The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 30, 1901, Image 3

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tlouno ran Agricultural CiiIIhb Hill
, mill IMII Providing fur I.lenii
on TotnliitotivK,
We do
Wo wish to call your attention to the fact that the remaining few days
of sale will see us crowded. Every article in the house is still reduced, as at the
beginning. We haven't so nmch stuff to show you, but during inventory wo have
dug out some stunning bargains that are worth looking after.
. Hi the PRY GOODS DEPARTMENT there. are hundreds of bargains
st.ireing at you at every turn you make. The same can be said of the Shoe Depart
ment, during inventory the odd pairs have not been left behind by any means, so
the shoe man has lots of odd bargains left at odd prices too and can fit odd feet
to perfection.
In the MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT we have placed on our
counters during this sale a line of Men's and Boys' Sweaters in navy blue, black and
maroon, to be closed out at 49 cents. See windows.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
fte Dalles Daily Chronicle.
VHl) -l'1 V - - .IAN. 150, 1001
iH3TrQ Li.
AUtU Style.
At Andrew Keller's.
All N'bm"! County unrrantN rrirlalcrptl
prior to Metrin1ir 1, 1HII7. will l iall
in irnriitittliiM ut mr oMrti, Intfrfit
" after .'vhiiiIit :m, 11(00.
Co u fit j- Tici;urcr.
Kemeinber Prof. ShtkIvIp'b dancing
clase tonight at the Baldwin.
Tim Fortnightly club will meet with
the Misses Rtich tomorrow afternoon.
The 1 ml i en of Hid Catholic church will
Imve on sale, at the etore of Mater -k
lienton, next Saturday, a choice line of
JiiB and cakes. td
The football boyH will meet at The
Dalles Commercial nnd Athletic Club
rooms Friday eveiiine to consider 1m
piriant business. Others interested are
invited to be present.
II you want a new waist at just half
the regular price you should come
hooii. Nothing gained by waitintr,
ludiee; every day soeH the assortment
KrowiiK less. A. M. Williams & Co.
Thche are days when fifty cents has
the purchasing power of a dollar If you
no to the right etore. A. M. Williams
A Co. are selling lino underskirts, flan
l waists and ladies jackets at just
lnilf regular price.
In the circuit court yesterday Judge
Hradthaw granted n divorce to Mrs. Ina
Spelcinger from her husband, Henry
'Speicinger, on the ground of habitual
drunkenness. Ned Gates condtisted the
case for Mrs. iSpeicinger. ,
The parties who have spent consider
1i1m of their own money, both recently
""d last year, in repairing the county
road that passes the Snipes ranch west
of town, will take it as a personal favor
K t'aouo who travel ou the road by team
will not confine their vehicles to one
I'oaten track all the time but distribute
the travel over the entire width of the
road, as Ur U8 jt my uo possible or
''lie grand lodge of the Grand Domain
of Oregon, Knights of Pythias, through
tjtelr grand chancellor, Judge W. I.,
'radelmw, has presented Past Chancel
lor Commander T. A. Hudson, of this
n 'va certificate of honor by virtue of
,,ls loK service in the order, being a
rter luember of Friendship Lodge,
N- , The Dallec, Its llrst chancellor
commander, and the first repreientalive
elected to attend the flrat grand lodge of
ll domaln.ot which convention he was
Four More
elected crand master at arms. This is n
distinction that has been conferred on
only two other members in the domain,
nnd, coming wholly unexpected, is very
; highly appreciated by Mr. Hudson,
j Bishop Morris will conduct service3 at
St. Paul's Episcopal church next Sun
jtlay morning at 10 :1!0 o'clock. All those
, not worshipping elsewhere are cordially
, invited to attend.
j The recommendation of Governor Geer
I that the agricultural college be divided
by the diversion of part of the funds
' to a einiilar institution to be located in
i EaBtern Oregon, natuially does not take
j well with Corvallia people. They claim,
j nnd their contention seems well founded,
that a division of the college at the
! present time would result in two fi
nancially crippled institutions in place
of the college that is now a credit to the
The young married peon! of the cltv
have organized a card eluj, " hich they
have named the "Jolly Neighbore."
The members are: Mr. and Mrs. Ed
French, Mr. and Mrs. 'rank Cram, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Williais, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernst Lueddemann Mr. and Mrs, A. J.
Tolmie, Dr. huY Mrs. Geieendorfl'er,
Mr. and Mrs. Ifoger Sinnott, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Bonn The first meeting will
be held at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Williams nejtft Friday evening. "" """
The management of the 0. I!. & N.
have decided to iccate the train dis
patchers' headquarters at The Dalles
', ami the transfer will be made from Port
land within a week or so. Four men
are employed in this oervice, a chief and
three subordinates. Years ago the dia
patches' headquarters were located
here, and the management now see that
trains cm be handled better at The
Dalles than at either Portland or Uma
tilla, as this point h the terminus of
two division and here the dispatchers
can have all the benefits that uriee from
personal contact with the train men.
Culi'Oilur Soclul.
At the calendar eoical to be given by
the ladies of the Congregational church
tonight at the K. of P. hall, and to
which are Invited free all who have con-
Itiibntod to the calendar, the following
program will bu rendered:
lIanol)it.t I'ludeni'u mttersoii mia mm drimes
Solo ''A Dream" . .. . MU-l'ulilliK
Kifltatli)ii-"riutlii Thing at Night"
JINs Kmnui KotHTta
Solo ".My (Jlil Now Haniisilie llomu''
' . . ... . sU Oram
Balwtlmi Mute ijunrtet
I'aiitoiiilmu "M) I'allli Uiuk L'ji to Thru"
Mic. Maude Kdilon
Program commence at 8 o'clock.
Hon E. I. .Smith was in town today
from Hood Hiver.
J. W, Hodson is registered at the
Umatilla House from (ioidendale.
Mrs. 0. u Gilbert arrived here today
from Hood 'Hiver on a short visit to tit r
daughter, Miss Maude.
Mr. George (juUendorfier arrived here
from Linn county yesterday ou a visit
to his brother, Dr. J. A. Geisendorfl'er.
Orr1inritlNvfr lletter.
Emile Schanno, of The Dulles, n mem
ber of the slate board of horticulture
from the fourth district, writes as fol
lows to the board concerning the fruit
outlook for the coming season :
"The orchards in my district, at the
present time, look better than I have
ever seen them at 'this time of year.
Wo rtiave had no cold weather. The
thermometer at no time lias registered
below 30 k excepting in November, when
it went down to 4, and if nothing hap.
pens later on, we will have a good fruit
crop, especially peacheB, cherries and'
prunes. The apple crop was very large
last year, so we do not expect a very
full crop this year. There are a good
many young orchaids, however, that
will bear this year, and the short crop
on the older trees will probably thus bo
made up.
("This has been a splendid winter. A
k'ood ninny of the principal fruit growers
have been trimming their orchards, and
spraying for the San Jose scale. This
ib the proper time to epray for the
"We have had regular March weather
here for the last two weeks, and the
buds on the peach and prune trees are
beginning to swell. The roads are in n
better condition this winter than 1 have
ever seen thoin at this time of the year,
notwithstanding we have had mote rain
than we have ever had before."
Orreiiii ut lint l'iiiiAiiirit':tn
The following resolution v.rh unani
mously adopted by Oregon's delegates to
the National Editorial Association, at a
regular meeting held in Portland Friday
evening, January 25, 1001 :
"Kesclved, that we, an Oregon's na
tional delegates to the N. E. A., which
convenes in liuli'afo June 10-11!, during
the Pan-American exposition of lliOl, do
hereby pledge ourfelves, individually
and severally, to do all in our power
toward having said N. E. A. meet in
Portland, Oregon, during the exposition
of 1903, which is to be held to commem
orate the Lewis and Clark exposition j
and we also pledge our hearty support
to the commission appointed by our
6tate executive to represent Oregon at
the Pan-Anieiican exposition and re
'iieet that every member of our stutu
association aid in seeing that our state
and its rveonues lie properly advertised
and displayed at IStill'.ilo during the en
tire exposition."
W. G, Sri:i:i.i:, Chairman.
G. L. Pi: si,ui:, Secretary.
For Infants and Children,
TbH Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the f SlfrZZT'
Subscribe for Tun CiiKOMi'i.te.
Special to Tiiu'Ciihonici-k, Jan. !!0 The vote for senator
was exactly the same as yesterday, with
the exception that Kelly and Mulky
were paired and McQ'ieen was absent.
There will probably be no material
change in the vote till next Monday,
when something ia expected to drop.
The house today paesed, without
amendment, the agricultural college bill,
appropriating $130,000 annually. Only
six voted against the measure.
.Schumann's bill, providing for liens
on tombstones and graveyard monu
ments also passed.
The senate considered a number of
bills on second reading.
Watson's bill providing for the re
moval of the Multnomah county com
missioners, caused a squabblo among
the Multnomah delegation. It was al
leged that a paid lobby wns working
against the lull's being referred to the
Multnomah delegation.
I.eglttlatlve Doings.
Ueprescntaitve Roberts' bill, provid
ing for the levying of a tax for the paj-
inent of the outstanding scalp bounty
warrant?, was passed by the senate yes
terday and will become a law as soon as
signed by the governor.
The house committee on public morals
has reported favorably on the barbers'
Sunday closing bill.
Senator Muiky'e resolution for an
amendment to the constitution making
the etate printer's office a statutory one,
so that the legislature may control the
compensation of the incumbent, passed
the senate yesterday with only four dis
senting votes.
Datlcit I'ulillc Schools.
Following is the report for the quar
ter (5 weeks) ending January 25, 1900.
3 i
3 S'fcj
East Hill Primary. I !
Mfs Cnt'iidlc IB, 'Jnil.'.'A 13 II, F0,
Miss Itobcrts :1A, lUaiiilSlli I01 30 1M'
Court Street.
Miss Douthlt
Miss Kltou
Miss Thompson
Miss Wrt'iin
Aeailcmi Vark.
Miss CnoiKjr
Miss Kllnn .... .
Mis. IJooho
..1st 3-V : !'.!,
..ill' fc! Is
..::! as' !-j M
.nil .v "in -is
....lstj SI HI 47' 10
.'jb-:im i-'i' as :;oi i
.Ill-Mi IU.I.V A- :i
Miss Hall 3th, H K 13
lll'li Sehonl. ;
Mrs.IliiUlwIu ( 1 !
Miss U Kintotil 1 Oth,7th,Sth-J.,l i031!)l
MlssT. ltllitiml (
Mtis Michel! I !
ii r.
Miss Hill .
. irtjiurtmziu. i
. . . I
Mr. Nell
S II hi '.'0, ill SS 20
Totals .. . ..7'.Hi':Mfts'.l .71
Number of days of Bchool, 23.
Per cent of attendance on number bo
longing, 93.
J. H. Landkiss,
If you intend to take a trip East, ask
your ticket agent to route you via The
Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to Now York
and New England points. All trains
run via Nlngara Falls and every through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Hoss C. Cunk,
Pacillc Coast P.ibs. Agt,,
Los Angeles, Calif.
C. S. CiiANK, ft. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
The merited reputation for curing
piles, sores and skin diseases acquired
by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, has
led to the making of worthless counter
feits, lie sure to get only DeWitt's
Salvo. Clarke A Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
The O. IC. barber shop is now running
three chairs with three llrst-cla38
barbers. Patrons of the shop will thus
be assured of quick attention and prompt
and satisfactory service. J, H. Heea,
proprietor. j".'S 2v
Mrs. Hattie Morris, stylish dress-'
making, Keister-Taylor equare, taught .
as in St. Louis and Chicago. All the'
latest patterns. Above Pease A Mays' 1
Btore. j'j:i-2w j
Clearance sale of winter millinery at
the Campbell A Wilson Millinery Par-'
lors. ' Triuiuied hats, street hats, and;
baby bonnets at cost, j7-liu
Kon'l Km, H III, j
Just, wot the aU'eoted part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a S.'otch lemedy,
and the pain is gone, Sold by Clarke A i
Lost A small gold wire band ring, '
.11 1 ....! l?t. ..I I
uiiiiiitiini Bcuiiitf. rui'icr pieaau ruiurii
to this ollicH for reward. 2t
Hamilton lirown's "(iood as Gold"
shoo for men and boys are the best
wearing shoes in the world. Nos. 12 to 2,
1.(15; 2a to o,!, $1,83; (I to 10, .23,
Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates
made nnd contracts titKen for heating old or new
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, nleo a ma
chine repair shop in connection Kith our hardware
nnd implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
With every Dollar's worth
during .January and J'ebruary, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Aluminized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One NicWle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot. i
SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade, in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold by
an one. Our prices are right.
Wines. Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt aitention.
Next door to First
Phone 234,
X J. E. FALT & CO., X
i Proprietors Commereial SampIe jJoomSi 1
y Purest Liquors for Family Use y
Dolivored to any part of the City.
0k 1 1,0I,,'S 'c,1 1)iguuu.e 173 Second Street.
Notice In hereby tsiven Hint the faiil
Chew Kee Co., doiim business on Front
etieot, in Dulles City, Or., for many
years papt, hits not been tliieolved, but
thnt Haiti hoHiiu-Hfl la still owned nntl
I'onilncteil tty hiuiI Chew Kee Co., anil
lliiitfltUd linn will not be responsible
for nny debts or transuelions enntraeted
by the no called 8nrcn8tnr8 Wont Ken,
Wouir Chaen, Wool' Yon, Lu Guien,
Nfa Wei and Ma Kei, wlio have no
Interest whatever in said business of the
Chew Kee (Jo. ninca the P-'th day of
Jnnuarv, 1001.
Dited Dalles City, Or., Jan. 'Jo, 1001.
Ciu;w Ki:n Co.
Niillcui to I'iiu Ohiiciin,
lly ouler of the cooim'II 1 am Instrnuted
to enforce the env ordinance ami on and
after Monday, the DSth January inst,,
all enws found iiiiiulut; at luryn in tite
eity, at any hour of day or uijtht, will be
Impounded. T, J, Dnivint,
28J-4t Marihal.
You will not have boils if von take
Clarke & Kalk's s;ue cure lor boils.
of goods purchased at our store
National Bank.
Don't you know that Coeoauut Cieam
Hair Tonlu will save your and your
children's hall? You can yet It for SO
and 75 cents a bottle at's barber
aliop, sole agent. tf
Urtinenihdr that you don't have to bo
bald; you can keep your I. air by uaini;
Coenannt Cream Hair Tonic To be
had at Frazer'a barber shop. tf
f Cocoanut Cream Hair Totiio will euro
dandrufrand all tcalp (lificusm. Don't
neglect your hair. For e.ile at Frazwr'e
barber shop, solo auent. tf
Complete life of (.iuneu Viutorla. lit st
book. Uuflt terms. Ouitit mailed on
receipt of 15 cents. Address S. 0. Mill
er & Co,. Portland, Or. tu thur-sat 5
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there is uolhlim so 1,'oud ao Chamberlaiu'H
I'aln lUlm. Try it. For sale by lilake
ley, the druttttist.
A full line of Kastmau rilms and sup
piles just received by. Clarke it Falk,