The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY JAN. 20, 1901 A MOXUMEXT TO LOVE. Cuban postofllce official's presumed escnpc from the punishment be was supposed to deserve, will of course nolo wijb pleasure that JJcely is nt I last in a fair way of getting bis ' 1n A A X not i fin is nt ct !mi1 The devotion of woman to man jHlecl hy tljc exigencies of a national was never exemplified to a greater ' unmpamn either, degree than in the case of Queen Victoria and her beloved consort,1 On the last page of yesterday's Prince -Albert. A correspondent uregonian is a semi-omciai an mm. writes : "The burial place of the British sovereigns is in the famous chapel of St. George, within the castle walls of Windsor, which was built by Cardi nal Wolsey, and is considered one of the most beautiful examples of ec clesiastical architecture in the world nounccmcnt, apparently in the guise of an afterthought, to the effect that Mr. Cirbett will not for a moment entertain the thought of allowing anj' of his friends to go over to the opposition, and adding that "the minority can come to the majority but the majority will not go to the AMD OREGON Shorj Like Union Pacific i ... -i- ... But Victoria would not permit the j minority." v avmg tue question oi remnins of her beloved consort to Mr. Corbett's ability to hold his be placed in the gloomy crypt. She ; friends, together, or his right to inipH minn linilrlincr" fnr thfim e ! assume that their actions are under . , mauseleum upon her own private property, within the grounds of Frogmore house, which adjoins those of Windsor castle. Its stately dome his absolute conttol, we suggest that in the hold-up legislature ot 1897 the old man whistled another tune. The announcement, however, is in DSPAKT TIMK SUHKDUI.KS AIIRIVK I FHOX ron TflE DAiil.KS. KR0M (111 ICHRU- l'orllaiid Salt Lake", Denver. Ft. Special, Wotth, Omaha, Knn- , ,. lil:2op.m. aCity,St.lxiuls, cut- l ! via lfiint- cago and the Kast. Ington. Ksi'Jress sn I-"ke- Denver. Ft. iV2:Ma.m. Woi' "m?1,at 4 : 15 n. ill. via Hunt- sasCity.M.Uiuii.Clil' ington. j caR mul tuc K"st- 8t. Paul Walla Walla, Uvi9ton. Fast Mail, spokatio,Wallaee.l!illl !):. p. m. man, Minneapolis, St. ::::. m. , via Spo- I'mil, Ihilutli, Milwiui-i kane. kee, Chicago nntl Kast. has been within sight of the windows line with the character of the man of the apartments she always ocou-! "ho all his life long has acted on pied m the castle. It is a simple ! tbe principle that there , is no honor OCEAN AND BITES SCHEDULE From I'ortlatul. but beautiful structure of colored marble, mosaic and bronze, and it is intended for the remains of only two persons her late husband and her self. Tbe body of Prince Albert has been lying there for many years with a beautiful sarcophagus beside it that awaits her mortal remains. "The epitaph, composed by the queen herself, is simply this: " 'Victoria-Albert, Here at last I shall Rest with-thee; With thee in Christ Shall rise again.' " Thus the last resting place of the queen awaits her, built from designs among men in public lite that can not be purchased with gold. Cor bett talks as if he owned certain votes and was going to see that he got them. On October 4, 1808, tbe Oregon Statesman, speaking of H. W. Cor bett, said : "His record for bribery and corrupt methods in 1S72, 189C, and 1898 should forever damn him politically." BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk's pare cure tor boils. f 1 1 i: I t? .k -i . ., . , ,. , ,1 .-,i . i a iuii line ui jjrtsmiHii uiuib nuu Buy- suggested by herself, and sacred to , received hv Clarke & Falk. tbe love she bore the man that was all to Ler in life, and whose memory after death was more sacred than that of any and all of the other members of the royal family lying in the crypt. It is an additional laurel in the wreath of her greatness Lost A diamond sunburst brooch. A reward will bs paid for its return to this office. 21j-tf Lost Black eilk fob ribbon, with red caueo charm. Leave at this office and get reward. j22-lw Found A bunch of keys, which the I owner can find at this office by paying S:00 p. m. Dallv cxeeut Sunday, s:Ou p. m. Saturday, 10:)p. in. ! (AH sailing dates sub-' I ject to chauge ) ' Fnr Hun Francisco, i Sail every 5 days. Columbia Itlvpr. To Astoria and Way-' Landing. 1:00 p. in. I: CO p. m. except Sunday. Complete of at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. t REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASI0R1A NAY. COMPANY Steamors of the Regulator l.lno will run as iwr the fnl. Milirdulo, the Company reserving the, right to ohnngc iciscritile without notice. 4 Str. Regulator POWN. l,v. Dalles nt 7 A. M. Tuesday. . . TliutMlay ... Saturday. . . Arr. Portland at-t:S0 r. M. ur. l.v. Portland 1 at 7 a. Mi ' Monday .Wedncsoay ' . Friday , Arr. Dalle a & r. h. , Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. DalloB City. '3 DOWN l.v. Dalles lit 7 A. M. .Monday . .. Wednesday . , Friday Arr. Portland it 1 ::w f. u. 1, . t'nrttaiid at 7:no a. M. . Tuesday Tlnirndny . Saturday Arr. Dnllcn Htfl 1', U, FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel hy the Steamers of the Kcgulatnr Line. The Company will endeavor to Klve ltd put runs, the let ervlee lmllle. For further Information address Portland Olllce, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt. . , A A A A A A A a . Dally except Sunday, iv.on a. ni. Oregon City, eivberR,' except Halcm, Independence, stiiiday. and v ny-ljiiirliiijr. Tue-day, Thuidny, baturdav, 6:00 a. in. Tuesday. Thursday, Corvnllis utul Way-l.indlng-i. Wltlaniette nmt luinlilll ltlvrn. l::x) p. m. Monday, 'WedneMlay Friday. :!:.' p. m. .iioiuuiy Just What You mant. Saturday, ' Oregon Cltv, Davtou and Wednesday ,:lOa.m. "way-lJindinKS. rrlday. Leave Itiparia dally, :i:40a. m. Snake Itlrer. Kiparla to 1-ewlston. Leave Lewiston dally, vCOa. m. Parties aeslrlnc to eo to Hennncr or points on uoiumoia &nuinern vm jiisrs, snuiuu take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 1L':40 p. m. making direct connections at licppner junction nd Biggs. Ke'.urnlng makliiBdirectcoiinectlon at Heppner Junction and lllggs with No. 1. ar riving at The Dalles at i:U3 p. in. For further particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND. Aitent. The Dalles, Oregon. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind's Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SiffLkKSD j Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tnT. "FlmiT "''H '",,r iiiiift;turtKl KxprnBHly for family I UUJJ. A jj.i. UHe; t.verv Hack in LMiunintod to give natisfactlnn, I We Bell oar uoode lovvor thtm any Iiciuhi- in tliti trade, and if you don't think bo 1 call and et r iini:;B and be wwvinced. ! Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. ! 1 that a quiet grave away from that of for tnla notice uiBiorm ivymiy u3 lu amis ui tue Wanted-. competent pirl to do gen remains Of the One She loved through 'eral housework. Must m a iond nook life, and whose memory she cherished i Apply at this office. j22tf ' YSllOWStOflG PSfK LIllB. in death, was the ambition of thisi Found A purse, which the owner; great woman. Truly the mausoleum ' can liave b-v calling at this office and New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety aa we are showing never be fore graced a single stork. .Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designe, tasteful coloriugs, youn for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full Hue of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. paving for this notice. 23-4 1 For fashionable dressmaking and plain sewing, call and see Mrs. S. E. Hender son, 30S Third street, in Mrs. Eddon'e It is said that at the national I ho,lse- i19'1"1 of Queen Victoria can be called a monument to Love. "Walla Walla Union. THK DINING (!AH ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW STOKE PARK. capital the expectation that the supreme court will sustain the in sular theory of the government has strengthened. It has felt the en couraging effect of the unanimous decision which sent Neely back to Cuba and which maintained in sweeping language that there is nothing inconsistent with the con stitution in tbe government holding tbe island as foreign territory in definitely, while awaiting tbe creation of stable government. The cases of Porto Rico and of the Philippines are different, but in some respects collateral. The president in private marked that he had never entertained tbe slightest doubt of the constitu tionality of tbe government's posi-1 tion toward the islands, in treating ! them as parts of tbe territory of the United States, but not as parts of tbe United States until made such by action of the legislative branch. Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, a hard headed Yankee lawyer, one of the Country butter 40 cents per roll at Maier & Benton's. 12j-lw Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your tr x-er for them. Clarke & Falk have on sale a-full line ot paint and artist's brushes. cspat. Firtnand I sts .mum I I 11 AM r 10 E.rillaBs No. 2. Fast mall for Tacoma, i Feattle, Olynipla, Uray'h Harbor and South Uend points, npokaue, Row land, 11. C, Pullman, Moscow, Leuixtou, lliif 11:15 A. 31. falolliimp mining coun try, Helena, Mlnneaiw- llx, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all poiuta No. -!. eaut and southeast. l'nitet Sound Exnres ;30 P. M. (or Tacoma and .Seattle and Intermediate point No. 5;J0 P. SI. No. 3. 7;00 A. SI, F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & LansLbllc. 'Phone 157 J.B. 8CHBNCK, President. Max A. Voot. Caahlei Pullman first-class and tourist sleepers to SHnneapolls, tit. Paul and Missouri river points wiiuuui cuange. I Vttstibuled trains. Uuion depot connections I in all principal cities. Baggage checked to destination of tickets, I yor handsomely illustiated descriptive matter, 1 tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or i write 1 A. D. CHARLTON, j j Assistant General Passenger Agent. 'JX Jlorri ' Mm street, corner Third, Portland Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via CHOCOLATE BON BONS. Soutnern Pacific Co First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight urait or uaeck. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Ban Francisco and porl land. DIRBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jko. 8. Bcbbnck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liiuk. H. M. Bkall. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Iry Goods, Clothing, Hoots nnd Slioec, ut iiiiich leHf thun wholesnle priueB. Will bi;I1 in bulk or in lots, or any way to nuil imrdiufers. Entire stock must be closed out "before 30 days. All code will be sacrificed rxcHjit Thoinpnn's Glove-fitting Corsets and I'ntteriek Patterns. Your prices will be until!. Cull early und secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sis. Grandall&Barget DEALERS IS Jj fill kinds Of UNDERTAKE- BUFiaSh Euneral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. In talking of Chocolates please 1 remember that we carrv u full line of LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from j the factory. In plain and fancy boxes for Christtras trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forget that we ar bead- strongest of the present (lay, said , quarters fnr the best on earth. Name tersely after the Neely opinion: "I t LOWXEV settles it. have never had any doubt of what j tbe decision on the insular cases will be. The United States supreme i GeO. C. Blftkeley, court is not going to upset tue . .United States government." j Shasta Route Trains leave The Dulles for Portland and war btatlorm ut l:i u. m. and 2 ji, m. Leave Portland " Albuny Arrive Aslilnnd . ... " Sacramento .. " ban Krauuitco . . . S:a3atn 7:co pm ...I'.'.COam 1U:W. m .. 12: n m U :30am . . 5:00 j. m y:Vi a m .., in i:15 a m The Druggist. Arrive Oftdon " Denver " K'HiimsClty " Cliieaifo .. A: 15 am Jl :15am U:00 a m u:(Wa m T:'5utn 7:'ii8in 7:15uui 'J::Main MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horseshoer. All kinds of blacksmithing will receive prompt attontion and will be executed in firat-class shape. Give him a call. A speaker on the present condition of the democratic party says a cat and dog may repose peacefully on a rug, "but tie them together, und see if they would not Oght." The tying operation will be tried Inter on. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.a.nd OrncK at Tn Dai.i.ks, Or., I U. 1 Kateemed democratic contempor aries who, during the November campaign, made so much capital out of Charles W. F. Neely, the accused December 17. IUjO. I Notice in lirrebv clven tliat the following . named tettler ban lllfl notice ot lilti intention 'to make limit proolln uiiort of his claim, and . tbatiald ptiMjf will be made before theregUter ' and receiver of the I.'. H. land nltice at The Dallea, Or , on Haturday, Jamiarjr 1901, viz: Francis -A. OlirUt, of The Dalle1. Oregon, It. K. No. IC70, for the lot'.' awys iK'4 und Sii SW'a Sec. 3.T1 d., K VI K.i Vf. JI. tic nanieti the lollowlug wltneYKii to jirove hik cnntlnnouH residence Uoii and cultivation of said land, viz: J. li. Hall, D. I). Nelion, Chat. Glbtoii, Alex Frazer, all of The Dalles, OreKon, declS JAY 1'. LUCAS, Keglater. Arrive Los Angeleo . . . " Kl Paw) " Kort Worth. ;it- of Mexico , " liouiton. " Now Orleaim . " Washington . " New Vork . 1:20 pm ii;U)im , 0:30 n m , . U;55 a in . COOiim , ii:'J5 a in . OH-'iim .l'J;l;i p in 7:00 a m I 0:oo pm I 0;:u m I H:. Via m , 1:00 a m , C:'ii p m C'Ua m WI3 p m i I'ullinna and TourUt cara on both trains Ohaircara Haerainento to Oxden and Kl Paio, and tourlut car to CIiIcuko, Ht I)iil, Now Or-I leans and WanhiiiKton. ConnectliiK at Ban Krancloco with several , steamship lines (or Honolulu, Japan. China, I nuippinea, uemrai aim oouiu Auienca. Bee agent at Tbe Dallea station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. mm mm I V. Hone, Prop'r. first-Class in Every flespeet MKALH AT ALt. liOUHH. Oysters Served in any Style. a Second St., The Dalles Or. THE CELEBRATED AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Renort W , we-Kno rewry the United Stntea Health Keporte for June 28 . 1000, tmyH: "A more aupei or brew never entered the lubratory of the United States Health reporti. It la ubno utely devoid I'i Zl f lV'l ,V,,,ll,!rfl0''- on the other hat d is composed o the best of mult 11 ml choicest of hops. Its tonic (anilities are of th holi est and it can be UHed with the neatest beneii C K ZZl by old an ' the "f;ea n8tv U.'n n,0,B',0,y prr.hed by the phy'slufans with poseU, 5 be foSu ' P,,r"r f "' wholeBoine beverage could not East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. TIRED MEN. If you are the unfortunate victim of lack of nerve you know it, und it, wuld be unclose to detail the yuiP' jnnmtovnu. You can depend upon it that Linooln bexual Pills rfjrenerate and build up the syatein of the 1 red man, and Kive the proper functional actions to all thevjul drgans. Be the kind of a man you out to te vhh, be a linn! Price, $1 per box-buy of your drug Kist or tent by piail on receipt of price, in plain wraper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Ft. Wayue, Ind. M. Z. Donnell, Ajsent, The Dallea.