SENATORIAL VOTE UNCHANGED A Meaftagft Prom I hit Ring of Knglniiri to Our fieRUlMture Only Four More Days OF THE GREAT REDUCTION SALE! Wo wish to call your attention to the fact that the remaining few clays of tho sale will soo us crowded. Every article in the house is still reduced, as at the beginning. Wo haven't so much stull' to show you, but during inventory wo have dug out some stunning bargains that are worth looking after. In the DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT there are hundreds of bargains sJareing at you at every turn you make. The same can bo said of tho Shoe Depart ment, during inventory the odd pairs have not been left behind by any means, so the shoe man has lots of odd bargains left at odd prices too and can fit odd feet to perfection. .In the MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT we have placed on our counters during this sale a line of Men's and Boys' Sweaters in navy blue, black and maroon, to be closed out at 49 cents. See windows. All Goods Marked In Plain Flpuros PEASE & MAYS Special to The Ciuto.N ici.ic Salem, Jan. 28, The legislature this morning received a inossaco from the King of Knuland thanking thnt body for the resolutions of condolence on the death of Queen Victoria. Iloll houses assembled this morning at 11 o'clock and rmhed routine work for an hour. The legislature met in joint assembly at high noon nnd bal loted for Benator with the following re mit: Corbett, 29; MuHMde, 18; Smith, '24 ; Hermann, 0; scattering, G; nbsent, 2; not voting, 1. Doth houses acljnirned to 2:110 p. id. Thn AhRel of tlio Alltiy." fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle. M0N'm JAN. 28, 1901 tzrees. An engine and boiler and pump sirA nlrpnilv nn thn irrnnryfla. It ia thn intention to pump the Rot water into the hole.. UeEides triehotel, the own ers will have u spacious camp ground ' laid out for the accommodation of camp Jera and will pipe water to it from a fine mountain stream. Sam Bennett, of Tygh, ha?, by his attorneys, Bennett A Sinnott, filed a complaint In the circuit court asking t a divorce from his wife, Susie Bennett, ; on the ground of desertion. I .1. f....: i. ti i . i rv ueieiuive uncK nut! canard a ure iu T. A. Hudson residence alwut 8 on prfisriit.tion t mjr iiic. intrrcit o'clock last night that wasonly quenched sr - Upters k.. i At AnrlrAU) Kallnr's. I (a) frJ) i fKKASUREIt'S NOTICE. All Vco Cntitity wurrmiti rrclatereri ' irlxrto Hxptcmltrr I, I8l7. will lit) iilil the cmn after Nuvrlillrr 10IIO. .MIIIN P. IIAMl'MIIKK, (bounty Treasurer, alter a half-hour's hard work on the part of Mr. and Mrs. Hudson. The loss is about J 100, which is fully covered by insurance. ' While a late shipment of shoes was on the way from the East to If. Her bring, of this city, the car iri which they wim flhinnpfl vena hrritfn Intn at f!mn. for men, only 2 at The New York Cash j lllll4 junctIon and 47 pair of the hoeg nhatmplftfl. Thn nnnar hnvnu tvnm fminil I)-t A small gold wire band ring, ! at some distance from the station, but WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Hamilton Brown shoes at The New York Cash Store. Hamilton Brown's "0 Million" shoe Store. diamond setting. Finder please return to this office for reward. 2t no trace has been found of the thieves. At the Congregational church last Wanted A place to do light house-t night Rev. D. V. Poling paid a just and work and plain cooking by a young ! affectionate tribute to the dead yueen woman. Apply at Mrs. Britain's. 2t 1 of Knelantl in sermon that was lis. JacK Allison's attack of smallpox Is proving so mild that he was able to sit tened to with intense interest by a large congregation. An interesting feature of up for a good part of the day yesterday, the service was the singing of "America," Hamilton Brown's "Good as Gold" 1 11,0 congregation, at the request of the ehoe for men and boye are the best ; Ptor, rising to their feet und joining in wearing shoes In the world. Nos. 12 to 2, 1 l,,e 80"B " memory oi uie ueati queen Articles of incorporation of the Wasco 1.05; '.. oT, $1 85; 0 to 10, V?,25. Charley Hunt, an old-time resident of tiiis city and a veteran of the civil war, lias been very ill for some weeks and Warehouse Milling Company were filed today in the office of thebounty clerk. Ttio incorporators are I). pi. French, K. urivu apprehensions are eriteitalned 0f O. McCoy, Smith French ii. F. Laugh his recovery. ' French, Vrink Seufert, W. Van Woodruff and son, of Wuplnitia, L I"'1, J ' Y" . " J a',,,?1 brought to town Saturday 70 head o 9 ,BkI ? , Ul" cor',0;aA' "V1"0'000' ,h fat hog, which thev sold to the Columbia I v,,,wl ,nt0 Bhar,,80, lQ0 neh' I'acking Company at fi cents a nound ! Our Salem special correspondent, in a J Kfoss. The animals averaged 257 pounds communication published elsewhere, each. ; says tho "followers of Corbett say they Tt... i l- i i i i i nra pledged to their constituents to or - i ne O. K. barber shop is now running ' . , ,. , t, . , ,. rea chairs with three first-cl.. 1 m.t MoBr,,,B,1 Wbers. Patrons of the .hop will thus 1 'lo',bt " 1 ''8 U im" 0 H"y henuknr, .i ,t. . i i .t i . , extent, but true or la se, it is beside the oeastured of qul';k attention and prompt , . ' , . ,. , ami u..tufu. i i. i. pa nt. Tho quest on is, Did their con satlsfastory service. J. It. Hees, , , ; , ' .... Proprietor. i28.2w' '" l,,od" timu l" vole hr tll,, ' j man who was responsible for the leglsla an , i,,?"0?l!'U""e)C,tion 0f Ar,t0,0,m live hold-up of 1897. Tiik Ciihonhm.k ... wurv.-uvBu precincin to nuerman wuuty has lieI a borriln. The Ante-1 '''I'H Herald fay h It has recei veil word j iom mat the scheme has been abandoned. N'xt Wednesday mnrnimr, January iJdk'.-oven precincts to Sherman I .n... t. ,..., r i... died a borriin'. The Ante-1 ....,,. r.i ,i..u iti,i t,.a i, Vf(4v' vt nun hum M(Di 1 1 ii v j n ( iii iv no lioNltatiou in sayiu. that while ' we asked im pledge of our candidates for the legM tdmi, few, if any, of them would havn been elected if It had been Coi "Itli. Miss Taylor will her Kin-, known that they would support 'ifcrgarten, nnd will be glad to receive all . ,ett. Kven in Corhett'n home com clearly indicates how much Corbett's candidacy is favored by the rank and file of his republican neighbors. The new Calvary Baptist church was dedicated yesterday in presence of a large c uigrecation. The dedicatory ser mon was delivered by Hev. Hay Palmer, of Portland, and was an earnest, practi cal discourse. At thecloeeof the serni'in and before the dedicatory prayer, Hev. George A. Varuey stated that the edifice had been erected at a cosW)f $2,50S.07. That towards this amount the members of the church, who numbered onlv about forty persons, none of whom were at all wealthy, had, with a little assistance from the outside, contributed tho sum of Wl.319.82. besides 04 in labor. The minister said he had seen many church "Wildings erected through the self-sacri fice of Christian men nnd women, but that of tiie brothers uml sisters of the Calvary church was without a parallel. But a debt of iSOI.25 still remained, and as it was not the custom of Baptists to dedicate houses of worship until they were clear of debt, if it were at nil possi ble to clear them, an earnest appeal was made to the congregation toraisd a suffi cient 6um to wipe out the indebtedness, The congregation responded nobly, and in a few minutes pledges were given to the amount of $585, leaving a trifling balance of $21!!. 25, which was further re duced at the night service to $181.85. AdvnrtUmt Following is the list of luttorH remain ing in the postoflice at The Ilalles un called for January 27, 1001. Persons calling for tho same will uive date nn which they were advertised : Belyen, Miss Allie Brown, Mrs Ollie Burbee, Mr Chae Brown, Aldeu Canfield, Jas H CresHinore, ICugene Coulter, John A (2) Concright, J C Clearuo, P C Daugherty, Jnle Hanson, ICdward Hanshaw, F Johnson, MIsh M Kennedy, J H Kauilman, h l.ef)un, JameH I.uciiiger, Mrs Lawrence, C M!Farliuid,MrH J C Morn, Steve McCoy, John C Miller, W II Meril, CIiiih Musquurt, N C Murray, John Hlvers, Geoige Handall, Huldah Spicer, M A Shevlln, J J J. M. Pattkiison, P, M. I'KOI'I.K COM I Ml AND OOINO. J. A. Gulliford was in town today from Dulur. A, C. Palmer, editor of the Crook County Journal, is registered at the Umatilla House. Senators Williamson and Johnston and Henrusentative McGreer spent Sun day in the city, leaving for Salem on the delayed train this morning. Theater-goers will have an opportu nity of seeing the latest success of Sulli van and Harris Tuesday evening, Feb ruary 5th, at the Vout opera house when they will produce their great melodrama "The Angel of the Alley." A very ex citing story of New York life is this new play and the cbaracterR depicted are those found in n certain quarter of town which for years has made much trouble for the police. The play deals with the adventures of a young army officer who is lured to an underground gambling re sort in tins part of town and who be comes involved in a murder and numer ous adventures attendant upon it. The heroine of the story is a beautiful wo man, who by her good work amomr the poor of the locality is known as "The Angel of ti e Alley." Through her ! efforts the young officer is cleared of all I charges against him and the culprits are Drought to justice. Miss Vera Hamiltion is the leading woman in this new production and has gained (Uttering attention from the critics for iter admirable work in inter preting a difficult role. The cast is a strong one and each artist was specially engaged for his or her respective role in this play. The stage-settings are' tri umphs of tho famous artist?, Harley Merry Si Sons. Streets and alleys of New York are represented with startling accuracy, and an elalwrate view of Sing Sing and the famous death cell is also given. Dfitiblu Itlrtliilay Tarty. Oriner pupils, as well an new nnes. The 1 .1,11 u muni ii)..iu lliu wia tut Itltix n a tn " - ........ - " - . ui;'j iiiiiiiari ni-iu i ihiiiw iii.umi h arranged in a most at. i his election that ufter he had, according to common report, dictated the noiiilua- ttou of legislative candidates who were all favorable to hit election, the opposi tion nominated a new set and wiped the earth with the Corbett men. Tnis In a county that five montlii after gave Will iam McKinley a majority of 5512, pretty foiii has been ''active manner for the children. Men are employed at the St. Charles hot springs, two mile above Stevenron, J We Washington ade of the Columbia, aiming ground (ori hotel site and link. DK well to a depth where wator can be "Mof a temperature of 108 to 120 do. CASTOR I A For Iufauts aud Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of Clarke k Falk'a flavoring extracts are the beit. Ask your tt eer for them, On Saturday night the home of 3 and Mrs. J, E. Barnett waa the scene of a most enjoyable surprise. That day being tho birthday anniversary, of botli Mr. M. Randall and Mr. J. El Barnett, they had decided to spend a quiet ,i i.iiri 1 iw tnt. nfliu, in omtial .liar Dftiura I however, had decided differently, anl about S o'clock there was a loud ring of the door bell. Mr. Barnettr hastened tol open the door, when lo about thirty jolly neighbors came flocking iu. A very pleasant evening was spent in con versation and games, ending with a bountiful lunch. Those present were Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Kdie Fisher, Mrs. LI Chrisman, Mrs. Wm. Michell, Dr. anil Mrs. Kshelman, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Groat, Mr. and ms. W. K. Walthers, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Connie Wheal don, Mr. and Mne. and Miss Myrtle Rorden, MrB. amy Miss Maude Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Epgle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Clough, Mrs. and Miss Pearl and Hoy Grimes, Mrs. it. L. Jones, Mr. B. K. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Kdith Handall. , NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the said , Uhew Kee t'o., doing business on trout street, in Dalles City, Or., for many years past, has not been dissolved, hut that said business is still owned and conducted hy said Chow Kee Co., and that said firm will not be responsible for any debts or- transactions contracted by the so-called successors Wong Ken, Wong Gluten. Womr Yon, I.u Guien, Ma Wei and Ma Kei, who have no Interest whatever in said bodiless of the Ciiew Kee (Jo. since tho 12th day of January, 1901. Dtted Dalles City, Or.. Jan. 25, 1901. Gniiw Kki: Co. Nolle lit Cimv Ownttrx. By order of the council I am Instructed to enforcH the cow ordinance and on and after Monday, the 28th Jonuary inst., all cows found innuiiig at large in tlie . city, at any hour of day or night, will be luipounded. T. J, Duivmt, 28j-U Marshal. "notice." My wife, Hattie Belle Biirliiignine.liav-! Dig deserted me, I will not be responsi ble, for any debtp she may eoiitraet from , this date. Kikiaii Bifin.ixd.tMu, ; January 29, 1901. j29 fhv Hemember that you don't have to be! bald ; you ran keep your I. air by using Cocoanut Cream Hair Tunic, To he! had at Fra.ur's barber simp, tf For sprains, swellings ami lamHueRs' thoru is nothing so good us Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Bluku ley, the druggist, t t t t We do Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates made end contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. Do not forget That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and Implement store. Repair work of all kiirls done. MAYS CROWE. Given Away With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store during January and February, we will give One' Chance on the following prizes: FIRST PRIZE One Alnmmized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated Knives and Forks. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot. In addition to giving away these prizes we will sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always be ready to serve the trade in the best possible way. We will positively not be undersold by any one. Our prices are right. 7vmiER St BENTON. C. J. STUBBING, 5' ! I V !? . WHOLESALE AND P.ETA'L Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. i : 4 i 1 3. THE DALLES, OREGON. X J. E. FALT & CO., X V Proprietors Cornrnepeial SarnpIe t00rns 1 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use 5 Delivered to an' part of tho City. 1 iiom.8, suai, J)l8iant!t?i 173 Second Street, y Those helontriiii; to the foothall assocN ation ami IiuvIiik football equipment ure requested to leave tho fiaino at the laud olllco in eliare of the inauauer, Ode 1'atterBon. j2.'-lw Mth. Hattie Morris, stylish ilreea niakliiir. Koister-Taylor fipiare, taught aa iu St. l.ould nnd ChiciiL'o. All the latoBt patterns. Aliovo IVase it Miivh' fctore. j'.'IJ.-Jrt Cocoanut Ureani HuirTonio will cure dandrutriMid all ecalp Don't neli'iit your hair. For Bale at'r liarht-r eliop, nolo aueut. tf Quality aud not quantity makes Db Witt'H Little I'.irly liiturs tniuh valtialde Ditto liver pills. Clarke A FalkV 1. O. I'harniiuiy. Clearaiuie fain of winter millinery at the Cauiphell & WDhou .Millinery I'ar lors. Trimmed hatH, street hats, and Imliy hounets at cnNt. j7-lin (')iintty liutter -10 cents per roll at Maler & Denton's. 1'Jj-hv BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have boils if von take Clarke & Falk's sure cure tor boils. A full line of KasUtinn lilma and sup plies just received by Clarke A Falk. Lost A diamond sunburst brooch. A reward will ba paid for its return to tills ottlce. L' I.nt Dlnck silk fob ribbon, with rd eaueo ctiann. Leave at this oflice and let reward. j22-lw Funiid A bunch of key, which the owner can dud at this utiico by paying for this notice. 22 '2i Wanted A competent iriil to do kcii eral housework. .Must be u kouiI cook. Apply at this olllce. j-.'-.'tf Founil A purse, which the owner cun have by cilllnj; at this olllce aud paying for tills notice. 'JiMt For fashionable dressmaking and plain sewing, call ami see Mrs, S. K. iiender ion, 80S Third street, in .Mrs. Rddon's home. jlli lui