The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 31, 1901, Image 3

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Hut thft Orlnilln Out nf ftllln Onn on
Alt It Hie Cciutndt Cut Itut Mt
tln PlRtint.
Wo wish to call your attention to the fact that the remaining few days
of (ho sale will see us crowded. Every article in the house is still reduced, as at the
beginning. We haven't so much stuff to show you, hut during inventory we have
dug out some stunning bargains that are worth looking after.
In the DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT there are hundreds of bargains
slaruing at you at every turn you make. The same can be said of the Shoo Depart
ment, during inventory the odd pairs have not been left behind by any means, so
(ho shoe man has lots of odd bargains left at odd prices too and can fit odd feet
to perfection.
In the MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT we have placed on our
counters during this sale a line of Men's and Roys' Sweaters in navy blue, black and
maroon, to bo closed out at 49 cents. See windows.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Flururos
fhe Dslles Daily Chronicle.
JAN. :n, 1901
All Whuch County wnrrntt n"cltrVl
prior to ifitriiilrr I, I Mil?, will lie ilil
mi jirfttrumtion m iiij- fiiurn, inmrr.i I
.ioiin r. ii ami'siii i:i:,
On il n ty TiruKiire r.
The Twentieth Century whiBt club
will mutit with Mrp. Judd Fish tonight.
A. M. Williams & Co'h the place to buy
boy's clothing. Proof positive next
The Cascade LockH school district
levied a tax the other day to build a new
school home.
No new cases of smallpox have ap
peared, and the authorities are hoping
that they have the dieeaso coralled.
Keep your eye on A. M. Williams &
Cj'd ad tomorrow. It will be of inteiest
to yon, if you have a little boy to clothe.
Storey A Co.'a big mw mill at Ca'cade
hocks started up at the beginning of the j
week and cut 51,000 feet of lumber the
first day.
The ladies of the Catholic church will
liavb on eale, at the store of Maler t
Htmton, next Saturday, u choice line of
pies and cakes. td
A meeting of the city fire police is
called for tonight at the chambers, ut
which the chief desires that there shall
be a full attendance.
lake a peep into A, M. Williams A
Cj'm east show window, as you pass hy
in the morning. If you pave a little boy
toc'othe you will be interested.
H.W.Taylor's contract on the guard
walls of the catcade locks will bo com
pleted in a few days. It la reputed to
be a very excellent piece of work.
0. I.. Pnlllipa received today by ex
I'resiacoop of thoroughbred bull' and
brown Leghorn chickens that he will
una to build Up j,i8 present stock
'I'bo United States postal plilulals in
0 ilcago have decided the weighty ques
tion thut it is not an offense under tho
lo write the word "rats" on an en
velop.) mi, Ultt t(, Bll0iier,
Mr. M, Gumbert, our now enterprise
ini: cigar and tobacco merchant, has
'it returned from Portland where he.
'8 spent the last few days selecting
fiock for his grand opening which will
oon take place. Watch this paper for
A fire alarm called out the department
WWit lt evening, but fortunately
" " '-T
ffg served
1 At Andrew Keller's. )
Four More
'their tervices were not needed. The
cause of the alarm was a burning chim-
, ney in the residence of Mrs. Storrs,
near the lower end of Second ptreet.
iTiie fire burned itself out, but did no
. damage.
A number of gold mining claims have
been located recently in the Mitchell
neighborhood, some of them not far
from the town. The quartz ot these
.'claims are principally sulphates, and
'contain enough gold on the surface to
JBt!fy development
The ladies of the Congregational
church gave a very delightful entertain-
laet night to the members of the
1 calendar. There was a large attendance
'and the very excellent musical and lit
1 orary progiain was greatly enjoyed and
j appreciated by the guests.' Following
the program came a bountiful supply of
sandwiches, coffee and cake. The meet
ing broke up about 11 o'clock.
The Shaniko Leader quotes an ex
perienced mining man to the effect
that there is a very good prospect for a
gold mine at Moro and that a discovery
made by Leon Moore will turn out a bo
nanza. Two shafts some 20 feet deep
have been sunk, bringing to view a large
body of mineral ore. The rock is im
pregnated with free gold, visible to the
naked eye, which leaves no doubt as to
its richuees.
Officer Like laet night arrested three
young fellows in an opium joint on First j
street, where they were "hitting the
pipe." The officer has had his eye on
the joint for some time; hut had hither
to failed to find any one in the act of
smoking opium, The young lellows
claim linker Citv as their home, but
likely enough they are from anywhere
else. They were still in jail this after
noon awaiting trial. ,v
The Dalles scouring mills bought yen
terday 20,000 pounds of Washington
wool from John Jacket, ot Klickitat
county, paying ten cents a pound. Thle
niav or mav not no annve ttie marKet
price for Mr. Jacket's class of wool, but,
however that may he, it is all Mr.
Jacket could have gotten for It last fall
when he held it at eleven cents. This
Is the first sale of wool (hat has taken
place here for months, notwithstanding
the constant presence of buyers and the
fact that the warehouses Mill hold about
three and a half million pounds of nil
sold woo).
Linn county Is making the move for
i an Income lax in Oregon, nillH to that
end having bent Introduced in the house
by Moutagiiu, anil in tlm nenato by
Clem. It Ih provided that after Maict
1, 1002, them shall be "assessed, levied,
collected and paid annually upon the
gains, profits und income received In the
preceding calendar year by every leei
dent of the state of Oregon, a tax of two
per centum above the sum of $4000.
And a similar tax shall bu levied upon
every business, trade, profession or lo
cation within the state of Oregon by
perilous or corporations residing wlthou
the state of Oregon. It shall be the
duty of persona or corporations having
an annual income of more than $.'1,500 to
make return thereof before March 31st
of each year. Penalties for failure to
make returns are prescribed. Certain
religious and fraternal associations and
officers are exempted and the salaries of
congressional, state and county officers.
This hill Pl.'P.iriN til linvn tln iiiilnrsninimt
of the grange, and is said to have been y
framed largely by Judge U. P. Boise. Mui-hlim Kill.
Senator Proebstel's nickel-in-the-Blot
machine bill piohibits the operation of
the machines, instead of licensing them,
as has been reported, The essential
features nf the hill are as follows :
"Any person who shall conduct, etc.,
or who shall play or use any nickel-in-the
slot machine or other device of like
character wherein there enters any
element of chance, whether the same
be played for money, checks, credits or
any other thing of value, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
shall be punished by a fine of not less
than if 10 nor more than $100, and shall
be imprisoned one day for each $2 of the
fine not paid.
"In all prosecutions for conducting
any slot machine, proof of the possession
of such machine or of permitting the
same to remain in any public place
owned or controlled nv tun person so
proeecuted, convenient for use, shall bo
prima facie evidence at'simst such per
son of violation of this act. One-half
of every fine collected shall no to the
private prosecutor and the other half to
the county."
Tim Iti'uxoii.
The reason o' that world-wide feeling
of personal esteem for Victoria was
stated by Tennyson
Her court was pure, her life serene;
God gave her peace,' her land reposed;
A thousand claims to reverence closed
In her as mother, wife and queen.
H. I. Units, tv prosperous Wasco conn-
rv farmer, was in town today Irom
A. A. Bonney, stock inspector of
IWiisco county, is registered at the Unia-
liia House.
For Infants aud Children.
Tho Kind Ynii Hava A tuauc Hnilffhl ,
Ill rtiiin ww iimiv ninuju
Boars the SVTv'-JlT i
filuuaturo of Cmj-fV jJt'Sj'JisAZ ,
The merited reputation for curing
piles, sores and skin diseases acquired
by DoWlll'fl Witch Ha.el Salve, has
led to the making of worthless counter
felts, lie sure to get only DeWitt's
Salvo. Clarke & Falk's P. O, Pharmacy. '
Subscribe for Tiif Ciino.sici.ii,
Special to Tub Ciiito.sicLic
Salkm, Jan. .11. The voto (or eenator
is today exactly the same ftB It was
Tuesday, and the situation, therefore,
remains unchanged.
The parcel's post memorial to congress
was this morning withdrawn.
The state releases title to a portion of
Wilson avenue tj government use for
the Salem public building.
The Southern Pacific liaH issued an
nual passes to the members of both
houses, which is taken to menn that the
railroad companies are getting nervous
over the proposed legislation making
them liable for injuries received by their
employes through the f.iult of other em
ployes. The house passed a bill reimbursing
the Second Oregon Volunteerp in the
matter of clothing during ttie Spanish
American war. The bill carries an ap
propriation of $12,000.
The barbers' Sunday closing bill
passed the house. '
The senate passed a measure provid
ing that warehouse men be required to
make monthly reports of their business
Both houses (pent most of the morn
ing on the third rending and passage of
bills, and after voting in joint ballot, ad
journed till 2:30 p
How Ills Illaleit G'linnccil.
He was a medical man and had been
introdnced into our club as a temporary
honorary member. Truth to tell, we
were rather glad to "got hold of him at
the time. Fishing stories were begin
ning to pall, and the reiterated tales of
heroic rescues at the seashore had long
since ceased to interest. So we welcomed
the Btranger, who was a brilliant con
versationalist and spinner ofyarns.
Ho reserved his final effort for th eve
of his departure. To do him justice, he
had not up to the present drawn much
on his imagination, thongh now and
then his anecdotes would savor of the
romantic. This evening, however, ho
teemed to be in fine form, and he rattled
fF story after storv with great nerve.
Just ns the party was about to break
up he commenced rather dreamily :
"Oh, there's one incident, which oc
curred at Pretoria, which I had almost
forgotten, but which, I think, might in
terest you. It was really the most re
markable operation I ever saw."
We all drew our chairs closer and
pushed the whiskey round.
"In a skirmish an Irishman, whose
regiment I forget, was riddled with dum
dums. His name was Patrick O'flara,
and he was one of the best men in the
corps. Ho died like a hero, and was
carried to the rear. I liappenod to see
the body as it was carried1 past me, and
remarked on the fine physique of the
"Not long afterward I was in the thick
of the fight in which were also engaged
a body of Highlanders. One of the men
I knew, and called out a few cheery
words to him us I passed by.
" Kb, dochtnr,' ho replied, 'but we'll
pound the deils before moonlicht,' and
he rustled on with a bravery which
overy one knows the Scotch possess.
"I thought no more of him until 1
cimo back, when, to my sorrow, I found
my old friend, Angus McTavlsh for
that was his name -on a stretcher, with
his upper lip clean blown oil' by one of
the guns of the enemy. He was a horri
ble sight, anil I was more than concerned
what to do for him. Suddenly a thought
struck me, which I immediately carried
into effcet.
"I found the body of Patrick O'Hara,
which was was still warm, and, givim
MnTavish an anesthetic, ! sliced the top
lip oil' Patrick and stitched it under the 1
nose of MnTavish. Tim operation was
perfect, though you may think mu con-1
celled in saying so.
l iciujiu. nub iiiiviuu ecdii tTjuiiiiaii
since the operation. One day I came
imiwr htm mil w is .LOiohiiul in flt. lilm
auross hlni and ted to seeh in
looking so well. Kvldontly he was quite
convalescent, I stopped him and said,
. 'Well, AiiKiis, how goes it, my man?'
K n .iBtoi.lshii ii nt lie ie lie , in
the richest, brogue, 'Heeorra, docthor,
' 8li '"'Bin " ' i myiiu nit-
ftlllt "
"Yo" eo" ,m) ,,ult of t" "l bHiii(
I transplanted bad transferred the accent
.also, and"
transplanted bad transferred the accent
lint there was a weary look on tin.
, faces of all the members as they silently
walked out of the club ami pondered on
the t-flects a hot climate must assuredly
have on the imagination of even a'
' medico,
Country butter -10 cents per roll at
Maler it Hen ton's. l'.'j-lw
We do
Steam, hot water
mad and
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing; and tin shop, u1o a ma
chine repair shop in connection with our hnrdware
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not bo undersold by
any one. Our prices are right.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First
Phone 234,
E. FALT & CO., X
Proprietors Commereial SampIe H00m3.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of tho City. C
Phones: 51 Local,
858 l.oni; Distance
Notice is hereby uiven that the said
SMuiiit L'ti.l Inliw lilattiLiCi J-Ml TtViXltfr
vutlia imcii,. una uri-ii uincui cu . um
that said iiusineea is still owned am
eotulucted by said Chew kee Co., and
, u.ut8il,(, ()rm w UQt bo rt,9()0nsi,)le
( f()r ny (otfl or transactions contracted
by tho so called successors Wont: Ken,
husinesH is still owned
Wong Chaen, Woiil' an, Ln Guien,
,,toroat wllUuvor ln BuI( mtnma 0f the
, ninm- Km. c.n sI.wh i-'th d.v nf
January, nmi.
Diteil Dalles City, Or., Jan.:'.), 1001.
Ciiuw Kl.'K Co.
Nutltw to Vow (Iwiior.
Notitw to w inm.
nu IWlU. n( ti., .n i , int,rii..iu.i
i to ullforiM the u .w ordlnanua and on and
,,itHr MoimIav. tl. 'JSih .Iimimrv int.
, rt eowfl ((jmilj ,,,iig at laie in tlie
I uilVi at atiy t10iir of dav or niuht. will ho
Impounded. T. J. Duivnii,
L'rij.-H Marshal.
You will not have boils if vou take
Clarke A Falk's sura cure tor boils,
and furnace heating.
iJd or new
taken for heating
National Bank.
173 Second Street.
Don't you know that Cocoauut Cieam
Hair Tonic will savo your and your
.1 !M... I I f fk t. " . v
shop, sole agent.
KHinember that yon don't have to Im
bald ; yon can keen youi hair by usim;
Cocoauut Cream Hair Tonic. To bo
bad at Frazer'a barber shop. tf
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tunic will cure
dandruu" aud all sc.ilp diseases. Don't
neglect your hair. Kor s.ile at Frazer's
barber shop, solo acent. tf
Complete life of Queen Victoria. Heat
' l,ook- 'lo3t terma. Outfit mailed on
receipt of 15 cents
Address S. 0. .Mill
er & Co,, Portland, Or. tu thur-sat dt
For sprains, swelling's and lameness
there is nothing so good iu Chamberlain's
Pain Halm. Try it. For sale by Hlaku
ley, the dnu'niHt,
A full line of Kantman rilnia and aup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk,