On Monday morning you will find our Silk De partment filled up with some of the handsomest designs ever produced in Fancy WASH SILK. The Season's Latest, at All Goods) Marked In Plnln KiRiiroa fte Dalles Daily Chronicle. FKII) V FEB. 1, 1(H) sorvod T in any style.. At Androw Keller's. MM) LM L'I'I) 1,1 I) ?L AT VP in lil nirjanLlirjItO iWJ lrj. All U'aicn County iviirriiutM leclnleieil prior to McitiiiulMir 1, IHII7, will hit piilil in prefimitAtliiii lit my oilier, Interoxt I'Hii.n. urtitr Niivttiiiliiu- lit). 1 11111). .IOIIN P. IIATII'SIIIKK, (imiiity Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Head A. M. Williams & Co.'s ad. Jiuiutt Riley yesterduy declared her in tention to become a citizen of the United .States. The ludies of the Catholic church will have on sale, at the storo of Maior -k llentun tomorrow u choice line of pies and cakes. tti Tomorrow is ground hog day und the bright Huiishlue of today gives promise Unit the little animal will have a good clmncij to nee his shadow and that we (hull, consequently have six weeks more wintur. Watch nnd wait for tho opening of (iiiinborl's Cigar it Tobacco House. Do not miss tins great event for you may "grut it in the future. Be on time and you will gain through it. See nd on lirat page. These sunny days remind one of spring, when man's mind and woman's t', for that matter) easily turns to thoughts of new clothes. But what of the boy? It'n thuir chance toinoirow. Head A. M. Williams & Co.'s ml. Baker City, for tho II rat time in two years, Iuih not a single case of smallpox. This splendid condition of nffdirs is ow ing to the strict quarantine- measure en forced Hinco the advent of the new city "dinlnlstration, Bays tho Democrat. The county clerk today turned ovor to the county treasurer the sum of $lBr8.40. $1550 of which represented the de linquent taxes collect-d during tho iiiantli of January mid the balance. M0S.40 sundry fees of the clerk's olllco 'or the same period. " Hie Kennebec (M.) Journal !" tells ol a man who darkens IiIh henhouse for oiio hour at noon. Ills hens go to roost, jinking it. night; at the ond of an hour inop..B the blind. The result ifl that "is liens lay again, and he getB two eggs " 'liiy Instead of one. i;. 0. Stxton and W. E. Wulther have onned a copartnership nnbave rented "" WiijMtB building, coror of Second "in.rsori, where tfioy expect to "I'ail OUt about tlm tlililla nl Mor,.l. . n completo Hue of Imnlwaro, stoves ad tinware. Carpntem have been ...l.i " "mmeu to cotntnoncd tho llttltig up of (Oysters Spring Silks. 50c per yard. PEASE & 'the building Monday morning. It is j the intention to tear out Abe old front 1 nnd put in plute glass windows. There's 11 very neat litle suit in A. M. j Williams & (Jo. 'ft showwindow, marked $5,50, for u boy of 8 years. Tomorrow's ! special price will be only 3. J Smallpox if reported epidemic at ' Heppner, 11 local physician declaring that 1 there are so many cases that any attempt ! to check it seems almost hopeless. The I original case is paid to be that of a vonni' ... ., lauy irom me easi, aim who is sup- j posed to have contracted the disease 1 while en route west on the train. . It is greatly to the credit of the people ( of Wasco county that out of the OS school districts in the county no Iobs than 25 ' have this year levied tuxes for school J purposes. I heBe levies range from two mills on the dollar up to twenty. What ever our faults may be us a people it cnunot be said that we are unmindful of ii... ,.t ... :..!... ..... .It Lilt: tiimi.-iitiuii ui liic iinuju uciici ui.iuti ji The football season is not over, Man nui wwo i nuriDuu iv inn iajiiuui, tiuv withstanding. It gives us pleasure to announce that The Dalles Never Sweats I and The Dalles Juniors intend to meet in deadly combat on the old fairgrounds tomorrow afternoon. If you want to see a game of football as is a game, you just wauder up that way at the time mentioned. dmisslou free aud evcry i....:..i' J "The Philadelphia Record" tells a story of a physician of that city who was called to see an old Irishmun and his wife down with colds. He advised quinine and whiskey as an antidote. "Yon must both take it," he said. "Take it every throe hours two grains of quinine anil a swallow of whiskey." The next day he culled again. The man was up mid about, but his wife was in bed. "Did yon follow my' instruc tions?" asked the doctor. "To the lotther," replied the husband. "How much quinine have you left?" was the next question. "Sure, Oi t'lnk she have taken th' whole av it," said the man. "And didn't you take It too?" asked the doctor. "Divll th' bit," was the reply. "Begorrah, it kept me busy tukln' til' whiskey every toime she took a pill, an' sure she's in bed an' Oi'in up hist is again bolng revived in sod otv circles, and the third gathering of the Twentieth Century Club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . I. S, Fish last evening. Tho interest which every one tool; in the games made the evening pass uiOHt pleasantly, end Ihe enthusi asm at the whist tables wasouly eqniilloil when the guests were seated at the din ing table, with a most delicious lunch ppreud before them. By way of diver sion, when the games were half over Mr. Fish called attention to a candle burning In a silver candlestick, and said that the lucky guesser of the length of time It would taku the candle to burn a certain distance would win the candlestick. Mr. T. A. Hudson cairied it away. At Jj it MAYS whist Mr. II. Si. Wilson was most suc cessful, and Mrs. Fulton took the foot prize. Those present wore Mr and Mrs Hudson, Mr and Mrs H S Wilton. Mr and Mrs Pease, Mr aud Mrs Frank Ful ton, Mr and Mrs Logan, Mr nnd Mrs R B Sinnott, Mrs Sinnott, Mrs McCoy, Misses Minnie Liy, Georgia Sampson Rose Micheii, and Messrs. Grant Mays and X J Sinnott. t.Viluilililu Southern .SCI eil. Salt bus been begun in the United States circuit court to wind up the af fairs of the Columbia Southern railroad, so fur as concerned the company und the stokcholders, and to distribute its assets atmnj the stockholders. Charles Alt schul, of San Francisco, owner of the lund grant of the Willamette valley & Cuscade Mountain Military Wagon roid, und Thomas D. Rambant, of New York,- tare the complainants. They se.t up that they are the owners of fifty shares of stock, which they bought from Drake C. O'Reilly, one of the organizers of the road, and until a few months ago active ly Identified with its interests. They al lege that E. K. Lytle is attempting to wreck the company. They ask for per mission to examine the company's books, for the recovery of amounts misap propriated and for injunction against further extension of the line, and pay ment of a larger salary than $350 a month to President Lytle. One of the allegations of the complain ants is that the O. E. & N. Co. would be glad at any time, by proper means, to become the exclusive, owner of the Columbia Southern, and that it is now the owner of all outstanding bonds of the company. Practically the same allegations are made by Atlscbul and Rambaut that are to be found in complaints against.the Columbia Southern in suits that havu heretofore been filed. The filing of a ease in tho United States court while an other is pending in the United States circuit court would seem to indicate pro longed litigation. What the people living along the Hue oi the Columbia Southern aud its proposed extension southwatd from Shauiko desire is less law and more construction. Jt is reason ably certain that were the road out of court, work would be begun aud a rich country tapped. It was predicted, when the Columbia Southern road was built that it would not pay interest on its bonds, but it has done ahnsiness far beyond the expectations of its projectors. CASTOR I A For Infants aud Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Sign&turo of Tomorrow is boys' day at A. Williams it Co.'s. Read their ad. Subscriba for Tim CiiKOxit'i.t:. M. GAME OF FREEZE-OUT STILL ON The Vols far Hnnatnr tlm Same A Yenterdny. Special to "Jin: Ciihosici.k Sai.km, Feb. 1. Today's vote for sena tor wsb exactly the some as that of yes tetday, nor can any one tell when n break may come, if it ever comes. The senate spent the forenoon in the consideration of charter bills. The barbers' Sunday closing bill, which came up on a vote of reconsider ation, was made the special order for next Tuesdav at 10 o'clock. The house was occupied all forenoon with routine matter. After the vote was taken in joint session both houses adjourned till 11 o'clock tomorrow. PEOPLE COMIM1 AM) GOING. Attorney Bert Pnelps arrived here from Heppner yesterday. .1. P. Lucas was a passenger on the train for Baker City. II. F. Frazier, clerk of Gilliam c unty spent last night in the city. Miss Katie Hogan, of Oakland. Ore gon, is visiting with Mrs. T. J. Driver. Mrs. J. 0. Mack and Miss Mabel have returned from a visit to friends in California. Hugh Jackson, the veteran stage man. is registered at the Umatilla bouse from Wapinitia. Alexander Scott, the Grass Valley merchant, is spending a few days in the city accompanied by .Mrs. Scott. Pointers On Poultry KulnlnR. Jf you have any intention of going into the chicken business you might do worse than read the. lollowing advice from D. A. Turner, in the Hood River Glacier : "Becin with any old scrub liens you can buy cheap, let them roost in trees, on the fences or any old place they may find ; keep ft out two to a dozen worthless dogs, then when you feed the outfit throw the feed out in a pile so the dogs can run over the hens and enap ut them. Feed the little chicks on raw com meal or a little bran dough mixed up thin and put in a heap, and let the little I fellows get coyered, feet and feathers. When you have company send the boys out with dogs and gun to kill a chicken for dinner, let them chaso the whole flock all over the ranch and kill the best pullet you have; let the remainaer feed on snow drifts or a fog bank. If the weather is real cold get some frozen corn and give a full feed onco before the hens go to roost, as my honored fatbpr once did, and found seven bens laying, or rather lying, under the roost slid' ant cold. Keep everything wet to your poultry will have mup, rheumatism aud gapes, then quarrel with the old woman, go ofr to town, sit on a goods bos and swear that chickens won't pay. Water CoinmUeioiier' Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the board ot water commissioners was held last night in the recorder's office, wiien the following proceedings were had. The superintendent reported as fol lows : Water rent, col. during Jan $1108 50 Delinquencies 441 00 The treasurer reported as follows: Jan. 1. Bal. cash on hand. .. .$2 193 77 Jan. 31. Cash, water rent 1108 50 Total 3002 27 Jan. 31. By warrants redeemed 139 89 i Jan. 31. Bal. cash on hand. . . . 3402 40 I Tlio special committee appointed at, last meetiug to inquire Into the advlsa-' bility of extending a water main into' Tackmau's edition, advised that such I extension should be made and a fire ' plug located as soon as the street Is opened between I and Clark streets, and it was so ordered. Auiiiitiiii'Kinent, The public is cordially invited to at-1 tend the graud opening tomorrow (Sat urday) evening, at Gnmbert's Cigar it Tobacco Houpo on Second street, next to Gunning's wagon shop. Handeouio nickel-plated match boxes will be given to every gentleman. The ladies will ; also be remembered in this grand open ing. Every lady passing tho store will receive a box of fine French candy. All are welcome. Doors open at 7 p. in. Special Notice. We beg leave to an- ! nounce that wo shall cater for ladies' trade in periodicals of all description, j Our news department, will contain all j the latest publications usually iuterest I ing to ladies. j Fur Keliriiur)'. A line 16x20 enlargement with every dozen of my "best cabinet photoa." j (Cloudy days urs just as good for sittings. I GlrTOHI). I Giflbrds pictures never fade. td ' For fashionable dressmaking and plain sewing, call aud see Mrs. S. E. Hender I sou, SOS Third street, in house, Mrs. Eddon's jl9 lm New Pacific States Telephone List. Below please rind list of Pacific States Telephone Com pany's subscribers at The Dalles, whose telephones are al ready connected: 1013 Allaway, W O, residence 413 Alden, Capt, residence 203 American Market 933 August Buchler, brewery 481 Blakeley, Hon G C, residence 100 Blakeley, Geo C, druggist 1551 Baldwin, Mrs M, residence 723 Bayard, C E, residence 1483 Bunker, CO 1491 Bartel), Mrs J, residence 1103 Baldwin Saloon 1191 Bettiugen, A, residence 1233 Burham, P, residence 1271 Bonn, Joe. residence 1243 Bronsgeest, Father, residence 135 Brown, M II, residence 34 Bartell, G E, shop 113 Chronicle Publishing Company 154 Crowe, L E, tesidence 031 County Clerk's office 914 Cooper, R, residence 311 Columbia Packing Company 974 Christnan Bros meat market 933 Columbia Brewery 944 Cr.jighton, Sam, residence 353 Crandall & Burget 1031 Cross, .1 II, grocer 351 Crandall. C J, resilience 144 Cooper, D J, residence S9 Crosby. A, residence 1303 Cressen, J Ii, residence 1321 Crum, Mis P, residence 1101 Columbia Feed Yard 1301 Christnan, L 1221 Dalles Com and Athletic Club 255 Dalles Commission Co 573 Dalles LumtierCo 91 Dalles Portland it Astoria Nav Co 101 Dulles Light & Power Co 903 Dalles Steam Laundry ' (HI Dalles Scouring Mill Co 797 Drake, F, residence 513 Doc Sing Co 451 DnfuT & Dufur, office 1523 Davis, S W, residence 091 Doane, Dr O D, otlice 093 Doane, Dr O D, residence 1293 Dufur, D S, residence 533 Davis, A It, residence 11 Eastern Oregon Ltnd Co 1111 Elite Berber Shop 1201 Egbert, G, residence 1291 Eiteiieiinet, A B, residence 1353 Mrs M Eddnn, residence 744 Eshelman, Dr G C, residence 873 Ferguson. Dr E E, office 403 French, J W, residence 281 French & Co, bankers 555 Ferguson, Jas residence 473 French, D M, residence 274 Fordvce, J N, residence 773 Frank, Chas, saloon , 221 Farley & Frank, shop 871 Ferguaon, Dr E E, residence 1431 Fait, J E, residence.; 853 Fait, J E, saloon 13S3 Flmnming, .1 M, residence 543 French, II W, residence 501 Fiy, Mrs S H, residence 329 Geisendorfl'er, Dr J A, residence 32S Geisendorfler, Dr J A, office 793 Godfrey, P, residence 73 Glenn, H, office 724 Glenn, H, residence 743 Goit, J B. residence 803 Grimes, C M, residence 591 Grunow, W F, residence 1073 Gunning, F S, shop 1403 Guthrie, R H, residence 1123 Germania Saloon 1183 Great Northern Furniture Store 1281 Grant, B H, residence 1311 Grant's Cigar Store 124 Hudson, Dr J H, residence 244 Huntington & Wilson, attorneys 491 Houghton, F L, residence 915 Hill, M, resilience 7903 Huott, A, residence 1101 Hollister, Miss, residence 981 Hosteller, J C, residence 581 Harper Bros, market 1143 Hawthorne, Mrs, residence 1193 Hudson, T A, residence 1371 Ifockman, D, residence 57t Hudson, J H, ranch 001 Hudson & Brownhill, office 1531 Harris, N, store 1533 Harrix, N, residence 1033 I X. L. Restaurant 393 I P Joles, residence 994 Johnston, W A, genera! mdse S33(Jacobsen Book & Music Co 1401 Jackson, J H, resideuce 703 Jones Cafe 1341 Johnston, W A, residence 593 Jones, M S, residence 2!3 Jones, F N. residence 011 Jaiobseu, E, residence 575 Johns, S, residence 95 Keller, A, bakery 798 Ketcbnm, D P, ranch 1251 Keys A Nelson, saloon In addition to the above, process of connection. We do t t t Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates made and contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. Do not forget That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, til so a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and implement store, Repair work of all kinds done. MAYS 1321 Kelly, Tom, residence 1131 Kelly, Robt, residence 1471 Keys, Chas, residence 733 Lane, L L 331 Laughlin, B F, residence 303 Iigati, Dr II, otlice 03 Lord, W, residence 1333 Logan, Dr II Logan, residence 211 Lang, Misa E, residence 443 Markillie, W, residence 021 Manning, M, residence 153 Mays, R, residence 41 Maler & Benton, hanlv.nie it grjc 131 Mays ib Crowe, hardware 401 Mclnnis, M M, residence 273 McCoy, K O, residence r 51 McArthur, J A, residence 045 Mcintosh, Charles, residence 103 Michelbach, C F, resideuce 211 Mlchelbacti, C F, saloon 433 Michell, Win, undertaker 1503 Mill, C 521 Moodv, W H, lesidence 23 Moody, M A, office 291 Moody, Z F, warehouse 1503 McCartney, L L, residence 1133 Maloney, L, residence 1171 Menefee, Win, residence 1343 Mac Allhter, A S, residence 903 Menefee it WiUon, attorneys 1203 Menefee, Frank, residence 1301 Myers, W S, residence 701 Mcintosh, G, residence 1071 Midway Saloon 1021 New York Rest 1131 Nelson, MrB M C, residence 1251 Nickelsen, I C. store 1391 Nickelsen, I C residence 881 O R & N Co, ticket office 301 OR & N Co, freight office 951 Oregon Bakety 731 Obarr Housh 071 OKAS stock yards 1081 O R it N round house 1053 O K Dve Works 1023 O K Sa'loon J121 O K Barber Shop 38 Pacific Express Co 343 P'rter, L A, residence 934 Pjtera, J T, hardware and lumber 171 Pease Si Mays, general mdse 1061 Polland & Heisler, market 1513 Parkins, F M, residence 1521 Parrish, D, residence 341 Porter, L A 063 Patterson, Otis, residence 1181 Payette Feed Yard 9S3 Parr, (3 T, residence 1261 Postoflice 1301 Poling, Rev D V, residence 1423 Roach, Mrs K, residence 910 Roberts, A S, residence 794 Richards, W D, residence 191 Ruch, Geo. grocerieB 873 Rinebart, Dr Belle C, office 917 Roberts, D H. residence 203 Rorden, L & Co, store 223 Saltmarshe Stock Yards 813 Sturdevant, Dr H A, dentist 803 Seufert Bros, cannery 946 Sechler, A, ranch 053 Sheriff's Office 799 Sargent, F A 843 Sanders, Dr G E. dentist 973 Sargent, I N, residence 1S3 Stadleman Commission Co 1091 Stuuling, C J, saloon 124 Schmidt, C L, residence 1173 Stewnrt, Robt, residence 1241 Sommerville, John, residence 1283 Sechler, A, residence 1501 Sergeant, C C, residence 1511 Sturtevont, M B 1411 Simonson, Charles, residence 1413 Shoren, M, residence 574 Segni. Parodi, residence 576 Sandoz, A, residence 081 Skibbe Hotel 711 Sinnott & Bennett, attorneys 261 San FranciBco Beer Hall 544 Schooling, Mrs A, residence 561 St. Mary's Academy 1343 Siddall, Dr D, residence 423 Tack man, Dr W, residence 913 Taylor, W H, residence 1051 Teugue, R E, grocer 74 Taylor, F, residence 579 Thomas, J W. residence 578 Taylor, O D, residence 37 Umatilla House 1113 Union Street Lodging House 795 Watetman, M, residence SI Wasco Warehouse Co 093 WilliaiiiB, A M & Co, drv goods 761 Wood Bros, meat market 143 Ward it Robertson, livery Btable 923 Wilson, Ben, saloon 823 Wilson, Ben, residence 1041 Worsley.J II, grocery 1421 Wllliiwns, W W.rcfidenco 1141 Wing& Wildo 1381 Woodrnw. W D, residence 1561 Weigel. F, residence a largo number are now in i t CROWE. Advertise in The Chronicle.