The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 01, 1901, Image 4

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    A Mother's Plain Words
" I suppose you wilt be astonished when I tell you that six years ago I was
in a most dangerous condition with bronchitis and lung trouble, because you
can see how well and strong I am now. The attack at that time caused terrible
pain in my chest and lungs. I could hardly move, and to stoop caused intense suf
fering, bomeonc navtseu Ack
er's English Remedy, and I
thought I would try it, although
1 confess that down in my heart
I had little faith in it. The
first bottle gave great relief,
and the second bottle made me
the healthy woman I am today.
My husband's lungs are weak
also, and he cured himself with
the same grand old remedy.
Our boy and girl have both
been saved bv it from death
by croup. I know this is so, for 11
when they were attacked in the
night I had a bottle in the closet,
and by acting quickly that fatal
malady was easily overcome.
We always give it to the children
when they have a cough or cold,
and we would not bo without it
for anything. My sister will
tell you also, if you ak her, that
it is a medicine that can ahvavs
be depended upon for all the
troublesof the breathing organs.
I tell all our neighbors about
Acker's English Remedy whenever I get a chance, and there arc plenty of peo
ple around Mechanicsvtlle, N. Y., Where I live, who would no more think of go
ing to bed at night without a bottle 6f it in the house than they would of leaving
their doors wide open. As I look at it, parents are criminally responsible when
they allow their children to die under their very eyes with croup, because hero
is a certain remedy that will conquer the terrible monster every time."
(Signed) Mrs. Fi.oyii Fowler.
Acker's" English Remedy s sold by all
that your money will be refunded in case
United States and Canada. In England,
We authorise the above guarantee. W. IL HOOKER CO., Proprietors, Xcw lor!:.
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
"With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Store.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold by
airy one. Our prices are right.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court or the Stuto of Oregon for
Wueco Countv.
Joieph 1'un.uet, Plaintiff,
P. X 1'arjuet and O, U Paquct, Uefendnnts,
By virtue of an ntuchment. execution, decree
and order of sule, duly iwueil nut 01 uud under
the teal of the Circuit Court of tho atutu of
Oregon, for tho County nl Multnomah, to mo
uireciea uuu anted the 'Jitii nay 01 ovemoer,
iroo, upon 11 judjjment rendered and entered in
said Court on the 27th day of January, 1607. in
the above entitled cjium;. in favoi of the plain
tiff ami HKuln&t the defendants, . X I'aquet
ami Id. i'Houel, ai Judgment debtor, In the
Him of four hundred (1400 dollars, with interest
theieou from thoIMth day of September, 1VJ1, at
toe rate of eight ter cent per annum, and the
further sum of liitc-ui (Mi; dollars, with Interest
thereon at tlx per rent per annum from tlie'J7tli
day of JuntiHry, IS'J7, and the further mm of
thirty-one (f.11) dollars, costs, and the costs of
and upon this writ, and commanding me to
make sale of toe real proicrty hereinafter de
scribed, J will, on .Monday, February, -1th, 1101,
at the hour of 'J o'clock in the afternoon of
maid day, and at the front door of tho county
court bouae In Dalies City, Whsco County, Ore
xon. fell at publlo auction to the highest bidder
for cuali iu baud, alt the right, title uud Interest
which the defendant, l X. I'aquet and O. L.
fflijuct, or cither of tlicm,hd on the 27th duy
of January, 1W7, the date of the judgment, or
which Mich defendau.s, or any of the defend
ants herein, have Miico acquired, or now have
in and to tncfollowlug described real property, I
muaiuanu Deing 111 wasco uouniv, Oregon, to
wit: The northwest quarter ) of the northwest
quarter (J-J) of bectiou two (2), and thel north
east quarter o( the northeast quarter 04),
and the south naif of the northeast quarter (ii)
11 section three (i), all in township W (U) south
of range twelve (li!) east of the Willamette Meri
dian in Wasco County, Oregon, and containing
onehuudre) and sixty (ICO) acres; or so much
of said prorertyas will Mtiafy said Judgment
and decro-, with costs and accruing costs.
Said property will bcKild tublect to confirma
tion uud redemption as by law provided.
Uatfd at The JJalles, Or., this 0th day of Pc
winter, I'm
J5-St Sheriff Wasco County. Oregon.
latin OrncK at Tin: IMllks, Ouh.j
Jan. yi.iwi. I
hotico la hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of her inten
tion to make Haul proof In support ol her
el-dm, and that said proof will be made be
fore tha rrgUter and receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on WednesJay, March G, 11W1, viz:
' Ailallue V, Steel,
one of tho heirs and far the heirs of H11II1 (Jen
evl Jeteel, decerned, of liio Dalles, Oregon, 11.
K. No. 4910, for (heSKJi H0 Si, T 1 N, K 1J K,
,W M.
'She names tho following wltnemes to prove
her contlniiom retideuce upon, and cultivation
of Mid land, vU:
W. Cate. Jotin It. Cook, M. II. Miller, James
8lmonson,all of The Dalles, Oregon.
JAY 1'. J.UCA8,
S1 ttu mer
Floral lotion will care wind chapping
Mtl.mnbu.rn. Manufactured by C'arke
k Falk.
MM mm
druggists under a positive guarantee
of failure.
3c oc.. and Si a cattle in
ts. ad., ss. 3d., and 4s. 6d.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice h hereby given that, pursuant to 1111
execution lsuifl on the t!ltU dav of January,
1801, cut of the Circuit Court of tho statu of
ortgon, for vi men county, In a nut in which
.Mary T. strong is plalntln r.i:d WIImm It
Wlnnns, Mary Wimiiis J. M. Huntington, O.
hehnwaltcr, sdnilnistritor of tlm estatoof H. (i
Krcbkicl. decease), and J. J. hpeiiecr are ile
leuaants, 10 mo directed and commanding me
to sell the l.inds hereinafter described, 1 will,
on Saturday the 'itd day of February, 1W)1, at the
hour of 2 o'clock p. in., at tliu court house door
in Dalle City, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, thusouthweit quarter of tho
southeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of
1110 souineast quarter 01 section towni-ii i
north. langeOmst, W. M to tutis'y u Judgment
in mm caute reiMvuii tgainst sam ucieiiiiint,
Wilson It. Winans, for fGOb.C.1 and a'crulug
Interest. ?jO.W attorney's fees and t"JX(Xf costs
and disbursements and accruing cob..
ltOIJi:ilT KKI.I.Y.
jiin20 Shetlirof Wasco County, Or.
Notice Is hetcDy given th it ihu undersigned
has duly Hied with tho County Clerk of Wasco
Countv. Oregon, his final account and renort as
administrator of tho estate of Adolph Agldlus,
deceased, and that the Honorable County Court
has tixed Mondaj,tho5th day ol November, 1t00,
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day ns tho time, and
ihu woumy wouri room oj mo 1 ouniy court
house iu DallesUlty, Wasco Couni, Oregon, as
the place for hearing said final account and re
port. AH tiersons Interested In Mid estate are
licrebv notified tonnnearat said time and nlm e
aud show cause, ii any there be, wny said icport
should not bu approved and said administrator
Dated this 5th day ot October, 1'jOO.
J. 1'. AfilDMIS,
Administrator of the estate of Adolph Agldius,
decoared. iw-tO
(Isolated Tract Public Land Sale.)
U. S. Land Office, tub D.w.lks Ob.,(
January 1.', 1001. i
Notice is hereby given that In pursuance) of
instructions from tho Commissioner of the ion
eral Laud (mice, under authority vested Iu him
by section 21 V, I'. H. Itev. Htat.. a-i amended
hy tho act of Congress approved February 26,
IM.3, wo will proceed to oiler at public sain on
Monday, the atli day of February, next, at the
hour of 11 o'clock u. 111,, nt this orllce, the fol
lowing tract of land, to-wit:
N Wfi N WJ4 So :w, T 2 N , K 13 K, W M.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
abovc-dvscrlbcd lands are advlnil to II In their
claiuiN In this oltice on or belt re the dav ulivo
designated for tho commencement of talil sale,
otlierwiie their rights will be forfeited
jav r., itegisier.
JHi-I Oris fATCKitsoN, Heeelver.
Notlro is hereby given tint tlm undersigned
executor of the will of Andrew V. Anderson.
deceased, has tiled his final account in tho
county court of ihoHlatoof Oregon for Wasco
county, uud said court has appointed .Monday,
the Till day of January, 1001. at the hour of 10
o'clock a. in., as the time for heating objections
llmrbLui,,! tha &alu...u...
ah neirs
creditors and other persons Interested Ip said
estate are therefore hereby required to file their
objections to said account. If any they hftvc, 011
or befoto tho day set for tho hearing thereof.
ir oeioro mo aay set lor me neai
I)lles Cltv, Or.. Nov. 15. lnuo.
II17-H J. C. HOSTJJTI.KH, Kxecutor
Catarrh Uanaot It Oared.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in ordor to cure it you must take Inter
nal remedies. Halt's Catarrh Cure is
taken internully, and acts directly on
the blood nntl mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It-was wn8 prescribed by one of tho best
physicians in this country for ycers, and
1b a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The ported
combination of the two ingredients 1b
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Bend for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Among the tens of thousands who have
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
colds and la crippe during tliu past few
years, to our knowledge, not a single case
has resulted in phenmonia. Thos
Whitfield oc Co., LMU Wabash nvenue
Chicago, one of the most prominent re
tail druggists in that city, in speaking of
this, savs: "We recommend Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy for la grippe
many cases, as it not only gives prompt
and complete recovery, but also counter
acts anv tendency of hi grippe to result
in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley
the druggist.
Clarke & Fulk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushee.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your e u-er for them-.
Lost A diamond sunburst brooch.
reward will be paid for its return to tin
office. 21j-tf
Lost Black silk fob ribbon, with red
cameo charm. Leave at this office and
get reward.
Found A bunch of
owner can find at tiiis
which the
by pay in
for thie notice.
found A purse, which the owner
can have by calling at this office and
paying for this notice. 23--U
Wanted A place to do light house
work anil plain cooking by a young
woman. Apply at Mrs. Brittain's. !
Acker's English Remedy will stop
cough at nnv time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley
the druggist.
Mold Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
We offer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Ciihonici.e, price $1.50,
aud the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. tf
Hustling young man can make $G0 per
month and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessarv. Write
quick for particulars. Clark & Co.
Fourtli and Locust Streets, Philadel-
hpia, Pa, s8tf
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of tile celebrated Jame E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints
Paint your house with
fully guaranteed to last,
have them.
paints that ara
Clarke & Falk
Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream
iiair ionic will save your and your
children's hair? You can get it for 50
and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer's barber
shop, sole agent. tf
Remember that you don't have to be
bald ; you can keep your hair by using
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be
had at Frazer's barber shop. tf
uocoanut uream rinir ionic will cure
dandruff and all ecalp diseases. Don't
neglect your hair. For sale at Frazer'e
barber shop, sole agent. tf
Complete life of Queen Victoria. Best
book. Best terms. Outfit mailed on
receipt of 15 cents. Address S. C. Mill
er & Co,, Portland, Or. tu thur-sat-Ot
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try It. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
Quality and not quantity makes De
Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable
little liver pllle. Clarke & Falk's P. O.
Hamilton Brown shoes at The New
York Cash Store.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
J) n't forget this.
Country butter 40 cents
Maier & Benton's.
per roll at
A full line of Eastman riluis ant) sup
plies juat received by Clarke & Falk,
You will not have boils if vou take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure lor bolls.
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Mnnngor.
One NiRht....
Feb. 5th.
First Presentation in The Dalles of the
Magnificent Scenic Production,
Ail Alley
The greatest molodritnia over offered for
the public's entertainment.
The Underground Dive.
The Interior of Hlng Slug.
The Klectrocullon Clnimher.
Tho Hacehoro Howard (Irntz.
Lightning Hpllt Prison Walls.
Wonderful Plunge of the Horse,
l'allsadesof Hudson moonlight
Four Stirring Acts. A Henrt Story ol
Human Interest. Pleasing Specialties.
Most Massive Triumph of Scenic and
Stage Skill.
Reserved Seats nn sale nt
Clarke & Falk's Pharmacy.
First Fire Ito-.TH,
House, rOe.
rr,e; llaluncu of tlio
Drylnpr preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh; thoy dry up tho secretions,
which adhere to tho mombrnuo nnd decom
pose, causing a far moro serious troublo than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
iug inhalants, fumes, Bniokcs nnd snuffs
aud use. that which cleanses, soot lies aud
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is mich n remedy
aud will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily aud pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All drugm'sts sell the
COc. size. Ely Brothers, fii! Warrou St., N.Y.
Tho Balm cures without pain, does not
irritate or causo sneezing. It spreads itsolf
ovor nn irritated nnd angry surfaco, roliov
ing immediately tho painful inilammation.
With Ely's Cream Balui younro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovcr.
helps the tenm. Saves wear a
epeuse. bold cvcrywlicrc.
liAIir. BY
Notice !
Ail pereone'inriebled to the late firm
of E. J. COLLINS & CO., uud S. L.
BROOKS, are reriueHted to call untl
eettle up on or before March iHt next
without fa!'. S. L. DKOOKfc.
Look Here!
All the Groceries, Hardware and Tin
ware will be disposed of by the lat of
.March, ns the buildim: will' he occupied
by other parties. S. L. BltOOKK.
iiinlO mclil
Tlio moat coinplHto stock
of Garden, GraH9, Field
nnd Vegetable Seeds in
bulk in tho Inland Em
pire at the Feed. Seed und
Grocery Store 'of
Tne Goiumtiia PacKiDpGo..
Fine Lard and Sausaces
Curersof BRAND
C. F- Stephens !
...Dealer in.,.
Dry Goods, Clothing, I
mrsl-m CrtMnlaklnna 1?
Hoots, Hlioes. Htn, Cnp. Notions, Agt. il
Telephone No. 88,
m Boooud Ht
T.g Dalles
Wtl 1,1
P.nv fsfiillinn. 4 voiii'S ol(
nounds. Sired by Zombro,
First dam, Bridesmaid, by Boxwood, eon of ntwood. Second . .tin,
land Queen, .lain of Ad Alene il !!:'JH. by Iikfhind'H Abdullah, sou of luninluton.
Ian 10. Third dam, Prunella, by Allmmhra, son of Mamhriiio Chief Ii.
EDMUND S. will mnku the si'iisnn of HlOl nt h, A. l'ortcr'H livery etnble, Tho
Dalles, Oregon. Torms for tho Soason, $20.
For further particulars hue
janiio-dwinu. FEED FISHER, Proprietor.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
proprietors Gommepejai Sample Jjooms.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered lo any part of the City.
Til Local,
8G8 Long Distaiice.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to Firut
Phone 234,
Subscribe for The
Iti all lt Bt.inea thero
ahiiuld lio cluaaliucvj.
Ely's Crcnm llnltn
clcaiitcs,ootlicatul hc.ala
(he (lUun'cil incinbrnnv,
away a colli in tlio licid
Orcimi IJnlm U ularod Into tho nostrils, spronds
over tlio mcmlirano and in abeorlicd. llclicf ia Im
mediate aud auirofollmve. It Is not drying due
not produce aiu'czlu'. Larj-o Hue, 50 ccntu at Druj;.
tlsti .r hy mail ; Trial, 1 cents by mail.
M.V lKJTIU!US,Si Warrtii .Street, New York.
r3ttere of Credit ieHued available in the
Easturn States,
Bight Exchanae and Teleuraphu '
Tranafera eold on Now York, OliiciiKo,
St. Louie, Sun Francisco, Portland Ore
Kon, Seattle Waah,. and various points
in urt-Kon anu wasninuton.
Collections mnUo at all points on fav
abh turiat.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests whit you eat.
It artificially digests tho food aud aids
Nature Id strengthening and recon
struct! ng the exhausted digestive or
gans. It Isthe latestdiscovereddlgest
cnt and tonic. No other preparation
can annroach it in uniuiotK-v. it. in.
stantly rulievesand porraancntly cures
DMpepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea
Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand
allother results ot imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E o. OolVITT A CO., Cblcaaa.
001a tiy uiurkii & KIk'.-1. O. lWimwv
hoichl It.1 lmiuls, weight 1050
2:11, tho best son of AfeKin
173 Second Street.
National iiank.
Wnyon and Cnrriago Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Mcwn. Phone 159
trade marks
A li 7ono oiiillnu n Bhotrli mid floicrlptkm urn
nulcklr lUPurtalu mroplni.ui fruo wlmthor
Invent Idii lirnlmblyjiiiti'iitiibio. Ciiiiiiiilillln
ildiin trlellriitiillilaiitritl. MaiKttmokoii I'ntonlr
leiil fieo. iiuoncy for nocurliiu ualoiiln.
I'nlai.M i taken ifiniuali Miliin ft Co, rculv
ilrrll notice, without cliiiruc.ilu tto
Scientific American.
A lintirtwmialjr llltintr.ilml wonklr. Lnriront clr
(iiliitliin of inijr nrluiitllln Jiiiirnal. '1'oriim. H
MIINN & Co.30,Day.New York
branch Olllco, irii V ft . WimIiIdiiioii. I. '
Aro those who wear ulotliou that are up
w' , 0 worKuiHiiHhlp uud jUHllty.
My line ol aauiplea covera all the latest
deslgna for (all and winter, the prlco is
right, aud I can guarantee n pprfoct lit.
Suits to Order, $10.00.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Zt " w
SiacKsitl i
...AND... j