Jacket and Suit Sale! Our Reduced Prices on Ladies' Jackets and Suits is still in effect. Jackets are going at One-half off on the regular retail price. Suits are divided into two lots: All Garments up to $13.50 go for $7-79 All G-arments up to $25.00 go for $11.69 See our line of Spring WASH SILKS the season's latest now on sale, at 50c per yard. AM GoocIb Marked In Plain FlRiiros fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle. .Mo.vm - FKij.TjjTiiJwi S) j served piers i ny style. At Andrew Keller's. O) CO) ! TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Which County wurruutH ri:ilnri-il , prior 1. 1 rii.ptiuiilinr 1, 1HII7, will lit) iiiltl mi i rt-Mtiti t u 1 1 oil ut my ottlrn, Inlori-Hi icuum iiftur Niivninlmr Jill, 11)011. JOHN I'. IIAMI'SIIIUK, tiiiiiiity TrmiMiuir. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Justice Brownhiil in confined to his home with the grippe. The regular monthly meeting of the common council will be held tonight. To rent to Hinglu gentlemen Two .rjii furnished bed rooms. Inquire of .MrH. St-jiui. fldw We regret to learn that the fvyear-old eon of Mr. und Mrs. II. C. Nielsen is Heriouily HI with an aggravated jtttnck olthegiippe. Only one-tenth of the land in the Phil ippines is in private hands. None of the government lands in the islands, amounting to (17,000,000 uurei, will be dis,iosud of until congress takes action in the mutter. A petition from residents of Klickitat, Kittitas and Yakima counties will lie presumed to the Washington legislature asking for a bounty on coyote scalps. Th Gnldendale Sentinel trusts the legis lature will receive the same favorably. The ufll earn and muiubers of Harmony imnnlo No. 112, Rathbone Sisters, are, notified that the regular meeting of the order will be held In future, beginning ("night, on the first and third Mondays "f the month in the little K. of P. hall.r According to the Pendleton Hunt Ore gonhin, K. i Hnrlburt, late of Arling 'in, and now cashier of the Shuniko liank, and Mrs. Maggie Hawson took t a marriage license at Peiidlolon on tlmiilit tjt,, and wore married thoro nt-'xt day. The .lackson Engine Company will hold their annual niPufing, for the l'tioti of ntliimrF, at the council 'Imiubfrs tomorrow night. After the muutliw the meniberB will adjourn to t'o Sklhhu hotel, where a banquet will Borvud. U Is loctl'y reported that Representa tive Barrett, of .Grant county, will lloat n iiiltiing proposition in Portland soon 'ttr the adjournment of the elate legis lature. He is voting right ulong for Mr. Coro,t for United States senator.'--oumptar Miner. Toxis ij comparatively a vary sparse ')' cultivated state. Iu several counties tliare are yory fow Inhabitants. lUllwy PEASE & t county ltue tint four readmits, Cockran I linn twenty-five, Anderson has thirty j seven, Lj;nn has seventeen imil Daweon has thirty-six. Twenty-five other eonn- ties have populations of less than 500 each. Menufee & Wilson, attorneys for the defendant in the case of Paul G. Krtiger vs. Dalles City, wherein the plaintiff sues for damages for injuries received through an alleged defective crosswalk, filed a demurrer iu the circuit court to day aliening that the complaint does not state facts sufficient to constitute u ground of action. A clergymun while catechising his Suhday hsIiooI u few weeks ago had occa sion to ask the children the meaning of the word "epistle." A little girl in the youngest class was so certain ttiat she knew that she did not hesitate a minute, but with the greatest confidence an swered: "An epistle is the wife of an apostle." Now York Sun. The Walla Walla Union says: "There is an oil boom iu the Walla Walla val ley. Gas und strong indications of the presence of oil and coal have been (lis- overed and options are being taken on ands with a view to incorporating a company in this city und sinking a num ber of wells in an effort to locate the source of the supply which has been known to exist near here for some time." F. W. Wickham did not go to jail Saturday on account of his failure to pay a line of $25 Imposed on him for larceny, the bench warrant of Justice Brownhiil to the contrar notwithstand ing. Moore & Gavin, his attorneys, came to his rescue and deposited the amount of the line so that he might have his liberty while habeas corpus proceedings are pending iu Judge Brad shaw's court. A well-meaning communicative eltiztiii is a boon to the newspaper reporter, and it is a noticeable fact that mnuy good items are lost to the newspaper every day by the modesty of the people who hesitate to tell the reporter of mutters concerning themselves. The right way to do is to stop the reporter on the street, or any place you meet him, and tell him you have been entertaining friends, have been on a visit or anything that is is in any way a matter of news. , Frank Gunning recently sold his solo right to manufacture his panuit weeder to the Syracuse Chilled. Plow Company, of Syracuse, New York, Mr. Gunning receiviH a royalty on every machine manufactured by the company, and, as the company has abundance of capital and abundance of machinery, both com mercial mid mechanical, for handling the weeder tu the best advantage, Mr. Gunning is satisfied that he will make s satisfied that he will make of it this wav than if he had i the bminess himself. more out tried to run the business himself. Tomorrow night at the Vogt Sullivan and liarria will present their great melo drama "The Angel of the Alley." It Is a mammoth production and contains Sweet Navel Oranges !5C per dozen in the Grocery Department. MAYS Home entirely novel features. The piece is built around the adventures of a young army officer who ih lured into an underground pa tabling resort in New York, Careful reproductions of New York ptreets and alleys were made by the great Harley Merry and sons. There is also a most realistic view of Sing Sing and the famous death cell. - , Fred Fisher, of this city, gives the following report of his experience with 'JO hens, of the Buff Leghorn variety, that he brought from the ranch some ninety days ago. During exactly ninety days, ending January 3.1, instant, the 20 hens layed 84 dozen of eggs. The average price of eggs in The Dalles market during the three months was not less than 30 cents a dozen. The feed, four pounds of wheat and one pound of bran per day, averaged a cost of about 5 cents a day, or $4.50 for the ninety days. The net profit, counting nothing on the time, was $20.70. It would be hard to name an investment that would give as large returns as this for so little money invested. The re turns are more than three months in terest on a thousand dollars at eight pur cent. Nprclal I'm 1.1'tlm. The following is a list of the school districts of Wasco county that have levied taxes for school purposes during the present year, together with the number of mills levied iu each case: Dist. No. 2 8 mills " 07 .4 mills " 8 8 mills " 11 2 mills 211 10 mills " 21 f mills ' 5 4 mills " 33 3 mills " 40 2'.. mills " 4. .. .. 20 mills " (i 13 mills " 1 10 mills " 0(1 '. 3 mills " 5tl 2'... mills " til 0 mills " 50 15 mills " 43 .....5 mills " 13 H'j. mills " 3 IS'.j mills " 12 7'u mills " 40 3 mills " 7 12 mills ' " 14 3 mills Dalles City 0 mills Dnfur ..2'... mills Ait vt'i'llhtfil I. titter. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postofiico at The Dalles ini tialled for February 2, 1001. Persons calling for the same will give date on which thoy were adveitised : Andrews, Mrs Nell Drown, Miss Pearl Brown, Mrs Allie Drigham, Sadie Cavenaugh, Morris Greer, Mrs Ida (ieorge, Mrs Delle Hanson, Edward (4) Jones, Frank D McDavltt. S 1. McNeil, Johu Matlock, W M Miller, J G Palmer, J H Russeil, Miss Hattle sum, air v ii ftThoiupson, E R Twiney, G IS jvibbert, Mrs F.va Williams, M 1 Ward, Melvln iu rs Jen J, M. P.UTK1ISO.V, P. M. Wanted A place to do light house work and plain cookinw by a young woman. Apply at Mrs. Drittttin'd. 2c THE OREGON LEGISLATURE. Mnniii In Payor f Meimirm Advocated Br Itallroad Ktnployeli Henatotial Vol Vractlcally the Mamn im un Saturday. Special to Tin: Oiino.Ntci.Kj Sai.km, Feb. 4. Doth houses convened this morning at 1 1 :30 o'clock. The senate spent the time till adjournment hearing the reports of co.nmittees. The house, by an overwhelming vote, refused to refer the hill fixing the lia bilities of railway companies for injuries received by employes. The vote Is taken as an indication of the strength of the vote in favor of a reduction of rail road rates. The house paEsed Grace's bill provid ing punishment for parties who shall be found guilty of poieoning domestic animals. The senatorial vote showed 20 for Corbett, 20 for McBride, 23 for Smith, 7 for Hermann, 2 for Fulton, 2 for Moore, 1 for Lowell and one absent. The housep adjourned at 1 :30 to meet in joint session tonight to celebrate John Marshall day. .lotting" Fiom the Capital. Statu Housk, Salem, Feb. 4, 1001. The people of the state are to bo con gratulated upon the fact that they have elected men to represent them in the law-making body of Oregon who are working in the interests of the citizens of the state, and not for the benefit of corporations, capitalists and brokers. Economy is the cry on everv hand, and measures which are likely to prove cost ly to the state, in proportion to the good j done, are promptly frowned upon and defeated. The daily calendars are costly and resolutions in both houses have been adopted, declaring for a cheaper, more compact and lees bulky edition, thus lessening the cost some $0000 dur ing the rest of the session. Both houses are ahead with the work on hand, and all committees are busy keeping up with the pace set. The blind school is rather under a cloud juet at present, and will thus re main until the report of the joint com mittee, appointed for the purpose of in vestigating the affairs of that institution, is handed in. The slight change in the senatorial vote on Saturday causes no comment, being practically no change from the 'ormer position. The full strength of the three leading candidates is now as follows : Corbett 29, Smith 27, McBride 21. It is said here, on rather good au thority, that some signal change iu this vote may result duiing the coming week. A Htupld Fakir. An undoubted fakir, a young fellow perhaps 24 years old, about 5 feet 8 inches tall, with pale complexion, and wearing gtey coat, blue-black pants, grey vest, black fore-in-hand tie, with a horseshoe pin, bine striped shirt, and claiming to be from the East iu the em ploy of some excursion company run ning between Portland and Chicago, has been working the town, with what re sult we have not yet fully learned. We only know that in two cases his scheme did not work. He introduces himself by claiming the name of his intended victim (or one similar and follows up with a story about a parcel that was lett at his lodgings iu Portland, which he found afterward addressed to a member of the family he is seeking to victimize. He oilers to express it to the party to whom it is addressed for an advance of $1.50. The fellow attempted to work this very transparent racket Saturday at a residence on Fourth 6trept, introducing himself by saying that his name was very like that of the resident and claim ing that a parcel worth $10 and ad dressed to one of the family had been left at his room in Portland, and hap pening to be here he thought he would call and let the party know. For $1.50 cash in hand he would, on his return to Portland, forward the parcel prepaid to The Dalles. The scheme did not work, The lady to whom the parcel was said to be addreesed assured Ms fukirship that If any parcel hail been addressed to her, it would never have been delivered at the room of a young man in Portland. The game was tried on Miss Emma , Roberts, of Dry Hollow, and with the I same result. Here the fakir claimed that his name was Roberts mid that the par- eel left at his room in Portland, which , Miss Roberts could have sent to her for $1.50, was worth $12 Again he failed, but we shall not be surprised to hear that this very transparent fake has trapped somebody. Meanwhile this will serve notice that, tliu fnlflr to illirtnlit anil In thuoit dava rf telenhones. evervwhere. his nresenoe ought to be promptly reported to the imtlinriilMM. l. i.. .11,.,.,., i .1.!.. i .i. ' IV io iKiuntcii mm, 1 1 1 1 1- in me miuiu fellow who Hiiccssfnllv work...! n .(mil..- scheme a short time ago among the school teachers of Portland, His two would-be victims hero are also teachers. New Pacific States Telephone List. Below pleaso find list of Pacific States Telephone Com pany's subscribers at The Dalles, whose telephones are al ready connected: 1483, Adams, C, residence 1013 Allaway, W O, residence 413 Aldeti, Capt, residence 203 American Market 033 August Bnchler, brewery 1163 Baker, Dan, saloon 481 Dlakeley, Hon G C, residence 100 Dlakeley, Geo C, druggist 1571 Blakeney, James, residence 1551 Baldwin, Mrs M, residence 723 Bayard, C E, residence 1483 Bunker, CO 1401 Kartell, Mrs J, residence 103 Dftldwin Saloon 1101 Dettingen, A, residence 1233 Durham, P, residence 1271 Uonn, Joe. residence 1243 Bronsgeest, Fattier, residence 1351 Drown, M H, residence 34 Bur tell, G E, shop 1504 Campbell, W Ji Burt, residence 113 Chronicle Publishing Company 154 Crowe, L E, residence 031 County Clerk's office 014 Cooper, R. residence 311 Columbia Packing Company 974 Chrismvi Bros meat market 933 Columbia Brewery 944 Cr.'ighton, Sam, residence 353 Crandall & Dnrget 1031 Cross, J H, grocer 351 Crandall. C J, residence 1441 Cooper, D J, residence 891 Crosby. A, resilience 1.103 Crossen, J B, residence 1321 Cram, Mis P, residence 1101 Columbia Feed ard 1 j.jgj chrisman, L 1221 Dalles Com and Athletic Club 255 Dalles Commission Co 573 Dalles Lumber Co 91 Dalles Portland & Astoria Nav Co 1.0 1 Dalles Light & Power Co 903 Dalles Steam Lanndrv (ill Dalles Scouring Mill Co 797 Drake, F, resilience 513 Doc Sing Co 451 Dufur & Dnfur, office 1523 Davis, S W. residence 091 Doane, Dr O D, office 093 Doane, Dr O D, residence 1293 Dufur, D S, residence 533 Davis. A R, residence 11 Eastern Oregon Ltnd Co 1111 Elite Barber Shop . 1201 Egbert, G, residence 1291 Estebennet, A B, residence 1353 Mrs M Eddon, residence 744 Eshelman, Dr G C, residence S73 Ferguson, Dr E E, office 403 French, J W, residence 281 French & Co, bankers 555 Ferguson,' Jas, residence 473 French, D M, residence 274 Fordce, J N, residence 773 Frank, Chas, saloon 221 Farley & Frank, shop 871 Ferguson, Dr E E, residence 1431 Fait, J E, residence; 853 Fait, J E, saloon 1383 Flemming, J M, residence 543 French, H W, residence 501 Fry, Mrs S H, residence 320 GeisendorflVr, Dr J A, residence 328 Geisendorffer, Dr J A, office 793 Godfrey, P, residence 73 Glenn, H, office 724 Glenn, H, residence 743 Goit, J B, residence S03 Grimes, C M, residence 591 Grunow, W F, residence 1073 Gunning, F S, shop 1403 Guthrie, R H, residence 1123 Germania Saloon 1183 Great Northern Furniture Store 1281 Grant, B H, residence 1311 Grant's Cigar Store 124 Hudson, Dr J H, residence 244 Huntington & Wilson, attorneys 491 Houghton, F L, residence 915 Hill, M, residence 1233 Huott, A, residence 790 Huott, 8-Mile, 1101 Hollister, Miss, residence 981 Hosteller, J C, residence 581 Harper Bros, market 1143 Hawthorne, Mrs, residence 1193 Hudson, T A, residence 1371 Hockman, D, residence 571 Hudson, J If, ranch 001 Hudson & Browuuill, office 1531 Harris, N, store 1533 Harris, N, residence 1443 Huntington, B S, residence 1033 I. X. L. Restaurant 393 I P Joles, residence 994 Johnston, W A, genera! mdee 833 Jacobsen Book k Music Co (ill Jacobsen, E, office 1401 Jackson, J II, residence 703 Jones Cafe 1341 Johnston, W A, residence 503 Jones, M S, residence 213 Jones, F N. residence (111 Jacob-sen, E, residence 575 Johns, S, residence 951 Keller, A, bakery 70S Ketchum, I) P, ranch In addition to the above, , pi-(1(JGlsS of Connection. m l're.li Milk and Cream. A dollar saved ta dollar gained. I am selling the best Jersey milk in the market, warranted to test five per cent butter fat, for $2 a quart per mouth. Also purely cntrifugally separated j cream at 40 cents a quart. Why pay more when you can do hotter by phon ing to the City Dairy. 'Phone I1S5. u30 lm Biiitr R.uu.ky, Prop. Reports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and lung troubles, due to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia and grippe. e advise trie use of One Minute Cough Coco in all of these difficulties. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate r, -Milt a I Children like it. Claike A Falk'a P. O. U'""1"""10)'- trsons who can not take ordinary . ,,, ,i,, i, ....... , I'1 if Pl"Ure t take DrlW Ill's Urn Early Risers. They are the best lit 'ver pill ever made. Clark v; 1 i ". ;). Pharmacy, 1 151 Keys &. Nelson, saloon 1321 Kelly, Tom, residence 1131 Kelly, Robt, residence 1471 Keys, Chas, residence 733 Lane, L L 331 Lauglilln, D F, residence 303 Logan, Dr H, office 03 Lord, W, residence 1333 Logan, Dr H Logan, residence 211 Lang, Mis E, residence 1403 Mack, Miss Maybel, residence 443 Markillie, W, residence 621 Manning, M, residence 153. Mays, R, residence 41 Maler & Benton, hardware & groc 131 Mays & Crowe, hardware 401 Mclnuis, M'M, residence 273 McCoy, E O. residence 51 McArthnr, J A, residence 945 Mcintosh, Charles, residence 103 Michelbich, C F, residence 231 Alichelbacti, C F, saloon 433 Michel I , Win, undertaker 1503 Mills, C, residence 521 Moodv, W H, tesidence 23 Moody, M A, office 291 Moody, Z F, warehoufe 1503 McCartney, L L, residence 1133. Maloney, L, residence 1171 Menefee, Win, residence 1343 Mac Allister, A S, residence 903 Menefee A Wilson, attorneys 1203 Meoefee, Frai.k, residence 1301 Myers, W S, residence 701 Mcintosh, G, residence 1071 Midway Saloon 1021 New York Rest 1131 Nelson, Mrs M C, residence 1251 Nickelsen, I C. store 1391 Nickelsen, I C residence 881 O R & N Co, ticket office 361 O If & N Co, freight office 951 Oregon Dakery 781 Obarr House 071 OR & N stock yards 1081 O R & N round houEe 1053 O K Dve Works 1023 O K Saloon 1121 OK Barber Shop 38 Pacific Express Co 343 Porter, LA, stable 934 Peters. J T, hardware and lumber 171 Pease A Mavs, general mdse 1061 Polland & Heisler, market 1513 Parkins, M, residence 1521 Parristi. D, residence 341 Porter, L A residence 663 Patterson, Otis, residence 1181 Payette Feed Yard 9S3 Parr, (5 T, residence 1261 Postoffice 1301 Poling, Rev D V, residence 1423 Roach, Mrs K, residence 916 Roberts, A S, residence 794 Richards, W D, residence 191 Ruch, Geo. groceries 873 Rinehart, Dr Belle C, office 917 Roberts, D H. residence 203 Rorden, L & Co, store 223 Saltmarshe Stock Yards 813 Sturdevant, Dr H A, dentist 803 Seufert Bros, cannery 946 Sechler, A. ranch 653 Sheriff's Office 709 Sargent, F A 843 Sanders, Dr G E, dentist 973 Sargent, I N, residence 183 Stadleman Commission Co 1091 Stubling, C J, saloon 124 Schmidt, C L, residence 1173 Stewart, Robt, residence 1241 Sommerville, John, residence . 1283 Sechler, A, residence 1501 Sergeant, C C, residence 1511 Sturtevant, M B 1411 Simonson, Charles, residence 1453 Shoren, M, residence 1451 Shoren. M, office 674 Segni. Parodi, residence 676 Sandoz, A, residence 681 Skibbe Hotel 711 Sinnott & Bennett, attorneys 261 San Francisco Beer Hall 544 Schooling, Mrs A, residence 661 St. Marv's Academy 1343 Siddall, Dr D, residence 423 Tackman, Dr W, residence 913 Taylor, W H, residence 1051 Teague, R E. grocer 74 Taylor, F, residence 579 Thomas, .1 W. residence 578 Tavlor, O D, residence 1131 Troy Laundry Co 37 Umatilla House 1113 Union Street Lodging House 795 Waterman, M, residence 81 Wasco Warehouse Co 093 Williams, A M it Co, dry goods 761 Wood Bros, meal market 143 Ward & Robertson, livery stable 923 Wilson, Ben, saloon 823 Wilson. -Ben, residence 1041 Wor6ley. J H, grocery 1421 Williams, W W, residence 1141 WingA Wildo 1381 Woodrow. W D, residence 1501 Weignl. F, residence 1103 Wool Exchange a largo number arc now in Don't you know that Cocoa nut Cream Hair Tonic will save your and your children's hair? You can get it for 50 and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer's barber shop, sole agent. ' tf For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. Remember that you ilon't have to be bald ; you can keep yom hair by using Cocoa nut Cream Hair Tonic. To be had at FraziVs barber shop. tf Complete life of Queen Victoria. Best book. Best terms. Outfit mailed on rec.ript of 15 cents. Addiess S, C. Mill- I r 'f' 'V Portland. Or tu thm-'sat He coauut Cream Hair Tonic will cure .ruff and all tcalp diseases, Don't .'ct your hair. For sale at Frazer'a r t-hop, sole agent. tf I till mil lime liutia l( Villi . I i. ... tuik'o c.tiu cure lot boils. (Ip n b