The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 24, 1901, Image 4

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Opinion on the Senatorial Situation Are
Mixed Huhiuku rushed ttanldly.
From our own correspondent.
Salem. Jan. 23, 1P0I.
Salem has been a busy town for the
past day or eo. Ite hotels and other
places of accommodation are tilled, and
d and I
Min a
groups of people ciowd the corridor
lobbies of hotels and capitol bu
discussing the latest phases of the sena
torial situation.
In the failare of the republicans to
reach a conclusion at the caucus list
evening, some see defeat for the princi
pal aspirants for senatorial honors,
while others claim that such action sim
ply means that members mnst fulfill
their promises to friends and constitu
ents, and that later they will vote for
either Cotbett or McBride. However,
after a careful canvass, it is safe to say
that they will not do so. The disposi
tion of members to throw over the prin
cipals in the figtt and elect some peace
loving citizen to the position is predom
nant, and is to be commended.
Aside from the senatorial situation,
the session has ben all that a progres
sive business man could ask. The busi
ness of the state is being conducted in a
rapid way, yet it is being done well.
The labor orginizitions of Portland
have quarters fitted up in Salem and
will have delegates on the ground to
look after their interests tef6re the leg
islature. Several measures now pending will,
should they become important
acts in Oregon's code. One of these es
pecially, byColvig, provides new rulines
for railway corporations, chief among
which is thst portion relating to a re-1
duction of fare; on the lines of such !
roads in the state.
Another provides bicycle taxation in
ench a manner that the constitution will
admit of the collection of the taxes.
Probably the one making road taxes
payable, in money, and contracting all
road work, will appeal most strongly to
the average farmer.
The state house flags float at half mast
today, mute emblems of our feelings
toward England for her dead queen.
ConcerniDE a Few uf the ltill.
Senator Clem, uf Linn county, has in
troduced a bill which, if enacted into a'
law, will strike at the vitals of the liquor
traffic. His bill is short, but goes
straight to the point in the following
language :
"Any person who shall in any saloon,
or place where liquors are sold, give or
treat another to any drink orother quan
tity of spiritous, malt or vinous liquors
with intent that the same shall bu
drunk or consumed by the person
so treated, eball be deemed gnilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine of
not less than $10 nor more than 50, or
by imprisonment in the county jail of
the county where such offense is com
mitted, not less than five nor more than
twenty-five days.
This hill seems to have more merits
then one. It will furniih a ready ex
cuse for the man who does not want to
treat and alo for the man who dees
not want to be treated, if there he such.
Senator Clem has another bill that is
intended to discourage the drink. Dg of
liqnora. It requires venders of malt,
spiritmis or vinxti-' liquors or keepers of
any pool or biiitard room or taloon to
keep the windows and doora of their re
spective place" ot business unobstructed
He Tried a
Sample Bottle
V , . . .
.nearly every aay people, come Into drua I
tores and ask the Liruggbtb to recommend 1
trouble. Very I
often they re- i
fuse to do so,
Because, bj a
rule, they do
not believe it
proper to ad
vise anyone to
take a patent
medicine of
which thev do
not know tha
is the physi-l
clan's DUti-
nesss to pre
scribe. Soma 1
make an ex
ception, how-
ever, wncit
v.j w,,c una nwugu, cuiu vt wiruai uiiu ii' UK
jrouoie. "i aiwaytrccfimmena
d Acker's Knr-
'Just what It
case where I
iisn Kemcwly, hecauvj I know
trill A t T r 1 . .. ... I
Iiaveieen ttriiwl ltUthrlMUirnrni
-j .'j. . iiu-5 uiml'ii cirrj uuc miejt x
and ton!,. I .v .r I.:. , n; i : i'
n , .
experience, I will mve just one instance of
a eentleinan who hail been troubled fori
yean with u nasty, hacking cough. I ad-'
vised Acker's KnslMi Remedy. He trlod
ample bottle, mil wai cured before he had
takeii half of t. at ..r wlmivir T7l
d.n l.,,.,!, . i ti Vi
K " f "1 T; however, as it uaually
i . T 1 "
l-lerU"taine, Ohio. .
u,. n..'.' .. . -i . mniir, iiirougn-
OUt till I'll 'fl i - .'ii I t'ainida; ami !ri i
tf i .. ,. .ii . i .
' J. ' .. . "' ,JU- " J"U
re not .it it bujing, return tha of
lottle to your druggist, uud get jroui UWUf '
HV aiuhorist We above gweraxitu 1
W. U. UQQJUili ftvurtdir:. .Vcw lVrb
For cale at Blakeley's Pharmacv.
lor weir
by screens, blinds, paint or other arti
Representative McCraken has rcsur-
rected tne horseshoers bill mat was
p::cu iunun:.uu ul w.c iic.-
ture, but failed to become a law by
reason of its failure to receive the ap-
proval of the covernor. Governor Geer
.......,.. v....
vetoed the bill upon the ground that it
savored of class legislation, and as it ap -
plied only to counties of oO.OOO popula
tion or over, would tend, if permitted to
become a law, to drive all of the poor
horseshoers out of Portland to prey upon
the country. The governor believed
thst the smaller towns should receive
the same protection against incompetent
horseshoers that the bill sought to give
The bill introduced by McCraken is
identical to that passed two years ago
except that it is made applicable to
erery county of the state instead of
Multnomah county alone. The bill pro
vides for a board of examiners and re
quires all horseshoers to pass a satis
factory examination.
Baldwin's Dys
pepsia Tablets,
food digesters,
start digestion
a healthy, clean
'stomach. Help
the stomach to
do its work prop
erly until it's
cured soc.
Sis Francisco, Cau
I have lained io pound' since u!nf
vour Dyspeps.a Tablets. My htomach is now
in good condition. A. 12. Loom!.
After suffering witn itomach trouble
for three years, I hare cured myself by using
our dvspepia tablets, thereby avoiding a
surgical operation, which I was about tc
undergo. Gro. Stcmevaht.
County Assessor's Office.
ClarKe & Falk. The Dalles, Ortgon.
For Infants and Children.
Tie Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
A full line of Eastman films and gup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Fresh Eastern oysterp, 55 cents per
can, at the Stadelman Commission Com
pany. j21.3t
Lost A diamond sunburst brooch. A
reward will be paid for its return to this
office. 21j-tf
Lost Black silk fnb ribbon, with red
cameo charm. Leave at this office and
Ket reward.
Found A bunch of keys, which the
owner can find at this office by paying
for this notice. j22-2t
Found A purse, which the owner
cm have by crtllitis at this office and
paying for this notice. 23-4t
Lost An Eik charm with the initial-
T. J. S. A liberal reward will be paid
for its return to this office. jl2 lw
For fashionable dressmaking and plain
sewing, call and see Mrs. S. E. Hender
son, S6S Third street, in Mrs. Eddon'e
honse. jl9 lm
For ladies only. Special in corsets.
A few left. Sizes IS to 20; 24 to 27.
Only 25 cents wh!le they last. At the
New York Cash Store.
Remember that
. . , , ...
bald; you can keep your l.air by using
uocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be
had at Frazer's barber shop. tf
llou't Hub It Ju,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedv,
aud the pain is krone. Sold bv Claris A-
i raiK.
(Isolated Tract Public Land Fale.)
January 1.', lwi. , (
Xiittr-f h,.riv ft'n, I,. a
J"u";u jruui xne iomiiussioner or the l.en
""1 -" 0fe, under authority v.sted In lilm
ftlon2lV, I. ii. Kev. Hat. amended
tyJSmLS"1. IS."'0..!""". -e"
'..."Z "."T '"ai puuilfsaie on
ten .. ...
'uV:.l"r f ,l"uu ryuruary. iiet. at the
"i ii ociot'k- a. in., at tins uttice, the tul
lowing tract of land, to it
MVifNtMiSe :J. T S. R is K. W M
Any and all jersons claiming adversely the;
fjve-dsserlbed lands are ndvlsid to hie their J
VJ1V...: '."Ju." "''r " " v " !,u,y i
Sf."" 5B..,. ne o ,,d sale, i
ulune uieir rignis win ot-lorieltoi.
JiV -. .r. as. lic-l.ter.
Jl1"' uti. r-ATifciiMO-, iiMt.ler.
, -
- . vwww
. . .. . ..... I
.Tyuce i ueitoy given mat trie millers viml
has U-en aulv aunolnttd In- the Cuunti- i".,,,,.
Waco County Oregon, admliiistratoi i th Ut
estate of I'. T. hbarp, deceaicd. All irsous
ua.iua; viuiuis a(siufli me csiaw are nereuy re
qulied to present the same to me, duly verified,
in Dalles city, Orrgou, within six months Irota
the date hereof.
Dated January 1'.', l'JOO.
J15 W. It, &IIAKI', Administrator,
Red Hot From tha On
Wa the ball that hit 6. B. Steadman
ot Newark, Mich., In the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat-
Q,eDt helped for twenty years. Then
middens Arnica halve cured nun.
cure9 cut8( bruises, burns boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
Partri. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure
Parn. lw
1 druggist
sold tiy uiateiH.v, tne
Why pay f 1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James K.
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. ml
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker'e Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. RIakeley the druggist.
Clearance sale of winter millinery at
the Campbell & Wilson Millinery Par
lors. Trimmed hats, street hats, and
baby bonnets at cost. jT-lni
Quality and not quantity makes De
Witt's Little Early Kisers such valuable
little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P. 0.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Carte
& Faik.
Don't wait another day or yon may be
too late. Corsets 18 to 20; 24 to 27.
Only 25 cents at The New York Cash
The American Lady corset can be
! found in all styles atTheNew York Cash
Paint your house with paints that ara
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Land Oitick at The Dalles Or...?
, Jan. 21,l'.i01. j
I :otice is hereby, given that the following
- named settler has riled notice of her inten
; tion to make final proof in support of her
! cltim, and that (.aid proof will be made be
fore the recittcr aDd recehcr nt The Dalles,
Oregon, on eduesday, .March C, 1W1, viz
Adallne C. Steel,
one of the heirs and for the heirs of Kutb Ocn
evl fSleel. deceased, of The Dalles, Oregon, II.
K. No. 4U10, for 'he SEU See SJ, Tp 1 X, K la K,
She names the following witnesses to prove
ber continuous residence ujion, and cultivation
of said laud, viz:
W. Cates, John It. Cook, M. II. Jiillcr, James
Simonson.all of The Dalles, Oregon.
X Re ister
Notice is herctiy given th it the undersigned
has duly filed with the County Clerk of Wasco
county, uregon, nis miai account ana report as
administrator of the estate of Adolph Agidlus,
deceased, and that the Honorable County Court
has fixed Mondaj.theoth day oi November, 1900,
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as the time, and
the County Court room of the County Court
house in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, as
the place for hearing said final account and rc
jort. All jw-rsons interested in said estate are
hereby notified to appear at naid time and place
and show cause, it any there be. why said report
should not be approved and said administrator
Dated this 0th day of October. 1 WO.
. J , , J. 1. AGIDIUS,
Administrator of the estate of Adolph Agidius,
deceased. oct6
Land Office at The Dalles, oh., i
December Hi, l&oo.
Notice Is- hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice oi his Intention
to make final proof in support ol his claim, and
that said proof ill be made beloie the register
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on eatur
aay, January IV, 1101, viz.:
Crest OlilrEsclilager,
of The Dalle, Oregon, II. K, No. .G for (he
2 - '1 and Wi SW'-f fcee. IK, T. - N., K. 13
K., W. M.
He names the following Itncse to prove
his continuous residence uiou aud cultivation
of said land, viz. :
Jacob Whittl-, Jacob Ohleeschlasrer, AbleY.
Marsh, ferry Vancauip, all cf The Dulles, Ore
gon. dtcll JAY I'. LUCAS, hegister.
Notice U hereby given that the undersigned
has own aimolnted bv the nntintr ,.rnrt f
Wasco county, Oregon, administrator of the
estate of Francis Koss. decean-d. All persons
naving claims against the estate are hereby re
quired to piesent the same to me, dulv verified,
attbeotheeof W. II. Wilson, in Da'iles City,
Oregon, within six months from the date hereof.
Dated November 10, l'.OO.
OEO. F. ROa8,
novl Aduiiulstrator.
In the county court of the state of Oregon, for
In the matter of the estate of Hensoii McCoy,
at-fi-lisffi . rltArIrtn
To Mary
o Mary A. Btcruweii, Amanda E. Mouery.
fsarah J. Fowler, Thomas J. McCov, William
McCoy. John K.iMcCuv. Nmifv M iv...ti
aicuoy, jonn K.iiicuoy, Nai'cy
Josetih II. McCoy, aud Dennis k.
In the name of the state of O
each of yon are hereby clttd and reouired to
PIarin the county court of the state of Ore
gou, for the county of Wasco, at the March term
of fald court, nt the court room thereof, at
fa.n-a ujij . in b,u cuuuiy, on iioiiaay tne ith
dV Of Match. 1'JOI. t !n flr.plr In fV,u ,.(.,
of that day, then and there to show cause, If
any exist, why an order of sale should not be
iiiaueuireciing uiantsa r. wccoy, the adminis
tratrix of the estate of llenson .McCoy, deceased,
to sell tbn real etate, described as bvlomrinir to
said estate, as follows, to-wit. Wijofthe NWli,
In section a;, townshii. two (I) south, range
twelve OS) east, W. M conlalnlng eighty acres
D,uH,M iu i ni u uuuijn , uregon.
NVItness the Hon. (Jeo. C. Blakeley. Judre of
the said county court, with the seal of said
vi1,1,'1 "'N1''1' M 'iM day of January, A. D.
Attest: A. K. LAKK, Clerk,
J-S Hy H. HOI.TON, Deputy,
LakdOfficb at tub Dau.ks, or.,(
x... D.-cember.l7, 1!K. I I
.ihij is nrreoy given that tne following ,
"amtd settler has (lied notice of his Intention I
"'"'""e lnal Proof in supirtof his claim, and
tm'T. WW .
v., , u,i oniuiua , January ij, lwi, viz
c.mli n..i.
i,'T.h?.Vl,,'..9l!on' .' k: No. :, for the i
. ... ...
of The Dalles. Oreuon,
-'. ''! HVM and
W -NWji bee, 3.T1 h.,'sicu Headache. Gastraltrla.Cramnsanrl
He Humes the following wltniwu-a tn
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, viz:
J. K. Hall, D. D. Nelson, Chai. Olbton, Alex
r rarer, all of The Dalles, Oregon,
dill JAV V. LUCAS, Iteguter.
Million uiven Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid In be generous to the
needy and p uttering, The proprietors
n.ot ur. King's :sew uiscovorv for con
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine ; and have the satisfac
tion of knowing it has absolutely cured
thousands of; hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases
of the throat, chest and lungs are surely
cured by it. Call on Blakeley, the
Druggist, and get a free trial bottle.
Kegular size 50c. and $1. Every battle
guaranteed, or price refunded.. 3
Tim llent Planter.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chambsrlaln's Pain Balm and bound to
the affected parts is superior to any
plaster. When tronbled with lame back
or pains in the side orj chest, give it a
trial and you are certain to be more
than pleased with the prompt relief
which it affords. Tain Balm also cures
rheumatism. One application eives re
lief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
With Osygenor Company's Perfected
Oxygeaor King. It is not a battery. It
is not.electricity. It enrestth the oxy
cen of the air, without doctors, without
drugs, without medicine. The greatest
boon to mankind ever discovered. It
stands without a rival as a curative
agent and possesses complete mastery
over all curable diseases without em
ploying nauseous or poisonous drugs.
Description.theory, method of operation,
list 'of diseases for which it is recom
mended, etc.. furnished free. Call on or
address. J. M. Fii.i.oo.v,
The Dalles, Or.
'Phone No. .".99. j21-2wd-wim
Now is the time whn croup and luuc
troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate results is one Minute Cough
Cure. It is very pleasant to take and
can be relied upon to quickly cure
coughs, colds and all lunc diseases. It
will prevenv consumption. Sold by
Clnrke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
For Stale.
Eastern Orecon timothy hay, $15 per
ton, f. o. b. The Dalles. Eastern Ore
gou wild hay, $13.50 in car lots.
McUfLLY & Cayi.ok,
d-J-2w La Grande, Or.
The merited reputation for cnn'n
piles, sores and skin diseases acquired
by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, has
led to the making of worthless counter
feits. Be sure to get only DeWltt'i
Salve. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in anv case'of
coughs, colds or croup. Should' it faifto
Bive immediate relief money refunded
,w.v. io uili , mo uiug'
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured bv ueint; Moki Tea. i
pleasant herb drink. Cures conHtination
and indigestion, makes you eat, eleep
anu nappy. rHtisiaction guaranteed or
money back. 2-5 cts. andoOcts. Blakeley
the, druggist.
Such little pills as DeWittH Little
Early P.ieere are very easily taken, and
they aie wonderfully effective in clenn
ing the liver and bowels. Clarke & Falk
P. O. Pharmacv.
T7 - i, . .
rur eprauit!, Kwuilingj ami lameness
there is nothing so good as Chain berlnin'e
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale bv Blake-
I W the drusririet
I ' rUBl-iei
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
tue be-t. Ask vour w er Inr them.
Iryirifr preparations eimply devel-
opurycaiarrn; ttiey ary up the secretiotiB,
which adhere to tho mcmbrano and decom.
poso, causing n far more Berious trouble than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffa
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is Buch a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in tho liead
canny and pleasantly. A trial size will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
COc. size. Ely Brothers. CCWarren fit.. N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain, docs not
irruuie or cauho sneezing, ii spreads ltsclx
over an jrniatea auu angry surface, rellcr
ing immediately tho painful inflammation
With Ely's Cream Balm you ore armed
against; nasal uatarm and ilay fever.
Dyspepsia Cure
1 Digests what you eat.
I Itartlficlallydlge8t9 the food and aids
"vv,v4" uuo cuu9ku UIHDttnvui'
gam. It iStbe Jat8tdlSCOVereddlge8t
Entandtonlc No other nrpratlnn
SSanowach It in moLWrl1.
i eianuv relieves and DermanpnMvrnrpa
DvsDerjsla. Itidlcestinn. Hr-rthnm
Flatulence. Sour Stomach. Nausea.
all other results of imperfect digestion.
PrfMMc.andlL .LuteilseeoBtaiuM timet
aall tlM. Book Jir.hout dysMpiUniulMfm
-pr ky e. C Oc WITT A CO., Cblcag
Sold by Clarke dcFalk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
$1.00 per monjth.
Strictly first class local and long
distance telephone service within
your home.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con- ,
versatioti will be kept a secret.
No cost for installing.
You get the standard Untitling
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night eurvlc-?.
We will accept your contract fur
ten vears and alio von to cancel
same on giving us thirty days writ
ten notice.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Purest Liquors for Family Use
delivered to any part of the City.
Phon"s: 51 Local,
85S Long Distance.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to Firet National Rank.
Are those who wear clothes thut are up -
to-dalein lit, worumanuhip and qualitv.
My line ot hhuiuIl") covers all the latest
designs for fall und winter, the price ieiS,
right, and I can guarantee r perfect fit.
Suits to Order, SIO.OO.
John Pashek, The Tailor,
In all Ita ttaset there
hould be clcanllnen.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanse, t ootben and hcalg
the disci ;p irifaibrjne.
It cures catarrh and drl ps
away a co.d ia the head
Cream Uitlin Ii placrrj Into the noitrll, tpreadt
rer tho wsm'irsno and is aWbe l. itciieru i.,..
mediate mi l a .re follow ,.. Jt , not drylns-doet
tiOt i-nidnce nw.:w:. Li r te. n .t ti
tint Jr I y ma ! j Tr.a! fc, , 'o , . u i,y mM
.... - 4
ii .the matter of tho tutctejol John (Jottlleh
Notice U liert-by kivwi that the underMKiifd
hi- Una: ,ii t in the "mi iter ,,1 . .
.... J the Comity coir', hu Xte oj O 7,
WaM,o ouiiiy hax itt Monday, thi Vtli i av ,1
u the date for th h, ri,... ... ,.' '. : '"'.
and an) objectloiu tLen'ti? " vwm
litl J t A t
helps the team. Saves wear anu B
cxjcuse. Sold every where. M
ll.l O 1
Commercial Sample Rooms.
173 Second Street.
L. Lane,
' k
Wagon and Carrlago Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
If TWrt and Jefferson. Phone 159
Utter! of Credit issued available in the
Kaatern States.
blifht Exchange and Telejcraphis
Transfers rold on New York, Chicano,
bt. Ioula, San Francisco, Portland Ore
Kon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Orecon and Washington.
Collections made at all pointe on fav
ahle ternn.
) It. K. NMITII,
OnM?m,n" 10 1,1 '"I'l'lHII lilwk, 'J llC Dalit .
Mutor of te''iffivJ:? Via
cmmiX ,!o, ',Y. i" VU1.1'. "Iml account in the
t " Ml n ,v '1,cou't '1U "M-oii'tcd Monday,
"clu-k a ,y ii u,J"r-. IWil, at tne hour of 10
thereifiu'iirt ,,'",1"nu '"ri.carlri obJ.i.'tiou.
enail MtW ' ."Iwient thereof" All twin,
citato liu i ,t ' tIlt'r, "' lllttrentcl ll bald
ubiw-MoM. . er.'-'.7u hvnttr "iulrid Ut (lie their
'ttforo ti ."J'1 .f,f,". nV they have, on
I all i A ,or,V,u. ht,rl Mewl.
" J. 0. IKWTKTI.KH, kxecutor