The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Anon Burr's Affection for UU naught SATURDAY A PERPETUAL CACCCS BOLTER. Mr. Corbett is tb earth that should spectable minority going caucus when the" out. "There i no phase of the strancely JAN. 26, 1901 ! checkered life of Aaron Burr in which such of the finer qualities at the man had in his best days are more delight- be last man on ! fully revealed than in his correspond-1 int on a re- ence with his danchter," writes William 1 w - . . t aTt t" a . f 1 T --.. Lin st ' mm P.rfifii nf "TIir Rpentifnl rncrhler of ' lnt 3 Aaron Bnrr." in the Februarv Ladies , conclude to stay Home jonrnai. -Your dear Theodosia," Whatever plea can be justly wrote her motber to him when the child urged on behalf of a caucus it can- whs still hardly n infant, "cannot hear , not be invoked on Mr. Corbett's ; -voa sPken of wilhoat apParent "!;. , , ,, , ... -,cholv: insomuch that her nurse is behalf. As a life-long enemy of j oMI to exert her invention to divert this mode of settling party diflicul- h3, .nA .--..if t0 avoid m.ntion of vcu ties, as a man who has never failed j in her presence. She was one day I to ienore caucus decisions when tbey wholly indifferent to everything but Her attachment is not ot Oregon Shot like and union Pacific Dziur.T FOR 1'ortlaud Sixjcial. 12:25 p. ro. riH Hunt- were acainst him. and ihey alwavs onr narne .i.- -vr - u .. i , common nature." She was only In ber 1 . wete against him, Mr. Corbett has hg bp-,n t0 write toj Atlantic placed himself outside the pale where her criticis;ne her hand-writing or Kiv-j studies. Once in bis solicitude for the child he wrote to his wife: "If I conld foresee that Theodosia would become a to operate. Mr. Corbett's election to th United States senate was seemed i . . . ooiung me caucus nominee. 11 was Rttendant frivolity and vacuity of miod, in 1SGG, and the choice of the caucus adorned with whatever graces and al was Governor A. C. Gibbs. but a lurements, I would earnestly pray God St. Paul Fast Mail, 9:25 T. tu. Oy i r i i, . i 1 1 . I .,7. i mere ian anno e woman, wnu uii ; it was number of the legislators, by and with the consent of H. W. Corbett, bolted the caucus nominee and com passed Governor Gibbs' defeat. to take her forthwith hence." No mat ter how busy Burr might bein his polit ical and official tasks he always had time to write to Thebdosia. Hh admon ished her to tell him all about her most TIME SCHEDCLKs Ar.r.ivr ri:ox THE UAIJ.ES. rK0V Silt Late. Denver. Fl. H' k . ... I. .. I " .. KasCity.St. Louis. Chi- i-C5p. ta. cago Rnd the East. Salt Lnfce, Denver. Ft. worth, Omaha. Kan- m. ni;. City, St touts Ubl capo and the East. Walla Walla, Unriston.' spokanc.Wallaee.Pnll- man, Minneapolis, St. ; 0::Sa in. 1'aul, Duluth, Mtlwr.n kee, Chicago and Ea.vt. i OCEAN AND BITER SCHEDULE Prom Vortlatxl. The same unprincipled tactics , trifling actions, corrected her spelling, were resorted to in 1S7. when Mr. Be ber instructions how to pursue her , , , . . . ! studies in Greek, Latin, French and Corbett sought re election. Again ; mnsiCt aad impressed opon her partica. be was in the minority and again he ' jary tne vaine 0f keeping a personal bolted the caucus nomiuee and j journal." sought through an agent to purchase I NOTl'CE. enouch votes to compass bis elec-, Notice is berebv civen that the said t!nn :C0p. ra. Dally exeent Sunday. 5 :(U p. m. Saturday, 10:10 p. in. Dally except Sunday, fi:Oo a. m. (All sailing dates sub- .ect to cnange For Son Francisco; sail every Csys. Columbia ltlrrr. To Astoria Rnd Way-Ij:ndlng. Wlllatuette Klvrr. Oregon City, Neivberg, yalem, Iudeiendeiicr;, and ay-Landing. j 00 p. m. Complete Cipe of Drills at REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY! Steamers of the Kepiitator Unc will run as per thelol srhe.Jule. the lomimiiy reserving ttio right to change scsettulc itu.nit notice. Str. ReRiilator g, I.v. Dulles U Al t A. X. B.ThntscUr . .. Mturaay. . . ArrIVrtland at i-.SJ r. x. LT. I.v. l'ortl.ind at ' a. x. . Monday . Wednesday . . . Friday Arr. Dalles a Sr.v. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City, towN I.v. Dalles at A. k. Monday Wednesday , Friday Art. lHirlland at 4 :.T0 r. x. I-i . fortUnd . at 7.(0 a. . nursaar Saturday Air. DallA t5r.i,.( FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travl bv the tenier o! the Kcculator Line. The Company will endeavor to give It jt ' TTS1 Dy ,cc rims Uie Cost ; etvit-c ;ble. For lurther Information addrcsa ' Portland OSice.Oak Street Dvk. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt. . . J-,rl t huatiti.ta a t i T A-r.iT i-wL-wr tlvxtaj r M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. 4 .W . ra. except tunday. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. I Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?ii kin -'Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds tiroTX? frvT "Rra Tl Rhnrfc and all ktndi i :X) p. in. exeent Sundey. , Just What You cjaant.j Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- of MILL FEED i Tne-dav. -.i t- i " t t- . ! Tlm-uliir. Corvallls and Way-Landing" i ao p. m. .MODGay, Wednedcy Friday. Wlllatuette anil 30 p. m ' Yamhill Hivrr. Monday,! Oregon City, Dayton and " ""V1" r.l jinni not .. I -iitnrditv. and Mr. Uorbett was forced out ol vears pat, ha? nnt been dissolved, but! the contest with the nickname of'tba! sM ,''l"-'s still owned and j Tuesday. , conducted bv rkI Chew Kee Co., and Thursday, Woodpile" attached to him, from that said firm will not responsible '5?' the place where two notorious cases ! 'r fa.n-vedel'' """!?n ' 1 by the so eared nccesors W ong Ken, of bribery were attempted. Wonp Chaen, Wone Yon, Ln Guieu, , Kiparis A. ffeneration Dased and Mr Cor-1 Ma Wei Ma Kei- who have no 1 -i,!5"' a generation passed anu Jir. vor . , , . h .,HVPr in 5a5rf hnsinpss nf th? bett aeam came up for the same Chew Kee Co. since the 12th dav of , - . . , , , Tannarv 1001 Parties JesiriDE so tro to Beppner or Ofb.Ce ID 1&0 . A CaUCUS was held i'ri,, o -. t o- mni ltnts on Columbia Southern via P.icrt. should Dited Dalles City, Or.. Jan.l'o, 1301. tare No. 2. leaving The Dalles at liM p. in. and the Choice lell On JOUn ll. CHEW KEE Co. matini: direct connections at Heppner Junction ; i Snake Hirer. KIpariu to Leu i:on. Leave ' ljewiton i dally, :j0 a. m. I I Mitchell. There was no way to defeat Jlr. Jlitcbell except i Hair Tonic will by possible I uoa't vou knovr tb8t Coeoanut Cream '. "?PeU?ncS? "n?,1" wi:h -N"- i-- gave your ana your j Www itli ton Flour This Hoar if manufactureii expreeely for family nse; rt frk jo jiiar.intetd to cive Bctisfactior. VCt seii our cooii iuwer than any hoiis-e In the trade, and if yoa don't think so I (all anJ get our pricw and le ooavinwd. I ! Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. inducing a minority of the re- children's hair? Yoa can get it for 50 publicans and a sufficient number ana ' ceDl9 a b0"le at J"razers Daroer , is... A ' shP e agent- 1 tf For lurther particulars, call on or address J.. IRELAND. Aeent, The Dalles, Oregon. to take the oath of office and organ ize the lower house. To this thor-, oughly anarchistic and revolutionary . measure Corbett's friends committed -themselves. Some eighteen populist members, by the confession of their leader, U'Ren of Clackamas, were bought up like so many sheep. Money flowed like water. The bead-' quarters of the opposition to Mr. Mitchell became a bell of debauch ery. The hold-up succeeded and Corbett reaped the usufruct in an appointment by the governor which the United States senate mostt righteously refused to confirm. ! When a large and respectable j minority of republican members see,. Subscribe f jr The Chuo.vicle. lUnutliniin Mnnifin New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stork. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vonrs for a email price, at oar store on Third etreet. Aleo a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Yellowstone Park Line. Retiring from Business. Closing ont my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Poot and St.oes. at much lees than wholesale prices. Will sell iu bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All cood? will be sacrificed except Thompscn'e Glove-Gtting Corsets and Butterick Patterns. Your prices u ill be mine. Call earl v and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. : THE DLS'I.Vti TAP. ROl'TE FROM PORTLAND TO TILE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW ilOKE PARK. u:ve. So. UE1CI LSpCV, Flftl cli I SIS AEEIVE. No. tsntf ta. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. Fast mall for Tacoma, Feattle, 01ym;la, Gray" uaruor ana soma eena points, ajxikatie, Ross- land, B. C, Pullman, Moscow, Leviktou. Bul 11.15 A. M. laloHujiip mining coun- 5;50 P. M. try, Helena, MluncajK lit, st. Paul, Omana, Kanu; City. it. Louis. Chicago and uU olnU No. 4. eat and toutbeust. No. 3. Pneet Sound Expret-s 11;30 P.M. for Tacoma and Seattle T;0OA.M. and intermediate ;oinu In talking of Chocolates please the same old gang of anarchists that i remember that we carry a full line of held up the legislature of 1S97 in LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from Mr. Corbett's interests at work for i factory. In plain and fancy boxes . jur uuriciu.ns iraue, nuu at pricee 10 xinneapout, et. raui ana iihMiurl river polnu . without chance. euu. uou i lorgei idji e are neaa-, Vostlbale.1 trains. quarters for the best on earth ILOWNEY eettles it. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing.! ; Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Latt. Tlione 157 Crandall 5 Burget DEALERS IN fill kinds Of UNDERTAKE- BrjriaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. r" 3; The Dalles. Or. J. S. SCRESCI, President. .Max A. ojT. C'tthlei him now, is it an wonder if tbey should prefer to settle the senatorial contest in the manner provided by the constitution, In joint convention, each member voting as his name is called? Speaking of the annexation of southeastern Wasco to Sherman count', the Sbaniko Leader says: "Sherman county is, according to present conditions, the place for this strip of territory and there is where we should be placed." The Ciibon jclc respectfully suggests that this is not tue point at issue, .as long as, the majority of the people in "tbis! strip of teriitory" insist on maintain ing their connection with Wasco, The Dalles will insist that the minor ity shall not force a separation. No I remonstrance was ever talked nf bere till we learned of a big re monstrance over there. Pifrtf National Ranlr : Union denot rnnnwtlnn. lVUMl Xame f 1 principal citle. t-uc rA i i . 1 - ame. WBecnked to destination of ticket. THE DALLES - - - OREGON , ( horUaiiditomely lllnitiateddencrlptirematter, A r.ennrml KanVin. p-,;., ,..., , ticket, aieeping-car reterTutioa, etIL, call on or A eri wanting iiuBineee traneacted write Deposit received, eubject to Bight I A.D.CHARLTON, Dl?ft or.Check-. ,! !Geo. C. Blakeley, ,ASSssSJ ) v 3 . nitrht and TelesmmhJc Exchange sold on r-,,-T-,, r-. . ' York, San FrnciBco and ort- I driu cms i via land. The Druggist. -- inmwwm . .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. liooti, Shoes. Hat. Cttj. Kutloni. for W. L. Uouglai Shoe. Agt. Telephone Ko. 68. m Second St., The Dalles, Or. DIRBOTOK9. D. P. Thompson. Jko. 8. Scbxrck. Ed. M. Williakb, Go. A. Lues. H. M. Bai.i- Souinem Pacific Co. i Shasta Route MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horseshoer. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Train leave Tlie Dalle for Portland and way ktetions at 4 .i a. m. and 3 p. m. Leave Portland " Albany ' Arrive Ashland . .. " racraiiu.iiU) " een J'rauelsco .l.'.OOa m ..12:3! n rn p in . . ;Vj ji m T:00pm 10:W p m ll.noam , 1 ra 6:1 j a in inc. OLLconA 1 h.u ...GOIiUjJBm BHEWEUY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. A.rrlveOgdon " Denver " KanuaUty " Chicago . . i:T. a m 11:15 a m ( :W m 'j:(XJa in ' a ta All kinds of blackemitbing will receive 'prompt attention and will be executed in nret-ciaee euape. Give him a call. Twenty-nine votes seems to be about Corbett's limit. The man who will switch oer to him now will do so at the cost of his reputation. Notice tu Cow Uvurn. T0B CGlamDia Packioo Go.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAJ0FACTDliKKtf OX T;45u Bi 1 Arrive Los Angeles " El Po ' fort Worth ' " City ol Mexico . " Houston. ... New Orleans .. " WakhinKVJU 11 New York. ( 1 vjo p m 6:00 p in C::i a in :M in 4:tOu m CvJi a in u in .ll'.Upin 12-43 pin 7.00 a ia fi:0O p to 6;'M u in ' v:M a in 4:00 a in & in b -u'u ra Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Da'.lee, Or. si By order of the council I am Instructed Ird ad SatlSageS Cirersof BRAND HAMS & BACON to enforce the C3 after Monday, the 28tn January Inst., ordinance and on and e 8tb January Inst., 11 cowa found t unning at large in tne city, at sny hour of day or night, will be lapModed. T. J. Deivjju, 96Ht Manbal. JRIF.D BEEF. ETC. Pullman and Tourist can on both tratm Chair cam twersmcnto to Orden and Kl pao, and louritt cura to Chicago, ht Loult, New Or- leant and Washington. Connecting at Han Franritco with keveral , teauitblp line for Honolulu, Japan, China, ' Phllipplne, Central and Bouth America. ( Sec agent t The Jallca ataUoii, or addrtu C. H. MARKHAM, j , General Pawcnger Agent, Portland, Or mm mm L. Y. Hone, I'rop'r. first-Class in Every Respect MEALN AT ALL UOVHH. J 7 Second 6t The Unllcx, Or. u nf .. . ... Reoorts for J u n ' w-tDoij brt-wery the United Statea Health ffi ffi. Zv nf tl'J'JT'-x, ,ta0re 8u'Ior brew ner entered .fit ' 7n. ?,?'.t.l).e United fetateg Health report. It , abaolutely devoid ipoeeuoi f he liivtti- m j , , ' ENuaitblluu uv u u " " inHCIenllniinl v l.u i - .i . . ..I K the cereaintv that a better V"F"J. P'y' .... r.Arli.i.. u.. i i .. v. iuvin llUiroUIJlti LicVCrfl If 14 POUILl I1UI A . w i wt tue ciieu ir r l irHi'H tu hh 1 1 it lira 1 1 .... ii . .t Ihe beBt of ,,,hU h nT,:' UUA"" "V" core est and it can be V-rfTltb , , ei' et , , "h"" i!f rS. W young. lie use can uc poeclbly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. m - - ' , YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of uaing Bo called kidney reua-JI' without any benefit, tue Lincoln Sexual Pills ainll forever rid of those dull pains In vour back. Discard that old foify idea of "pain in the kidney and !. all your bladder and urinary trouble cured, and your nighta made reitful by the tite of nature' gieatt aaaUiaiit Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, ft 00 per box buy ol your droggint oreent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO , v n . Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. . Donuell, Agent, The Dallei.