SBwswltlFMlM i.imiii a I I I f T!7 TM7 i ; H!w W The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY ury of the United Stales in sums not less than $50. Th nrpsent fiftv-sixth concrcSS JAS. 2S. 1901 hs a(jte(1 wjse a'nd courageously ! I in the enactment of the most im- FISH LOGIC I ULAlWr. lportant financi;ll cgislalion cvcr l written in our statute. This con- 1 gress went n far as it felt sure of ; the approval of the people, and the people in the November election ex-' The Astoria News i at least Businc, though it fails to be in structive. With the ingenuousness of childhood, charmingly associated with its infantile prattle it, through its editorials, as Cordelia's character: "L'.ke crystal most doth show The thing it most would hide," asserts that Astoria is the center of the Ssbing industry and, there fore, should dictate the laws concern ing the catching of salmon. It says: The Dalles has not more than AMD pressed full and enthusiastic ap- proval. Both bouses of congress are j now overwhelmingly republican. ; The republican party is commiited to the gold standard, and tne presi- ident, in his last message, presents the subj.'ct of establishing this standard, so that it shall be impervi-j Atlantic ous to the assaults of those who li-odalm ' would misinterpret the present OREGON Shorj line Union Pacific I'XTakt 1 TIME SCHEDULES arrive TOB THE DALLES. rE0 po Portland Stwial. 12:S5p. m. vU Hunt-Incton. , tin iiuui law inrton. i one thing now needed rst Mall. 1 9:23 p. m. via spo tO kaae. meuuic 5 ner cent interest in the industrv That 3 rer cent industrv is in wheels . or break h dowD' as n (1ut-v reslinS j V-Jl which are InnqtPrt near t!if sniwnincr 1 uPn Congress, rounds, and catch the fish before vi . u .u . make -every dollar of our . i - j. - ing waters. This makes them a menace to the industry, and they should be abolished." There's logic that would jar the candy out of a Christmas sock. The Dalles catches 5 per cent before they reach propagating waters. Astoria catches 95 per cent before they get up this far, and indeed a consider able per cent before the get fairly into the river, and certainly all be fore they reach the propagating Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. Worth. Omnbi. Kan sas Citr. St. LouU, Chi- j cago and the hat. l:Cip. rn. Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. Worth. Omaha. Kan-' ms Citr. St-Louis Chi- i cago and the East. Walla Walla, Le-iton.! Minneapolis, SU ' Paul.Daluth.Mllweu-. kce, Chicago and Easuj 4:15 a. rn. !:;n in. currency equal to every other dollar, and equal to the best dollar in the world," which was the promise and slogan of the last rational campaign, s:oop.ra is to make this currency escuange- iable at the United States treasury at the will of the holder. This is a basic principle for standard and is, in the opinion of our best financiers, sufficient to cover all immediate de- ! mands for parity maintenance. Congress will act wisely and the OCEAN AND E1TEE SCHEDULE From 1'jrtlaoil. ! (All sailing dates sub-' ject to chacpe ) ; For Stn Francisco, Sail every 5 days. 4 :00 p. m. Daily except sanday, s:Wip. rn. Saturday, 10 :W p. in. Daily except Sunday, c-OJ a. in. Culutnlita ltlrer. To Astoria and Way-Landings Willamette ltlver. Oregon City. Kenlierg, Salem, Independence, and ay-Landinc. 4 OJ o. in. except sundar. 0 Complete Cipe of Drus at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. H REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY Steamers oi the Regulator Unc will run as per the fol .'chi-dule. the Company reserving this right to change' schedule without notice. Str. Regulator dows. Lv. Dalles at 7 A. X. Tuesday ,TlimwlV Saturday. . . 1 Arr. Portland , at 4:3) r. St. Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. Lv. Portland at ; A. x. Monday .Wednesday , A,,;S2iiS Regulator Line. a 5 r. M. IHJWN Lv. Dalles it ; a. m. Monday. . .. Wednesday Krlday Arr. Portland at it.Tor. m. vr, L . Portland nt 7:00 a.m. , . . . Tuesday ThurwUv Paturdav Arr. Dalles at 5 r. x. I FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steamer of the Regulator Line, 1 he Company will endeavor to give its pat rons inc. lesl service jvimiuic. fui ihhuci nufi .,...... - Portland Offlce, Oak-street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY. Uon. Agl. ttTVT TiyiTlWYl TiTiT i-T 1.-T.UT. 4:30 p. m. except Sunday. Just What You cjaant. waters above The Dalles, though ; people will applaud its action if be- has been shown time and time again that the fish spawn, according to conditions, from the mouth of the river to the source. With what charming frankness the Xews asserts 'fore adjournment it enacts some such measure as the Overstreet bill into law. "Perhaps it is due to Mr, Mitchell to say t'wt bis abilities stand out Saturday. 6:05 a. in. Tuesdav, Thursday, Saturday, 7 : W a. in. Corvallis end Way-Landings. Willamette ami Yamhill Klvrrs. 4. .TO p. in. Monday, Wednodty Friday. S SOp. m. Mormay, Oregon Citv. Da vtonnnd Wodnesaay Way-Ijindings. rriday. Leave that the catching of o per cent of resplendent in companion with those i dally, the total pack is a menace to -the j of certain others in and out of office I Soake Hirer. Riparia to Lewiston. Leave Leivlston I daily, -.a) a. si. not de ceiving us, we are forced to the conclusion that the millenium is sure enough here at last. industry, and how cheerfully it .who need not be named." Ore- sssumes that the catching of 95 per .sonlan. After wiping the cent doesn't threaten the business at all. There are twelve hundred miles of the Columbia, and twelve thous and miles of its tributaries outside of Clatsop county, and all of these waters the Xews would have set apart for Clatsop county's sole use and benefit. Clatsop's desire is not to protect the fish but to 4,bog" the whole business. Let us go back a little and see how Astoria has tried to protect the salmon. Several years ago the open season was from April 10th to August 1st, and it was unlawful to catch fish between the hours of C p. m. Saturday and 6 p. m. Sunday. This gave the salmon a chance to get by the thousand or more miles of nets and seines of Clatsop county. Practically one seventh of the fish bad a chance to escape. This was too much for Clalsop to lose, and at its dictation the Sunday law was abolished. It discovered also that about August 1st there was quite a run of Cbinooks that con ticoed'to about the 10th. To pro tect this run, Clatsop again came to the front and had the time extended to August 10th. Now it is claimed that this run comes later, snd in order to "protect the fish" Clatsop desires the season extended until the 20th of August. That is the way, Clatsop has practiced, and still de-' sires to protect the salmon. 1 Clatsop county has about fifty miles ot river front, out of (counting both shores) about 2500, and it gets 95 per cent of the salmon catch. Terily the Astoria shoat is full J grown, but belonging to the razor-1 back breed it refuses to get fat, and squeals lustily for more, though it has all four feet in the trough and is , getting away with the provender. Purtip .Iprirlmr m t-n rn TlpnnnM nr editorial ' tseJo. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12:40 p. ra. ! mating direct connections at Heppner iuuetion spectacles and reading the above , '"if'- ?elce S??!1??1 r s ut Heppner Junction and Iliggs with No. 1. ar- paragraph over and over in order to nTiaB ae wane ant p. m , iUt ,r orM oro nnt For further pMticninrs call on orddrc JAS. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalle-, Oregon. Take them to day and you will be well tomor row. Baldwin's Allopathic Cold Cure Tablets, (Cold la Head) No.23B. 25c Saj Frajicisco. E. L. BALDWIN CO. Your Cold Care i the ocly remedy that resilr does curt in one day. HlIlV ROXjGEKA. Karry Kodgen Co. if m Fail i New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety a we are showing never be fore craced a Einple stork. eal imita tion cretun effects at ordinary prices. ) Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at oar store on TThird etreet. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAT7SE, Third St. Yellowstone Park Line. SACmauBKTO, Cal. JL X.. BALDWIN to. You Cold Cure Tablets No, mlendid for Cold in Head. DWINEI.L. With Adama, Boothe Sc Co. 33-B are Desvek, Colo. JL 1 BALDWIN CO. I find vonr Cold Cure Tablet the afcl and most convenient remedy for cold in thm bead. They cur ia every inatanct. H. ?. Coossoa Clarke & Falk. Tne Dalles, Oregon. THE UlSIXti PAR ROC1K FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIREtT LIKE TO THE YELLOW STONE PARK. LEivc UlIClDSIOl.FirtlEIilSH No. 2. Fast mail for Taeoma, No. Seattle, Oljmpla, Gray' Harbor and Sonth Bend points, Siukune, P.ots land, B. C, Pnllman, Moscow, Leuifcton, Buf 11:15 A. M. faloHnrap mining conn- 5;M V. M. try, Helena. Minueapo lia, St. Paul, Oraaba, Kansas City, St. Louis. Cbicairo and all tioinU No. 4. eat t:id soufbeaeL. No. 3. I Paget Sound Esprefs. . 11;30 P.M. for Tacoma and Seattle 7;00 A. M. , ana intermediate point F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. : nor Second & IwM, 'Phone 157 J.E. SCHZ5CZ, President. Max A. VojT. Cat Me) Pnllman first-class and tourist sleej.ers to i I yinneaiolU, ot. Paul and Missouri river points I wuuuui cuauge. eautraiea trains, union oerot connections, in all tirincinal citieo. Baggage cbecked to destination of tickets. First national Bank. THE DALLES - OREGON Korliandwimely illnsttateddt-cripave matter, , a General Banking Rnaine trn.i-t ' tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or I write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 2i5 Morri sou Street, corner Tblrd, Portland Oregou. Clarke & Fa'k have on eale a fall line of paint and artist's brnebns. SOUTH and EAST via 9o per cent of j ill Souinern Pacific Co Depoeita received, subject to Sight wui or unecje. Collections made and proceeds promptlj i remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRBCTOKS. , D. P. Thompson. Jko. S. ScHrxcz. I Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liibb. , H. M. Bkall. Shasta Route MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horseshoer. I Trains leave The Dulles fur Portland and waj stetlons st i via a. m. and 0 p. ra. Leave Portland i " Albany . . S:30 a m l.'.J a m I Arrive Atbland 12:2:iain " liacrameuto l:iW p m " San Praucisco 7:15 pin I 7:COpm 10:50 pm I 11:30 a ra 4 ;&1 a rn 6:15 a m I CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates pleate The bouse committee on banking i remember that we carry u fall line of XA8IC PRINCIPLE OF THE GOLD, STANDARD. Arrive Ogdon " Denver " Kansas City " C'bluago . . . f:15 a m V:00um 7:J5 a ra a m 11:45 am :U)am : a in I 'JVM am All kind? of bltcketnlthtng will receive prompt attention and win be executed in firet-claes shape. Give him a call. and currency Saturday votcl six to one in favor of reporting the Over ttrcet Dill, maintaining at all times tbe parity with gold the standard silver dollars of tbe United States, and to that end autboiizing and re quiring tbe secretary of tbe treasury, at tbe demand of tbe bolder, to ex cbasge gold coin for standard silver dollars when presented to tbe tress- LOWNEY'S. just opened, freeh from tbe factory. In plain and fancy bores for Christ tr as trade, and at prices to salt. Don't forget that we art) head, quarters for the best on earth. Name LOWNEY settles It. ; Arrive Los Angeles 1 :'J0 p ! El Paso G:l p i .1 IT... Wm ...k e .at .. City of Mexico Houston New Orleans . Washington m in f.:S0um j M h ta 4:WJam Cr.i'i a in CM u rn New York p tn 7:C a to 0:00 p m C;!i0 u tn ,y.:5 a in 4.00 a in ! C:115 p m ' C-llam j 12-43 pro I Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains and tourist cars to CblcaKo, til Louis, New Or- I leans ana asniniriou. i Counectinasset Eau tearusblp lrnoa for Honolulu, Japan. C'blna Krunclsco wltb several ' Pbillppiuea, Central and 8outb America. ftee jent at Tbe Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dallee, Or. MM BBStaiirant L. Y. Hone, Prop'r. , : First-CIass in Evspect MEALS AT ALE, UoCtlH Oysters Served in any Style. 17 Becond 6t, The Dalleti, Or. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kindf Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tmlu iS0 Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- TT'lrinT This Hotir if manufactured expressly 'for family A A- U-L uft. , :-v i-:ick is smarauwed to give ffttiefaction. We ?eli mr eocile lower thau any hnne in the trade, and if you don't think eo call and get rnr prions and le convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Retiring from Business. Closing ont my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Good?, Clothing, lJcots and hocs, at much lees than wholesale prices. Will tell in bulk or in 'ot?, or any way to ?nit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed ont before 30 days. All foods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsete and Bntterick Patterns. Yctir prievs will hi wine. Call early and secure , Bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. Grandall & Barget DEALERS IN -. C()J3es fill kinds Of UNDERTAKE- BUPiaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. THE CELEBRATED .. .G0UHfiIA BREWEEY .. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known urcmery the United Stutee Health Reports or June 28 1900, eays: "A wore eupeiior brew never entered nfll l ?V,le """"'State. Health reports. It to abwlutdy devoid of the eliu iteet trace of Bdulteration, but on the other hand is composed of est and it can be used with the neatest honfc(jt and Batiefactlon bv old and &, n".h? be prescribed by the physician., with pose" lbe found 'Ur,;r ' ,uor(i w hole60U,e tovwuge could not East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 7 TIRED MEN. r, .. . fa -T:: iiwV- ui. ""V hre ,l 1B uoiortunat victim of lack of nerve Ift . Wl I ' vnil Lrnnu- If I .......1.1 I.. I . . .. I'AV.L.iSl VV 'pni to you. ioocm dnWnd unon it that Lincoln oexuai mis regenerate and build up the lyitem of tlie t Irurl man uifl ,Ax,t i ..t .