The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 26, 1901, Image 4

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And AH Forms of Itching, Scaly Humors Are
Instantly Relieved and Speedily
Cured by CUTICURA.
The itchinc and burning I suffered in my feet and limbs for three years
were terrible. At night thev were worse and would keep me awake a
greater jian ui me uiguu i i-viimui.ii
doctor after doctor, as I was travelling
on the road most of my time, also on?
of our city doctors. 26ne of the doc
tors knew what the trouble was. I pot
a lot of the different samples of the medi
cines I had been usinc. I found them
of so many different kinds that I con
cluded that I would have to go to a
Cincinnati hospital before I would get
relief. I had frequently been urged to
try Ccticl'ra Kejiedies, but I had no
faith in them. My wife finally prevailed
upon me to try them. Presto ! What
? a chauee ! I am now cured, and it is a
permanent cure. I feel like kicking
some doctor or myself for suffering three
rears when 1 could have used CrnccitA
H. JEXKDCS, Middleboro, Ky.
Consisting: of CtmccnA Soap (25c), to
cleanse the skin ol crusts and scales and
soften the thickened cu:icle, CuncrnA
Ointment (50c.). to instantly" allay itching,
irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and
heal, and CcnrcnA Rtaoi.VE.vT (50c). to
cool and cleanse the blood. Is often sufficient
to cure the most torturing, disiigurinc skin,
scalp, and Wool humors rashes, and irrita
tions with loss ol hair when physicians, ho
pitals, and all elso fail. Sold throashont the world. Potter Drug ad Caai.
Cosp., Sole Props., Boston. " Hon- to Purify and Beautify the Skin," free.
Use onlr CcncTKA. Soap for liaby's fkin, scalp, and hair. It is not onlr the jiurcrt,
Mveete.-'t, and most rcfrv-hlns of nurterr f oaj, but it consiin; delicate, cinol
HILL1QHS Went iro;rtiei, obtained Iroiu Citiccua. the great bkln cure, which preserve,
nc rnri'y. and beautify the skin, tealp, ami hair, and prevent simple fUn Mem.
Ur ishes from liccnrairtz ierioas. i'or di?treid!nr heat rashe?, clialinri. inflani.
MflTHFR'J nwUon.nnd eruptions, for crusted, itchinc irritations of the scalp." with dry,
nu i ntno thln an,j f3iiinsr hair, for red, rouzh hands; and shapeless nails, and simple in.
landle honors, it Is absolutely lndlsiiensable.
With Orygenor Companv'c Perfected
A full line of Eastman film nd tap- nr,nnr irt- T, ' , .,,,,.
plies jnet received bv CUrke A Falk. Oxygenor King. It is not battery. It i
... . " . if not electricity. It cures with the oxy-'
Lost A diamond sunburst brooch. A
gen of the air, without doctors, without
......... j Ml i j c 4- .i.i.
,'"'u iu1.Urire,ra..u d without medicine. The greatest '
J ( boon to mankind ever discovered. It 1
t rl i- v t ! . i ...
iMti chuck (iiKioonooon, wun reu , stands without a rival as a curative
caueo charm. Leave at this office and
get reward. j22-lw
I Found A bunch of keys, which the
owner can find at this office by paying
, for this notice. 22-2i ;
agent and possesses complete niHStery '
over all curable diseases without em- j
ploying nauseous or poisonous drugs. I
Description, theory, method of operation, j
list of diseases for which it is recom-1
Wanted A competent girl to do gen- mended, etc.. furnished free. Call on or
eral houework. Mnst be a good cook, address. J. M. Filloo.v,
j22tf I
i Apply at this office.
1 Found A purse, which the owner
can have by calling at this office and
1 paying for this notice. i!SU
i For ladies onlv. special in corsets
i a r.- c:.... i c . on. 01 or
1 Only 25 cents while they last. At the
' ew York Cash Store,
j For fashionable dressmaking and plain
'sewing, call and see Mrs. S. E. Hender
' son, 365 Third street, in Mrs. Eddon's
'boose. jlft lm j
'Phone No. ::90.
The Dalles, Or.
Now is the time when croup and lung
I troubles prove rapidly fatal. The onlv I
1 1 1 i.. . i. . .
harmless remedy that produces ini
- mediate results is one Minute Cough
Cure. It is very pleasant to take and
can be relied upon to quickly curej
coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It '
will prevent consumption. Sold
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacv.
$i.oo per month.
Strictly first class local an I long
distance telephone service within
your homo.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will be kept a secret.
No cost for installing.
You cct the standard Hnnning
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day anil night service.
We will accept your contract fo
ten rears and allow yon to cancel
same on giving us thirty days writ
ten notice.
When threatened bv pnenmonta or
1 fine nlher lllnn trnnltlo Ttirtmr, uliif la '
Mrs. Hattie Morris, strlieh dress- .. . , .11
. , , ! necessary, as it is dangerons to delav. ,
making. -Keister-Tarlor square, taught ,,. . , ., . ... .
. . ... t I ' e woa" sugcest that One Minute;
lateet patterns. Above Pease & Mays')
Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica-1
tions of having taken cold are noticed. '
It cures quickly and its early use pre- j
vents consumption. Claike & Falk's
P. 0. Pharmacv.
county commissioners of the various :
counties of the state power to levy a
spocial tax, not to exceed five mills, for .
road purposes, and also enforce the col
lection of a ?2 poll tax for road purposes.
tax of 4, collectable from evfrv male
'. citizen above the age of 21 years in every
' coantv. All of these measures have for
their obj-ct the betterment of county
Zion Lutheran chnrch, Seventh and
Union streets Services at 11" a. m. and
7:30 p. m; Sunday school 12 :13 p. m ;
Lutheran League meeting 6:30 p. in.
Calvary Baptist chuich Kev. W. I.
Clifton, pastor. Resruiar services at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m, in the new church
on Union street. Sunday school at 10
a. m.; B. Y. P. U. at 6:St, p. m.
Methodist Episcopal chnrch Corner
Fifth hud Washington, Kev. (J. F.
Hawk pastor. Morning worship at 11 :
Sunday school at 10 a. m.: class meet-j The death of Mrs. Elizabeth A.
ing at 12:15; Epworth L-acue at 6:30; i Stephens at Goldendale Tuesday, Janu
Junior League at 3:30; evenine service j ary 22nd, removes from this world the
at 7:30. You are cordially invited to 1 ast cf a family of seven children, all of
all the services. ( whom died at nges ranging from 70 to
Consregaiionai ennrch corner Fifth j 90 years. Five of these were brothers
and Court streets. Bev. Poling, pastor. J who were all honored ministers of the
Services at the reguiar hours. In the ; Methodist Episcopal church,
morning the snt-jfc.t will be "Move On." 1 Mrs. Stephens, whose maiden name
In the evenine the pastor will spezk on , was Elizabeth A. Patty, was horn in
the subject "A Great Woman and Good i Knoxvi'le, Tennessee, December 3,1819.
Queen," 2 memorial addresin honor of 'She was married there in 1839 to George
How tn Cure Croup.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Ainenia,
T ..- v . iru-
1 - n u t .'1 , . I The most soothing, healing and anti-
, , , t . septic application ever devised is I)e-,
cine I have ever used. It is a fine n..,,,, ,v.'. , , -. , T. ,.
, . , , ttt s Witch Hazel alve. It relieves
children s remedy for croup and never al oncf. anj cureg plH?( sores e,.j.en)H j
iails to cure." When given as soon as and ekin diseases. Bpware of imita- j
the child becomes hoarse, or even after j tions- Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. '.
the croupy cough has developed, it will CIarb & FaTk are never closed Sunday, i
prevent the attack. This should be Tfon't fpreet this. i
borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough j
Remedy kept at band ready for instant j Scribe for The Ciieomcle. j
naa us cinn a c lliunu Cpinrttnina annuor !
For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
proprietors Gommercial Sample Rooms.
5 Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Street.
Phones: 51 Local,
Sos Long Distance
1 Drying1 preparations eimply dcvel
j op di catarrh ; they dry up the secretions,
which adhere to the mcniurano and decom-
sop, introduced hills proriding for a poll j Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
the queen. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all not worshipping elsewhere.
L.t-cllati rr;.MMures,
M. Stephens and the couple resided
there after marriage about ten years,
when tney moved to Missouri and from
thence to Arkansas, from whence they
crossed the plains by ox team and
arrived in Oregon in 1S52, settling on a
at Sheridan, Yambi;I conntv.
Representative Carter has introduced
a bi!l in the interest of threshing hands. ; farm
The bill gives threshing hands a lien on wiiere they resided till the death of Mr
the threshing maciiines for a period of Stephens in 15. After the death of
ten days after they cease labor. ! her husband M-e. Stephens moved to
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, listlessness into energy,
brain-fag into mental jiower. Thev're
wonderful in building up the health. , 20c. size. Ely Brothers, fG Warren
Onlv L'5 cents per box Sold br Blakeley, . Ti'e Baha curs without pain,
" irritate or cause sneezjng. Itspre
Workiac Mcht and liar
The busiest and miehtiest little thin' '!sV?.M:ne
-Mattoon, Of Douglas and Haun, Of Olat- , that ever was made is Or. Kin"'? New si.i .
and use that which cleanses, soothes aud ,
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy '
and will euro catarrh or cold in the head ,
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the ,
St.,.l. '
docs not ,
the arnggist. o j over an irritatod and angry surface, reliev-'
. . . , , ., . , ing immediately the painful inflammation, j
This season there is a larce death rate v,-,i, vi-' .... n. i j '
among children irom croup and lung
troubles. Prompt action will save the
little ones from these terrible diseases. '
We know of nothing so certain to give
instant relief as One Minute Cough
uure. it can also tie relied upon in
grippe and all throat and lung troubles
01 annus, neasani to tace. Ularce ix 1, Dk.. !
iraic x UBluiai:i,
against Kasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Pepsin preparations often fail to re-1
lieve indigestion because they can digest i
only albuminous foods. There is one1
preparation that digests all classes of '
food, and that is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
It cures the worst cases of indigestion
and gives instant relief, ior it digests 1
what you eat. Clarke & Falk P. O. '
Pharmacv. I
i Go'.dendalt
Cattanach Thnredav introduced a bill 1 Uta- 01 ner ueath.
in the house to appropriate iS'XK) for the
"beneat of the state Iward of agricnlture.
This amount is to tie ret aside and nsed
exe'iisirely for the payment of premiums
a. Uieiu uni hs'k fair.
hy pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior I
paints when you can buv James .
Patton'o sun proof paints for $1.50 per i
she resided till the tjallon. pnaranted for T retire, ninrl- Xr I
ralk, agents. ml!' J- uli.i.-ss .v uu., and s. L
"t lightens S I
1 w Zjm mm 1
m V.oiPn mm m
Urease -1 !
i ceips uie tea-n. baves wear cna B j
I 1
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt-attention.
r Phone 234,
Nest door to First National IJank.
All persons indebted to the late firm
7lfl f
Smith, of .Mu.momah, Thursday In
tr dnced a lnl in the house girina the i
you hare seen hundreds of your cosjanlons
ivajteawuj-iu mill and foundry with a ijersiitent
cough. You have seen hundretieoi them die with
that terrible dlieaiC, Consumption. Youhavei-een
Tiie decea'ed was the mother often
children, three of whom sacenmbed to
the hardships of the journey across the
plains, and like so many others were
laid to rest by the wayside. The rest
are ali living aud in the order cf ti.eir
age are : Mrs. Mary Gates, Gates, Ore. ;
Mrs. Martha Whitmer, Bellview, Yam
bill county; W. R. Stephens, Yakima
City, Wash.: Ira D, Stephens, Sheridan,
Ore. ; Charles F. Stephens, The Dalles;
Mrs. Ella Farris and A. W. Stephens,
Mrs. Stephens' death was hastened, if
Dyspepsia can be cured hy using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome'tin
hoses at 25 cts. Blakeley the drugirist.
jBEOOKS, are
settle up on or
without fail.
requested to call and
before March 1st next
S. h. UllOOKS.
Clearance sale of winter millinery at
the Campbell & Wilson Millinerv Par-
Look Here.'
All the Groceries. Hardware and Tin.
j ware will he disposed of bv the 1st of
turcli o c ll.t. ,ill; til 1 .1
lors. Trimmed hats, street hats, and j by other parties. S. L. DIlOOKS.
baby bonnets at cost. j7-lmj jstilC-mchl
Quality and not quantity makes De-1
Witt's Little Early Kisers such valuable j Jg
little liver pills. Clarke v Falk's P. O.
I Pharmacy.
wives left riennlle?s. and children thrown uuon
the mercies of the cold world, because the father
coughed his life away. Ttie air you breathe
every day U full of sharp, metallic dust, which is
inhaled into the lun?t and lrnuites their delicate
lining. Is the cue ol ghus blowers, the fierce
not caused, br injuries which she re-1 aou 1 va,t 8a0l"er day or you may lie '
ceived Christmas dav throuch fallimr on 1 100 ,ate- Corsets 18 to 20; 2-1 to 27. i
a plank sidewalk while on her way to )
j Only 25 cente at The Sew York Cash
Don't Km. Jt In,
church. She had been a member of the
Methodist church for 05 vere and wan
great! v beloved bv all who knew her as J Jn" wet the &fft!':lfed Pa"l eely with I
la noble, motheily, Christian woman. Myiterione P-in Cure, a Scotch remedy. I
The fnnerul In,,!- r.... I.r., . I'-"' B"-. OU1U uy ViarKC Of
. . ' raiE.
oendale M. iu. caurch Thursdav, and
The most complete stock
of Garden, Grans, Field
and Vegetable Seeds In
bulk in the Inland Em
pire at the Feed. Seed .and
Grocery Store of
I In ell lis etai'fs there
khou.i be crau-iness.
s Crenm Halm
I cican'cp.s-Kituei-andlicclB
the iLseaaed nii' iiljrafic.
Itcu-ts' i. irr! anddr;rog
ev.-ay a ca.d ia the head
Crenm Halm is placed Into the nosailj, ep:ead
over the membrane and ia absorbed, liciefu im
mediate ccd a cure follow I- is nut dry jig does
tot prodnec Piieczln. La-je Ke, 50 cents at Vruz
cult -r lij maii ; Trial Sk-, 10 cents by mai .
W.r iKt jTUKUS, ii Warteu l-rect, Sew York.
Letters of Credit isBned available in th
eastern btates.
e anil Teleirm, l.w
Tranefers told on New York. CLiiairn'
L. Lane,
t. Wagon and Carriage Werk
j, Flh Brothers
Third art Jefe'D. Pitne 159
the remains were laid to rest, at her
own request, in the beautifol
north of that town.
I You wiil not have boils if vou take
i Clarke & Falk's enre cure for bolls.
acres of deeded land
I Sick Headache absolutely and nerma
Ineutly cured hy ueing Moki Tea. A,
I . " wmic vv,niijaiiiru
; anu luuigestion, makes
I u,.(.ci ana u
(Isolated Tract Public Land Sale.,
V. fc Lanh Ofncc, Thk Waixkh. Ob.,
Jmiuury l'joi. i
Kotlec in hereby clren that in llllrsuullM. rif
Sight Exchange
'Transfers eold on
C Innl. Cn.. IT ! 11 i , .-.
uiC j i liuuieuij, i oriiana ure
(gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in uregon and w ashmgtou. ,
Collections made at all pointe on far. I
inn-! inrm.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
hctt of the molten glass forew lu war up the
tuUj iuto the luny. where it cradculi) breaks
down tiiclr delicate ttructure tnakiuc eery cold
a chtnger to life. You cun t eMord tojuit work-
juioiiuoiviuiiji ii, mis laiai rniii una
tiiwtw: ueui. nat you 1
J Acker" Kiigliih Itemed)'
Hr.rul ihvr valli.t n.,...(.yl f...
- -w ' - , uupiru i 'Ji a monev
biock jarra or mieep rancn. with large i tbe d
.open ranae adjoining, at $1 75 an acre.
Adjoining above is a tract of lWiO -tree j Such little pills as DeWitts Little
u. puiciuium juiiu, wiucn can i.c nouie- , ar v IiieerB are rerv eauilr ut..n ,!
,-wu cai, biccjj iuiruenonk iroin Hie Cuuiiiilliiner i.l thei.en. xttiur la BirenL'LDenina nnri roenn.
apny. batislactlon imarauteed or ' eral Ind Orlicc, under nutliorltv vthii-rt in i.i.r, RtrnnMnw fVin ovi,t.,,r.,.Hji . i...
y back. 20 cts. andoOcts. Iakeley, j S.WiLf ?i . W?i laPtdovSlS
. i iej-t, wc will iiTocLtHi ut (.ii.TMf i.Hi.ii.. K-ii ton c. fn n ur
steaded or scripted.
j30 1mw
Inquire of
r-. W. cTAJiK,
The Dalles, Or.
Monday, the 'Jathduy of lebruary, next, lit the
hour of U o clock u. in , lit thih oltlce, the fol
louliiK truet of land, Ueivit :
j - -i-i"" wumutj, XI) III'
I they are wonderfully effective in cleans-
i'hat you end your friend need
n Kfmwlv 1 liU ulll nTNtiviii,
throat and luns siron acaiu. It will heul th
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tunic will cure
dandruff and all scalp dised-ee. Dun't
irritation, brace uj jour nireutrth, and you need
never Jo a day' work. 1 have noticed that in
me tnilli there are no cae of Comurmition.
The reavin U that Acker's EngUjh Keraedy is
used by the men working there.
.J? ,Bt Mc and I a bottle, thronshoul
the United gtatei and Canada ; and in Knirlaad
at la. M., as. 3d.. 4s. Cd. 11 you arc r.o saUifletf
alter buying, return the bottle to your druakUl.
and g your money buck.
We authorize tht abort auaratdtf. I
w. tit uvutitn d-
neglect your hair. For sale at Yxri.?x't "lefe 'B lathing so good us Chamberlain's
barber shop, ile iisreut.
w., nKim, .w tan, r.nnnanni Pro.m H.i. Tn.,l
For oale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. had at Frazer'i barber shop.
Clarke & Falk have received u carload I
of the celebrated Jame E. Patton i
strictly pure liquid painte j
liemernber that you don't have to be i
bald; yoo can keep your hair by using
To be
v! BeiiH.TK. P. r, y. w m
Any and all j.emoim cIhIiiiIiik ndvertely the 1
,,ii u-jn etc. uinisea ruiK iiw" in mi iniiee ou ur oeu re Hie
n r th - ! deftlltliated for the efimini.iipi.tnDt
t . v. i uarmaty . i otherwlne their rlk-htu will he forfi ii.-,!
. T. . . JA V I'. Lfi a. Keifl.tiT
for eprains, swellings and lameness i JIM trrit i-attkiim-, heteiver.
Soti-e In hereby Civen that the imili.,.l.,n,.i
jtxecutdr ut the will ol Andrew V. Andernun, '
'deeeiwed, m tiled ht (inat ncount in thai
county court of thuhtatuof (ireffuii for 'eo I
comny, und oald uiurt hu uppulnteii ilonuar. !
the .th dar of Jutiimn. I'iOi. Ht ti,.. i.,.,.. 1
.....1..1. - . . ...v ,,,ji ,u
ii univik n. ill
thereto aud
creditors and
stantly rellevesand pormanetitly cures
Dv8pepsIa, Indigestion, Heartburn,
1 Flatulence. Knur Ktnmnni, v.... 1 I
0 ' Sick .Headache, Gastralgla OraSBsand
of tuid tale, all otner results of liaperf oct digestion.
tf Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
-wpsrea wj c ' . WWT 6. CO., Cl)ica9
Sold by Chirl.e i Fhif - p, 0. 1'iiarn.Hcy.
HJP TrtAct Marks
rrnlr Jcsigns
rry,,T Copyrights Ac.
?. Ji. X lfr.'!"l' 'Vr "I'ttslou free w lift her a
ivfUiVm i probably catentiibt. "onimuiil'-r
ll!iV,,.ricV.'!,r",."l0"t Uil , 1 1 u'" on I'ateutt
'S ... ?: Vi2csl jpni-y for socurmir i.aloiii.
I i t. s taken throueb Munn i to rtee!r
tv uJwitct, without tharii. to tbo
Scieitfsfic Jlmerican.
A hnndvirnoly llliintrntM "ncklr. Ijirccut rlr
tulatioii of nr Mleiitinn louriYal 'jU.niii. t3
MUNN & Co.3c'Er.New York , ' 1' f" . Vi'iublocion, I. i
Paint your house with paints that ara
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the beat. Aek your ver for them.
Subscribe for Tut Chkonicle.
' ol Jumiury. 1'joi. ut Him !,i,n r ,.i n,
a the lime for heuriui; objection I
the fccttleineut thereof. All helm,
d ether iienouk lnti rjtiit i ...i,, '
V , . ,c meieiuie ui'ieur reiuireu lo llie their
objectloni to ald necouiit. If any they hat c, ou
or before the day kct for the hearliie thereof.
Palle City, Or.. Nov. 15, lnoo.
nlMt J. C. HOSTKTI.EK, Executor
l imn F.- a
A moiftnVM,7.Z'',iP'i.
ywei ft
u ni7 la r
rlne. ,,. ifi'l?',.!lf srip iior.ifk..,
tc Stiaui!i..":?"...'l'"lr-.t (..!
Are those who wear clothes thut are up
! lU'dNtu In lit. worKmai.ghlp and n.ialitv.
M line ol b.iii, de covers all the Jatet
idMlKuiiforUIUnil winter, the price U
right, aud I can guarantee a perfect fit.
Suits to Order, $IO.OO.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
,i ....
3 CO Pni.. ii'