The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 31, 1901, Image 4

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Saved Her Life
"About two miles from Vassar, Mich.,
where I keep tt drug store, lives Mrs. T. M.
JJratt. sue was very
sick ami hopeless
with consumption.
1 watched her case
with Interest after
she began taking
Acker's Knglish
Itemed? for Con
sumption, because
much about
its wonderful
cures. Well,
sir, perhaps
you will
doubt it, but
tvilli nivnwn
eves I saw this woman pet well and strong
on that remedy. In a very short time the
cough stopped, her lungs were healed up,
tho soreness went away, and she began tak
ing on flesh. She herself said: ' Mr. Milliard,
I owe my life to Acker's English ltcmedy.
It is a certain cure.' In Mrs. HrattW
neighborhood her recovery has occasioned
much comment, as you can easily under.
stiMid. iter case was one where cverybodj
thought it was only a question of a little
w hile until she would die. I feel it a duty
as a druggist to write this letter, so that there
need be no more deaths from consumption."
(Signed) E. A. Bollabd, Vassar, Mich.
Sold at 35c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the United States and Canada ; and in Eng
land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not
satisfied after buying, return the bottle to
your druggist, and get your money back.
We authorize the abore guarantee.
J. U. HOOKER A CO., Proprietor!, Xno York.
For Dale at Blakeley'e Pharmacy.
An Inside Glimpse of the Social
Life of Mexico.
Mnnr Live from llnntl to Mouth, Hut
the Majority l'ut On No Air
Simplicity mill GiiuiI
Tnnte Utile.
This is proverbially the land of con
trasts. There i.- a cla.. livinp from
hand to mouth, with rectirient isit.-. to
the pawnshops, which haru-hoaded-Asturians
or'north country Spaniard
manage, and there i.-vu great majority
who live on what tlit-v earn and make
no fiib.v in social -show. The averape
young Mexican marries before lie i.-2d,
and lie does not t.ilce his bride to a
boarding-house; she does not weardia
monds'and a seaUkin ack, or affect to
be wealthy by any manifestation of
clothes. She dres-iesineatly ami becom
ingly, and it is to her own little fur
nished house that her young husband
takes her.
The Mexican, the typical Mexican,
loves his home. He has not juVt the
word for the place, for he calls' it poet
ically his "hapar," or fireside, and he
has no fireplace. Hut it is usually a
one-story, Mirroundinp a patio,
or courtyard, wherein prow flowers,
where often there is a fountain and
singing birds encaged rnakv music in
the morning hours. The babies come
along with almos't jstronomica: punc
tuality, and they are welcome. When
Allah built tin's world In had in mind
just inch genuine hoinei a., thte. He
never imagined a boarting-house as a
home for young married foil:.
1 know something of i::ti:nni' Mex
ico, and so have had occasion to note
that courtesy, everyday poiituus-.isa
universal article. You do not tut a
man, says iheoorrcNpoudent of the- I!o
ton Jieraid, becau.-e he happens to live
in a little house, tiarabjet'tix bow down
to -'-:ap v.althy ov.nerof agruat man
tiov am' n:.'uter of many tervart . !!s the l.atii.. and tlicidr.ii tin:
Mexican, is-democratic in public Cab
inet ministers sluice hands with poor
c'.erhs. and boi to their uivei if they
happen to know them. The- high
mightiness of the social magnates ir. a
small New England manufacturing
town reveals an instinct for snobbery
which, Allah be praisvd, Is not included
in our daily reckoning in Mexico.
The president here is a pretty big:
man, I assure you. lie holds power
four long years, and reelection is cus
tomary. He is-a ruler to this full extent,
of the word, but hi- drives about in a
carriage no better than that of many
a prosperous merchant. His personal
stall is not composed of generals, as in
Some Central American countries, but
and he-is aceesnlbl" to aryene who lias
is reduced to the absolutely nceesmry,
a sound reason for taking his time.
I don't want to paint Mexico as a so
cial paradise; it I.- not. Hut 'although
there are heartburning and social riv
alries in the now coKtiiopolitan capital
crowded with foreigners of many na
tions, the Mexican social life, that of
tile L'.'.-it people, is renl'y .. simple -and
will Mi.-.tained. The re;ii old families,
put on no airs; their great homtsare.
ample; their dinni'tv good, tl.tlr iastt
cultivated by trawl anil observation,
and the poor relation sits down un
abashed at meal time with lily for
tunate relative.
How do I know this' lieeaute I have,
dined with many fine old .Mexican fain
Met. Enter the poor lelnt'er. .a: aunt
we will uippoe. who has mai.'e a mar
riage that did not turnout well finan
cially. She wears modes! black, her
gown is of cheap .-tuiT. made at home,
probably, She is greeted with hugs am!
)ds-'?8, ami enters into the tall: of tin.'
family iinconstralnedly, giving her
views of matters in general, and. shows
pleasure nt seeing her nieces hnnil
tamely gowned. Sometimes1 they take
her to the theater with them or to tlrhc
in the family enrrlnprr.
People are not n Mm mod of poor rein
tloiiK; they are part of the frent
scheme of pneial life, and the Mexican
has too much of the Moor not to know
that fate rules- our destinies mid that
to one man is pi veil riches nntl to an
other poverty So it has been decreed.
And the MeNiean tonally has a blp,
warm heart inside his ai!at;iii,v.
Old ji'op!' (well, this is the pnradi.-e
of praudpas and pnmdtua.. a tine old
Spanish and oriental way) are ahviiys
revereneed. Their opinions are soupht :
they are the "old ptiard." and re.-pect-ed
aecordinpiy. One eorsiiMs them on
important family matter-, the ilatiph
ter'f. enpapement. the profession for
the boy. t.'ie namiup of the liable, etc.
For them the favorite ehalr or corner,
the idesta undisturbed, the preferred
dish at table, and. when they die. you
may lie sure they are mourned sin
cerely. Mexicans have no notion of bcinp
ashamed to show publicly a warm af
fection for their aped fathers and
mothers. The preat lawyer meets his
wliite-Juiirod mother in the -treet ear
and kisses her hand deferentially, and
he does the same with hi- father. ISip.
handsome pirls, fashionably clad, meet
their father in the street, and. takinp
his hand. kis it. The family tie is very
stronp anionp the people who have the
riplit idea of home and family.
MBvlnn Nnmly.
"I can't see," said the shoe clerk
bonrder, "why a Scotchman should
say 'hae' for 'have.' "
"It is his economical disposition.
He saves a V every time he does so,"
snid the Cheerful Idiot. Indianapolis
KeeiM ISiiml Time, Tun,
Phunniboy 1 see they're having a
liip sale at the penitentiary to-day.
PaiTe l.adde ISarpain sale'.' What
Phunniboy They're giving a wateli
and chain with every suit. Denver
Cntarrlt Cannot lie Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional diEeaee, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall'e Catarrh Cure ib
taken internally, and acta directly on
i the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It ia composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifieia, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients ia
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. .1, Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold bv drrupgists, price 7oc.
Hall's'Farnily Pills are the beet. 12
A Life And Death I'icht.
Mr. V. A. HineB of Manchester, Ia.,
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from death, says: "Exposure after meas
les induced serious lung trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I had frequent
hemorrhages and coutrhed night and day.
All my doctor? "aid I must soon die.
Then I began to use Dr. Kind's New
Discovery lor Consumption, which com
pletely cured me. I would not be without
it even if it cost -fO.OO a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on my recommendation and
all say it never fails to cure Throat .Chest
and Liinc troubles." Kepuhir size 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Hlakeloy
Drug Store , 4
This season there is a large death rats
amone children from croup and lung
troubles. Prompt action will save the
little ones from these terrible diseases.
We know of nothing eo certain to give
instant relief as One Minute Cough
Cure. It can also be relied upon in
grippe and all throat and lung troubles
of adults. Pleasant to take. Clarke &
Falk's Pharmacy.
Pepsin preparations often fall to ro
lieve indigestion tiecauee they can digest
only albuminous foods. There is one
preparation thut digests all clause? of
food, and that Is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It cures the worst caeea of indigestion
and gives instant relief, for it digests
what you eat. Clarke & Falk P. O.
The Appetite ofu flont
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver ate out of order. All
such should know that Dr. King's iN'etv
Life Pills, the wonderful Momach mid
liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
bablt that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 1!5 cents at tho
Blakeley drug etore. -J
Sick Headache absolutely and permit
nmitly umed by using Mol.i Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures coii-m I nation
mid indigestion, umlji-e Mt, leep
and happy. ftatisfuclion guaranteed or
money back. i.'5cl8. andoOele. Hlakeloy,
tho druggist.
Such little pills as DeWittH Little
Early Risers are very easily taken, and
they are wonderfully effective in cleans
ing the liver and bowels. Clarke & Falk
P, 0, Pharmacy.
With Oxygenor Company's Perfected
Oxygenor King. It ie not a battery. It
is not electricity. It cures with the oxy
gen of the air, without doctors, without
drugs, without medicine. The greatest
boon to mankind over discovered. It
stands without a rival as a curative
agent and possesses complete mastery
over all curable diseases without em
ploying nauseous or poisonous drugs.
Description, theory , method of operation,
list of diseases for which it is recom
mended, etc.. furnished free. Call on or
uddress. J. M. Fii.i.oon,
The Dalles, Or.
'Phone No. 39!). j'Jl-Swd-wltn
Now is the time when croup and lung
troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only
barmlpsa remedy that produces im
mediate results is one Minute Cough
Cure. It ia very pleasant to take and
can be relied upon to quickly cure
coughs, colds and all luug diseases. It
will prevent consumption. Sold by
Clarke & Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
When threatened by pneumonia or
any other hing trouble, prompt relief ia
necessary, as it ia dangeroua to delay.
We would suggest that One Minute
Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica
tions of having taken cold are noticed.
It cures quickly and its early use pre
vents consumption. Clarke & Falk'a
P. O. Pharmacy.
The most soothing, healing and anti
septic application ever devised is De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves
at once mid cures piles, sores, eczema
and skin diseases. Beware of imita
tions. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forget this.
Subscribe for Tin; Ciiko.nici.i:.
Drying1 preparations simply dovel
op dry catarrh ; tlioy dry up the secretious,
which adhere to tho niembrauo and decom
pose, causing n far moro serious troublo than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and smiffn
nud uso that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such ft remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial aizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
COc. sizo. Ely Brothers, "( Warren fcit., N.Y.
Tho Balm curea without pain, does not
irritato or causo sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surfaco, reliev
ing immediately tho painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you nro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fover.
helps the team. Saves wear and
expense, bold every wucrc.
All persons iridehted to the lute firm
of K. J. COLLINS & CO., ami S. L.
HHOOKS, are requested to call and
settle up on or betore March 1st next
without fail. s. 1,. BHOOKS.
Look Hare!
All the Groceries, Hardware and Tin
ware will be disposed of by the 1st of
March, as the building will h occupied
by other parties. S. L. HHOOKS.
jiuilG inch 1
The most complete stock
of Garden, Grass, Field JEM
and Vegetable Seeds in
Ebulk in the Inland Kin-
plre at the Feed. Seed and WZ
Grocery Store of ""
Y J. H. CROSS, y
Tiie GolumDia Packing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
Administrator's Notice.
Notice i hereby Riven that the umleritiKiicd
)ms beu duly Hppoluted by thul.'miiity Court
of VVco County, Urexon, adiiilliUtrator o! tho
estate of 1'. T. HIiHrp, deceased. All pereonx
Jiiivlim claims agaluit the tstiito are hereby re
Ulivd to present the kaine to inv, duly vc-rldcd,
lu IJallea City, Oregon, within nix months Irom
tliu date hereof,
Dated Jiinuary UUWO.
J15 W. II, ail.UU'.AdmlnWtrator,
road. W
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court ot the Htate of OrcRon tor
Wiisco County.
Joicph Paiptct, l'liilulllV,
K. X. riuct and 0. L. i'liipict, DcfcndiuiL".
lly virtue of mi attachment, execution, decree
and order of sate, duty iMiui-irnut ol nml under
tlte K'lil of tho Clrrutt Court of tliu 3tato of
Oil-Kim, for the County of Multnomah, to mo
directed mid dated tliu 'Jlth tiny of November,
l'.U, tioi n Judgment rendered mid entered In
said Court on tlio'J.tli day of January, 1S'J7. In
the nbovu entitled canto, in fnvoi of the plain
tilt and agaiiikt the defendants, f. X, l'aqtiet
and (). I., ranuet. ns jiidirnient tlobtoi.s, lu the
sum of four hundred (? Il); dollars, with Intetvat
thereon from thorUtli day of September, IVJI, nt
tlte rate of clRlit per cent per milium, and tho
further sum of llltecn (?l."x dollars, with Interest
thereon nt six per rent per milium from tho l!7th
davof January, Is'JT, mid thu further sum of
thlrtv-onc(t:lt) dollam, costs, mid thu t-oits of
and upon this writ, mid rommnutlliiK me to
mal;osaloof thu real proierty hereinafter de
scribed, I will, on Monday, Kcbrunry, Itb, 1WI.
at the hour of i! o'clock lu the nltcrnor.n of
sild dav, nud at the front tloor of thu enmity
court house in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ote
Kon. tell at public miction to the blithest bidder
for cash in hand, all tho ripht, title mid Interest
which the defendants, V. X. faiptet mid t). 1
raipict, or either of them, had on thu '.'7tli day
of January, 1S07, thu date of thu ludKinent, or
which stieh defendants, or miy ot the defend
ants herein, have since ac'iulretl, or now have
in mid to tne followltiRdeserlbed real property,
situate and being lu Wasco Countv, Oregon, to
wit: The northwest iiiartcr '4) of the northwest
quarter W) of see.tiou two (2), and tlietnotth
enst quarter l) of the northeast quarter Cm).
and tho south half of thu northeast quarter (!!)
of section three (.i), nil in township six (fil south
of range twclvu (W) eait of the Wlllametto Meri
dian lu Wasco County, Oregon, mid containing
onehiiudrcfl and sixty (HO) nercs; or so much
of said prorerty ns will satisfy said Judgment
and decru-, with costs nud iiecrultiK costs.
Said property will bo sold mblect to conlirmn
tion mid redemption as by law provided.
Dated nt The Dalles, Or., this tith day of De
cumber, 1900.
J.V.It Pherlfl' 'aco County, OreRoii.
In the county court of tlio statu ot Oregon, for
the county of Wasco.
In the matter of thu estate of Hcnsoii McCoy,
deceased, cltAtton.
To Mary A. Sternuels, Amanda i:. Mouery,
Surah J. Fowler, Thomas J, McCov, William
McCoy, John K.j McCoy. Nancy M. Powell,
.losetih II, McCoy, and Dennis It, McCoy,
In tr.u name of thu slate of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby cited and required to
nppcarln thu county court of thu statu of Ore
gon, for thu county of Wasco, at thu March term
of said court, at thu court room thereof, itt
Dalles Cltv, in said county, on Monday the lib
dny of Mn'Cli, 1U01, at 'J o clock in tho afternoon
of that clay, then ami there to show cause. If
anv cxlit, why nn order of sale should not lie
mn'dodlreetiiiR Ularissn 1 McCoy, thu adminls
tratiixof the estate of Ileiison .McCoy, tlecunsud,
to sell the real estate-, described as belonging to
said estate, as follows, to-w it: Wl.jofthe NWl,,
in section 'JO, township two (J) south, rait'ju
twelve (l'J) east, W. M., eontaltiing eighty acres
mid situated in Wasco county, Oregon.
Witness thu Hon. lico. C. Illakeley. JucUu of
thu said countv court, with thu seal of said
court uHlxed, this yit day of January, A. 1).
Attesi: A. K. l.AKi:, Clerk,
jil " HyH. HOI.TON, Deputy.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given thut, pursuant to an
execution hsuul on thu Lllth dav of January,
l'JOl, out of thu Circuit Court of the statu of
Oregon, for Wasco county, In unlit in which
Mary T. Strong Is plaint In" and Wilson K.
Winans, Maty Wliians, J. M. Huntington, O. F.
Schowalter, administrator of thu estatu of S. 0.
Krehblcl, deceased, and J. J. Silencer are du
teudauts, to me directed and commanding rnu
to sell thu lands hereinafter described, 1 will,
on Saturday thu'J3il day of February, l'JOl, at the
hour of 'J o'clock p. m., nt thu court house door
In Dalles City, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, tho southwest quarter of thu
southeast quarter, ami t lie northeast quarter of
tho southeast quarter ot section :, township J
north, range 0 enst, W. M., to tntisfy a Judgment
in said cause rendered against slid defendant,
Wilson It. Winnns, for frtis.Oit mid arcrulng
interest, ?tJ.O0 attorney's fees and fJO.OO costs
and disbursements and accruing cots.
JaiiiO Slieilll'of Wasco Count , Or.
Notice Is hereby given th it tho undersigned
has duly filed with thu County Clerk of
County, Oregon, his llual iieeouut and report ns
administrator of the estate of Adolph Agidius,
deceased, and that the Honorable County Court
has fixed Moudiij.tho.Mh day of November, 1IKJ,
nt 10 o'clock a rn. of said day as tho time, ami
the County Court room of thu County Court
home In Dalle.uuty, Wasco County, Oregon, in
thu place for hearing said llual account and re
port. All persons interested lu s lid eslalu aru
hereby uotuicd to appear at tald tlmu nud place
and show cause, tt any iliero be, why said rejiort
should not be uppioved and said uduiinistralor
Dated thisoth day of October, 1W0.
Administrator of the etatuof Adolph Agidius,
decca'td. octii
(Isolated Truct I'nhlic Litid Kalu.)
TJ. &. UVMI) OlFlfi;, T)IK D.O.I.KS. OB.,)
Jauuiiry .', l'.Jl. i
Notice is hereby given that lu pursuance of
Instructions from the Commissioner of the (ion
cm 1 l-and Otllce, under authority vested in him
by suction 'UK, L'. H. Iluv. Stat., a', ameuiled
by thu act of Congress approved February 'JO,
MX, wo will proceed to oiler at public sale on
Monday, thu 'JHli day of February, next, at thu
hour of 11 o'clock u. m., at this olllcu, thu fol
lowing tract ot laud, to-wit:
N WJi N Vt'A So f :, T '- N, It 15 E, W SI.
Any nud all uertons claiming ndvcrtclv the
above-described lands are advised to lllu Ihelr
claims lu this nttico on or heft, ro tliu day abovo
deslgnateil for tho commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rights will bu forfeited.
J.w I1. Ujcak, ItcKlstcr.
JIO-I Otis 1'ATTKiisoN, Iteeelver.
Guardian's Notice of Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to mi
order of sale made by thu County Court of tho
Statu of Oregon for Wasco County, the under
signed, the duly npiiolnted guardian of llaiuia
Fleming, will from mid after thu 7th day of
February, l'JOl, sell at private sulo the following
described real property: lt No. (1 lu block & of
Thompson's Addition to Dalles City, Wan-o
County, Oregon, belonging to tho estate of s-aid
ifaiiuu "lemiug. 'ihu said sale will bo for pish
lu hand paid.
J'J MltS. O. J. MUHHKK, (iiiardlau.
Notice Is hereby given that -thu uuderslgued
has been apolutel by tho comity court of
Wasco county, Oregon, administrator of tho
cstuto of Francis I toss, deceased, All K-rsous
having claims against thu estatu arc hereby re
quired to present tho mine tome, duly verllled,
at thoolllce ot W. II. Wilson, in Dall".s City,
Oregon, within six months from thu date hrrcol.
Dated .November JO, I1W,
uovio Administrator.
Notlro is hereby given that thu undersigned
executor ot the will of Andrew V. Anderson,
deceased, his Hied his llual aofoiint in thu
county court of tho. Statu o Oregon for Wntco
County, ulid said t-oiilt has aiqiolnteil Sloudav,
thu 7lli dav of January, loot, at thu hour or in
o'clock u. in,, as tho tlmu for hearing objections,
thereto and Ibu settlement thereof. All heirs,
creditors and other persona Interented lu said
estate aro tliereforo hereby ruiilred to lllu their
objections- to tald iccouut, If any they have, on
or before tho day set for tho hearing thereof.
Dalles City, Or.. Nov. 10, 1).
nlWt J.V. IIOS'l'KT!.KIt,K.xtcutur
Jinv Stallion, A vouvs old; height 15: hnnds, weight 1050
pounds. Sired by" Zombro, 2:11, the best Hon ol McKm
ney, 2:1 1L
iiw !,! llrlilfsiniiid liv ltoxwond, pun of Nutwotid. .Second dam, Like
i i ,w n .tn ' Ad loi tt " M:'iI. l.v likelnnd'H, hoii of H.unl.letoi,.
S'lS Thirdlim - "f C"k'f H'
EDM UNO S. will mnkc the uciicon of 101)1 nt L. A. l'orter'H livury etnlilc, Tht,
Dalles, Oregon. Terms for tho Soason, $20.
For further imrtimiliira Beu
j.,,3o.d4... FRED FISHER, Proprietor.
R !
, The
Subscribe for The
In all Its etudes there
lioiild bu clcauimciJ.
Ely's Cronni Halm
cleanses roothe.1 and heala
the diaca.'cd ii.cnibrano.
1 1 ciirut tal.irrli and drivei
stray a cold In the head
('ream 1'iilin Is placed Into the nostrils, j
orer tho mcmV.nio and ii .ibsorbcil. ltcllcf la lia
nieclhtoai:d.icurufollow.l. It Is not drying docs
not produce tmclnx. I.-irKo Sle, CO cents at Druy
Klstior by m.111; Trial Size, l'lnla by snail.
l.t.V iXKJTlliJlt.S, 50 Waruii Mrcet, New York.
Itteru of Credit iaaued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight ExclianRo and ToleKraphu
Tranafora eold on New York, Cliiutno,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
on, Seattio Wash,, and varioue iiointrj
in Oregon and Washington.
Collectiona mndo nt all point? on fav
tll trm.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests tho food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing tho exhausted digestive or
gans. It isthc latestdiscovcreddigest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in ctllciency. It in
stantly rclievcsaiirt pormunently cures
Dyspepsiu, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea
Sick Heudachc, Gastralgia Orarnpsand
all other results of I inperfect digestion.
FZ'fS??0, aJJ'1 8,1, sliocontalns 2tf times
Taparod by E a. DoVItt a CO., Chicago
Sold by Clarke & Enlk' 1. O. J'tiariniioy.
Ilonmo I'liiiplr,, ptent
LBWB - r r
a wiffwiVt 7i "hViKKy
rlur h.iti ....
ruei '1,W?'"V.":J!! ' for
on. 'i3
dob Printers.
L. Lane,
Wayon and Cnrrlngo Work.
jjJ, Floh Brothor8' Wnyon.
IS Thil'fl nnrl TofTmnfin Dhnnn UO
illllU IIUU UUllUt'llli 111UIIU IdJ
Anronn serntlni! n sliolrb and diMCrlntlnn nm
nuleniir lucorliiln our opinion free wlietlir it
nveiitliiii Is prolmbly imtentnblo. Comuiiinlrf
t loni nt net Ir 'oniiiluiit Inl. Ilnndbooltoii IMIontt
lent frno. Ol'limt iiiiency fur kecurliiir patanti.'ji.l.i tdken tfirouuli Miln.i i Co. rccelrd
tl(t (dl notice, nltbout chnruo. In thu
ir...jnr. rrm . . . ...
wkwww American
A jimiiljomolj- llliutrntod weelilr. I.nrost clr.
filiation of miy lcntltln Jmirniil. Tiiniis, :i n
I,i".r.!.J'".'r "'"otlis.fl. Huldbyull nowclcnlor.
WUNN & Co.3R,o'oaNew York
Umncb orHcn ia. If if . W,1iIpmioii, 1(. I
Aril tliriOC. U.lm nlnl 1 41.. . .. - . . ..,.
..... ..wu n tin nuni viubiii;n timi iiiw m
lalelii fit, worlunaiiHliip mid fualUy
My line ot sainpleH covers all tho latB"1
duelfiis (or fall and winter, the prlco i
rilit, and I can uuurauteu a porfoct fit.
Suits to Order, $10.00.
John Pashefc, The Tailor.