The Great Reduction Sale ive Choose for yourself It mailers little whether vf you select, the fruit and veg- . . i i eiaoies you buy, or let us select for you. i If you depend on us for the selection, we will do the best we can. All of the fruit and vegetables we carry are good; some are better than others, but all are good. You will appreciate what we oiler. FRUITS. Nice Large Bananas, Navel Oranges, Camelia Lemons, Golden Dales, Red Apples. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts, Merced Sweet Potatoes, Beets, Celery, Lettuce, Caulillower, Greeir Onions, Radishes, Parsnips, Turnips, Rutabagas, Cabbage, Carrots. PEASE & MAYS Still goes on in all departments. The hundreds of customers who have taken advan tage of our reduction sale will appreciate the many bar gains they hauo secured. There are only a few days more and the sale will bo over. We have still a few bar gains in reserve for you come early before they are all gone. SILK WAISTS. Af 5fc4. RO Fine Tafletta Silk in black and colors; Af 17 A Waist worth $8.50; in light blue Taf xxu ipkj.j. f feUa gilki i,antlgomoiy trimmed. Af ifi 7 A better one, tucked all over, trimmed xxu f V with lace; rcal valuo Af OH Fine French Flannel Waists; only a XXU tpo.w few .n gtock; worth $4 -0 EMBROIDERIES. We wish to call attention to ladies who are com pelled to make spring purchases of embroideries and muslins. Hero is an opportunity very seldom offered: kmiskoidkimks worth He . worth oo .. worth 8c... worth 10c... worth 12.U reduced to reduced to reduced to reduced to reduced to 2c 3-Xc (ic Ihc 9e worth 15c worth 20c. worth 25c. worth 30c . worth 35c . reduced to 1 tic .reduced to 15c reduced to 18c reduced to 23c reduced to 27c MUSLINS Lonsdale and Fruit of Loom 7-?.c per yard ...Shoe Specials... Men's congress anil laco 97c Boys' calf unci grain 97o Ladies' doth top anil kid lace 93c " kill welt hutton $1 53 " kill timi sole, lace 1 93 " spring heel, lace, button, 2.!.. to 0 93c Mis?es' kid, spring heel, lace, button, 1 1 to 2 ; 1 13 Childs' " ' " " " Sj.;toll S3c 5 to 8. gnat, kid " " h to 8 ')3c " " 9 to 12 03c " button, 5 to 8 40c Preparations are being made for our annual stock-taking. We desire most earnestly to close out all odd garments, ill broken assortments. Some of our finest merchandise will there fore be offered this week utterly regardless of valuo. Take for Example WVclCUcllb and 10.50 values. n -Clearance Trice Pv'Vj Mon'c T-foo reular $1.25, $1.50 and ens naib $1.75 values. q:T nc Clearance Price A -O Alllt Vlirtc Gn s wl"te unlaundered VV lllLC OlllI Lo- shirts, pure linen bosom, reinforced throughout, patent extension bands, r r r regular 50c values. Clearance Price 0 Colored Shirts Men's colored shirts left. Regular $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 values. Clearance Price ULjU Boys' .Clothing XiTa supply of Boys' Clothing, for in this department we are offering unheard-of bargains. Boys' Suits and Overcoats less than actual cost. Call and see them. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle, HTl'!U),Y Oysters for the freight teams of anti-railroad days, the freight Hgent ut Shuuiko dis- 1 1 v .r urni courteously eends word to the editor, ja.n. -t, niui i . . ... r. ..... , nu is ui weriimn nuuviiy, uiai special ; , rates will be given him on saner kraut j has lived in the vicinity of The Dalles yesterday, January 2")th, after having submitted the day before to an operation!! for some internal trouble. The deceased was born in Ireland 52 years ago and served in any stylo. land limburger cheese. The Antelope Republican say?: "It stems to be the prevailing opinion in Antelope that there will be no division ! tor the past twenty years, ane leaves a husband, one son and one daughter. The remains were brought here from Portland todav and will be interred At Andrew Keller's. or nnexation of counties at this session ! Monday at an hour not fixed at the of the legislature, still it is liar i to tell ! i what may happen." . ... Next Wednesday morninir, January . HOlli. Minn Tavlnr will rn.nnpn her k'iti. All tvc Comity warrant nc' ternl . . ,, .n..r t.. rpteiiibnr 1. 107. will be paid dergarten, and will be rlad to receive all u irtiriitihn at my oitiir, luterrm former pupils, us well as new ones. The TRKASURER'S NOTICE. fK.n mlfr Xovriuttrr XV, l!0O. JOHN P. IIAlir.HltlltK. County Trnn.ur.r. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. You cannot tell what's going on in this town unless you take Tin: Chko.v- II I K. J.oet A email gold wire band ring, diamond setting. Finder please return to this ollir.e for reward. 2t A marriage license was issitd this afternoon to Price Hunter, of Mosler, and Kliza Rogers, of Hood River. Wanted A place to do light houpe uork and plain cooking by a young woman. Apply Ht Mrs. Hrlttaln's. 2t i twenty years Slate lies been discovered fn Gilliam county by Klierman cuunty prospectors, and it is said that there is millions in it. Mrs. Nellie Waud has been confined room lias been arranged in a most at- '""fa ; According to the Dufiir Dispatch small bets of cigars and the like are I being nade by the Dufuritee on the j senatorial contest, the democrats back ing Corbett's sack against the Held and the republicans tak'iig all the bets offered. Albert Kayser, the well-known mer chant of RIooMioiiic, Klickitat county, died after u protracted illness at his home last Tuesday and was buried in the .Spring Creek ceinntery, near by, the following day. Mr. Kayser had been a reeident of Klickitat county for time of going to press. It is a woman's privilege to be hcourted," writes Margaret E. Sangster n the February Ladies Home Journal. 'Therefore the man sends the valentine, not the girl. Thoughtless and silly girls sometimes overlook this fact that they re to bo Hought and never do the seek ing, and an old observer sees with pain I.-. .1 !.. II.. I.. ... ... .,...... I limit llltrv riiifimy uivic m la in iibiiui;b I the other sex ; that, save the mark, they behave, here and there, as if everything ' they could do should be done to gain the approving notice of the opposite sex. i This creates u false position and is al I ways cheapening to a girl, not only in 'the eyes of others, but also in time, when i the uwaktjning comes, it is degrading to , her self-respect." The Dalles has a well'dellned case of smullpox in tho case of Jack Allison, a liipmiint i vii i 11 19 1 niftr nf t lm O. ft. . ;Hr!Co. Mr. Allison has bften conllned to lita In'il hIiicii Siiih1.iv: but the HVinn. Sometime early this morning wSiila a ; tom9 not tl yt5jjt(ir(,liy ,iuvloid Japanese was crossing a trestle on the fllInici,)nly t0 enable the attending nhv Columbia Southern railway he was over- Hi(.Uls ,0 ,,runomiCB on tlmu wItlriitHU taken by n freight train that knocked , tu c,rtalllty Xho r.)0rt o( the lirt)8. to her bed tinco Sunday with nervous : !" "'1 the trestle and left him with a . em;0 o 8Illttj1)OX j tlu vory K,nrt 0f prostration. She is somewhat better ! badly cracked skull. He was brought;,, m(J tiTml0li considerable coni- today. 'here and had his injuries temporarily . moUon Hn, n)Jct, noiw,nM,f I)r. Complete life of (jiieen Victoria. Best attended to by Dr. Gelseridorirer, when hoWMVurf lli;Hlrtj(j Xlll. Ciuto.sici,.: I'wk. Ue.t terms. Outlit mailed on ho VM uke" 0,1 10 t. Mncent h o-, t0 iBy tlltl j,, tu) t.,lry stages of this 'Hsipt of 15 cents. Address fj. O. Mill-! P'10'' disease tint danger of catching it by con- r A Co,. Portland, Or. tu-thur-sat Ot I J"itku to the Helglan bare w pnb-, taglon Is not vory great j hut liu Insists This from the Skamania I'loneer Is I t,,H f,,ll"w ,,, ,r""' H-ppner that all persons who have visited the probably intended for sarcasm: "The ' 0 ,ZBt,H : " Althounh reports from all ' patient during his present Illness should Hellance alll makes her weary way up ' over "H ,;,M''t s,'"'ak of tl,M ,,1,k'1'' are j,t. vaccinated. Kveu at the worst there and down the river, ttopplng at black- j ,,el"K :" i''''"',,'l " n'lHanci, the fact H fJ occjbIoii for alarm if everybody not fnith shops here and' there for repairs, " j '"m"'" tlMt I"1 ,nH''t i choice and good, immune is at once vaccinated. The i .,.., , , ,', ..i '. Suilge Keiihley hm in Hoppner quite a phvsicians say th.H in Mr. Allison's case ofUieTr, ;S,,H ' ' t ,H'Uv 8 r bmich of JHglan hares, of which he , ,; imlicitions point to a mild attack. ItZl '"'y;'? '-nn"l7"ft,;eiuke mist excellent ar. lie feds Th()rH ia mrily u'y ,, 0u.,t that Mr. Alll KhermI,! .n I . lUk,T" . T, .""n f 1 them grain and vegetable., and lays on mtt e1JIltracted the.llsease in Heppi.eras d JudIcloulyan i.!ystei..atic,lly. 1H ,mB been running into that town of IIU I HDHO'l IWHO OI- ....... I 1 ,l.0l ,..., 0,. , , .... ,,, I.I .Ml... M.ll... I... i tiiuic wnu ll'i a'i u4 iiitu uit .. iv miif. mi i iii.uilH in inn u unis ilia im is ns nice as grouse, and at tahle every wu H8Hiired that the city couiici.1 wIM plate ia returned for u second helping. (0 eyerthing In their power to prevent Mis. Kate Hogan, wife of John HoginTit"" 'i apreadlng. a rancher living a H-iort distance east ol i Woe-ess was served upon Ned H. Gfttes, town, died al M. vinceni's nospiiai h cuy revuruer, joqveiuay cybhihk u natures. There is a small tempest brewing in tl'u 'Slianlko-Antelope teapot. In tw Mwiiae o the complaint of the Antelope Hepubllcan against high freight charges by the Coluinbh Southern and a call Deputy Sherifl Woods in an action against Dalles City for an alleged injury to Rev. Paul G. Krnger, caused by a defective crosswalk. Tho complaint in substance alleges that on the 16th dav of November, 1900, the plaintifl' was law- ully traveling on the sidewalk on Court street, and was wholly unaware of an lleged danger, and accidentally and itbout negligence on his part, stepped his right toot into a triangular hole in the crosswalk, 25x5 inches, and was thrown down with great force upon the crosswalk, receiving great bodily inju ries, suiTering concussion of the brain, mid was rendered unconscious for a number of hours, his right ankle being severely bruised and sprained, ami he was made soro and sick ; that he was kept in bed and detained from any kind nf work for ten weeks: that he snll'ert'd pain during all of the ten weekn, and that he wna to an expense of $140 as the result of the Injuries, and that he is per manently injured. He asks damages in the same of $3,(I0. I'KOI'I.K COMIMl AM) OOlNO. t t We do Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates made and contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. Do not forget That we operato a plumbing and tin shop, uleo a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and implement store. Repair work of all hinds done. MAYS CROWE. Mrp. Thornburv. who has been visit ing with her daughter, Mrs. Kinersly, dnriiiL' her recent illness, left for her i home in Portland this morning. t4 I- I i, .Given Away... Miss Christine Phlrman left today on a visit to friends in Rosalia, Wash. 1 Shu whs accompanied bv her slhter, Mrs. Ilelat, and Mrs. Helm's little daughter. ( llcilli'iiluiy Snrvli't'N. j The handsome new building of the, Calvary Itiptist i hurch of this city will be dedicated tomorrow (January 27110, The following is the program of the dedicatory services, to which all are, cordially invited : 1 Organ Voluntary Mm. W. i. Wnnilwnrtli liiviiciitlon I'listur llyiuu iWJ (.iiiiKirRatlnn ' I'raviT ituv. il. .M, IIU'iIkki Antluni , 'h"li Kciiitiiiii HrmllMK llnv, A, .1. Iliuihiikcr 1 Unit Mr.. W.O. Won.lwmtli, l'n .1. H. I.iuulcrs ! I ) t I E 1 1 1 i r - H i' r 1 1 1 1 1 Ituv, Itny I'iiIiiut II y in it OHi . Cnimri'Katlon Cloiilng KxtTcin'M Ituv, (ifu. A Varnoy Pvilli'iitoiy I'rayer .1". A . Wooildy, J), I) 1 CASTOR I A For Infants and Cbildreu, Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the fllguature of Willi ovory Dollar's worth of goods purchasotl at our storo during .January ami February, wo will give Ono ('banco on tho following prizes: FIRST PRIZE One Aluminized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE Ono set of Roger's Silver Plated Knives end Forks. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. ' FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nioklo Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE-One Nickle Plated Tea Pot, In addition to giving away these prios wo will sell goods as low as tho lowest, and will always ho ready to serve tho trade in the hoet possible way. Wo will positively not ho undersold by any ono. Our prices are right. St BENTON, i