Greatest of All " Kvcry one in Sun Antonio, Tcxns, says tt,,.t Anki.r's t.'.llflUll ltelliodv is tllO Greatest tiling ever nut up ior vvim , colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup and consumption. I have been using it over four years for all forms of throat and lung trou bles, and have yet to' come across a case where it failed. W'e have four little ones in our family, and neither my wife nor I have ever lost a night 's sleep because of throat trou bles among thechildren. I guess that is more than any other family can say. Acker's English Komedy is j list us effective for grown up people as for the young. It seems to go straight to the place where the trouble lies in the tliroat and bronchial tubes and lungs. It soothes and heals the irritated tissues, loosens up the phlegm and mucus in the breathing passages, quiets the nerves, invig orates the constitution and stops the cough ing. My advice to parents is to always keep a bottle in the house. It will be a constant safeguard ncainst croup." (Signed) F. G. Zimmerman, San Antonio, Tex. Sold nt tic, coo. and 51 a bottle, throughout the United States mid Canada ; and In England, at Is. si., 2s. M., 4s. Cel. It yon are not sattstled after buying, return tlia bottle to your druggist and yet your money back. We authorize Uic abotr guarantee. 11. 7. HOOKER A- CO., lrarictors, iVctv lorfc For sale at Blakeley'a Pliarumcy. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Hill Allowed nt the January Term. "W H Cook, sup road dial No 33 .f 1G 00 Kourad Hauser, rebate, double assessment 49 75 Fred Heckler, rebate, double assessment 4S 75 Peter Stoller, work, road dist No 19 23 00 J A Tiller, work, road dist No 31 34 30 Geo Carden, work, road dist No 34 28 50 J A Tiller, work, road dist No 34 09 25 Chae Hixeon, work, road diet No 34 5 00 W Bolton, supplies, riiad dist No 34 51 00 Chas Cannon, work, road dist No 34 17 00 Robert Leasure, work, road dist No 8 63 00 MoBier Mill Co, lumber, dist No 9 and 10 161 00 Frank Liipier, supervision, dist No 10 133 00 Geo T Prather, hall rent, election 2 00 E S dinger, use of team hauling body, pauper 5 00 E S (linger, deputy sheriff, car ing for booths 3 00 W H Wolfe, sup road dist No 14 7 50 F A Kirchheiner, hlacksinlthing, , diBtH4 7 25 W W Teat, closing and opening metallic casket 5 00 Geo C Blakeley, expenses attend ing judges' convention Peter Stoller, supervisor dist No 19 . Dalles Citv water rent, Nov and C 00 33 50 Decern bpr 1165 Timothy Brownliill, justice fee, state vs John Doe 470 J E (lardy, sign, countv judge's 4f office " 1 "50 Noruian McDonald, work on county roads 3 po it W htewarl, work on county roads C Btnrgess, rebate on taxes Andrew McCabe, work on road, o po 38 75 dist No 17 30 50 Frank Hill, constable fees, state vs John Doe 2 00 Timothy brownliill, justice fees, state vs Macey 3 2(5 Timothy Brownliill, justice fees, HUte "vs O'Drien 3 70 Frank Fill!, constable rees, state vs O'Brien 2 50 liuiuthy Brownliill, justice fees, state vs Fish 8 0.0" , Frank Hill, constiilile fees, state ., vs Fish 0 O0j Timothy Brownliill, telegraph ' inessagK 1 00 M M F Kirchheiner, hall rent, I election 2 50 ! W K Brown, work mi 3-Mile grade 25 00 Fiunk Hill, constable feee, state I ve JaslKelly 5 30 ! Lost Luke Lumber Co, lumber, j road dist No 7 6 40 , Times Mountaineer, bub bills al lowed, Nov teriri J It Nickelsen, blacksmith work 1 711 11 I'rigue, work on Indian Creek bridge 5 00 illiauiB & Brositis, med for paupers 10 75 i U Brociue, MD, mud services, paupers , 27 00 Jlobt Kelly, expenses on prisoner transportation 30 25 IS H dates, justice fee estate vs CImin Garrison 0 05 T J Driver, con fee State vs Chas Garrison 3 50 8 I- Blythe, pub delinrjuent tax notice 50 Pacific Stated Tel Co, Nov bill clerk's office 8 20 Pacific States Tel C, Decblll frVr clerk's office 7 35 Pacific States Tel Co, Nov bill sheriff's office 9 05 Pacific States Tel Co, Dec bill for sheriff's office 9 75 Chas Alieky, wit State vs Win Kellv 2 00 Ufo W Covert, wk Clienowth rd 12 110 Al Smi I), do do 12 00 W J HarriniHii, do do ' 42 00 .Toll n KvhiI, do do 3(1 00 JiufiiB Ryan. do do 10 (Ml Charles Swain, do do 10 00 Frank Golf, do do 10 00 Thos Brady, do do 5 511 Thos Elsee, do do 5 50 Chas T Jones, do do 5 65 EdFrantz, do tl 0 00 1L Thos Maddron, do do 5 00 Chas Gilslngor, do do 2 00 Ed Gosser, do do 1 50 Mrs Maude Eddon, clerical hire snpv reports, etc ..... 23 00 Miss Vesta Bolton, clerical biro snpv reports, etc 23 00 T W Badder, rent of hull for Nov election 2 50 E Sehanno, stovei fuel, Unlit, etc, June and Nov election 5 00 Countv clerk, incidentals for oftie'e 25 00 D P k A N Co, freight and fares. 9 50 JXEW AND STRANGE STAMP. Han Tilt Vnlnr. Hut Cntlmllcft Found It I'neful In NcmlliiK Their Sin 1 1. A new niid Ktrnnpe stump has been attracting the attention and wonder of our oft lee olllcinls. It is n stump not found in any collect Ion or sold by any government. It has no lesrnl value whatsoever. Neither is it n counter feit, nor intended to supplant in nny way the stamps issued by the povern mtMit authorities. It alwn.-. appears accompanied by the proper number of rutted States postage stamps, either fastened by their side or stuck in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope, says the Philadelphia Press. At n first glonce the stamp is u sur prise and a mystery to the officials. In size and general appearance it is much like those of oriental and South Amer ican countries. Hut a clo.-cr look at the design a saint bearing the Christ child in his arms reveals its religious character. Then the men discover the letters' S. A. (!. at the top of the stamp, and for many of them the problem is nt once solved. Nearly everyone who has anything to do with the handling of the mails is familiar with thoe three initials. Thousands of letter.- bearing them in the lower left-hand corner or written upon the back of the envelope nre re ceived and delivered ilail in this city alone. Even the least observant cleric or carrier has remarked and uestioned them. The initials and stamps nre practic ally the same thing: or. rather, the stamp is a new phase of an ancient cus tom which exists over the entire world, nnd which during the last few years has sprung- into popularity in this country. It is a'ltoman Catholic cus tom. The S. A. G. stands for "St. An thony Guide." Inny wonderful things are attrib uted to St. Anthony by Catholics. " lie is known among them as the "miracu lous saint." Countless stories arc told of the cures he has effeetet1 the won ders he performs even to-day. Hut the two things for which this saint is espe cially given credit arc the finding of things lost and the guidance of all cor respondence placed uiMler hisenre. Devout Catholics belipve that a letter sen.t under the protection of I'ndna can never go astray. Therefore numbers of them to-dny hnbitually iii:cribe"S. A. G."on all their mail matter, important or otherwise. The stamp is merely a more conspicuous! method of placing correspondence in the cure of the favor ite saint, and so paying him additional honor. St. Anthony's stumps, as they are called, are a modern and distinctly American invention. Hut the custom is overa century and n half old. It is strange that while hundreds of Catholics will not think of posting a letter until "S. A. fi." i safely on the envelope. Iinrrly ot e is able to explain why they jiuve this, implicit faith in St. Anthony's guidance, or from what their belief lias sprung. They will say vaguely that "it is a custom; that w'e have always been told that St. Anthony will care for Jotters." CMcta Lice Conprei USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. Tho moit ofllelent Wood I'remrvIiiK 1'iilnt tilbo n Kadic-iil Keintily hkhIum (,'lilekt'ii Its iipiilicatlim In in tide whIIs of poultry lioues will niiincntly exterminate all lice. He fciilh healthy chickens, ji.enty of mots. W rite for circulars unci juices. Mention this imper. J! $ Jos. T. Peters & Co., t Till-; IIAI.I.KH, (IKKIION, 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRACE MARKS JESIGN6 .. CofvnicHTS &c. A nrnno lending nnltelpli nnd dcjcrlntlmi mo quickly ascertain our opinion free whether u Invmltlon In prolmbly li.iU'ritalllo. Ciiiiiiiiniilri tlniisntrlctlyconudciitlul. lliinilboolcnii 1'iitcnu umiI (reo. Ol'lmt imcney for Hec-urini; i.ili!iils. I'atei.ti taken ttirouvh Sliinii li Co. receive tpeelat iw(i, without cliaruo, In thu Scientific mmmmi A handsomely llhmtr.itPd wcoltljr. IdiKrmt cir 'rurnu. t.f n ca iitlim nt iiiiv xrluntlUo liairna! mar montiia. 11. how iiyu II niraai er. fit JO OOlCroadway, WQy Ynrff llrtncfi limco rai V Kf WmiIii i II I WANTED On SheeD Ranch, a sober. Indus. trloiiH man to do the cooking and house work. Steady employment to u compe tent wan, Address, RANCH 35, The Dalles, Or. lleb2w 5' OREGON Shot line and union Pacific IIEI'AVST Foil (UltCllKO- rorllatul Special. l'J:'2o p. in. vIh Hunt IllRtllll. Atlantic Kxpress, VllM it. in. vih Hunt. ttiKton. 8t. l'nul Fust -MhII, li:'JT in. vln Sjhi kimc. T1MK SCHKDL'I.KS FROM THE DAlil.KH. AltlllVK FROM Suit ljike, llcnvcr. Ft. Worth, Oiniiliii, Kuti-miCity,St.l.(inls,Clil-cngu mill the Dist. 1:0.1 p. in. Halt Ijike, Denver, Ft. Worth, OniHlui, Kan sas City, Hl.ljinb.Clil ciiro ntul the Kiist. 1:15 a. in. Wnl In Witlla, Lcwlston, Mtniicajinlis, HI. l'aul, Uuluth, Milwiui kec, OhlciiRonnil ICust. ::;on. m. OCEAN AND EIVER SCHEDULE Fruni 1'ortlHinl. (All sailing dates sub ject to change ) For Ban Francisco, Hail every 8 days. 8:U0 ji. m. 1:00 ji. ni. Dally except Kuiiuay, s:00 p. in. Satunlay, 10:l j). in. Culuuililu ltlvr. i To Astoria and Way-1 Lauding;., 1 1:1X1 p. m. except Sunday. Dally ; Willamette Klvitr. except Oregon City, New-berg, , huiiiinj, Buicm, Independence,! li.mia. in. ,ma Way-ljiiullngs. 1:30 p. in. cxceit Sunday. Tuodny, Thursday, Saturday, C.OOu. ni. , l:o0. m. Jlonday, tWcdiiesdiiy Friday. Corvallls and Way I.iiiidlngs. Tnoiluy, M'lllniuutte mill ".:::() p.m. TliurMliiy, Yunililir lllvnm. , Monday, -ill ' eS01.' i". Dayton nnd " ca"c;T"? uy-uiiiii iiks. Iitve Itiparlii dully, .'.'MD u. m. Hnulto Klrur. I,cnvc Luwlstoii daily, Hijniria to Lcivlstiiu. a. in Parties desiring to iro to Ilennner or points on t;oiuinDia boutiicrii vui mggi, Hiiouia take No. 2. leaving The Dalles at li!:40 p. m. making direct connections at Iluppucr Junction nnd lllggs. Kcturnlug makiiigdircctconnectton at iicppncr junction and niggs witn ro, l. ar riving at Tbc Dalles at 1:05 p. m. For further tiartlculnrs, call on or address JAS. IKELAND, Agent. The Dalles, Oregon. Yellowstone Park Line. THE D1NINU (!Ail ItOUTE FKOM I'OUTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW STONE 1'AKK. leave. ' Union Dspot, Firihanfl I sts auhivk. No. : Fast mall for Tacomn, No. i scuttle, Olympla, uray s i Harbor and South lleud i points, Kjinkiiiiu, lloss land, 11. C, rullniaii, Moscow, l;istiiii, lluf-' 11:15 A.M. fiilolliinip milling couii-i :M 1. M. try, Helena, Mliinenio lis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas (Jitv. St. Louis. ('hlctigo and all jioiuts castnd southeast, l'uget bound Express No. 1. ll;80 J'. M, No. :). (or Tiit-oma and hoittlo 7;0O A. M. and intermediate, jioiuts . I'liUiiian llrst'C'lass and tourkt sleepers to MlniieajiolU, St. 1'aul and Missouri river jioiuts without change. Vustihiiletl trains. Union depot connections in U principal L-ltle". lliiggiige checked to destination of tickets, hur liaudsoiiiely lllusiiatedilescrlptlveniattcr, tickets, Nlcej'Ing car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (iuneriil Passenger Agent. Y Morri son Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave Thu Dalles for Portland and way stations ut l;'i a. m. and ;i p. m. U-uve Portland. " Albany . K::aium 7:()0pin hiiiMJum lu.-.Wp in Arrive Ashland " Kacraiueuto . . . " Han frranclsco ,U:Sium 11:80 o m . ":(xipiiL -,:i.')ii in , 7: 1j i m h:15 a m Arrive Ogdou " Denver " KiuisasCIt)-.. " ClllUHKO , fiiliiim lUirjam . uiuou m u:uonm 7:23 it m vr-Viam , 7;i.'juui y:;wam Arrive Un Angeles p m ' Kll'aso... fi:UOim " Fort Worth ii:a)nm " City ot Mexico u:,Vi u m 11 Houston ,. ,. -1:00 it in " New Orleans ., . .11:11 in Washington fi: J n m " New York lJiWpra 7:00 am 0:00 p in I'H'M II III ii:Mn in 1:00 u m 0:25 p m O'Utirn l-J'Wpm I'll 11 man and TourUt curs on both trnlim (Iliulr curs Kacrunieuto to Oitdeu mid Kl I'aso, and tourist oars to (.'IiIchko. Ht IaiuIs, New Or leans and ashlngtoii, G'omieatliiff ut Ban franelsco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan. China, I'hlllppliies, Central aud Boutli Ainerlea, Bee agent at The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Geueral I'singer Agent, l ortlund, Or lira Pali: r n 4 i $ e n pan t r n Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Night TUESDAY, Feb. 5th. First Presentation in The Dnlles of tho Miifc'iiilicent Scenic Production, All s A The groatest melodrama evor oirored for the public's entertainment. The t'lidiirgroiind Dive. Tho Interior of Sing Sing. Thu Electrocution Chamber. The Ilacehorso Howard (Inilz. Lightning (lillt Prison Walls. Wonderful Plunge of the Horse. Palisades of Hudson moonlight Four Stirrinc ActB. A Heart Story oi Human Interest. I'leiming Specialties. Most MtiBBive Triuuipli of Scenic and Stage Skill. Reserved Seats on eale nt Clarke & Falk'a Pharmacy. Flrnt Vive lton, Trie; lliiluneo uf tliu lloUKii, rOe. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANSACJTA KNE11AL11ANKINO HOS1NEH Letters of Credit issued available in the EaBtern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers eold on New York, Ohicitxo, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore- ?on, Seattle Wash,, and varioue points n Oregon and Washington. Collections made at uil points on fa? able, terms. Stylish Dressed Men.... Are those who wear clothes tiiut are up-to-date in fit, workmanship and quality. My line oi samples covers all the latest designs for fall and winter, the price is right, and I can guarantee n perfect fit. Suits to Order, SIO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. Tie Colli PacKing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDKACTtJKKKB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON iMUF.D BEEF. ETC. C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In... ' Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Huts, Clips. Notions. Agt. ior it . i.. iiougiiis mine. Telephone No. &8. Thn Ilallnp fin j;si becoud Ht., iuu uuiiui), uii i i ... P L. Lane, H GKNKltAL, K Wagon and Carriage Werk. X, Flah Brothers' Wagon. I Third and Mn, Fiionc 159 J ONE FOR A DOSE. Q I M R&V. i ILLo W 5"n" '. will inulT Mropi. r :!; lu ! Im t V?i VOGT Ill 1 Biacksmiirt Horsesnoer ...Given With every Dollar's worth of goods pim-hnsed at our store during January and Kehruary, we will give One Chance on tho following prizes: FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated Knives and Forks. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot. In addition to giving away these we will sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always he ready to serve the trade in tho host possible way. We will positively not he undersold by any one. Our prices are right. St BENTON. J. E. FALT & CO., proprietors Commepcjaj Sample l?ooms. 9 3 Purest Liquors for Family Use C Delivered to any lMiuin.'B : 51 Local, 858 Lout; DlHlitnce. BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S., Hay Stallion, 4 years old; height 15" hands, weight 1050 pounds. Sired by Zoinbro, 2:11, the best son of McKin ney, 2:11 A. First dam, UrldoBinniil, hy lloxwond, hoii (if Xutivtiml. fjHCond (linn, Lako land (Jnuiiii. (lam of Ad Alone - 2:'Jtt. by Iikeiiind'H Alidalluti, hoii of Hainbletoti ian 10. Third duiii, Prunullu, by Alliumbra, boh of Mainbrino Chief 11. EDMUND S. will miiko Uik blmihoii of l'Hll til L. A. l'lirter'a livery utuble, The Dallee, Oregon. Terms for the Season, $20. janJJO-dwiino I C. J. STUBMHG, I WIIOI.HSAI.U Wines. Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. : I Next door to l'irnt THE J, Phone 234, r i We do t t t Stoain, hot water and fiunaw lientuiK. KallmaUin inudH and couirautH taken for heathm old or new billklitHJH. Do not forget r t we operau. a plnmhiiuf and tin Bliop, ulno ii tna til it-repuirHho. in uomiuution with our hardware anil iiiiifiiifiit Htoru. Uopair work of nil kindn dono. MAYS U Away... part of the City. 173 Second Street. For further partitHilarH huu FRED FISHER, Proprietor. I I AM) liUTAM National linuk. DALLES, OREGON. CROWE. i Advertise in The Chronicle.