The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY JAN. 30, 1901 ONE DISCORDANT NOTE. While the whole civilized world is doing honor to the memory of Eng land's gracious queen, it remains for the United Irish-American Societies of the United States to sound the one discordant note in all this symphony of merited eulogy. At the late regular monthly meeting of these societies in the city of New York, where OS organizations were represented, resolutions were passed unanimously charging Queen Victoria with every misfortune that has be fallen the people of Ireland during her reign. They say in part: "Ever thing which could be done to impoverish and depopulate the country to root out the people from their native soil and drive them to seek other homes in alien lands; to break their smrit and make of them slaves and outcasts has been done under Victoria's reign and with her full connivance and consent. "We denounce the reign of Victoria as one long act of blood shed, murder, crueltj' and cant, and insist that when its history is truly written and the influence of snob bery, flunkeyism and toadyism is removed, it will be looked back up on as one in which English wealth and power properly passed their zenith and entered upon a rapid and permanent decline as one in which, despite the material progress trade by England in the early and middle part thereof, greater injustice, more cruelty, grosser wrong, were inflicted upon humanity in general, and upon the Irish in particular, than in the reign of any other English monarch." Words more foul and false never fell from human lips. They are a disgrace to the barbarians who ut tered them, and gave them sanction, and a reflection, not alone upon Irishmen, but upon humanity itself. Millions of Irishmen, scattered over the broad earth, will resent and de nounce them as the venomaus utter ance of a set of unreasoning im piacables whom no kindness can con ciliate; as an outrageous violation of the most sacred of all maxims, "de mortuis nil nisi bonum," my nothing but good of the dead. Irish Ameri cans who rush into print to asperse the character of the venerable woman who lies dead in the British capital will find that they have taken a most effectual means of earning the just contempt ot their American fellow citizens, as well as of the world. day Oregonian will be disappointed. In size nnd make-up the "Common, er" reminds Tin: Ciuionici.k of the Antelope Republican, which one can get for a dollar a year without send ing all the way to Nebraska. The Commoner ma1 be a little better edited than the Republican, but we doubt it. Representative Mattoon, of Doug las county, is a kaleidoscopic poli tician, says the Roseburg Review. He was nominated by a Hermann convention, campaigned on Mitchell McBride money, and voted for Cor-bctt. THE CORHETT PUSH. Let it oot be forgotten that the most energetic advocates of II. W. Corbett'8 election to the United States senate are the same ones who advocated the re-election of Senator Dolph, says the Salem Sentinel. Here they are : Benjamin Franklin Alley, ex member of the legislature, now edit ing a populist paper at Baker City. E Hofcr, ex-member of the legis lature, now editing a populist paper at Salem. W. E. Burke, ex-member of the legislature, all around silver athlete. W. P. Keady, ex-member of the legislature, a silver mine owner. Jonathan Bourne, ex-member of the legislature, silverite and organ izer of the hold-up. Harrison R. Kincaid, ex secretary of the state, now populist judge of Lane county, also one of the factors in the hold-up. All of these eminent ftee-silverites are now confident that II. W. Cor nell is the only man who can fitly represent Oregon in the senate of the United States. It reminds us of i the anarchist who supported a cer-1 tain nominee for judicial honors on the ground that his election would disgust the people nnd compel them to resort to violent measures to get rid of him. Baldwin's Dys pepsia Tablets, food digesters, start digestion properly--make a healthy, clean stomach. Help the stomach to do its workprop erly until it's cured soc. San Francisco, Cau EDWARD I.. BALDWIN CO., I liave sained 10 pounds since using our Dyspepsia Tablets. My stomach is now in good condition. A. K. Loojiis. Alameda, Cau ' EDWARD L. BALDWIN' CO., After suffering witn stomach trouble for three year, I have cured myself by usitiR your dvspeptia tablets, thereby avoiding a surgical Dictation, which I was about to undergo. Oso. Sturtevani. Couuty Asjssor's Office. Clarke it falk. The lUKes. Ortgon. mm. Oregon Shot line amd union Pacific iisrxr.T ran Chicago- l'ortiHiia TIME SCHKDUI.KS FHOK TOE DALLES. Salt 1-ake. Denver. Ft. Special, Worth, Oninlm, Knn 12:2." p. m. snuClty.St.liuls, Chi' vw limit- cago aim we i;nst. Atlantic Express, I'J.'oO a. in. via limit-liigton. Salt Luke. Denver. Ft. Worth, Omahn, Kan sas City, St. Louts, (Jlil I cago mill the East. Ht. l'aul Fast Mail, 0:i!5p. m. via Spokane. Walla Walla, Leivlston, Minneapolis, St. l'aul. Dtiluth, Milwau kee, Chicago and Kust. AIIRIVK FROM 1:03 p. m. 4:15 a. 111. ;::. in. OCEAN AND EIVEE SCHEDULE From I'artlRiitl. &:00p. in. i (All sailing dates sub ject to cauuge ) For San Francisco, Sail every 5 dajs. 1:00 p. in. BUSINESS LOCALS. Country butter -10 cents per roll at Maier & Benton's. 12j-lw Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. A9k your er er for them. Lost A diamond sunburst brooch. A reward will be paid for its return to this office. , 21 j-tf Lost Black silk fob ribbon, with red caueo charm. Leave at this office nnd get reward. j22-lw Found A bunch of keys, which the owner can find at this office by paying for this notice. j22-2t Found A purse, which the owner can have by calling at thie office and paying for this notice. 23-4t Wanted A place to do light house work and plain cooking by a voting woman. Apply at Mrs. Brittain's. 2t For fashionable dressmaking and plain sewing, call and see Mrs. S. . Hender son, 3GS Third street, in Mrs. Eddon'e bonse. jlOlm Dully except Sunday, s:p p. m. Saturday, 10:00 p. in. Dally except Sununy, (,:i) a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, b:00a. in. Tuesday, Tlmrdny, Saturday, 7:00 a. in. luve Kipiiriu dully, :'M0 a. m. Columbia lllvxr. To Astoria Hiid Way-Landlugb. Willamette Itlver. Oregon City, Xcivberg, fulcra, Independence, and w iiy-Luualiics. 1:1X1 n. m. except Sunday. p. in. except Sunday. Ccirvnllls and W'ay-Ijindlugs. I:"J) p. in. Monday, Wednesday Friday, Willamette mill li.SOp. ni, Yamhill Jdvers. Monday, Oregon City, Dayton nnd Wednesday Wny-ljindiiigs. Irlday. Snake Hirer. Klpuriti to l.ewhtim. Leave Leivlston dally, Main. ni. Forties deslrine to go to Fleiinner or points ou uoiuniDiu souuicrn via ingg., snouio take No. 'J, leaving The Dalles ut 1:40 p. m. making direct connections nt lleppner Junction and Biggs. Returning maklugdlreetcoiiuectloii at ileppner junction r.nd Iliggs with No. 1. ar riving at The Dalles at 1:0.) p.m. For further particulars, call on or address J AS. 1UELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. I in Facie Complete Cipe of Drugs at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Just What Yoa uuant. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CIAK KOl'TE FItOM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIUKCT LINE TO THE YELLOW- STONE I'AKK. LEAVE. No. '2. Union Depot, Fifth and I sts i i ICISIKtlB I I I Fast mail for Tacoma, Feattle, Olynipia.Uniy's tiuruor una soum Jienn points, Spokane, Ross land, Ii. C, Pullman, Moscow, Leulstou, Uul 11:15 A. M. luloilump mining coun try, Helena, Minneiipo-' lis, -St. l'aul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points' St. AI'.RIVK. No. 5;50 I'. M. No. 3. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Keal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vourti for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. M. east and southeast l'ueet Bound Exnress for Tacoma and Seattle 7;00 A. M, und intermediate points F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Oor Second & Lansln, 'Piioiie 157 J. S. KCHXNCK, President. Max A. Vo;t, Castile) Pullman llrst-cluss and tourist sleepers to i Minneapolis, Bt. Paul and Missouri river points without change. Vostibuled trains. Union depot connections in all principal cities. Jiuggage checked to destination of tickets, Kor handsomely illustiated descriptive matter, tickets, nleup!ng-cur reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 233 Morrl sou Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please remember thnt we carry a full line of LOWNEY'S. just opene'd, fresh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxes for Chrlstrraa trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forget that we am head-1 quarters for the best on earth. Name VyrV1?J.,1 LOWXEY settles it. , 1 I Arrive Ashland hucrarnento SOUTH and EAST via Sournern Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland und way stations ut 1:Jj u. m. and 2 p, in. " Sun Francisco . Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. . 8:30 a m .VMM am ..12:2; am .. ft:O0iin . . 7;l 'i p m Arrive Ogdou " Denver "' Kansas tllty " Chicago .... ft: IS am U:U0 u in 7:'J5 a m 7:1') a m Bryan's paper is out. Those who expected a sheet as big us the Sun- C. F. Stephens ...Dealer in... Djty Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Huts, Cap. Notions, for V. L. Douglas Ktioe. Telephone No. 88. 1M Becoud Ht., Agt. Tbe Dalles, Or, '3 i i Arrive Los Angeles . , " Kl Paso . " Kort Worth. . " City o( Mexico , " Houslon I " Now Orleans .. 1 " Washington . . " rew vorK .. 1:20 pm il: CO p m .. ti.':s)um .. j:53u m . liOOitm ., tiiS) u in , G: 12 n m .12:13 pm 7:00 pm 10:50 p in 11:30 a m 4;&i a in K:15a in 11:13 am 'J;Wn in 7 :-.'3 n m 7:00 am r,:oo p in GiijOum UlM a in 1:00 n in fi:23 p in ti'42 a in 12' i;i p m Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Uliulr cars Hucrumento to Ogden mid Kl Piwo, mid tourist ours to Chicago, ut Louis, New Or leans uud Wustiiugton. Connecting at Han Krauclsco with several teainshlp llnea for Honolulu, Jttmn, China, Philippines, Central and Houtli America. Sec agent at Toe Dalles station, or addtess C. H. MARKHAM, Geueral Pwseuger Agent, Portland, Or First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection, pieht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and port land. DIRSOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jko, B. Scbikce. En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Liebx. H. M. Bkall. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horsesboer. . All kindfl of blacksmlthlng will receive prompt attention and will be executed in first-class shape. Give him a call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. EO RtSiaiMI L. V. Hone, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect MKA&H AT ALE, UOL'ltH. Oysters Served in any Style. 7 Second BtTlio Dalles, Or, I REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASfORIA M COMPANY- Htcamers of the RcRUtntor Lino will run as per the fol. ow.iik scliocliilc, tho Company reserving tlio rlRht to change's schedule without notice. Str. Regulator ft S' I DOWN. , Lv. Dulles at 7 A. M. rucsiiity. . . . !, TIiuimIiiv..., ( Saturday . . . ; Arr. Portland .aHiMl-. M. Lv UP. Portland at 7 A. u. Momliiy WetlnctrtHy . . .Friday Arr. Dalles a & r. m. Ship your ! Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. DOWN Lv. Dalles ' lit 7 A. Mi i Monday . . Vcdii("diiy Friday I An. Portlnud I lit J ;.'!0 I'. M. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, i 4 I 'i .! nr. s L . Portland ,8 at 7:00 A. m. 3 . . , . . 'i'nesrtay 3 . . Thursday . . .Huturdiiy 3 Air. Dalles 3 "tfi r. h. .J K rr,.,....l t. fl... e,.nm,.r nf lin tipcil tutor Ullfi. Till" ColMKllllV Will C'llJcHVOr to ClVC Its lull- X C' rons the best i-etvlcd possible. For further inlormatloii address J ti. ..i i ..ii.... n,..l- U r All AUAV. Ran. Airf. K fetiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goodo, Clothinc, Roots nnd Shoes, at much Ihhe than wholesale prii-t'H. Will cell in hulk or in lotp, or uny way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All poods will Imj sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets nnd Butterick Putterns. Your prices will he mine. Call early uud secure buriiiiiB. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pll kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, fed Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOUr ThiB f lour 1,1 I",fftu r-d espreisly for family , une: everv pack i cniininted to jrive Ratiefaction. u a seU our poods lower tlrnn nny house in the truile, uud if you don't think bo call and cot cbr prices and be couvinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. DEALEUS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall S Burget UNDERTAKE- ti? EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, BuriaSh Ete. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. r I THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUjWBlA BREWEKY .. i AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Iien?rtHU'for,,Junet -8 w-kon browwy the United Statea Healtl younu. Its une e m ,.r ,,f L, T U"",U11 'Jl'" Bniaclion by o il ami A the cenalntv "th Tl he 1." ly l"' ,re8t!" the physic ans with 5 poesihirtmL r ",oro w'''oe beverage could not 5 East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. TIRED MEN. thi ,. lJjU"u nro .t!"' unf101r'"' victim of lack of nerve n, . W "' "S!1 U woul.d be useless to detail the symp- STNv l0"'" ' Vnil, YoU can dr.llBnd linnn l l.u T.lnnnlll SAV ox"Rl piHs regt-nerHte and build up the svnem of the V$ t red man, and give the proper functional actions to all the vital onfrtim. Be the kind of a man you out to te- jr, u ...nil , rrnje, f j ,,er i,0k huy of your druj Kit or sent by mitil on receipt nf price, in plain wraper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY OO,, Ft. Wayne Ind. M. Uonnell, Agent, The Dalles. i