The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY JAN. 31, 1901 If the Philippines be considered "part ot the United States," and coming under the constitutional provision that "all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throutih out the United States," there would at once be precipitated, in conse quence of this doctrine, the same kind of a violation of the constitu tion as is now charged up agaiust the doctrine that the Philippines arc owned by the United States and are not a "part" thereof. For Spain would be entering goods in Philip pine ports free of duty, while paying duties on goods entered at all other United States ports. This would be a plain violation of the constitution al requirement of uniformity in duties, imposts and excises. So it will be seen that the "constitution follows the flag" contingent are making an unskillful jump from the frying-pan into the fire. QOINQ EAST- If you Intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad iu every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Fulls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt.. Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Crank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. The Corbett forces are justified in maintaining their position to the end. Baker City Democrat. AH the same, for instance, as they did in 1897 when they were in a hopeless minority. And, as it is a poor rule that won't work both ways, the anti Corbett forces are now justified in fighting the old man to the last ditch. Better a thousand times have no body at all than the man whose money established the Kldridgc Block harem and its concomitant infamies in 1897. "We are reliably informed that "Mr. Corbett feels very sensstive over the use that was made of his money in the hold-up of 1897." We should think he would be; but his sensativeness comes too late to be effective. Corbett is in the condi tion of the eminent personage spoken of in the well-known couplet: "When the devil was eick the devil a monk would be; When the devil was well the devil a monk was he." The Sbaniko Leader has no busi ness to say the Dalles "papers" have "called the originators of the annex ation proposition by the endearing name of 'schemers.' " This paper has never applied, nor thought of applying, any such term in that con nection ; nor treated the subject or its promoters with anything but courtesy. "Why He Has Friends," is the title of a Telegram editorial ex plaining Mr. Corbett's popularity. The Telegram might very appropri ately have summarized the situation in four words: Because he has money. Baker City Democrat. What a rattling of dry bones there'll be when Harvey Scott hits Henry Corbett's golden toboggan! Meanwhile, however, Henry con tinues to pave the way. Baker Democrat. A bill to stop "treating" has been introduced in the legislature. If it passes it will work a hardship on those fellows who never refuse a drink or pay a cent, says the Baker Democrat. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artiet's brusbee, Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your w er for them. Lost A diamond sunburst brooch. A reward will be paid for its return to this office. Slj-tf Lost Black eilk fob ribbon, with red cacaeo charm. Leave at this office and get reward. j'22-lw Found A bunch of keys, which the owner can find at this office by paying for this notice. j22-2t Found A purse, which the owner can have by calling at this office and paying for this notice, 23-4 1 Wanted A place to do light house work and plain coukiug by a young woman. Apply at Mrs. Brittaiu's. 2t For fashionable dressmaking and plain sewing, call and see Mrs. S. E. Hender son, 303 Third street, in Mrs. Eddon's home. jit lm The 0. K. barber shop is now running three chairs with three firat- cl38 barbers. Patrons of the shop will thus be assured of quick attention and prompt ond satisfactory eervice. J. R. Reea, proprietor. j2S 2w Mrs. Hattie Morris, etyliah dress making Keister-Taylor equare, taught as in St. Louis and Chicago. All the latest patterns. Above Pease & Mays' store. j23-2w Clearance sale of winter millinery at the Campbell & Wilson Millinery Par lore. Trimmed hats, Btreet hate, and babv bonnetB at coet. j" lm Don't Hub It Ik, Just wet the affected part freely with MyBterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Hamilton Brown's "Good as Gold" ehoe for men and boys are the best wearing shoeB in the world. Nos. 12 to 2, $1.05; 2K. to 5JU, $1 85; G to 10, 2.25. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's eun tiroof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Fa!k, agents. ml RC3H rcto. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please remember that we carry a full line of LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxeB for Christtrns trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forget that we urn head quarters fur the best on earth. Name LOWNEY settles it. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. i C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, V Hoots, Shoes. Hats, Pups. Notions. Agt. (or W. L. Douglas Shoe. Telephone No. S8. 134 Second Bt Tbc Dalles, Or, A OREGON Shoip Line AMD Union Pacific DSl'AKT KOI! ClllCHRO- 1'ortllitlU TIME SCHKDULKS FUOM THE DAl.l.KS. .Special. U!:2.i p. m. Suit -Lake, Denver. Ft. Worth, Onmhn, Kim-KHhCity.St.liuls.Ohl- vih mini- cngoumi me i.asi. lngton. VxmtiS Snlt L,,kc- ltenver. Ft. r'-SOR in I Worth, Omaha, Kmi- vii. limit. 1 i.oui,,jiii lngton. eago nml the Kust. St. l'aul Vulla Wnlla, Lcuiston. Fast Mail, i spoUniie.Wnllacu.rull '.:U.) p. in. man, Minneapolis, St. via Spo- l'aul, Duluth, Milwnu- kime. kee, Chicago and Kast. akrivi: FROM 1 :C." p. in. I :loa. in. :i;;:i) a. in. OCEAN AND EIVER SCHEDULE From 1'ortlniKl. 8:00 p. m. I (All sailing dates snb- ject to change ) For San 1'riinehco, , Sail every .' days. l:0U . in, Dally except Sunday. MlXl p. in. saiurusy, ll)UK) p. in. Daily except Sunday, r,:0nn. m. Tuoday, l niirsuiiy, Saturday, ti:C0a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:U0 ii. in. 1-oave Klparla dally, ::: lu u. m. Culumlilu Klrnr. To Astoria and Way-Landing. Willamette Klver. : Oregon City, Neivuerg, Snlem, Independence, ' and t iiy-Uint'ilU!!. 1: 00 o. in. except Sunday. ft Complete Cipe of Drus at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. i:) p. in. except Sunday. Ciirvullis and Wiiy-l-nmllngv l:::o p. m. .Monday, Wednedi'.y Friday. WlllnmettH ntiil :!::'.( p. in. Vllliililll KlvnrH. 4 Mouduy, Oregon City, Dayton and Wwl'u?!"'' Wav-Ijiiidliitfs. 1 Frldnj. Snuke Hirer. 1 Leave lA-nlston Ktpiirla to Lewiston. Sico'ii'.'iu! Parties Jeslrlnc 10 co to Hcnnner or points on Columbia Southern via lliggs, should tae No. 2, leaving The Dalles at li!:40 p. m. making direct connections at Hcppucr junction and Biggs. .Returning niii'Kiugdirectcotiiiccttoii at Heppuer Junction and lllggs with No. 1, ar riving at The Dalles at 1:0,") p. m. For turther particulars, call on or address J AS. IUEI.A.N1), Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Jast "What You octant New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stuck. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAU ROL'TE FItOM I'OKTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIUECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- STONE I'AKK. leavk. union Kjot, Fifth anil sis akrivk. No. 2. No. Chicken Lice Conpreil. USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The most ctllclent Wood Preserving 1'nint also a Itadlcul Itemed)' against Chicken Lice, Its application to In side walls of poultry houses will per manently exterminate nil lice. He suits healthy chickens, plenty ot eirgs. tt rite lor circulars and prices. jieuuuii nun puiivr. Fast mail for Tacoma, Seattle, Olymplii, Gray's liuruor ana boutn Jiena 'points, Spokane, Koss- laud, B. C, I'ulliiiun,' , Moscow, Leuistou, Bill-' 11:15 A. M.I falollump mining coun- 5;S0 I', M. try, Helena, Minneuiio-I 'lis, St. Paul, Omunu, Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicago and all points1 No. I. , east and southeast. I'tiget bound Express i 11;30 I. M. (or Tacoma and Seattle' T;00 A. M. and intermediate points No. 3. Pullman llrst-class and tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points without change. Vestlbuled trains. Union depot connections In all principal cities. llaggage checked to destination of tickets. For fiandsomelv Ulustiateddcscrlntive mutter. tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or I write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 'iV, Morrl sou Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon. p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Lanolin. 'Phone 157 J. 6. SCHBNCK, President. Max A. VoiiT. Cusblei SOUTH and EAST via soutnern Pacific Do Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations ut 4 ; u. m. and Z p. in. Leavo Portland " Albany Arrive Ashland ... i bacramento . i Jos, T. Peters & Co., TlIK DALL.KN, OltKOON, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offick at Tim Dali.ks, Ot.,1 December 17, liWO. I Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler bus tiled notlco of his Intention to make Dual proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo madebeforo the register and receiver of the II. H. laud olllco at The Dalles, Or,, on Saturday, January 'JO, 1K01, viz: Frucl A, OhrUt, of The Dalles, Oregon, II. E. No. -tC'G, for the lot'J.HWK HK4 and H4 NWJ.i Beo. 3.T1 K VI E., VV. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultlvaiion of said laud, vie: J. It. Hall, D. D. Nelson, Chin. Gibson, Alex l-razer, nil of The Dalles, Oregon. declH MY P, LUCAS, ItegUtec. " Sun Kruncitco . 8:30 a m 7:00 pm .12:30 a m lOiSOpin .12:3!(nm ll:0am . fiioupm l;.'t'iam . 7:4.1 j in b :15 am Arrive Ogdoi; " Denver " Kansas City. 11 Chicago . . , . .1:15 a m . U:U0 a m 7:26 u m 7:15 a in Arrive Los Angeles 1 i'JO p m ' Kl Paso 0:00 p m 11 Port Worth ii;;W a ru " City of Mexico ii:,V a in " Houston 4:00 a m " New Orleans iilnin 11 Washington H:lJiim " New York U;i:ipm UM5am J:00u in 7:,.,5ftm U:::u u in 7:00 am r,:00pm ;0um U:.Vain l:oo u in fi:as p in li'limn l'J'43plii Pullman nnd Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Hacrumcuto to Ogden and El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Or leans and Washington, Connecting at Sun Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America, Bee agent at The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Geueral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BuBineaa transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Ran Francisco and Port land. DIRKOTOHS. D. P. Tbohpboh. Jno. 8. Bcbinck, Ed. M. Williams, Gso. A. Likbk. H. M. Bkatx. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Hoseshoer. All kinds of blacksinithing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in flrst-claee shape, Give him a call, Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. mm Restaurant L, V. Hone, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Kespeet JUE.ILH AT ALL HOIJKH. Oysters Served in any Style. IT Second Bt., The Dalles, Or. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAV. COMPANY J Bteamer ol the RcKtilator Lino will run as rr the fol-j oh. ok sehcdule. tho Company reservliiR tho rlfiht to change 'J sdiedule without notlro. 3 Str. Rogulator powN. Lv. Dalles nt i A. M. Tuesday. . ., Thursday .... Saturday. . . Arr. Portland tit-i::) r. m. nr. Lv. Portland in 7 A. M. . Monday . Wednesday . .Friday Arr. Dulles a D l'. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. UOWN Lv. Dnl lex nt 7 A. M. Monday WcflneHduy . , l'rlday Arr. Portlond , at 4 M) r. M. ur. Ia . Portland at 7:00 a. h. .... Tuewluy . . ThiirHdiiy . . .Saturday Arr. Dallen lit r I'. M. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steamem nl the IteRUlatur Line. Tho Company will endeavor to rIvo Uh jmt- M lr ,!, tin; tot hoivlw possible. Kor lurther Informtitlon iiddreaK J Portlund Olttce, OaU-Streut Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Aert. rtTtt.tiYi"""'n''"TJIL,-tIJ--k,J-1'"-"-'"' ' ------- ..w.w I, um Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothine, HootB and Shoes', at much lest than wholenalo price?. Will eell in bulk or in lotf, or any way to suit purchaflerB. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All pondp will lie micrificod except Thoiiinon't Glove-fittinc Corpt'ts nnd Butterick Patterns. Your priceB will be mine. Cull early and M-cure J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. bargains. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, oPmu'l feed Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr 1 l'e '"nr lf manu'aetured exprepaly for family une : vtv Hack is ciiurmiteitd to i:ive Batialaction, Wti Bell our food b lowor tliuu any houne in ttio trade, and if you don't tlunk bo call and get our prices uud be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall & Burget UNDERTAKE. tP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. fiobes, BuriaSh Ete. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. THE CELEBRATED .. MUlViM BEEWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. UeI.?BtlZr,'rn!nt t'l"w,'-k'o ii brewery the United States Health the fab 8l",B,ior ew never entered n f i lin o i? t i . . 1 8 Un,t"ll1f5ttV Health reports. It is absolutely devoid ?1 5 iZ uS,d ni ?,du'lw,0. "' the other hand ia cWponed ol tne nest ol malt and choicest of hops. Its ton c iiuulltinH nr ol ih liiih. thi cfrta ,.tv ?h . U?'..lit,"tl0"Hly 1,8 PrM y the physlcfana with Xlb rhe foiS"hut,0r',),,n,r or I'oleBome beverage could not East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. i A TIRED MEN. If yon are the unfortunate victim of lack of nerve you know it, um) it, would beueeleHs to detail the syniP Inina In vnu Vnn .1. . . i...,nln 'A ex"Bl PillB fuenerate and build up the system of U' t red man, and ulve the proper functional actions to H ki tllllfltull.a.ii tl.. ll .. II r ..i .JiuniiF. ou uie Kinu ol a man vou out to te yes, be a man I Price, l per box buy of your druj gut or sunt by mull on receipt of price, iu plain wraper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Ft. Wayne, Ind. M. 'A Donuell, Ajcent, The Dalles.