The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY FEB. 1, 1901 "WHISKY DID IT." Eastern Oregon through the network of legislation in his behalf should be caught ami preserved as a relic. If the legislature don't protect our fish, they will follow the antelope, buffalo, wild turkey nnti elk into extinction. DRUGLESS HEALING When the prohibition wave rolled l.'nn.oo if tvnc nrnmtspll tllilt u.wi I i ..., i under the new dispensation there - would bo no need of jails. Hut that must have been a mistake, for we are informed by the Associated Press that Mrs. Carrie Nation went into the county jail at Topeka and found twenty -seven inmates. She treated them to a bushel of apples and a big touncu ot banauas, and called on all who got there by the whisky route to hold up their hands. Twenty-five hands shot up. I Of course. The man who goesj wrong from his own perverted nature is always ready to shift the responsi bility on whisky, cards or "women." And reformers like Mrs. Nation are ready to call them "poor lambs," treat them to fruits and flowers, and encourage the soothing delusion that they are to be pitied but not blamed. The result is incalculable damage. Repentance must precede reforma tion, and true repentance springs only from overpowering conscious of wrong doing. Men who go wrong, and then put the blame on some in animate object like cards or liquor, or follow the contemptible example of Adam by pointing the reproach ful finser at woman, are not worth reclimatinn. Spokesman-Review is not electricity. It cures with the oxy gen of the uir, without doctors, without drufts, without medicine. The greatest boon to mankind ever discovered. It stands without a rival as a curative agent and poseesses complete mastery over all curable diseases without em ploying nauseous or poisonous drugs. Description, theory , method of operation, list of diseases for which it is recom- 1 mended, etc., furnished free. Call on or j address. J. M. Fili.oon, The Dalles, Or. 'Phone No. 390. jUl 2wd-wlm NOTICE. Notice is herebv ctven that the said Chew Kee Co., doing business on Front street, in Dalles City, Or., for many vears past, has not been dissolved, but that said business is still owned and conducted bv said Chew Kee Co., and that said firm will not be responsible for any debts or transactions contracted by the Bo-called succesirs Wong Ken, Wong Chaen, Womr Yon, Lu GuIimi, Ma Wei and Ma Kei, who have no Interest whatever in said business of the Chew Kee Co. since the 12th day o( Jflnuarv, 1001. Dited Dalles City, Or.. Jan. 25, 1901. Chew Keb Co. AMD OREGON Shot Like Union Pacific ron ('lixago l'ortluiul Special. lJ:2.j d. in. via Huntington. Atlantic Kxpress, liiion. m. vIk Hunt ington. St. Piiul Fust Mull. u:'i 1. m. via Spokane. TIMK SUHKDU1.KS FROM THE DAl.l.KS. Suit take. Denver. Ft. Worth, Omiilia, Knit snsOHy.St.liiiisi.Chl' cngo nm! the Knst. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha, Kail' sasClty.St.luls.Chl cago ami the Kast. Walla Walla, 1-ewlston bpokanc.Wallace.l'ull' man, Minneapolis, St, I l'aul.Dnluth, Mllwaii' keu, Chicago and Kast, A11R1VK KROM 1:C," p. m, 1:13 a. m. :!::) n. in. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From l'ortlttutl. 3:00 p. m. I (All sailing dates snb- ject to change ) For San l'rancltco, Sail uvery ." dajs. 1:00 p. m, Notice to Cow Owner. The discovery that hnalanu is collecting a five per cent income tax from the American holders of $28,000,000 of British government bonds is quite a surpiise, says the Pittsburg Dispatch. "When the Amer icans took those securities and paid good money for them they under stood they were without incumbrance. Income taxes are not 'collected here. The result is an important reduction in the return expected from ihe in vestment, and the holders arc naturally anxious to get rid of their bonds in order to place their money in better paying home securities. The power of great Britain to collect this tax may be conceded, but its imposition, without fair notice, is a cheap trick that will be resented, and one that will not assist in ing any future British issue on this side of the Atlantic. By order of the council I am Instructed to enforca the cow ordinance and on and alter Monday, the 23th January inst., all cows found running at large in the city, at any hour of dav or night, will be impounded. T. J. Dkivkk, 28'-4t Marshal. GOING EAST- If you intend to take n trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Cuse, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Chase, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Dally except Sunday, MOO p. m. Saturday, 10:00 p. in. Dally exeept Sunday, li:(M a. in. Tuesday. Thursday, ' Saturday, G:W) a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:00 u. m. Columbia lllvi-r. To Astoria anil Way-Landings. Willamette Klver. , Oregon City, Nowhere,' Salem, Independence, and Wny-Lnuiiltig'.. 1 .1X1 n. m. except Sunday. 1:30 p. m. except Sunday Corvallls and Way-landings. Willamette ami Yamhill lllverH. I::i0p. in. Monday, Nednesciny many :i:S0 p. m .Monuay Oregon CI ty,DaytonancllWci'nr','y Way-lJindings. rldn. I.eave Itltmrln daily, :::40n. m. Snake lilrer. Leave liOwmon daily uipatla to i,e ision. jj.a, . m Pnrtips .ipsirinc to iro to Ileooner or points on Columbia Southern via Itiggs, should take No. '2, leaving The Dalles at 1J:40 p. m. making direct connections at Heppner Junction and Biggs. Returning makingdirectcnnnectloii at Heppner junction and lllggs with No, 1. ar riving at The Dalles, at 1:0. p. m. For further particulars, cull on or address JAS. 1KKI.ANI), Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. The Blue Mountain Eagle says: "Jonathan Bourne, the man who piloted the hold up in '97, is in town nnd it is reported that he is preparing the same quarters in the Eldridge bbek which he had that year, and will take a prominent part in this senatorial contest. It would not be surprising to see a hold-up this ses sion in the senatorial contest, but should the sentiment of the popular vote be complied with, McBridc would receive at least two-thirds of the vote of both houses and most likely more. People in this part of the state arc generally bitter against the Oregonian-Corbett-Simon gang." The O. K. barber shop is now running three chairs with three first- class barbers. Patrons of the shop will thus be assured of quick attention and prompt and satisfactory service. J. R. Kees, proprietor. '2S 2w Mrs. Hattie Morris, stylish dress making. Keister-Taylor square, taught as in St. Louis and Chicago. All the lira Fail latest patterns, store. Above Pease & Mays' j23-2w Clearance sale of winter millinery at the Campbell & Wilson Millinery Par lors. Trimmed hats, street bate, and baby bonnets at cost. j7-lm Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING OAK ROf'lK FKO.M PORTLAND TO THE KAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW SI ONE PARK. LE WE. ' Unioa Depoi, Firthand I sts ' No. AKRIVE. Ilou't Hub It In, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure,. a Scotch remedy, and the pain Is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Hamilton Brown's "Good as Gold" shoe for men and boys are the best wearing sboeB in the world. Nos. 12 to 2, $1.05; 2 to by,, $1.85; C to 10, $2.25. Why pay $1.76 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James . Patton's sun proof painte for $1.00 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. ml The Jacksonville Times saya: "It is reported that the Jackson county delegation is solid for Corbctt for United States senator. Had any one of them made known this fact before election day, he would have been overwhelmed by an avalanche of unfavorable ballots. Southern Ore gon, as a whole, is opposed to the election of the aged banker." The Sbaniko Leader says it has been informed by a gentleman who was ,in Salem for a fow days that a measure is on foot to increase the Wasco county school superintendent's salary several hundred dollars, Tin: Chiioniclk has the authority of the county superintendent for saying that the statement of tho Leader's informant is without the shadow of foundation. Mr. Gilbert has neither directly nor indirectly asked fur an Increase of salary, nor thought of asking for it. Fast mall (or Tacoma, , Seattle, Olynipla, (i ray's liarcor ana sou in nenu ' i points', Spnkane, Iloss-1 land, I). C, Pullman, Moscow, Lewlston, Bui-1 11:15 A. M.I lalollump mining coun-! 5;50 V. M, try, Helenu, Miuneapo-I Ills, St. Paul, Omaha,, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points I No. i. least aud bouthcait. No. 3. I'nget Sound Express I U;80 P. M. for Tacoma and Seattle 7,00 A. SI. and intermediate points ' Pullman first-class and touritt sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points without change. Vostlbuled trains. Union depot connections In all principal citler. Baggage checked to destination of tickets, Kor handsomely Illustrated descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 'iV Morrl son Street, comer Third, Portland Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via The Baker Democrat thinks that the salmon which finds his way to CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please remember that we carry a full Hue of LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxes for Christinas trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forget that wo nrn head quarters for the best on earth. Name LOWNEY settles it. Souinern Pacific Co Shasta Route Complete of ' Drugs at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTUND k ASTORIA NAV. COMPANY 1 a Mourners of tho Itcgulator Lino will run ns por tin. fol schrdule. the Company reserving tho right to change j Mihedulo without notice. g Str. Regulator DOWN. !, l.v. Dalles ( at" A. M. ; Tuesday J, Thursday .... K haturuay. .. . E' Arr. rortianu B,at nair, m. ur. Lv. Portland hi. 7 a. si. Mnmtiiv .Wednesday Ship your Freight via Str. Dallas City. DOWN I.V. llllllCM at 7 A. n. i Monday i wriiueMiay tip. Jast What You uiant. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. Trains leave The Dalles for Portland aud way stations at Wit a. in. and 3 p, ui. Leave Portland 8:30 am 7:00 p in " Albany l'J.30 a in 10:60 p in Arrive Anhland 12:3:inm U:30nm Sacramento R:00 p m I u m " San KrancHco 7:11 pin bil&am Arrlvo Oicdou A :W a m 1 1 : t.ri a m " Denver UslWam 'J:U)Hm KanhaaClty 7:25 urn 7:'Jiftm " Chicago 7:ram U:s0nin Arrlvo Los Angeles ii'jo p m 7:00 a m 11 Kl Pano . 11:00 pm ii:U0pin Fort Worth i;;U)iwn ;:!0uin " City of Mexico u:M n m u:M a m " Ilouatou 1:00 am 4:00 a in New Orleans 0:i')itin ti:25pm WathliiKton 6-Ainin li'uin 11 New York IJ;Upm 12"i'ipin Pullman and Tnurlit cars on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to Oxden and Kl Paso, aud tourist cars to Chicago, Ut Unit, New Or leans aud Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, Chlua, Philippines, Central and South America. See agent at Tbe Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Geueral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or 7 . 1 New ideas in Wall Paper horo. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a amnio stocn. Heal inmii tion creton effects at ordinary prices, ftnnit nanora at cheati naoer nrices Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a lull line ol house paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St. WcdlioMiay . Krldnv. Arr.K!S, Regulator Line. to II f V. M. L . Portland i ut7:(K) a. m. , Tueviluy ,. Tliurvdiiv , . . .Saturday j Arr. Dalles '; ntr f. m.,: 4 I FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ;;TrnVe,hy..,s,e;;,n ',' jj c. At.LAWAY. Oon. AKt. !, Portland umce, uak-nirix !.. j Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry GoodH, Clothing, Hoots and Shoes, nt much less than wbolesalo prices. Will sell in hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goods will bo sacrificed except Thompson's Glovu-lltting Corsets Hutterick Patterns. Your prices will Im 10. Call early and pucuro J. P. McINERNY, Conior Soeond and Court Sts. and bargains. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind? Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, sriiKaro Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour This l''lmr is manufactured expressly for family iiuu. umin ct,rlr in fninrtt ti til i-iv nnf lufni'liot:. V of il nnr (mniln lnwur tliim anv lioiise in the trailo. and if vou don't think so call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. (lor Second & LausMin. 'Phone 157 J. S. UCHINCK, President. ilA.v A. VOIIT. Cashtci First-Hatio Dal Bank. THE DALLES. OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold os New York, Han Francisco and Port land. DIRBOTOKS, D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Bohimok, En. M. Williams, Gso. A. Liibk. H. M. Bkall. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and florseshoeF. All kinds ol blacksmithlng will receive prompt attention and will be executed in flrst'daes shape, Give bint a call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. !U Restaurant DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Burget undertake: s tP EMBALMERS The Dallos, Or. Robes, BuriaSh Etc. L, Y. Hand, I'rop'r. first-Glass in Every Respect SIKALH AT AM, IIOIIHM. Oysters Served in any Style. S7 Second Bt TJie Dalles. Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. t r i THE CELEBRATED .wuufium isiiyLiiiLtD I AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tho product of this well.knon hruwory tho United States Health Reports for June 28. 1000, sayB: "A inoro aupuiior brew never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulturatioii, but on the other hand is com posed of the best of malt and choicest of hope. Its tonic, qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the urealest bonellt and satisfaction by old and "iS:..!.1? "ff J''"'clanlloiiBly be prescribed by the physicians with posslb" b f 1 " ' piUUr 01" ",or" w,,olui)0,"u beverage could not 4 I' l o 0 l l :: 4 East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. TIRED MEN. If yon are the unfortuuato victim of luck of norve you know it, and it. would be useless to detail the syuiP' lomi lo vou. Vou cn dpond upon it that Lincoln Soxuul Pills regenerate and build up tlio'system of tli tired man, and lvo the proper functional actions to all tho vital organs, lie the kind of a man you out to Is yes, be a man! IVice, per bor buy of your drug gist or sent by mail on receipt nf price, in plain wraper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO,, Ft. Wtiyno, lid- M. Z. Donuull, AKunt, The Dalles.