The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 24, 1901, Image 3

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The Great
Reduction Sale
I for
It matters little whether
you select the fruit and voii-
f etablcs you buy, or let us
select for you.
If you depend on us for the selection, we will, do the
host we can. All of the fruit and vegetables we carry are
good; some are better than others, but all are good.
You will appreciate what we offer.
Nice Large Bananas,
Navel Oranges,
Camelia Lemons,
Golden Dates,
Red Apples.
New Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts,
Merced Sweet Potatoes,
Beets, Celery, Lettuce,
Caul i Rower, Green Onions,
Radishes, Parsnips, Turnips,
Rutabagas, Cabbage, Carrots.
Still goes on in all departments.
The hundreds of customers who have taken advan
tage of our reduction salo will appreciate the many bar
gains they haue secured. There are only a few days
more and the salo will bo over. We have still a few bar
gains in reserve for you come early bofore they are all
A 4 &4- RO Fine Taff'etta Silk in black and colors;
xxu Vi.ov worth 0 0Q and $0 5Q
At Si5 17 A Waist worth 8"50; in Hght bllie Taf-
u vv,x fetta Silk, handsomely trimmed.
At" $ft 7ft A better one, tucked all over, trimmed
xxu vu, l km with lace; real yaluo
Af 5ft 3 OO F"le French Flannel Waists; only a
xxu f(jw .n slQck. worth $4 50
We wish to call attention to ladies who are com
pelled to make spring purchases of embroideries and
muslins. Here is an opportunity very seldom offered:
worth oc .
worth 5c...
worth 8c...,
worth 10c...,
worth 12?;c
reduced to
reduced to
reduced to
reduced to
reduced to
worth 15c
worth 20c.
worth 25c.
worth oOc.
worth 35c
.reduced to llc
.reduced to 15c
.reduced to 18c
.reduced to 23c
reduced to 27c
MUSLINS Lonsdale and Fruit of Loom Ihc per yard
...Shoe Specials...
Men's congress and lace
Hoys' calf am grain
ladies' cloth top and kid lace
" kid welt button
" kid turn pole, lace
" spring heel, lace, button, 2,1.. to ti
Misses' kid, spring heel, lace, button, 11J. to 2.
Childs' " " " " " " 8J."to 11.
" " " " " " 5 to 8
" goat, " " "5 to 8
( i it " 0 to 12
' kid " " button, 5 toS ...... ...
$1 53
1 93
1 13
are being made for our annual stock-taking. We desire
most earnestly to close out all odd garments, all broken
assortments. Some of our finest merchandise will there
fore be offered this week utterly regardless of value.
Take for Example
ri7nrPAofc ref?ular $12'50' $,3-50 15-00
vyVCICUclLb and $10.50 values, n-
Clearance Price., PV'VJ
Cll b Xld Lb $1.75 values. ,r T
Clearance Price
WViitfr Vlirtc ens white unlaundered
VV IllLc OX11I lo shirts, pure linen bosom,
reinforced throughout, patent extension bands, r r -
regular 50c values. Clearance Price O
Colored Shirts Men's colored shirts
left. Regular $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 values
Clearance Price
Boys' Clothing tTr:
supply of Boys' Clothing, for in this department we are
offering unheard-of bargains. Boys' Suits and Overcoats
less than actual cost. Call and see them.
TVa ntlftf Ahfrftninlft. ! leaving Kugeue, and on Iih death
uQino ioajf vmviifuio. i they remuine(J in 1H pog8eeBi(
possession of Mrs.
ity- :&
I n served i
A4- A nHfAiii IaIIak'o
THURSDAY . - JAN. 2-1. 1901
. in tne opinion or ttie baiem statesman
'.i... ; i i . i t
mo inuii in .tiiiry laiMi who r?cemy ne
Jqneathed $50,000 to hip county for road
building purposes did morn for the catiBe
; of piety and good morals than the man
who builds a church or a college, for
: there is more blasphemy and destruc-
.()tionof good temper as a result of horri-
: ble roads than several churches and col-
, leges can atone for.
Umllila at rnftnlii if tnL'nn tin riftun nr
All ....... I........ " 1 '
Hrn.rtu ,te...brri.iHU7. will i. pi.l 1 10 uselessly, nre liable to dilute the
"u prfbrtitstiiiu at mr otiico, lutorrm irastric juices. Take no litjuid of any
kind when food is in the mouth. Take
as little as possible till the close of th
meal. The digestive agents themsclvcn
being fluids, it is reasonable to huppobc
Mint uti KVrtuaa nl Itfltllftu tflMtl IfWIl fill
Miee Taylor announces that the will , . . ... ,vu M .,, (n ,.. ,.,,
open her Kindergarten next W edneedny , eake Ul0 digestive juices.-
'norninij r, January :50th. j K(J,llary Ijll(Jiee Hoim) iIournilI
.Munrmiir, ill jiik uaii'-n ijii.-uiiiu i i
Mght Work m, has taken a remarkably j ll't o American girl has ever mar-;
Hicceful X-rav nliotogranh of tlie ball i king, and she, a New Kngland j
rriikri artrr Xoveiilhnr MM, 100(1.
-C'diinty Treaiiurer
in Murdouk Finlayson's elioulder.
Complete life of Queen Victoria. Uest
ok. liest terniH. Outfit mailed on
'feceilit of 15 cents. Addresi P. 0. Mill
r.fcCo,. Portland, Or.
woman, now a vtidow, is living in a
royal palace in the country of her adop-
qualities in taxation caused by the
efforts of countiep to evade, as much as
popeible, their share of the stato tax.
Mr. Kvans' bill senniH to ua ae effective
as it is simple. It calls for a state board j
of equalization which shall be clothed
with ample power to equalize the taxa
ble property of the several counties.
When this is done the eiall.ed assess
ments will be used as the basis for the
state levy only, leaving the counties to
raise or lower their assessments, or any
part of them, as the county boards may
When the railroad was built to Shan
iko, says the Antelope Republican, we
all rejoiced at the prospect of getting
freight and express in about a day's
time from Portland, and at a much less
rate than we did before. We have the
railroad, and to our disgust find that it
is much more dllliuult. it takes much
more time on the road than ever before,
besldefi the rates are at leant, as high as
; ever. It if necessary now, whether you
ship by railroad or by staue, to order
goods at least two weeks before ynvi need
the goods, in order to gut them iiere in
Tho Frult-Orowors' Opportunity.
can sinters and friends. The romance of
tii.thur-at.(ll I t,,i8 fal':iftlil-'i Kif"'l Americin girl,
I tutxt tt'itt tin Itniwl dtiil liiinrr nf n ltiif
Next Saturday the ladies of the Good f t) ttiietof Il)VU fitori.Pwill
Intent Society will have their usual sale I . om) q t)H feaUm,8 of , M(lre)l
of ;-les. cakes and other pastry ol J. II. ! Uquw JmtmU
troh' store. Patroni.e the ladies und ; . ....
A man ol apparently .v years, wno
his name as Frank Uoylo and
. fliiki. ua tlitiv 1n.iti tlui itnnia nil
lion almost lost sight of bv her A.neri-, t(jo fjf ljuUn
have our old freight teams buck again.
vet something good for Sunday.
'II... .... !
,,,"!;KU,,, wa,u" ver..seu ... yen- eMmH ,() ,m, ffom Wlls fol)ll(t
T , ... ",, ,N'"'K'W" "-V1,,rv; at il o'clock this moi.iing by a
"icnii nut resioreu io lis owiirr,
They were more reliable than any of
our present transportation companies.
Now we may get It in one day's time,
and may not get it in two weeks.
A. C. Lewis and Al Hubbard, boys of
about twenty years, were arraigned to
day in Justice Hrnvvuhill's court on the
cbuige of lewd cohabitation and, waiving
examination, were bound over In the
petition ,
l.nnil Kin i. miili.r ii milrnud IriiMllll lll'lir I
Mosier, with his skull fractured so that ' ' r'. ''f'lt ''"
his brains were laid bare, and otherwise remanded to jail, f he story Is a sicken-
lllg one, l lie rii)H iieiiing in iuyiuii,
Oregon, and tho girls belong to Newluirg,
some nine miles distant. The parents
of the girls supposed their daughters
were at work in McMiiinville, when the
Dayton boys took them oil' on a lark lo
(Astoria, from theure to Portland mid
ft otii Portland to The Dalles. The father
Mrs. MHry Pltkett, today. Mr. Thure
'r"i generouMy refused to accept any
ri. u.u.,1
T. ', . , , , . , , I injured Internally. Uoylo was brought
le v a. Wnn , u ' I bere and had his head dressed by Dr.
other Ilav "7,", , M ! ho n to make an comfortable
Im. o, ,,'J,;ottie,"my1- 11 adn "'.No. 1 pHK,enger was tepmted three
othlr iorld y WerH,,0,,,L',n UM,ih..r, late, and there was little llkell.
' lni.i.1 ilmi tin. mwir li.llou' u'nnlil HVer
I.tLlI!!r'Uyr Tm' mri7 ''rlreacl, P,r.l,.,d alive, Judge jjiakey , f one of the girls arrived here this , nor,,.
J'i received an important uccosaioii in ' . .. , , n, lug ami look tliem both back home with
"IP bliain nf u fllu if tin. l.' i . . i
( ..Li- f iiusB 'Gelsendorller
"ard, complete from Noveml er. 1808.
J" mo closri of the year
"Jiti'i In five volumes.
'ome to the university from Walla Walla,
reiiuenca of Mrs, Groryt J. Uuy,
wlioae huibind founded the Guard and
M iti 'editor during the period covered
bX these illei. lie ctrrlid them with
to give the
relief was within his power.
man what -
It ! not 1 11 mey are airn.iuy u iinmi. uiu.uu iun
".rf"" k11; "ought Ih e :.a ,,Hs.b.y live ' of younir l.u that t.chly deserve a
. VlHt book- ovr tomorrQW at'fartheH.. , hre of the pun W.nient tl.a has
inlVi iWi .i I liiiiHn imniHil hv Mliilr com Damons.
CotnmUsIoner N. C. Kvon went to
fialiin the other day for the purpcm of
enlisting the interest of legislator In a
bill that he has drafted to cure the ine-
been justly earned by their companions.
Wanted A competent girl to do gen
era! housework. Must be a good cook.
Apply at this office. j'J'Jtf
Mr. C. L. Smith, who is connected
with the industrial department of tho
O. R. & N., arrived here today under in
instructions from R. C. Judson, to eee
if it is possible to get the fruit-growers
of this neighborhood to get together and
organi.d an association or fiuit-growere
union. Mr. Judeon advises Mr. Smith
that if the fruit-growers of The Dalles
district will so organize, he will engage
to get a party to put in an evaporator
and fruit cannery. He saye that it
would be folly to try to put in either of
these unless tho fruit-growers are or
ganized. Hero is the opportunity Die fruit
growers of thia neighborhood have been
looking for for a long time. Let them
make no delay in embracing it. Mr.
Smith will he here for the rest of the
week and will probably nrrango for a
mass meeting for some time Saturday,
so that he can lay before the people his
idea of the necessity of the organization.
Mr. i?iiiith assures Tun Ciutoiei.K that
to his own personal knowledge the fruit
.districts that have had effect! vo organi
zations during the past year have real
ized fully fifty per cent more for their
fruit than those districts that have no
It is needless to remark that Mr.
Smith is asking nothing of anybody and
that his mission here is wlyilly in the
inteiostfl of the fruit-growers.
We do
Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates
made and contracts taken for heating old or new-buildings.
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma
chine repair shop in connection with our hardware
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
Given Away...
To I'atro.i nf till I'ulillo NeliiHilo.
Vilhovoiy Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our storo
during .January and v obruary, wo will give Uno
Chanco on tho following prizes:
I FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
(THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
1 TVm i trnct Tivil c
Children who are six years old, or who ' OD ,vo
will be six by the lirst of April, may d'UUKTJH. FKlZiU U116 S6t OI Uai'Vei' S JUUie, JJ'OriC
and Steel.
(FIFTH PRIZE One Nicklo Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nicklo Plated Condenser Cof-
,, Jan.
ilzml In I
The Hiring term begins Monday
JStb. New classes will be organized
the lirst primary grades at the Court
street and Academy Park schools,
enter thepo clahses, It Is desired that.
all who expect to Htart to bchnol this
term attend the first week, so that all
may begin together,
There will he no beginning class In
thu lirst grade at the Kast Hill schooi
until next September, henw pupil In
that vicinity will need to wait till then i
nr come to nun of the buildings men-1
tinned above.
J. S. LtNiiiiiis, Sup't,
Mrs, llattle Morris, stylish dress
making. Keister-Taylor eiiiare, taught
as in St. I.oiiIh ami Chicago, All the
latest patterns, Above Peate A Mays'
store. j2IJ.t.'tv
fee Pot.
-One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
I n addition to giving away those pri.os wo will
soil goods as low as tho lowest, and will always
ho ready to sorvo the trade in the host possiblo
way. Vo will positively not bo undersold by
any one. Our prices are right.