Jacket and Suit Sale! Our Reduced Prices on Ladies' Jackets and Suits is still m effect. Jackets are going at One-half off on the regular retail price. Suits are divided into two lots : All Garments up to $13.50 go for $7-79 All Garments up to $25.00 go for $11.69 See our line of Spring WASH SILKS the season's latest now on sale, at 50c per yard. All Goods Mnrked In Plain Figures Fhe Dalles Dally Chronicle, vkk. r, mo 1 TREASURER'S NOTICE. All WitHiio Comity warrant ri'B Ixturtiil prior In Miiliiiiibr 1, 18117. will lie pulil mi prmitui tut Inn ut my otlloe, IntnrrNV 'iiinH artair Nnvniulinr Sill, 11X10. .IOIIN I". UAMI'MIUKIS, County Tiiiimnir. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "Angel of the Alley" At the Vogt opera nouse tonight. Mre. C. J. Crundull was u passenger on tliu noon train for Gtubb Vulley. To rent to single gentlemen Two large furnished hed rooma. Intjtiir of MrH, Stone. f4-lw C. .1. Cramiall in working theBilayi? on the plans for four fine residence buildings to be erected in North Yakima tin: coming spring. All members of the Columbia Dancing Club are requested to wear dominoes ut the party Friday evening. Gentlemen in pink ; hulies in white. The Ladles' Aid Soeiey of the Congre gational church will meet ut the home of Mrs. A. M. KelBay tomorrow after noon at 'J o'clock. They are requested t) bring their thimbles along. Tim Dalies' single smallpox patient is 'covering rapidly, and it is now believed that the quarantine on the house can be rained early next week. No new cases have developed through contact with Mr. Alliaon, and if two or three more days pass without any such, the doctors nay we may lool comfortably certuln that there will be none. '. K. Clark, of Butte, Montana, and ti brother of United States Senator Clark, "I that state, is registered ut tko Uma tilla House. It s suid that Mr. Clark h3 a mining expert here who bus been examining the Oregon King mine, south of Antelope, with a view to its purchase if the property should prove satisfactory and ihe terms cim be ngreed on. "The Angel of the Alley," which up. I'l'nrs at the Vogt to.ulght, lfl said to be "tic of tbo strongest sonsnllonal melo duiimus ever written by the pen of Theo. Kremlin, tlio well-known author. The l'l.v Ih a heart story of love, Intrigue mid Heiisation, und the flltuat ions are drilling and the climaxes startling. A 0,Ht above the average presonts this piece, which is said to be embellished with iiiHguiflcont scenery und costumes, Rasmus Rissmussen, n single iiihii of l8 years, who has a number of Intimate liialntncos here, umocg whom are irU Paulsen, Neal Paulsni and John Oysters s! j At Andrew Keller's. PEASE & Thomson, died ut St. Vincent's iinspitul on the -1th instant, of a complication of discuses und utter a protracted illness. His remain were expected here thin evening to tie buried from the Lutheran church tomorrow, but a telegram re ceived by Crandall & Burgett at noon today from Chris I'uuleen, who if in Portland, naked that the funeral be postponed till further notice. Don't you know that Coeouhiit Cieam Huir Tonic will save your und your children's hair? You can get it for 50 und 75 cents n bottle ut Frazer's barber shop, sole agent. tf Tiik Oinioxieu: has made arrunge ments with the publishers of the New York Tribune whereby we are able to offer the Weekly Tribune, which ulone Is $1.50 u year, and the twico-u-week Ciikoniui.k both papers for the price of one, namely $1.50 a year, By the same urrungement we can give the Tri Weekly Tribune aod the twice-u-week CiinoNiei.E five papers u week for $2. All eubscri pilous under these oilers pay able iu advance. tf Remember that you don't have to be bald ; you can keep your hair by iiBiug Cocoauut Cream Hair Tonic. To be had ut Frazer's barber shop. tf FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. Strayed from pasture about two weeks ago, a solid colored, dark brown mare; branded V on right thigh, is well built, and weighs about 1150 pounds. I will pay $0 for recovery of same. W. II. StlAltl', jl5-4w ' The Dalles. The 0. K. barber shop is now running three chairs with three first- class barbers. Patrons of ihe shop will thus be assured of quick attention and prompt und satisfactory service. .1. It, Reee, proprietor. j2S 2w Hustling young man can make $60 per mouth und expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Wrif quick for particulars. Clark A ('. J , Fourth and Locust Streets, Philudel bpla, Pu, fcS-ti" FOR SALE. 2,500 acres of deeded land In tippet Hood river valley, finely adapted for a Btock farm or sheep ranch, with large open range adjoining, at $1,75 an acre. Adjolnlug above is a tract of 1800 acres of government land, which can be home steaded or scripted. I nquire of S. W. Sl'Altlv, j:i0-lmw The D.illes, Or. Like bid dollars, all counterfeits of DoWittV Witch HiikmI Salve are worth less. The original quickly euros piles, sores' und all skin diseases. Clarke k Falk'e P. O. Phurniaey. For fashionable dressmaking and plain sewing, call and see Mrs. S. E. Hender son, 30S Third street, in Mrs. Kddou's bouse. jlO.ltn Clarke & Falk have received u carload of the celebrated Jume E." Put ton strictly pure liquid paints Sweet Navel 1 Oranges 15c per dozen in the Grocery Department. MAYS THE OREGON LEGISLATURE. Senatorial xitiinlitiii Ih 1'rarilCHlly Vn rliitliKml, All I'roplieeleK to the Contrary Not wltliNtHiiilln. Special to Tin: Ciiko.vici.i:. Sai.k.m, Feb. 5, 1001. .Representative Colvig today created a breeze by moving that the house committee on railways be instructed to report u measure re ducing railway rates. Story claimed that tonight numerous railway officials would meet with his committee for the purpose of furnishing information in tended to defeat the bill and he asked time to hear botli sides. The result wub tiiat Colvig'j motion was defeated. The barbers are hard at work in the interest of their Sunday closing bill, trying to get enough votes to secure its passage when it comes up for re-cdnsid-eration in the house this afternoon. The vote for senator resulted as fol lows: Corbett,29; Smith, 2ti; Mcliride, 21 ; Hermann, 8; Lowell, 1; Fulton, 2; Moore, 2; not voting, 1. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice is hereby given thut the county superintendent of Wasco county will hold the regular examination of appli cants for stute papers at The Dalles, Ore gon us follows : Commencing Wednesday, February 13th, at 1) o'clock, a. in,, ami continuing until Saturday, February Hth, at 4 p. m. Wednesday" Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, composition. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, English literature, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, phy sical geography, mental arithmetic, school law. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, phvsics. psychology. The Dalles, Or., Feb. 2. 1001. C. L. Gii.iikut, fb5-l3d&w County Supt. Otlil FellnnH Take Notice. The weekly meeting of Columbia Lodge No. 5, I. O. O. F., has been changed from Saturday night to Wednes day night at the same hour. The first meeting under the chance will be held tomorrow night, in the large K. of P. hall instead of the small one, and four candidates will be initiated. CASTORS A 5'or iutants am1 Children, Thy Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Siguaturo of For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good us Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. Cf coanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure dan.trull'und all i-calp diseases, Don't no ect your huir. For sale at Frazer's bi- tr shop, sole agent. tf COUNCIL MEETING. Gltjr Kuthern Wrcntle With Sundry Mat turn From Mmtllpox to Providing for lfinci Again Nmne- nnUn nt Dam I'buI. The regular monthly mating of the city council was held last night, with Frank Gunning in the chair. The matter of repairing Ninth street near Pentland was referred to the com mittee on streets and public, property, with power to act. The judiciary committee reported that they had employed Huntington & Wil son and Menefee & Wilson as attorneys for tho city in the crbo of Paul G. Kru ger vs. Dalles City. Conucilmen Ltebe, chairman of the committee on health und police, report ed that in the matter of the case of smallpox existing in the city the utmost precaution had been used to prevent the spread of the disease; that the building iu which the patient is confined has been quarantined and there is no dan ger of the spread of the disease. The committee had visited the city pest house hnd found that it was in need of of repairs to make it habitable. The reports of the marshal recorder and treasurer were read and appioved. The acceptance of bids for the repair of the pest houBe was deferred too future The matter of renairinc Funrth streets was, on motion ot Councilman Johnston, referred to a special committee, appoint ed by tho chair and consisting of Messrs. Johnston, Keller and Kelly. Messrs. Wilson, Kelly and Johnston were appointed as a special committee to ascertain the ownership of the old O. It. & N. pest house and to report on the probablb cost of its removal to the city grounds, about half a mile west. The following bills, in addition to officers' salaries, were allowed and war rants ordered to be 'drawn for their pay ment: City Water Work", rent $ 50 00 Blank Williams, labor 3 00 W It Brown, do 48 00 do 2 00 II J Gray, Robert Eaton, Wm Maddron, G U Sawtell, Emil Weber. A A Urquhart, L McCartney, Frank Plankey, Wm Gabraith. do .' 00 do 2 00 do 14 50 do 40 90 do 2 00 do . . . 3 0(1 do 10 00 do IS 00 W R Brown, do 0 40 Jell'Dripps, hauling 12 00 .lames Blakeney, hauling 34 SO Electric Llcht Co, lights 33 40 Mrs T J Driver, meals 7 20 Chronicle Pub Co, advertising . . 1 50 Gutta Percba Co, hose 200 00 Hugh Glenn, mdse 19 94 Maier & Benton, mdse 38 75 Paul Paulsen, watchman 2 00 I C Nickeken, mdse 09 W A Johnston, mdse 8 05 J W Blakeney, hauling 4 25 Mays & Crowe, mdse 52 00 Seufert & Condon, telephone. ... 2 50 The treasurer reported as follows : Jan 1 -To bill cusli In ki fund i'JTTO 00 Receipts for month 4h (Kl Total Hy warrants issued. $31 SI Oil . 7-M am v; OAMI ACCOUNT OF l.KNKK.W. FOND. Jim 1 Uah In general fund . . Warrants unpaid Receipts for month Total Hv warrants redeemed . lial iu general fund RUMMAltV, Feb 1 Otkh in Kcnerul fund . . . .?3"i: 00 . IK) 3.1 . Wi W .tJi-i.: is Uiiald wurrmtH. i:; Hal fclnkin fund NW5 r, Total ca-li in hiiiid ?JVj ! The L'nuit HtroHt Sewer. Tiik Dai.i.ks, Feb. 5, 1901. To tiik Editoi:: I urn one of the property-owners who, about two months ago, signed a petition to the city council asking for a sewer on Court street from the blufl to the river. Every property-owner on that part of the street, save two, signed this petition and yet no intimation lias ever been given out as to what the council intends to do in tho mutter. Will you, Mr. Editor, inform us what action, if any, tiie council has taken on our petition. Ta.M'AVKK. The petition, on the night of its pre sentation, was refeired to the committee on streets und public property, und at the council meeting held last night Dr. Shackelfoid, chairman of this commit tee, reported that his committee had no information to impart to the council on the question of u sewer on Court street that the council was not as fully pos sessed of us they. And there tho matter droppul. What further action, if any, the council may take is known only to i the members of that body. EiiiToit CiinoNiri.i:, Tukfli Dp, Came to my place on 3-Mile, Dec. 24th, a sorrel horse, branded W n left neck and blotch brand on lelt hip; uge 5 years; unbroken. M. S. Evans, fOlm The Dalles, Or. Complete life of Queen Victoria, Best book. Best terms. Outfit mailed mi receipt of 15 cents, Address S. C. Mill er & Co,. Portland, Or. tu tliur-sat H Subscribe for Tiik Cuitoxioi.b-, New Pacific States Telephone List. Below please find list of Pacific States Telephone Com pany's subscribers at Tho Dalles, whose telephones are al ready connected: 483 Adams, C, residence 1013 Alluway, W 0, residence 413 Alden, Capt, residence 2G3 American Market 933 August Huchler, brewery 1103 Baker, Dan, saloon 481 Blakeley, Hon G C, residence 100 Blakeley, Geo C, druggist 1571 Blakeney, James, residence 1551 Baldwin, Mrs M, residence 723 Bavard, C E, residence 1483 Bunker, CO 1491 Bartel), Mrs J, residence 1103 Baldwin Saloon 1191 Bettingen, A, residence 1233 Durham, P, residence 1271 Bonn, Joe. residence 1243 Bronsgeest, Father, residence 1351 Brown, M II, residence .14 Barteil, G E, shop 1504 Campbell, W A Burt, residence 113 Chronicle Publishing Company 154 Crowe, L E, residence 031 County Clerk's office 914 Cooper, R, residence 311 Columbia Packing Company 974 Cbrisman Bros meat market 933 Columbia Brewery 944 Cr 'ighton, Sam, residence 353 Crandall & Burget 1031 Cross, J H, grocer 351 Crandall, C J, residence 1441 Cooper, D J, residence 891 Crosby, A, residence 1303 Crosseu, J B, residence 1321 Cram, Mis P. residence 1101 Columbia Feed Yard 301 Clirisman, L 221 Dalles Com and AtMetiu Club 255 Dalles Commission Co 573 Dalles Lumber Co 91 Dalles Portland & Astoria Nav Co 101 Dalles Light & Power Co 903 Dalles Steam Laundrv . 041 Dalles Scouring Mill Co 797 Drake, F, residence 513 Doc Sing Co 451 Dufur & Dufnr, office 1523 Davis, S W. residence 091 Doane, Dr O D, office 093 Doane, Dr O D, residence 1293 Dufur, D S, residence 533 Davis, A R, residence 11 Eastern Oregon Lsnd Co 1111 Elite Barber Shop 1201 Egbert, G, residence 1291 Estehennet, A residence 1353 Mrs M Eddon, residence 744 Eshelman, Dr G C, residence 873 Ferguson, Dr E E. office 403 French, J W, residence 281 Frencli & Co, bankers 555-Ferguson, Jas, residence 473 French, D M, residence 274 Fordtee, J N, residence 773 Frank, Chas, saloon 221 Farley & Frank, shop 871 Ferguson, Dr E E, residence 1431 Fait, J E, residence;; 853 Fait, J E, saloon 1383 Flemming, J M, residence 543 French, H W, residence 501 Fry, Mrs S H, residence 329 GeisendorfTer, Dr J A, residence 328 Geisendorfl'er, Dr J A, office 793 Godfrev, P, residence 73 Gleun.'H, office . 724 Glenn, H, residence 743 Goit, J B, residence 803 Grimes, C M, residence 591 Grunow, W F, residence 1073 Gunning, F S, shop 1403 Guthrie, R H, residence 1 123 Germania Saloon 1183 Great Northern Furniture Store 1281 Grant, B H, residence 1311 Grant's Cigar Store 124 Hudson, Dr J H, residence 244 Huntington & Wilson, attorneys 491 Houghton, F L, residence 915 Hill, M, residence 1233 Huott, A, residence -790 Huott, 8-Mile, 1101 Hollister, Miss, residence 981 Hosteller, J C, residence 581 Harper Bros, market 1143 Hawthornp, Mrs, residence 1193 Hudson, T A, residence 1371 Hockman. D, residence 571 Hudson, J H, ranch 001 Hudson & Brownhill, office 1531 Harris, N, store 1533 Harris, N, residence 1443 Huntington, B S, residence 1033 I X. L. Restaurant 393 I P Joles, residence 994 Johnston, W A, general mdse S33 Jacobsen Book & Music Co 01 1 Jacobsen, E, office 1401 Jackson, J II, residence 703 Jones Cafo 1341 Johnston, W A, residence 593 Jones, M S, residence 213 Jones, F N. residence (ill Jacolueu, E, residence 575 Johns, S, residence 951 Keller, A, bakery 70S Ketehum, D P, ranch I ii addition to tho above, process of connection. l'rekh Mlll auil Crenui, A dollar saved if a dollar gained. I am selling the beat Jersey milk in the market, warranted to test live per cent butter fat, for $2 a quart per month. Also purely cHitrifugally separated cream at 40 ceuts a quart. Why pay more when you can do bettor by phon Imr to tho Citv Dairy. 'Phone 385. o30-lm Bi:ui' B.uii.uv, Prop. Reports show u greatly increased death rate from throat und iung troubles, due to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia and urippe. We advise tue use of One Minute Cough Cure iu all of these ; difficulties. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results Children like it. Claike A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. 1 . irsons who can nut take ordinary . pf i find it a pleuiure to take DeWiit's Liti : Early Rieore, They are the best jlit' t .'ver pills ever made. Clark. A , l' t ' ". 0, Pharmucy. 1151 Keys A Nel-on, paloon 1321 Kelly, Tom, residence 1131 Kelly, Robt, residence 1471 Keys, Clias, residence 733 Lane, L L 331 Laui'hliu, B F, residence 303 Logan, Dr H, o trice 03 Lord, W, residence 1333 Logan, Dr H Logan, residence 211 Lang, MIS4 E, residence 1403 Mack, Mhs Maybel, residence 443 Markillif, W, resilience 021 Mnnniuir, M, residence 153 Mays, R, residence 41 Mater & Benton, hardware & groc 131 Mays i& Crowe( Ijardu are 401 Mcinuif, M M, residence 273 McCoy, E O, residence 51 McArthnr, J A, reideticn 945 Mcintosh, Charles, residence 103 Michelbach, C F, residence 2'tl Michelbacn, C F, saloon 433 Michel!, Wm, undertaker 1503 Mills, C, residence 521 Moodv, W H, lesidence 23 Moody, M A, office 291 Moody, Z F, warehoiife 1503 McCartney, L L, residence 1133 Maloney, L, residence 1171 Menefee, Win, resilience 1343 Mac Allister, A S, residence 903 Menefee A Wilson, attorneys 1203 Menefee. Frni.k, residence 1301 Myers. W S, residence 701 Mcintosh, G, residence 1071 .Midway Saloon 1021 New York.Rest 1131 Nelson, Mrs M C, residence 1251 Nickelsen, I C. store 1391 Nickelsen, I C residence 881 O R & N Co, ticket office 301 O I! & N Co, freight office 951 Oregon Bakery 7S1 Obarr Housh 071 O R & N stock yards 1081 O R it N round house 1053 O K Dve Works 1023 O K Sa'loon J 121 O K Barber Shop 38 Pacific Express Co 343 Porter, LA, staliie 934 Peters. J T, hardware and lumber 171 Pease & Mave, ceneral mdse 1061 Polland & Heisler, market 1513 Parkins, M, residence 1521 Parrish. D, residence 341 Porter, L A residence 063 Patterson, Otis, residence US I Pavette Feed Yard 9S3 Parr, G T, residence 1261 Postoffice 1361 Poline, Rpv D V, residence 1423 Roach, Mrs K, residence 916 Roberts, A S, residence 794 Richards, W D, residence 191 Ruch, Geo, groceries 573 Rinehart, Dr Belle C, office 917 Roberts, D H. residence 203 Rorden, L & Co, store 223 Saltmarshe tkocb Vaids 813 Sturdevant, Dr H A, dentist 803 Seufert Bros, cannery 940 Sechler, A, ranch 653 Sheriff's Office 799 Saruent, F A 843 Sanders, Dr G E, dentist 973 Saruent, I N. residence 1S3 Stadleraan Commission Co ' 1091 Stubling, C J, saloon 124 Schmidt, C L, residence 1173 Stewart, Robt, residence 1241 Sommerville, John, residence 1283 Sechler, A, residence 1601 Sergeant, C C, residence 1511 Sturtevant, M B 1411 Simonaon, Charles, residence 1453 Shoren, M, residence 1451 Shoren. M, office 574 Segni. Purodi, residence 576 Sandoz, A, residence 681 Skibbc Hotel 711 Sinnott & Bennett, attorneys 261 San Francisco Beer Hall 544 Schooling, Mrs A, residence 601 St. Mary's Academy 1343 Siddall, Dr D, residence 423 Tackman, Dr W, residence 913 Taylor, W II, residence 1051 Teague, R E. grocer 74 Taylor, F, residence 579 Thomas, J W. residence 578 Tavlor, O D, residence 1131 Troy Laundry Co 37 Umatilla House 1113 Union Street Loduinu House 795 Waterman, M, residence SI Wasco Warehouse Co 093 Williams, A M it Co, dry goods 761 Wood Bros, meatinaiket 143 Ward it Robertson, livery stable 923 Wilson, Ben, saloon 823 Wilson, Ben, residence 1041 Worsley.J II, urocerv 1421 Williams, W W, reeldenco 1141 WingA Wildo 1381 Woodrow. W D, residence 1561 Weigel. F, residence 1163 Wool Exchange a largo number are now in General Mill Work. Hansen & Thomsen Maiiufaeturi n and Pealm in Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring, Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc. BEE HIVES AND PRUIT BOXES Of All Kind is Third Street. The D.tlles, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL E ITLEM ENT. Nnili'ti In hereby flven that tint uudeNtmed In'-. -.1 ultn tliu elerk ul the county court of I) i, oof Oiccon, fin rtaten county, his tluul iiei n .nt a admluittiator of iln eMutu of Helen llr mid, deceiihO'i, and that by an order duly i.i on the lith diy of picember, I'.hhj, by mid im ', Monday, tliu llth day of January, I'.HH, h i 'en llxed as the lime, and the county court 1 1 i ( m l court lib Hie . Mce for the liearliik' iii' i t lions to mid llnal aeeoii'it, . f. I. Hit AD KO 1(1), '1......1 Administrator