The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 28, 1901, Image 4

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    Her Husband's Story
Mv name is E. J. Sprong. and my address is 16 Bondman Block, Troy, N.
V I want to tell how thankful I am that my wife's health has been restored to
her About a year nr;o she caught a dreadful cold, which settled in her bron
chial tubes and lungs. Sue cer
tainly had bronchitis, and I think
consumption, too, and we de
spaired of her life. She had a
tightness and soreness in the
chest, and it was difficult for her
to breathe. There were darting,
sharp, dull and heavy pains, with
constant coughing and expectorat
ing. Each day she was worse
than the day before. I was ad
vised to get Acker s English Rem
edy, and did so. but my wife only
shook herhead and said. -Another
dollar thrown away.' She took
the Remedy, however, and said
the effect was magical. In less
than an hour there was a remark
able change. She got better at
once, and m a short time stic was
entirelv well and strong again. The cure was permanent and there has been
no relapse. I don't know what Acker's English Remedy is made of, but I am
sure it contains something that fortifies the system against future attacks. My
wife is in better general health now than ever, and you can'.t imagine how
happy she is for her recoverv. She ells everybody about Acker's English Rem
edy and so do I. for I believe it to be our duty to the public to help every suf
ferer who has throat and lung troubles. My neighbors say it is a sure specific
for croup, and has saved the lives of hundreds of little ones around m this
vicinity alone." . . t , , ,
Sold at -sc.. 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the Lnitfid States and Cacada;
and in England, at is. sd.. s. 3d., 4. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying,
return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
JIV authorize the above guarantee. II. U. IIOOKER & CO., Proprietors, yew Yorl.
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
State House Go. sip.
Salem, Jan. 20, 1901.
The legislative session is now ont
third gone, and no senator has been
named, and from present indications
none will be named for some time to
come. The canons call, which has been
issued by the majority of the repunli-,
cans, while not naming Corbett as the
choice of the caucue, shows a tendency
in that direction, and the anti-Corbett
faction, natural!, is a little bit timid
about the matter. It is explained by
those who refuse to go into caucus that
they are pledged to tneir constituents
not to vote for Mr. Corbett, and that
ebonld they go into caucus UDder the
present status ol affaire, and should he
get a majority of votes in such caucus,
they would be compelled to act contrary
to the wishes of those whom they reprt -
sent and vote for tt man who is distaste-
fal to their supporters. On the other
hand, the caucus members are not ex-
pectin results from their call. They
know just how the matter stands, but
iBsae such a paper in an effort to gain
Contrary lo the usual custom, the
-senatorial trouble does not seem to in-
terfere with the business of the stats.
.Members are on hand early and late,
aud.the manner in which matters are
rnshed along, shows the will of the sen-
ators and representatives to espedite ' nf adults. Pleasant to take. Clarke &
rouline work. , j Fu,k'ft Pharmacy.
In the dailv labors of the members of j
the house Eddv, of Tillamook,, hae I Fepein preparations often fail tore
shown himself to" be easilv the leader of Heve indigestion because they can digest
the mujoiitv. Harris, of Lane, comes! only albuminous foods. There is one
next, with Grace, of Baker, as the mi-. preparation that digests all classes of
no-ity leader. Itoberts is one of the ! food, and that Is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure,
most aggressive men in the house, and ' It cures the worst cases of indiu-estion
Brownhill, of Clackamas, is the "flag, and Rives instant relief, for it digests
waving" senator. wh"at -vou C1,lrke & Falk P' -
An irresistable desire on the part of Pharmacy.
the legislators to visit in Portland from j cno SALC
Friday until Sunday of each week is not
easilv exnlained. However, they in
iu!ge that desire to the fullest extent.
The law-makers generally attended
memorial exercises in honor of the dead
queen of England in Portland today.
During the past week both houses
have been very busy going over bills first
and second times, handling them in the
different committees, having them print
ed and placed on the desks, ready for
third reading and final action. This
next week a huge number of measures
will be disposed of, there being scores of
bills in the hands of committees which
were acted upon during the recess of
ridav and Saturday. The old method
was that when a recess was taken com-'
,!.. ,-lprka ami even-hod v elae had
a half holiday
but now, under the Kuy-
kendall I
aw, the clerks remain iu Salem,
iort every day except Sundav to
must report
the chief clerks, and consequently are
on band to perform their respective du
ties, much to the interests of the tax
payers of the state.
A Life And Death Fight.
Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la.,
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from death, says: "Exposure after meos
ties induced serious lung trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I iiad frequent
hemorrhages and coughed night and day.
& uiy doctors paid I muet soon die.
Then I began to use Dr. Kind's New
Discovery ior Consumption, which com
pletelv cured me. I would not be without
it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on my recommendation and
all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest
-and Lung troubles," Regular size 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at lllakeley
Drug Store 4
May Eudl'irlliifc-.
St. Louis, Jan. 27, A special lo the
republic from Henrietta, I. T., eays
Deputy United States Marshal Grant
Johnson arrived there at 7:45 p. in.,
with Chitto Hati). "Crazv Snake.
, 1 , , . tfu.,lo Tl.lo it
whom he captured at tufaula. iins, it
I is believed, will end the insurrection.
Deputv Marshal Johnson, who bears
the reputation of being the boldest, most
prudent and best man on Marshal Ben
nett's staff, and' Bonnie Mcintosh made
a bold dash today into Snake's strong
hold, which was surrounded by Indians,
and captured the chief insurgent. The
TU(jian cn;ef wa8 brought here immedi
ate,V( and ig oeing osely guarded bv
jtfae" depnty marehBl and Troop A,
( Eig,)tb rjn'ued Jtates Cavalry, under
Lieutenant Dixon,
j Thi9 capturej witD tie eweep east that
1 lue B0dierB wjn make tomorrow, will
, probably end the insurrection. Marshal
, Bennett, with a dozeu deputies, will
j ,eave witj, the troops, and it is expected
; tUfjV wiI1 ca,,tore the other leaders.
, "
This season there ib a large death rate
I among children from croup and lung
j troubles. Prompt actiou will save the
j little ones from these terrible diseases,
We know of nothing bo certain to give
instant relief as One Minute Cough
I Cure. It can also be relied upon in
j grippe aod all throat and lung troubles
, 2 500 a(;res of dee(Ie,j land in p,)t3r
Hood river vallev, finely adapted for a
stock farm or sneep ranch, with large
open ranee adjoining, at $1 75 an acre.
Adjoining above is a tract of 1800 acres
of government land, which can be home
steaded or scripted. Inquire of
S. W. Stakk,
jSO-lmw The Dalles, Or.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James .
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Fa'.k, agents. ml
Don't Itub It In.
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke Si
S'c Headache absolutely andperma
-,.A V KfAl.I rp,... A
clea8ant hero drinki CureB conntioation
j and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money oaca. .acts, anaoucts. uiaaeiey,
the druggist.
little pills as JJeWitts Little
Early Risers are very easily taken, and
they are wonderfully effective in cleans
ing the liver and bowels, Clarke &. Falk
P. O. Pharmacy.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Put ton
strictly pure liquid paint
l)on'tyou know that Cocoamit Ciemu
Hair Tonic will hhvo your and your
children's hair? Vou can get it for 50
1 Hn-t 75 cenlB 8 l"ttle at Fram's barber
shop, sole agent.
Paint your bouse with paints that ar
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
, ,, , ,. 1 )
Subscribe for The Ciiuomclb.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court ol the State nf Oregon for
Wrsco County.
Jofcph rartuct, I'lnlntlir,
F. X. I'aquet nnd 0. L. Pariuet, Defendants.
lty virtue of an nttnctiment, execution, decree
and order of sale, duly lusned out ol imd under
the teal of the Circuit Court of the etateflf
Orecou. lor the County of Multnomah, to mo
I directed and dated the B-lth dny of November,
l'.W, uion n Judgment rendered and entered in
said Court on the 'JTth day of January, 1st). In
I the nbovc entitled cause. In favoi of the plain
I till' and against the defendants, r. X I'miuet
, and O. U I'aquet, in Judgment debtors, in the
sum of four hundred (tiW) dollars, with interest
Ihereoti irom me auw aay 01 scwemoer, i-ui. '
the rate of eight per cent per imiium, and the
further sum of Ilitecn ($l.") dollars, with interest
thereon at six per cent per annum from the 1!" tli
, dnvof January, IM7, and the further sum of
I thirty-one (131) dollars, costs, nnd the cost of
and upon this writ, and commanding me to
S make sale of the real property hereinafter de
scribed,! will, on Monday, February, 4th, 1M1.
at the hour of o'clock in the afternoon of
1 suid day, nnd at the front door of the county
court house in Dalles City, Wasco County. Ore
gon, sell at public Miction to the highest bidder
lor casn in nana, an tne ngni, uue aim niiuirsi
which the defendants, F. X. I'aquet and u. L.
I'aquet, or either of them, had 011 thoi!7th day
of January, lsi'7, the date of the judgment, or
which such defendants, or any of the defend
ants herein, have since acquired, or now have
in and to tne following described real property,
situate and being in Wasco County, Oregon, to
wit: The northwest quarter ) of the northwest
quarter (ii) of section two fi), and the! north
east quarter ol the northeast quarter (),
and the south half of thu northeast qnartcr (!i)
of section three (3), all in township six (M south
of range twelve (12) east of the Willamette Meri
dian in Wasco County, Orecon, and containing
one hundred and sixty (lf0) aeres; or so much
of said property as will satisfy 'said Judgment
and decre-, with costs and accruing costs.
bald property will be toidublcct to eonflrma-
lion ana rcuempunii n u w iiiuhui-u.
Dated at The Dalles, Or., this Mb day of De
cember, 1900.
ROBERT KELLY, Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon.
In the county court of the state of Oreccu,
the county 01 vwisco.
in the matter of the estate of Hcnson McCoy,
deccacd, citation.
To Mary A. Sternweis, Amanda K. Mowcry,
Sarah J. Fowler, Thomus J. McCov, William
MeCov, John K-i McCoy, Nancy M. l'ouell,
Josenh II. McCoy, und Dennis K. McCoy,
In tne name of the state of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby cited and required to
apiieiirin me county court o: tne state 01 ure-
gou, for the county of Wasco, at the March term
d , . thereof, ut
Dalles Ry. n a id county, on Monday .the it .
1 f that duv, then and there to shew cuuse, If
unv cxim, villi nil utuur hi niuu eiiooiu n, u
miide directing Clarissa F. McCoy, the adminis
tratrix of the estate of llenson McCoy, deceased,
to sell the real estate, described as belonging to
said estate, as follows, to-wit: Wa of the ' Vl4',
in section M, township two U) south, range
twelve (LI) east, W. M., containing eighty acres
and situated in Wasco county, Oregon.
Witness the Hon. Geo. C. lllakeley. Judf e of
the said countv court, with the eul of said
court u nixed, this 21st day of January, A. D.
Attest: A. E. LAKE, Clerk.
J22 lly b, HOLTON, Deputy.
Sherift's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that, pursuant to an
execution lssutd on the 2ltb dav of January,
1901, out of the Circuit Court of the statf of
Oregon, for Wasco county, in a suit iu which
Mary T. strong is nlntntiir and Wilson H
Winaus. Mary Witians, J. M. Ilnntlngton, O. F.
Schowalter. administrator of the estate ol a. U.
Krchblel. deceased, and J. J. Snencer are de
fendants, to me directed and commanding me
to sell the lnnus hereinafter aescrlbeu, 1 win
on oaturdav thc'-Md day of February. 1U01, at the
hour of 2 o'cloct p. m., at the court house door
iu Dalles Citv. Oregon, sell to the highest bidder
for cash iu hand, the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of
the southeast quarter of section 'M, township 'J
north, range a east, W. M., to satisfy a judgment
In said cause rendered sgatnst said defendant,
Wilson K. WInans, for JGo.G3 and accruing
interest. .VUiO attorney's fee- and fJO.OO costs
und disbursements and accruing costs.
junW. KheriiTof Wasco County, Or,
Notice is hcreoy given th it the undersigned
hus duly filed with the County Clerk of Wasco
County, Oregon, hisj'mal account and report as
administrator of theeiate of Adolph Agidlus,
deceased, und that the Honorable Count Court
has llxed Mouda,the5th day of November, 1!W(J,
at 10 o'clock a. 111. of said day as the time, and
the County Court room of the County t.'ourt
house in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, us
the place for hearing said final account and re
port. All jiersons interested in said estate are
hereby notified toapearat suid time and place
and show caue, il any there be, why said report
should not be approved and said administrator
Dated this 3tu day of October, 1WH).
(-.Administrator of the estate of Adolph Agidlus,
deceased. octK
Guardian's Notice of Sale.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an
mder of sale made by the County Court i f the
State of Oregon for Wasco County, the under
signed, the duly aoiutcd guardian of Milium
Fleming, will from and after the Tth day of
February, 1W1, sell ut private sale the following
described real property: Lot No. U iu block 5 of
Thompson's Addition to Dalles City, Wusco
County, Oregon, belonging to the estate of said
Himua Fleming. The suid sale will be lor cash
in hand puid.
J9 MHS. O. J. MUHSEK. Guardian.
.Dealer In.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Cents' Furnishings.
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Notions,
for W. L. Douglas Hhoe.
Telephone No. hS.
131 Second Bt.,
Tne Dalles, Or,
He Col Packing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
With Oxyjjenor Company's Perfected
Oxygenor King. It is not a battery. It
is not electricity. It cures with the oxy
gen of the air, without doctors, without
drugs, without medicine. The greatest
boon to mankind ever discovered. It
stands without a rival ns a curative
agent nnd possesses complete mastery
over all curable diseases without em
ploying nauseous or poisonous drugs.
Description.theory, met hod of operation,
list of diseases for which it is recom
mended, etc.. furnished free. Cull on or
address. J. M. Fn.i.oo.v,
The Palles, Or.
'Phone No. HOT. j'.'l.'Jwd-wlm
Now is the time when croup and lunc
troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate results is one Mipute Cough
Cure. It is very pleasaut to take and
can be relied upon to quickly cure
coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It
will prevent consumption. Sold by
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
When threatened by pneumonia or
any other lung trouble, prompt relief is
necessary, as it is dangerous to delay.
We would eugeeet that One Minute
Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica
tions of having taken cold are noticed.
It cures quickly and its early use pre
vents consumption. Clatke & Falk s
P. O, Pharmacy.
The most Eoothintr, healing and anti
septic application ever devised is De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Il relieves
at once and cures piles, sores, eczema
and skin diseases. Beware of imita
tions. Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Puariuacy.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't, foreet this.
Subscribe for Tut: Cuuoxit i.u.
Drying preparations timply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the hccrctiouK,
which adhere, to the inembrauo and decom
pose, causing a fur more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, funics, smokes: and snuffs
and nso that which cleanse", soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Palm is such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
50c. size. Elylirothors, "('."Warren St., N.Y.
The Halm cures without pain, docs not
irritute or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev
ing immediately the- painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Halm you nro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
helps tho team. Saves wear nnd
cxpcuM:. bold everywhere.
Notice !
All person? indebted to the lute firm
of E. J. COLLINS & CO , und S. I..
BIJOOKS, are requested to call and
eettleiipou or beforn March 1st next
without fai". 5. L. IJIJOOKS.
Look Here!
All the Groceries, Hardware and Tin
ware will lie disposed of bv the 1st of
March, as the buildiui! will Iih occupied
by other parties. h. L. UltOOk!;.
The most complete stock
of Garden, Grass, Field
und Vegetable Seeds in
bulk in the Inland Em
pire at the Feed. Seed and
Grocery Store of
(Isolated Tract Public Land Sale.)
U. h, Lai Omcs, Thk Dam.ks Ob.,(
Junuary 12, l'jul, (
Notice Ik hereby (,'lveu that Iu puritunuce of
Instruction from the Coinmlhidoncr of the tien
erui uiua (mice, unuer uutliorlty vt-Kted in him
by tectlnu 21 V, l, a. Ilev, Ktat.. a:, amended
hy tho act of Cohere approved February 26,
ln'jo, wo will proceed to oiler at public hhIu on
Monday, the tth day of February, next, ut the
muir in i u ciuuk-u. 111., in iniii omce, me lul
low inn tract of land, to-wit
KWliXU Be-!(U, T'JS, R 13 K, W M.
Any und ail pcrnnni, clulinlim udverxely the
above-dcbcrlbed lundk are udvihtd to lllu their
cliilniK In this oltlco on or befiro the day nhovo
denlKliated for theooiniiiiinceineut ofkaldMile,
otherwiae their right will be forfeited,
J.i v I'. Lei Ah, Ke(!l8tur.
Jlf' l Otik fATTiiiu-oH, Uecelver.
Noti"e la hereby Kivcn that the underalKued
executor of the will of Andrew V, And-Thon,
deeeaked, bin (llwl 1ib lliiul acouut In thu
county court of thoHtatoot Oienoii for NVimcu
County, and tald court haa apHiiitcd Moudav,
the 7th day of Juuuarv, 1WJI, at the hour of id
o'clock a. in., an thu time ior heurliiK oblentloiiH
thereto and tho nottlemeut thereof. Ail helm,
creditor and other pernonk Interested Iu mIu
estate arc therefore hereby required to II le their
objection to nald account, If any they have, on
or before the day net (or the hearliik' thereof.
Dalle City, Or., Nov. 15, HiOU.
UlWt J. C. H08TKTI.EII, Kxecutor
$1.00 per month.
Strictlv first class loca nnd long
distance telephone service within
vour home.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will he kept a secret.
No cost for inatnllini.
You net the standard llunning
Lone Distant Instrument.
Continuous day nnd night service.
Wo will nccept your contract for
ten venrs nnd allow yon to cancel
same on giving us thirty days writ
ten notice.
r r:j
1 f !'
! '? 4 !
I ? ?
I : ? ?
3e , i ' i I
2h ft f I,
3c 4 1
3g 1 i - '
2e 'a 7
1 ? f :
1 1
I ! !
I j ' !
1 I ' I
fe . i
In all its ftaiB there
should be c!caulmcsi.
Ely's Crentn Balm
ck'anes,8o)tUP8 and liealB
tliu diseased incmbraiic.
It cureh catarrh nnd dri ca
nuay 11 cold iu the head
Cream llalin Is placed Into tho nostril;, eprcada
over tho mcmlirsno and In slisorlied. Kc'.lefle Im
mediate and a cure follow s. It Is not dry;ng don
not produce -nee.iiis. I.arye Size, 50 cciita at Drue
Uti -r by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
IA.Y I-.fOTUKltS, 5G Warreu irtrcet, New York.
FRENCH & CO.i?!8TBnr
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States. I
Sijtht Eichanvre and Teleirruphi'. ,
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, I
bt. ixiuis, ban rrancisco, Portland Ore
iron, Seattle WaBh,. and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav.
ablt tnrmi.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests whit you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latestdiKcovereddlgest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It In clliclcncy. It in
stantly relieves und permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Hour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralglu Cramps and
Prteesoe. and M. LarBosl-ccontalns VA timet
small sit o. liookallr.txjutdyspepsiiiuiiiiredfretj
Prepared bj E c. do'.uITt a co., Cbtcag
Sold by Clarke AFalk'n I'. O. I'harmscy.
Koni'Kio Pimple,, prtnimt If II I V
dob Printers. !
I . .
rwrarmawreniTj ruuran-xn mrj
and Carriage Work.
Brothers' Wagon.
i Tbird and Jcirernn. Plioue 159
I' '3
1 C-Jiijrw.
Trade Marks
Copvmr.MTS Ac.
Aiirono aondliiK a rketrh nnd deaerlptlon mn
aulrkly iiacurtiilii our opinion froo wliulbor u
liiTiinilon la priilmlilr iiiitiintublo. ?innnuiilr
iloiiBHtrlctljrrontldeiillal. lliuidbookoii I'uumtt
soiil treo. Ol'lcat nunnry for mmirliiK I'utwiU.
I 'iiiii.ta taken llirmitli Miiim & Co. rocelrw
tpecittl notice, vrll tmut chnrt'C, In tbe
Scientific American.
A hnnclf imply lllimtriitnrt wenklr. Lnrtreat rlr
dilution of imy Mleniltln Journal. Tornu. t-'l n
L'm'S.'J.'' ""b, 1. Hold by oil nowartculcrn.
WUNN&Co.3C'en-. New York
Branch (intra iff, V V . M'qhlnK(uii, I 7
Are those who wear clothes that are up
'(J.H,, ,n 0t w'kiuttnshlp und tiuality.
My line ol samples covers all the latest
designs for fall and winter, the price is
right, and I cuu guarantee a perfect fit.
Suits to Order, $IO.OO.
John Pashek, The Tailor.