On Monday morning you will find our Silk De partment rilled up with some of the handsomest designs ever produced in Fancy WASH SILK. The Season's Latest, at All Goods Marked In Plain Fljuros The Dallss Daily Chronicle, SATV.H) iV .... FEB. 2, 1901 .served fi& in any style... 1 At Andrew Keller's. (GO- ( TKEASUKER'S NOTICE. All U'uano County warrant rerliitr'il prior tn fliultr 1, 1K1I7, will be lil on )ilmii'iittlon ut my oMrr, Intrrem reum urttT November 11100. .IOIIN K. IIAMI'MIIIKK, County Trnuuurrr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Grand opening of Guinbert'e cigar Htoro tonight. Djti't forgot Prof. Sandvig's danc9 at th" Baldwin tonight, "Vou kin nit yo' dally bread by prayiu'," says Uncle Moses, "but de nightly chicken has to be hustlrd fo'." A', the adjourned term of county court held this week J. II. Jackion was up piintod constable for The Dalles pre cinct) to succeed F. N. Hill, who was elected lust June, but whose bunds the court fulled to approve. Governor Geer has proclaimed u half holiday on the afternoon of Monday, February I, 1(101, for the public ob servance of the centennial of the day upon which Chief Justice John Marshall bsgan IiIh judicial career. Sumo one gave the editor of an es teemed contemporary the hind quarters o! u coon, and he Hays that ever since eating it he has experienced peculiar sensations, such as u longing to chase clilckutiH and climb treox, irowl urouud iilghtB and suck eggs. Bishop Morris will conduct services at St. Paul's Episcopal church next Sun day morning at 1 0:110 o'clock. The hour for service has been changed in order that the bishop may leave for Portland on the afternoon train. All those not worshipping elsewhere am cordially in vited to attend. "Oregon needs a constitutional con vention to irniku juht one amendmen' to exclude men with larger than 7x0 inniths from the legislature," remarks the. pop editor of i Salem paper, who wi in the '0, legislative hold-up to thu "nek, and whose own mouth would ex--'i'd the constitutional limitation two i wiles to one, This is ground-hog dayand us the "mi alionn out bright and cea.r till about "'clock and thenhid behind a tuickaiid nnpenetrablsiank of clouds, the question natural) aroso, At what i'Mir does the groundhog come out of lilt hole? All the athorlties, Including U' hog editor and in Irish friend who " " expert on very branch of hog. l;v, Inclines to' the opinion that the Spring Silks. 50c per yard. PEASE & little bean makes his debut at high ! noon, in which case wintervill modest I ly abandon the Ian of storing with i jump. "Jiie Angel ot the Alley," wtncn ap pears ut the Vost next Tuesday night, Feb. 5th, is a sensational melodrama dealing with life in the great metropolis, and po-sesses a true heart store. The I scenes are all laid in or around New ; York, and the situations are thrilling in the extreme. Kvery stitch of scenery ! is carried complete for the entire pro- dilution, ns well as all mechanical and electrical devices. By careful economy Sherman county has paid thu indebtedness it assumed in its infancy, paid all running expenses, built a fine court house, andis now ab solutely out of debt. She ia certainly doing well enough in her present con dition without further expansion, and should hesitate before assuming another load of Wasco county's indebtedness and taking a piece of very expensive territory to govern. Three colored people, two men and a woman, of a party of eight or ten that arrived here on the west-bound passen ger train this afternoon, started out on their arrival to hunt for lodgings, and coming to the building where the small pox patient is quarantined, marched past the yellow Hag and up stairs to the Lvery door ot toe patient. A lien tney discovered where they were they beat a retreat whose celerity would have done credit to Aguinaldo. " R. F. Wickham, of Dutch Flat, was arrested today on a bench warrant ii eued out of Justice Brownhill's court, and is con lined In the county jail. Wickham was found guilty last fall of larceny of hay from a neighbor and fined $25 or a month in jul. He beaged the justice to give him time to pay the tine, and the justice suspended the sentence. Sino then, however, Wickham has apparently made- no efl'ort to pay his fine, and the justice getting tired of waiting for something that never came, had him put In jail. Wiekham's attor neys, Messrs. Moore A Gavin, were try ing to get him nut this attemoon on a writ or habeas corpus, but had not suc ceeded at the time of going to press. Many of the members of the Jolly Neighbors whist club were unfortunate in not being ahio to .attend the 11 rt meoilnir )aU night iitho home oi Mr. anil Mrs". U I Williuii '. However, h number n(. initial. Iiud been Invited and the tables were tilled with a crowd of jolly joqirg peoplt who thoroughly en joyed tlit i r hospitality. When fifteen Vg tines had been ulayed, cards gave place to something farmore tempting in the w y of a HpltiudiM lunch. A novel guess in .'game was Wirii played, which occu pied the time until after midnight. The milliters and their gueBts present were M- and MrsTolmie, Mr and Mrs Ed F.'eneh, Mr rind Mrs Lueddemann, Mr Miid Mrs Jl BSinnott, Messrs. F W Wil- Won, (i Bonn1, M Vogt, l.iebe, K Win- MAYS I bate, A L Glide, and Misses Georgia ijSatnppnn, Bessie Lag, Dorothy Fred- Men, Laura Thomyson, Rose Michel!, Clara and Florence Sampson and Mrs ReeiL. of Portlai! Doing" ut Oregon's Capital. Specliil Correspondence. Two weeks of balloting has passed and the legislative assembly of the state is no nearer to the election of a United States penator than it was at the first vote. Practically the same vote is cast now as was cast then, and no material changes have been made at any time. Still there exists an undercurrent of un rest, which is plainly visible to the casual observer. This spirit of restless ness is expected by many to develop and become bo great that it will cause a sort of revolution in the ranks ol the present candidates for senatorial honors and re Bult in the election of some such man as M. C. George, John H. Mitchell or some other political leader of the old school. Binger Herman iB expected by many to carry oil" the prize. Since Mr. Corbett made the boast that he would be elected or prevent the election of anyone else. there seems to have arisen a desire to eliminate him Irom the race and place some other name in nomination. The leader in the house of representa tives is always a man of refinement, honor, nerve, good common sense, and one who is versatile and full ot good fel- Uowship. Hon. B. L. Kddy, of Tilla- mook, possesses these qualities in a large degree, and is easily the leader of the majority. In the man who stands as a peer among his fellow men in thu seriate these same qualities are needful ; yet to bo a leader in that body does not require quite so much of the power to command as is required in a leader of the house, hi nee in thu former body there are only ono half as many mem bets as our found in the latter. In the upper house Senator 11. F. Mulkey is recognized as one of its inofit able mem bers. The gentleman, while not in di rect lymnony with the organization of the senate, holds the honor of standing on IiIh merits, and of leaving an envia ble record behind to beBr Bllent witness to his houest c Hurts to work in the in terests of the common people, CASTOR I A J'or iixtutivs and Children, The Kind You Wm Always Bought Bears the Sitf uitturo of The O. K. barber shop is now running it ireo chairs with three first-class barbers. Patrons of tha shop will thus he assured of quick attention and prompt and satisfactory eervice, J. H, Reef, proprietor, J2S 2w Wanted A place to do light house work and plain cooklnw by a young romati. Apply at Mrs. Brlltuln'i. 2t THE VOTE FOR 8ENATOR. Twnnty Member Wore Absent, Chiefly Corliett Men. Special to Tun Ciihonk:i.i:.J Salkm, Feb. 2. Today's vote for sen ator reunited as follows: Corbett, 22; McBride, 10 ; Smith, 15; Hermann, 8; Fulton, 2-; Moore, 2; Lowell, 1 ; not vot ing, 1 ; absent and paired, 20. For the first time Williamson and Roberts, who hitherto voted for George H. Williams, voted for McBride. ROLL OF HONOR. Pupils Neither Absent nr Tartly In Tim lallr I'ubllc Hc.liooU. The following pupils were neither ab sent nor tardy during the term begin ning September 10, 1000, and ending January 25, 1001. KAHT HILL SCHOOL. Miss Cheadie'a Room Maggie Davis Harold Sexton James Ferguson Wendell Taylor Joe Hayward Mary Thieltnan Helen Kneckla It'iy Thielman Victoria Thompson. Miss Roberts' Room Henry Huchler Frank Fergueon Albert Sherrcr. COURT STltHET SCHOOL. Miss Douthit's Room Winifred Donthit Elmer Tyler Marguerite Nielsen Paul Weigles Miss Elton's Room Roy Dnvall Grover Keller Harry Healey Gertrude Longrneier John Ziegeuhagen. Mies Thompson's Room Sulu Fargher Jessie McArthur Ella Falk Newton Sexton. Miss Wrenn's Room Herbert Clarke Clifton Condon Ada Collins Maude Kirbv Laura Kurtz. ACADEMY l'AKK SCHOOL. Miss Cooper's Room Dorothy Bayley Herman Glasius Alline Clark Velma Morgan Letha Collins Ella Young Miss Flinn's Room Klla Tnriipp OrvBtnl Rannntl a Grace Ruark. Mrs. Roche's Room Nora Barzee Lawrence McArthur Ida Crowe Earl Vickers Ramona Drips Jearin Whealdon I Irene Martin Viola Young Miss Ball's Room Ethel Anderson Nellie Jones Carmel Bolton Alice Kurt. Rjy Campbell George Nicholas Nellie Hostetler Ethel Staniels j 1 1 a 1 1 school nun.Di.sa. Mrs. Baldwin's Room Pearl Baker Dora Johns Anita Bennett Jacob Sherrer Roger Birgfeld Bertha Ziegenhngen Miss L. Rintonl'8 Room Mabel Anderson Miles Ferguson Jennie Collins Thursday Kent Bessie Riddell. Miss Tena Rintoul's Room Iva Renoe, Miss Michell's Room May Barzee Leonie Sexton Ninth Grade Ida Falmer Florence Hampson Hattie Glenn Loto Kelsay Hallie Rice. J. S. Laxdkiis, Snpt. I ii r ora for February Term. Tho following jurors have been drawn to serve at the February term of circuit court, which convenes a week from next Monday : W D Monger, Smock; S Al Briggs, A H Godberson and Larkin Lamb, Mosier; E A Grillin and J H McCoy, Boyd ; F M Blanchet, Alexander Eraser, J W Elton, Vincent J Kelly, E W Carlisle, S L Brooks, J C Johnson, Henry Klindt and D O Davis. The Dalles; S M Baldwin and Paul Aubert, Mount Hood; J S Brown, J R Cunningham, J P Abbott and R A L-iughlin, Wapinitia; J A Evlck and John I. Confer, Victor; Geo R Castner, F A Button, William Boor inan and J W Morton, Hood River; Henry Hillgen and Eli Iliuman, Dufur; Charles Green, Kingsiey; R W Allien Bakeoveu. i Among the tens of thousands who have ' used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for j coldo and la crlppe during tho past few i years, to our knowledge, not a single case bus resulted in pheumonia, Thos, Whitfield h Co., 210 Wabash avenue, Chicago, one of the most prominent re tail druggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "We recommend Chamber-1 Iain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in ' many cises, ns it nut onlv givei prompt and complete recovery, but also counter- acts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley, the druggist, Tim Appetllti or it Clout Is envied by all poor dyepepticB whose j stomach and liver are out of order, All i such should know that Dr. King's New j Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives u spl mild appetite, i sound digestion and u regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and I great energy. Only 25 cunts ut the I Blakeley drug store. 4 New Pacific States Telephone List. Below please find list of Pacific States Telephone Com pany's subscribers at The Dalles, whose telephones are al ready connected: 101.'! Allaway, W O, residence 41.') Alden, Capt, residence 203 American Market 93:1 August Uuchler, brewery 481 Blakeley, Hon G C, residence 100 Blakeley, Geo C, druggist 1551 Baldwin, Mrs M, residence 723 Bayard, C E, residence 1483 Bunker, C O 1401 Kartell, Mrs J, residence 1103 Baldwin Saloon HOI Bettingen, A, residence 1233 Durham, P, residence 1271 Bonn, Joe. residence 1243 Bronsgeest, Father, residence 1351 Brown, M H, residence 34 Bartell, G E, shop 1 13 Chronicle Publishing Company 154 Crowe, L E, residence 031 County Clerk's office 014 Cooper, R, reeideuce 311 Columbia Packing Company 074 Chrismn Bros meat market 033 Columbia Brewery 044 Cr.'ighton, Sam, residence 353 Crandall & Bnrget 1031 Cross, J H, grocer 351 Crandall, C J, residence 144 Cooper, D J, residence 80 Crosby. A, residence 1303 Crossen, J B, residence 1321 Cram, Mis P, residence 1101 Columbia Feed Yard 1301 Chrisman.L 1221 Dalles Com and Athletic Club 255 Dalles Commission Co 573 Dalles Lumber Co 01 Dalles Portland & Astoria Nav Co 101 Dalles Light Power Co 003 Dalles Steam Laundrv 041 Dalles Scouring Mill Co 70" Drake, F, residence 513 Doc Sing Co 451 Dufur & Dufur, office 1523 Davis, S W. residence 091 Doane, Dr O D, office 003 Doane, Dr O D, residence 1293 Dufur, D S, residence 533 Davis, A R, residence 11 PJastern Oregon Lind Co 1111 Elite Barber Shop 1201 Egbert, G, residence 1291 Estebeiinet, A B, residence 1353 Mrs M Eddou, residence 744 Eiliehnan, Dr G C, residence 873 Ferguson, Dr E E, office 403 French, J W, residence 281 French & Co, bankers 555 Ferguson, Jas, residence 473 French, D M, residence 274 Fordyce, J N, residence 773 Frank, Chas, saloon 221 Farley & Frank, shop 871 Ferguson, Dr E E, residence 1431 Fait, J E, residence; 853 Fait, J E, saloon 1383 Flemming, J M, residence 543 French, H W, residence 501 Fry, Mrs S H, residence 329 GeisendorfTer, Dr J A, residence 328 GeiBendorffer, Dr J A, office 793 Godfrey, P, residence 73 Glenn, H, office 724 Glenn, H, residence 743 Goit, J B, residence 803 Grimes, C M, residence 591 Grunow, W F, residence 1073 Gunning, F S, shop 1403 Guthrie, R H, residence 1123 Germania Saloon 1183 Great Northern Furniture Store 1281 Grant, B H, residence 1311 Grant's Cigar Store 124 Hudson, Dr J H, residence 244 Huntington & Wilson, attorneys 491 Houghton, F L, residence 915 Hill, M, residence 7903 Huott, A, residence 1101 Hollister, Miss, residence 981 Hostetler, J C, residence 581 Harper Bros, market 1143 Hawthorne, Mrs, residence 1103 Hudson, T A, residence . 131 Hockman, D, residence 571 Hudson, J II, ranch 001 Hudson & Brownhill, office 1531 Harris, N, store 1533 Harris, N, residence 1443 Huntington, B S, residence 1033 I. X. L. Restaurant 393 I P Joles, residence 994 Johnston, W A, general mdse 833 Jacobsen Book k Music Co 1401 Jackson, J II, residence 703 Jones Cafe 1341 Johnston, W A, residence 593 Jones, M S, lesidence 2'.'! Jones, F N, residence Oil Jaiobsen, E, resilience 575 Johns, S, residence, 051 Keller, A, bakery 70S Ketchum. D P, ranch 1251 Keys it Nelson, saloon In addition to tho above, process of connection. I'rehli iWUU ami Dream. A dollar saved Is a dollar gained. I urn selling the best Jersey milk in the market, warranted to test five per cent butter fat, for if2 a quart per month. Also purely eintrifngally separated cream at 40 cents a quart. Why pay more when you can do bettor by phon Iiil' to tho City Dairy. 'Phono 3S5. i30-lin Buut Baglky, Prop Rports show n greatly increased deatli rito from throat and Imiil' troub'es, due to the pnnilinre of croup, pneumonia and ci ippu. Wo advise t lie use of One .Minnie Cough Cure in all of these dilliculties. It is the only harmless remedy that gives Immediate results Children like it. Clarke it F.tlk's P. 0, Pharmacy. Hustling young man can make f00 per i month an I expenses, Pnrmaneu' pnsi-1 tlon. Experience unnecessary. Writ quick for particulars. Clark i'. ( , J Fourth and Licust Streets, Phi'at'el-! hpia, Pa, tS t You will not have boils if vou ! Clarke A Falk's sure cure loi boils. ! 1321 Kelly, Tom, residence 1131 Kelly, Kobt, residence 1471 Keys, Chas, residence 733 Lane, L L 331 Langhlln, B F, residence 303 Logan, Dr H, office 03 Lord, W, residence 1333 Logan, Dr H Logan, residence 211 Lang, Mis E, residence 443 Marklllie, W, residence 021 Manning, M, residence 153 Mays, it, residence 41 Maier & Benton, hardwaie & groc 131 Mays & Crowe, hardware 401 Mclnnis, M M, residence 273 McCoy, E O, residence 51 McArthur, J A, residence 945 Mcintosh, Charles, residence it i.i Mlcheibach, (J r, residence 231 Mlchelbacn, C F, saloon 433 Mirhell, Wm, undertaker 1503 Mills, C, residence 521 Moodv, W H, residence 23 Mootly, M A, office 291 Moody, Z F, waiehonFe 1503 McCartney, L L, residence 1133 Maloney, L, resilience 1171 Menefee, Wm, residence 134S Mac Allitter, A S, residence 903 Menefee Wilson, attorneys 1203 Menefee, Frank, residence 1301 Myers, W S, residence 701 Mcintosh, G, residence 1071 Midway Saloon 1021 New York Rest 1131 Nelson, Mrs M C, residence 1251 Nickelsen, I C. store 1391 Nickelsen, I C residence 881 O R it N Co, ticket office 301 OR & N Co, freight office 951 Oregon Bakery 781 Obarr Honsi 071 O R & N stock vrds 1081 0 R A N ronnd'house 1053 O K Dve Works 1023 O K Sa"loon 1121 OK BArber Shop 38 Pacific Express Co 343 Porter, L A, stable 934 Peters, J T, hardware and lumber 171 Pea6e & Mays, ueneral mdse 1001 Polland & Heisler, market 1513 Parkins, F M, residence 1521 Parrisn, D, residencn 2341 Porter, L A residence 003 Patterson, Otis, residence 1181 Payette Feed Yard 9S3 Parr, G T, residence 1201 Postoffice 1301 Poling, Rev D V, residence 1423 Roach, Mrs K, residence 910 Roberts, A S, residence 794 Richards, W D, residence 191 Rucb.Geo, groceries 573 Rinehart, Dr Belle C, office 917 Roberts, D H. residence 203 Rorden, L & Co, store 223 Saltmarshe Stock Yards S13 Sturdevant, Dr H A, dentist 803 Senfert Broj, cannery 940 Secliler, A, ranch 053 Sheriff's Office 709 Saruent, F A 543 Sanders, Dr G E. dentist 973 Sargent, 1 N, residence 183 Stadleman Commission Co 1091 Stnbling, C J, saloon 124 Schmidt, C L, residence 1173 Stewart, Robt, residence 1241 Sommerville, John, residence 1283 Sechler, A, residence 1501 Sergeant, C C, residence 1511 Sturtevant, M B 1411 Simonson, Charles, residence 1413 Shoren, M, residence 574 Segni. Parodi, residence 570 Sandoz, A, residence 0S1 Skibbe Hotel 711 Sinnottife Bennett, attorneys 201 San Francisco Beer Hall 544 Schooling, Mrs A, residence 501 St. Mary'B Academy 1343 Siddall, Dr D, residence 423 Tackman, Dr W, residence 913 Taylor, W H, residence 1051 ( 'league, R E, grocer 74 Taylor, F, residence 579 Thomas, J W. residence 578 Tavlor, O D. residence 1131 Troy Laundry Co 37 Umatilla House 1113 Union Street Lodging House 795 Waterman, M, residence SI Wasco Warehouse I'o 993 Williams, A M & Co, dry goods 701 Wood Bros, meat market 143 Ward it Robertson, livery stable 923 Wilson, Ben, saloon 823 Wilson, Ben, residence 1041 Worsley.J H, irrocery 1421 Williams, W W, residence 1141 Wing& Wildo 13S1 Woodniw, W D, reeidenco j 1501 Weigel, F, residence a largo number are now in Don't you know that Coeoanut Cream Hair Tonic will save your and your children's hair? Yon can get it for 50 and 75 cents a bottle at Fra.er's barber shop, sole agent. tf For sprains, swellings and lameness there Is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For Bale by Blake ley, the druggist. Remember that yon don't have to be bald ; yon can keep yoni hair by using Cicoannt Cream Hair Tonic. To be had at FrazerV burlier shop. tf Complete lile ot icen Victoria. Best book. Best terms, Outfit mailed on receipt of 15 cents. Address S. C. Mill er it Co,, Portland, Or. tu thur-sat Ot C coanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure d.v ru(t' h in all fuilp tilt-eared. Don't p- et your hair. For sale at Fritz i r bhop, sole agent. tf reons who can not tdkn ordinary t tint) it a pleasure to take DeWitt'a '. E trly Hlciirs, They are the best ! -ver 'l)' i ver mi'.de, Clarl.0 it I , I'. i. ii in i'.',