction and lllggs. KetumluR makiiiRdirectconuectlon ut Hcppucr junction and Dlggs vylth No. 1, ar riving at The Dalle ut 1:05 p. in. For further purticular.s, call on or address JAS. IRELAND, Altent, The Dalles, Oregon. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING (,'AH ROUTE FltOM I'OUTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONIA' DIUKCT LINE TO THE YELLOW- SI ONE l'AUK am, Union Depot, FirmaDd I sts Alir.IVH. No. 2. ' Fast rnnll for Tucomn, . No. i s-eattle, Olympla, Oray's , Hiubor nnd South Hend 1 points, Spokane, Uoss luiitl, II, C, I'ullmau, Moscow, Ix!iston, Iluf 11:13 A. M. fuloHump mining conn- a:S0 1'. M. try, Helena, Miiincupo Us., St. i'aill, Omaliii, 1 Kansas City, St. Ixaii.s, I Chicago mid all iioiuts' No. 1. cast mill southeast. No. a. l'uuet Sound Express 11;30 1'. M. for Tncmmi mill Seattle 7;00 A. M. und luturmetliutu poillt.s Pullman lirst-elnss unit tourlrt sleepers to . .iiiiiieapous, nt. rum nun jussouri river points ' without uhanxe. I Vestibule! trains. Union, depot connections lu nil principal cities. Ilagir.ige cheeked to destination ot tickets, ror hfiiidsomely lllusiiutcd descriptive mat tor, tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call mi or I A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant " Passenger Agent. 25.1 Morrl I nm Street, corner Tlilttl. Portland Oregon, SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave Tho Dulles lor Portland 11111I way stations at 1;2j 11, m. and U p, 111. Leave l'orllniiil " Albany A'tlvc Ashlnud " Siicriim'jnto .. " bun FriiiicUco . 8:So a m 7:00 p 111 .12;'30am 10:50 p 111 .12::!:: um U:"0am . 5:00 ji in liKmii . 7:15 pin H:l5uiii Arrive Ojtdou " Denver " Kansas City " Chieugo ,,, ft: 15 a m 11:15 u m . 'JiOOnin 0:00a in 7:25 am 7:25 a 111 7:15a in uiixiaiu Arrlvo Us Angeles ljso p m " Kl I'nso (i:U) p m " Fort Wortli Gum u in " City of Mexico 0:55 a 111 " Houston 1:1X1 11 in " New Orleans .. , (i:25am 11 Waslilngtoit ,., 0:12 am " New York 12:lJpm 7:00 am 0:00 p m a m J.'55a m -1:00 a in 0:25 p III ii ii! a in 12-4:1 pill 1'iillinim and Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Saeruiuento to Ogtlen and Kl i'nso, and tourist cars-to Cliicngo, Ht Loiila, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting ut Bun Francisco with neveral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, I'lilllppluei), Central aud South America, Sec agent at Thu Dulles-station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Ucucral I'asstiiger Aent, rottlund, Or Urn mm iSouthera Pacific Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TUANHACT A KNKUALHANKINd BUHINKH Letters of Credit iesued available in the Eastern Htntes. Siiriit ENulmnRe and TeloftrRjiliK Trunafors eold on Now York, Cliicntro, St. LouiH, San FranciBC-o, Portland Ore con, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washincton. Collections made at all points 011 fnv. al)l tHrtus. Stylish Dressed Men.... Arn thoee who wear clothes that are up-to-date in fit, workmanship mill iuality. My lino ol PHiiiplcs coverH all thu jatust deHiejns for fall and winter, the pricn is riRht, and 1 can uaratiteo a perfect, lit. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANtJFACTUKKKB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIF.D BKEF. KTC. C. F- Stephens .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. 'A hoi Hoots, Shoes. Hats, Caps Notions. ior . 1,. iiouBius mioe. 1 j Telephone No. SS. .I i:il Second Ht., L. Lane, OENEKAI. r. ...AND. K Wagon and Carringo Work. if. rinh Brothers' Wanon. Pione 159 ! SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE rnacc Marks jediqmb CopvniaMTO &c. Hlietrh and dP'erlntlon um ,1 oniiiliin fi-oo wfiiillier 11 nrnliultiv iTaleiit.'ililo. "oniiiiiiiilt'f iii.iii'itrittlv niln nili d. Ilanin-ooi. on I'litenu 5i u, jrco. wi-K'si n.foiu-v ior iei-i)i)Ui, painni-H. I'.i'i.'i.ts taken tlir-iuuh Munii t; Cu. lecelvv iprriul rwKcc, wit bout, t-haruo, in tho Scietstlfie fmmmk A leTwI-iwol .- Ilhi'tra'i'd srcofclv, Lnrzcst elr ni'atlii! nt niiv - ,'lemlUo Jiiiirnal. Term Ol ,1 ycn-i t- art. tun.,,,,!, "Bold liy.ul r.nwat! .tien fIIJMftSeo.aB.WewYBrff lirrnif l. utl'.i-.i 1 1 , V 1 . V timiiiiuiiiii, V 1 : OWE FOR A DOSE. Ucmovo I'iuip!..s, Vfnt Ullloiijiinm.i'ijrily tliuj,),,,,,), , -iii' I'orfeii ''"'" 'i. w; will m.ill mi-l- lr , .: '"-uuorrir t ii r nil1 ii.,t f-jf -u llTU-.ltf!, rjf r- 1 NOTICE OF FINAL SliT'ILEMUNT- In tlie mutter of thu entc.:ej of John Gottlieb Wugeuhlast, deceased. N'otico is hereby Klven that the iiuderHlKiled, the executor of thu lust will unit lenlaiiient of John (InttUob, ileccucd, tins Died hid Una', account in tlie mutter of said estute, and tiie County Court of the Htulo of OreKou for Wasco County has set Monday, the 7th iluy of January. Hull, at thu hour of 10 a m. of suld day in the -date for thu hearing of the said scvouut and any objections thereto. JOHN WAOHN11UST, Kxeeutor of thu lust wilt of John (iottlleb, ilccciikcd i-j.r, ? NOTICE OF FINAL hETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby itlven thut tlio iinder.ilKiied hits HI11I with the clerk of the county court of the stale ot Orei.'oli, for iicu counts', Ills llliul account us udialiilstrutor of tha estate of Helen llradforil, deceiised, ami that by an order duly insde on the lltti lUy of incumber, JOOO, by mill court, Monday 1 the lllli duy ol Juniiury, IWU, bus been fixed as tho time, und the county court room of said court as the place for the lieuriiiK of objections to bald lliiulucctiiint. f. T, IIHADKOltD, ileoiail Adminlstriit.'ir Tie GoiiiinDia Packing Co 1 I The Dalles, Or. jj Bini Horsesnoe Anvnnp "iirtlni' mil- :lv a ri ' tin r ItlVIMII'-llt 1 J. E. FALT & CO., I r-. Mlnnrc o I n T. - L Purest Liquors for Family Use Dolivorod lo any imrt of Iho City. vhoawi SUf i Stance. 173 Second Street. 1 BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S Tiay SUilIion, 4 ydnrs old; height lr hands, woight 1050 pounds. Sired by" Zombro, 2:11, tho host son of iMcIsin noy, 2:1 1 i. FirHtdnm, ItiiihiHinaiil, bv IJoxwnod, hoii of Kill woml. .Second dam, Lake land IJiicen. dam of Ad All-no 'J'2:'M. by Ltkctand'H Abdullah, hoii of llainhlcttiii. iau 10. Third dam, I'riinullu, by Alhainlira, mm of Mamlitino Chief 11. EDMUND S. will ninkf th" Hi'ii"' ti of 11101 at L. A. iVirtci'H livery Htablo, Tin, Dalloa, Orison. Torms for tho Soason, $20. For further jui!IO-dnl mo I A fCTXt-A'TA! A"S ATA A t A IA1 AJAlA I a" A' c. C. J. STUBMNG, WIIOI.IISAI.l Wines, Liquors -Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to Firnt . Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. $ I't.y; vty.tvi'y t.y y1:T.i3r.i.y.jy.ty.i.iriyi ...Given With o very Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store during .January and February, we will give One Chance on the following pri.os: FIRST PRIZE One Ahimmized. Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One sot of Roger's Silver Plated Knives and Forks. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof- iee Fot. SEVENTH PRIZE-Ono .In addition to giving away these prizes we will sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always be ready to serve the trade in the host possible way. We will positively not be undersold by any one. Our prices are' right. TlPlIER St BENTON. t We do Steam, hot water and furiiaon hoatiriu. KfltimatiiH bnTldii."." C01ltrilutH l,,ltu" ,or i"itini: old or now Bo not forget Thm ii we oporato a . hi op in U,M "" "H"t "turui t t MAYS ( 5 parliculnrH too FEED FISHER, Proprietor. Al At Al I'U'AU tJl-fA12 - : AND ltl.l'AM National liank. r,Tiy.irri.TjTiTir it.i,. fir.Y., r.naw Away... Nickle Plated Tea Pot. t plumbing and tin alioi., uIho a ma- coniHKition with our Imrdwaro Uepuir work of all kinds donu. CROWES. Advertise in The Chronicle .