An Astonishing But True Story " My home is in Sidney, Ohio. I have been nearer death with consumption than auv other living person in the world, and I want you to read this, so you can tclf others. I took a severe cold and neglected it, 1 grew worse all the time, and at the end of two years I had run into consumption. I coughed terribly, lost llcsh, could not sleep, and became so dreadfully weak that I had to take to bed. In the following eighteen months I gradually reached the last stages ot" consumption. No less than seven physicians treated me and all gave me up saying I was in curable. I was absolutely helpless. The whole fnm ily wore themselves out caring for me. One day mother and sister came to mv bedside, and said r-j I had but a day or two more to live. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they sobbed the news. The doctors had declared I was in the last stage, and no human being could save me. I was willing to die, but before going to the cruel grave, I wanted to go out and see my dearly beloved town of Sidney once more. They told me such a thing was impossible that I would surely die before I got back. But I insisted, and to gratify my dying wish, a carriage was fitted up with a bed of pillows, and to this I was carried and slowly driven around Court House Square. I got home more dead than alive. Through the mercy of Provi dence, someone brought a trial bottle of medicine said to be a consumption cure. No one imagined for an instant it was worth trying. But as a drowning person grasps at a straw, so I tried this medicine. I was better after taking two doses. Mother got more of the medicine and I took it. improving all the time. Today I am as well as any reader of this paper, and the medicine that cured mo was Acker's English Remedy for Consumption. I declare before God and man that ever word here printed is true." This remarkable testimonial, on file in the office of Messrs. W. H. Hooker & Co., New York, proprietors of Dr. Acker's Celebrated English Remedy, is vouched for by them, as well as by prominent druceists of Sidney, Ohio. Acker's KnsUsli KtMneilyls sold by all drnscnts under a jwsltivp ctiamnti Unit your money will lie re funded In case uf (allure, iic, 500. and SI a bottle In t. S. mid Canada. lu Lnsland Is. :d.. Ss. Oil., and U. Cd- For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. LEGISLATIVE HAPPENINGS The Festive Tiuuliatotie Alan A.kft Pro tection rarcM'x 1'nst UIU Killed The DalleM I'ortage n I'.lc Dnttnrtaktns. have conn to Washington from this Special correspondence 8tate Tj)e meaanre undoubtedly is be- The following named members of the),np pushed through our national body honee have placed themselves on record! 0f lawmakers bv the larire eitv depart- in matters pertaining to the prohibition of the Baieoi intoxicants at the state fair grounds during the session of the Ore gon state fair. Thev are Allen, Black, Dresser, Eddy, Hawkins, Hume, In-, gram, Kruse, McQueen, Merrill, Mon- j tague, Nottingham, Smith, of Multno-1 uiah, Talb-jrt, Thompson, of Multno-! mah, Vincent, Watson, Whitney and Speaker Recder. The vote was taken on the measure providing for the licensing of saloons on the fair grounds by the state board of agriculture. The bill passed, however, by thn votes nf the re maining members, Stewart and Edson being absent. The senatorial situation on Tuesday is unchanged. Th vote taken does not show the least sign or incident by which an inkling can be found pertaining to future action relative to this matter. It is thought, however, that Corbett and his followers will endeavor to prevent the election of any other candidate, and the chances are good for the senatorial light to continue until the end of the session. However, it is believed that linall y a senator will be elected and that it will not be Corbett. A number of staunch republicans, who nre qualified to represent Oregon in the upper houHe of congress, are available for the posi tion, and it is known that many who now Hipport McBride, Hermann nnd Corbett will, afponie future date, agree on some suitable candidate for the place. Otto Schumann i a member of the lower house in the Oregon legislature; lie is alFO a grave-stono dealer in Port land, and cuts inscriptions on monu ments in two languages. In the pursuit of his chosen vocation he sometimes fur- nishes the stone, labor and necessary time used in placing memorial tributes over the last resting places of the de parted and receives: no pay for his ex pense, outlay and good intentions. To correct this evil the gentlemau from Multnomah has introduced a measure providing for a lien to be taken upon such murking stones for sums equal to the amount for which they were con tracted by those ordering them. In the practical, every-day usage of such a law, many pieces of rnouuiuental work would be removed from the grave for purchase money not paid. A local cartoonist grasped the idea and furnished a good likeness of Mr. Schumann, using the general view of a cemetery ub a back ground. In this view drays and men were employed in removing headstones for money due, even though widows nnd friends besought with tears that the slabs ba not taken away. A measuie, which ie interesting sev eral members to a great degree, ie that pertaining to the portage railway at the dalles. Whils everyone understands the necessities of the occan'on ami the great number of residents of tlm state to be benefited by such a railway, it seems a large undertaking for the state to lu tein pt tat thu present time. Howover, some action will undoubtedly be taken Hi regard to this matter during the pres ent session. The parcel's post bill, now pending in congress, is a measure which iu actual practice would ruin the small country : .retail dealer, yet a memorial to congress : praying for its passage nlmost passed both houee3 of the Orecon leeislature. Had it not been for the effortB of certain newspaper representatives, who recog nized the injurious nature of the bill, audi a memorial would undoubtedly ment stores of the country, which al ready are a menace to the retail stores in our smaller towns and villages. How ever, the memorial wns practically killed yesterday in the house, when Heitkem per gave notice that he would call for a re-consideration of the measure todav. A Life AnU Death Fight. Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la., ! writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, says : "Exposure after meas les induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages nnd coughed night arid day. All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. Kind's New Discovery lor Consumption, which com pletely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Regular size 50c und $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley Drag Store 4 This season there is a large deatb rate among children from croup and lung troubles. Prompt action will save the little ones from thesti terrible diseases. We know of nothing so certain to give instant relief as One Minute Cough Cure. It can also be relied upon iu grippe and all throat and lung troubles nf adults. Pleasant to take. Clarke & Falk's Pharmacy. Pepsin preparations olteu fail to re lieve indigestion because they can digest only albuminous foods. There le one preparation that digests all classes of food, Hnd that is Kudnl Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the worst cases of indigestion and gives instant relief, for it digests what you eat. Clarke & Falk P. O. Pharmacy. FOR SALE. 2,500 acres of deeded land in upper Hood river valley, finely adupted for a stock farm or sheep ranch, with large open range adjoining, at $1 75 an acre. Adjoining above is a tract of 1800 acres of government land, which can be huttm steaded or eeripied. Inquire nf b. N CTAliK, j30-lmw The Dulles, Or, Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints wiieu you can buy James IS Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. ml The Appetite or a Gout Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver uie out of order. All such should kuow that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful stomach nnd liver remedy, gives a splendid ttpputito, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health mid great energy. Only L'5 cent tit the Blakeley drug store. .( Sink rJeaduehe abeoiutely nnd perma nently cured by using Muki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cured rinifiilimtion and indigestion, woken y.iu .-at, nleep Hlld happy. Satisfaction Vuur.witfeil or money back. Wets. undSOcts. Blakeley, the druggist. Such little pills us DeWitts Little Early Itinera are very easily taken, und they are wonderfully effective in cleans ing the liver and bowels. Clarke & Falk P. O. Pharmacy. DRUGLESS HEALING With Oxygenor Company's Perfected Oxygenor King. It is not a battery. It ie not electricity. It cures with the oxy gen of the air, without doctors, without drugs, without medicine. The greatest boon to mankind over discovered. It stands without it rival as a curative ngent and possesses complete mastery over all curable diseases without em ploying nauseous or poisonous drugs Description, theory, method of operation, list of diseases for which it is recoiii mended, etc., furnished free. Call on or address. J. M. Fru.oox, The Dolles, Or. 'Phone No. 39!). j',l-2wd-wlm Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is one Mi mite Cough Cure. It Is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and nil lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. When threatened by pneumonia or any other lung trouble, prompt relief is necessary, us it is dangerous to delay. We would suggest that One Minute Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica tions of having taken cold are noticed. It cures quickly and Hb early use pre vents consumption. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. The most soothing, healing and anti septic application ever devised !b De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves at once and cures piles, sores, eczema and skin diseases. Beware of imita tions, Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacv. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday, Don't forget this. Subscribe for The Ciiiionioi.i:. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhcro to the mombrauo aud docom poso, causing a far moro serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, EiuokcG and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in tiio head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists soil tho 50c. size. Ely Brothers, CO "Warren St., N.Y. Tito Balm cures without pain, docs not irritate or causo sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated aud angry surface, reliev ing immediately the pniuful inflammation. "With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh aud Hay Fever. Notice ! All persons indebted to the late firm of E. .1. COLLINS & CO., and S. L. BROOKS, uro requested to call nnd settle up on or before Murch 1st next without faP. s, L. BROOKS. Look Here! All the Groceries, Hardware and Tin ware win ne uispoaeu OI ov the 1st o March, aE the buildini! will bo occupied uv other parties. b. L. BItOOKS. janlC-mchl S E r E D The most complete stock of Garden, GraHS, Field and Vegetable Seeda in bulk in the Inland Em pire at the Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS, THE DALLES. OR. E E SEED s me coiumDia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOKACTUKKH8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON ORIF.D BEKF, ETC. Administrator's Notice. Notice U hereby Klvtn that tho undersigned bus ; been duly appointed by the County Court of W iuco County. OrcKon. administrator of (ho estate of 1. 1. Hharn. floeiiwi ah haying claims against the tntato uro hereby ro. quired to prohent the name to ine, duly verified, I tho date hereof. Dated Januury l'J. 1W0. JI3 W. II. bllAltl'.AilmlnUtmtor, WMlMMJE 8hortcnB m H helps the team. Saves wear nnd E e::pcusc. Sold every where. Jfg SBL standard oil co. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of OroROti for Wneo County. Jofcph I'Miitiet, I'lnlntlir, Vs. F. X. 1'iiqliet and O. I I'aiilict, Defendants. lly virtue of nn nttiichment, execution, decree biiiI order olmilc, duly Issued out ol und under the nenl of the Circuit Court ol tho .Slate nf OtCKiui, for the County of Multnomah, to me directed and dated the '.'till dy of November, 1WO, Upon a judgment rendered aud entered i it mill Cniirt fill the MTtti ilav nf .lalllliirv. 1S'J7. Ill the above entitled ciiui-o. 'in favoi of the I'hdn- till and acalit the defendant).. K X 1'iimiet and O. I.. I'iKtuet, as Jmlcmcnt debtors, In the mm of four hundred (JIWJ dollars, with inteiest increnn irom tiicouiii nay oi m'iuciuikt, ivi, "i the rate of elRht tier rent per annum, and the i tlii-renti nt nlv tn.r wiit tier milium frniii the "Till dayol .iiiuuiirv, IU)7, mid mo lurtner sum oi and upon this writ, .and command Inn me to iniriy-oiiu (.ii) nonius, ensis, nun mi- eui- m imiKU sine o! mo real nroieriy ncreiiimicr nc- crnieo, i win, on .Mouuny, rciinnirj , mi, iwi, at the hour of s! o'clock In the nlteriincn of s'lld day, and at the front door of the county court homo ill Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore con, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash iu hand, all the rlRht, title and Interest which the defendants, K. .K. liquet and O. 1.. l'aquct. or cither of them, hud on tho 117th day of January, 1S'."7, the date of the ludKinunt, or which such defendants, or any of the defend ants herein, have since acquired, or now have In and to the followlnc dcscrllied real property, situate and being iu W asco Countv, Oregon, to. wit: The northwest quarter !'.,) of the northwest quarter (H) of section two (.'), and thel north east quarter ).,') of the northeast quarter C), and the nouth half of the northeast quarter (U) of section three pi), all in township six (ill south of range twelve (1'J) cast of the Willamette Meri dian iu Wasco County, Orecon, aud containing one hundred and sixtv (lriO) acres, or so much of said prorcrty as will satisfy said Judgment and decro-, with cost and accruing costs. Said property will be sold Mihicct to coullrma tlnn and redemption as by law provided. Dated at The Dalles, Or., this lith day of De cember, 1000. UOilEUT Kiai.Y, j.V,"it 8herifl Wasco County, Oregon. Citation. lu the county court of tlie stale of Orepon, for the county of Wasco. In the matter of the estate of Henson McCoy, deceased, citation. To Mary A. Stennvcis, Amand V.. Mouery, Harah J. Kowler, Thonnis .1. McCov, WHIItim McCoy, John U.j McCoy, Nancy M 1'mvell, Jnciili II. McCoy, and liennls 11. McCoy, KR'CtltlS. In trie name of the stale of Oregon, you ami each of you are hereby cltid ami required to appear In the county court of the stiUe of Ore Ron, for the county of Wasco, nt the Marcli term of said court, at the court room thereof, at Dalles City, iu said county, on Monday the It li day of Maicli, Und, nt '.' o clock iu the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an order of sulo should not lie inudedlrectliiK Clarissa F. McCoy, the adminis tratrix of the estate of Ilenson McCoy, deceased, to sell the real e-date, dc-crlhcd as lclotie;lm; to said estate, as follows, to-wlt W'a of the N W',4, In section '-V, township two (J) ninth, rnncc twelve (li) east, W. M., cnntiilninK eiclity acres and situated lu Wasco countv, Oresou. Witness the Hon. (Ico. C. Ilbikeley. JuiU;c of the said county court, with the seal of said court atltxed, this !lst day of January, A. 1). 11HH. sn.w.1 Attest: A. i:. I.AKi:, Clerk, jii Hy S. HOI.TON, Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is hereby given that, pursuant to an execution Usui d ou the 21th dav of January, 1MI, out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, lu a nilt .in which Mary T. Htrong Is plaintlll' and Wilson It. Wlnans, Mary Wlnaua, J. M. Huntington. O. F. Schowulter, administrator of the estate of H. 0. Krehbicl, deceased, and J. J. Spencer are tie Inudauts. to me directed aud coinmandUig me to sell the lands hereinafter dcscribcd1 will, on Saturday the ad day of February, UW1, at the hour of '.' o'clock i. in., at the court house door in Dalles City, Orecon, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the southwest quarter of tho Miuthe'ast quarter, aud tho northeast quarter of the noulheast quarter of section Sit, township:; north, range ! cst, V. M., to satls'y a Judgment In said cause rendered against said defendant, Wilson It. Wlnans, for fi'iOj.s; aud accruing Interest. J.'j.C attomev's fees mill i-jo.nn mists and disbursements und accruing costs. IIOIII.ltT K IM.I.V. Jau2i'i Kheiill'of Wasco County, Or NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given th it the undersigned has duly Hied with the Countv Clerk o? W MV'CI County, Ortgon, his llniil account and reKirt as administrator of the estate of Adolpli Agidius, aumiiiisiraior oi lie eataie oi Adolpli Agltllt: deceased, and that (he Honorable County Con has fixed Mouduj , the 0th day of November, iW at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day an the time, in url M). and the Countv Court rimm of tli I'miiitv innrt housoin Dalles city, Wa? co Countv, Oregon, us the place for hearing said limit uceouut and re ion. All persons interested lu said eslalo are icrebr notilled to itui.ear at said time unit i,lnfi and show cause, II any there bo, wny said report should not be approved anil said administrator dlschaigid, Dated this Otli day of October, 1WI). .1. ! AdlDMJS, Administrator of the (.state of Adolpli Agidius, deceased. oclii NOTICE FOU l'UULICATION. (Isolated Tract Public Land Sale.) C. S Land Offick.Tiik, oil, I January 12, 1'jOl. j Notice Is hereby given that iu pursuance ()f Instructions from the Commissioner of tliu deu eral Ijind Otllte, under nutliority vested iu him by section 2 1."), L. h. lluv. htat.. in, amemled by thu act of Congress approved February 'M, IfcW, we will proceed to oiler at public .sale on Monday, the v.ith day of February, next, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m , at this olllec, tho Pil lowing tract nf laud, to-wit . N Vi'ii N WJ4 Be W), T 2 N, It l. K, W M. Any und all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds aro advised to lllo their claims iu tills othce on or lajfi ru the day above I uesiKimieu uir me comnienccmcnt oi caiu sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. , , , Jay I. I.t'i ah, llegistcr. Jl'i'l Otis Fatikkson, Itccelver. Guardian's Notice of Sale. Notice is hcrebv elveu that inirkiiinii ir. mi order of sale mudu by the County Court of the (state of OrcL'on for Wasco (.'iniiile. flu. n,,,l..r. Hlgned, the (Inly appointed giuudiaii of Ifuniiu rieming, will irom and after tho 7th day of rebruarv. KCIl. sell at nrlvulii snln tlm lolii.u-lt... described real property: Lot No. n iu block f of inompsoii h Aildiuou to Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, belonging to tho estate of tmld Ilauna K einiiie. 'IIkisjiIiI sulo will lu. fur iu uauii paid. ) jinn, i, j, .ii u.rti.u, liimnlliiu. A DM INISTRATOH'S NOTICE. Notice is herebv clvcn that tin- has Ijeeu utipoluteil by tho countv court of Wasco county. Oreuou. administrator i tu,. cslate of Francis lloss, deceased. All persoiiH liavluir clalniH aualnst tho estato an- n. quired to piesent tho same to me, duly verified, at the olllco of W. II. Wilson, lu Dalles city Oregon, within six mo'iths fioni tliudute huieol. iaiL- isuYciiiiicr iu, lyui;, (iKO !' lt()(4M nvlO Adiulnlmrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notiru Is hcrcbvuivcu that tlm iiinli.i-li.,i.i executor of the will Of Andrew V. Andurnin, deceased, his Hbd his UphI aeciuiut lu the county court of tho Klato ol Oic'pui for Wasco County, and mid court has appointed Mouila tho 7th dav of January. I'jOI. at tlm I i ,,r v, III o'clock a. in., an thu lline for hearing obleiitiomi thereto mid tho settlement thereof, All heirs, ivuiiirio niiu o.iiui imifiiiun miercbicu IIIIIKI entateure thereforo hereby required to lllu tliulr objections to said ccount, If any they have mi, u tlm li or buloru tho day set (or the hearing thereof. Dnlltn City, Or.. Nov. 15, ltKJO, U17-U J. C. HObTKTI.KII, Kxecutor BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S., Unv Slnllioii. A voars old; height 15? hands, weight 1050 lu . puilima Sired by Zombro, 9.11.1 i UL , - I I First dam, Bridesmaid, by Boxwood, I land Olieetl. dlltll of All AlellC - en diitn ol Ail Alelie :-i. tv i.ui'mnuK niKin i, wn i unimueioti- Third dam, i'riinella, by Alha'inbiu, son of Miiiiibrlno Chief 11. jn jn , ,vu c ,.,nb.. ! Un..rii j,imu.i mu . Italics, Oregon. Terms for the Season, $20. j'i!!0-dV'lmo i i 'A f 'i Subscribe for The Nasal In all Its stages there shuiiul be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Italm cleaii.-cs.eniitheaniKlliL'ala thu ilhcnieil nieniliriiis. It curen catarrh anil ilrlveH nway a co!J in the head (juiebly. Urcuin Culm i placed Into tho nostrils, nprcails over the membrane anil is absorbed, liellef in im rueiliate ami a cure follows. It is not drying darn not proilucu "iieelng. I.argo Kl.c, so cents at Drug gluts .ir by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. tt.Y If.KmUUtS, a; Warren Street, New York. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. T11ANHACTA ENElt.VL IIANKINO IIUfc'lNliB Lettere of Credit ioBuetl available in the t Eaatorn States. Binht Exchange and Tolei.nw,i,i Tranalere eold on Now York, Chicano, St. Louia, Sun Fntncinco, Portland Ore Ifon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue pointe in yjreun unu vv UHllin(!tOn. youectionB inadB at ull pointe on fav. abln tHrm'i. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests tho rood aud aids Nature in BtreriKtheulng aud reuon Btructing the exhausted dlgostlve or gans. It Istlio latest discovereddlgest ant aud tonic. Ko other preparation cao approach It in eillclency: It In. stantly relieves und permanently cures jrojioiiaiu, iiiuiKusiiion, ncartrjurn, Jatulciice, Sour Stomach, Nausea blck Headache, Qastralgiu.Crarnpsand all other resu Its or i raperfect (liRestlon. rnc3)Q.Bruin, .ljarROSntOCOnta I1B2M tlmoi 8muU8Uo.llo0kaUr.lHnitUyr,pepsiainit(lfree Brgoi-t IUS''ITTCO.,C)lcaaC. Sold by Clarke & FalkVl'. O. i'li.trmiioy ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS A lllu?Hliinnt ..I 11L ,"r"Vn- i oflt djr u BX'OMirv uo Dost, son ol fllcKin- son of Nutwood. Second (linn, l.ukc nf lillll nt L. A. I'ortci's liverv ttuhle. Tl,.. .,.. . For further put Menhirs see FEED FISHER, Proprietor. OS (US IV The Chronicle, The Dolles, Op. Job Printers. Chronicle. Lane, 1 (i EN Kit A l, 3 Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and JctTcrn, Phone 159 i 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Hr . mm TRADE MARKS JE8IQNS Cqpvricmts Ac. . AW10 "'"rtl'u: a nkoleb and rtcicrlptloii inn nuluklr iiseurliilii mir oplniiiii free wlmtliiir u miiitlnn iirnliiililr luttiuitalilo. Comaiunlif i iiUHntrlctlyeoiiiainiitiai. Uiindbiiokou I'atmite . J , P Oldi-nt nuniii-y fur iinciirliiir JuitiuitK. Li"''"..lak'"! tbrouuti Miiiiii & Co. iceolvt rlrw,tlcr, without clmriro, In tho Smtffli flmnm. A inndnoniPljr IlliimralPd wcoklr. Lnriront -lr-Hilntliin of nny (.rumiiiii, Innriial. 'J'oriim. M a iiiir' ''' a'ubyiill nnitmUaUiri'. WUNN & Co.30'0. few York Uruucli toiler, if, f lit vmm"uu" li. I Stylish Dressed Men.... Are those who wear clotheH thut are to-date In lit, worKtnuiiohlp and tiuality. My lino o Httinplee oovem all the latent deBlgtiH for fall and winter, the price is rigbt, aud I can Kuaruntee a perfect tit. Suits to Ordsr, $10.00. II is- I BlacksmitU Hofseioer ; - John Pashek, The Tailor.