The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. THURSDAY - JAN. 24, 1901 COSGESSEDL Y ASTI -TRATIOX. A DM I SIS ad interim arrangement of the kind he advised the senate to make. The Washington state senate,. Tuesday, passed a memorial to con -1 gress praying that body to pass the , shin subsidy bill. The vote was ou 0.R.&N. DEPART TOR The correspondent of the Portland strict party lines, and only one re- ' ... . .... i Telegram, under date of January publican voteu against me memonai 9th, sent the following interesting item to that paper: "The delegation is for Corbett for senator, and Mr. Briggs is frank in the expression of bis preference as between Mr. Corbett and Mr. Mc Bride. In ract, the attitude of these representatives has been known to be averse to the re election of Mr. McBride all along, the matter having Senator Steiwer's apportionment . bill gives Wasco county one repre ! scntative, and one representative and j one senator jointly with Sherman county. There may not be as much I politics in this arrangement as in the 1 present law, but there is a whole lot I more sense and justice. Kaft Mall TIHK JCKrDCLI. From Salt Lakt, Denver. Ft. . Worth. Omaha, Kan I ms Cltr, St. louls, Chicago and East. Arrive Fpom Fat Mall 1:05 p x? IS great; it The Telteram asks. "What ran aeciaea in me primaries nere , mad(J QQeen victor5a last spring, wnicn was conducted . and RDSWers. .,Xot 0De or a fcw with much vigor and considerable!. but maDJ al Dignity, leeling in tne struggle ior supremacy . mtience, patriotism, CLrisU Dei ween woai is mown as uie su- Atlantie Salt Lake, Denver. Ft., 4:4ia. in Express Worth, Omaha, Kan-' 12:50 a. rn.i sas City, St. Louis,, Via Hunt-1 Chicago and East, legton. Spokane :WalU Walla, Spokane,, Spokane Mail and Express 9:2i p. a 8 p. m. Minneapolis. St. Paul,, JIall ilulutb, Milwaukee,, and Chicago and East, via. Express Spokane akd Hunting ton: also all points in I Washington and East- 3:21a. n em Oregon. ministration or McBride-Tongue faction, and the Corbett anti-administration wing of the republicans, the Utter having in view the promotion of Hon. F. V. Carter's candidacy for congress at that time, and the choice of representatives who would vote for Mr. Corbett or some other man for senator who would use his in fluence to effect a change of some Dostmasters and other officials and -dispense the federal patronage among their friends." Here is the admission, from one I who claims to know, and the state ment has never been challenged, that Senator McBride and Congressman Tongue are the friends of the admin istration, and that the fight in Jack son county was made against them 1 wiih the clear understanding that H. W. Corbett was an enemy of the national republican administration. In fact, Mr. Corbett, Mr. Simon and j the Oregonian are all inimical to the ' president, and there is no doubt; whatever that they would have used ; their best (or worst) efforts to defeat ! President McKinley's renomination, if they had deemed it possible. One L anti-administration senator at Wash- anity, true, sincere and simple' faith and right-doing on all domestic as well as public occasions; model wife hood and motherhood, while bear ing with dignity and grace the crown of state; living ber dual, triple, multiple life from girlhood to old age, from first to second childhood and always respected, and always deserving to be, honored and re vered by all classes of her subjects surely this can be called a truly great woman." From Fortran. Ocean Steamships. For San Francisco Every Five Davs, 8 p.m. 4 p. m. I I P. ra Ex.Sunday Columbia Br. Steamers. Ex.SunC i To Astoria ana may Bararday Las dings. , 10 p. tn. 1 6a.m. WniAMRTTR RrviR. i 4:30 p.m. Ex-SundayiOregon City, Newberg, Ex.8undaj Salem & way Land's. Complete Cipe of Drugs at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASI0R1A NAY. COMPANY Steamers of tht HcguUtor Line will run as per theiol.jj fch.-dulc. the Company reserving tho right to change "3 k i schedule without notice. Str. Regulator Lv. Dalles i at 7 a. M. k Tuesday. B, Thursday . . . fa Saturday. . . c .rr. roruanu j B, at 4:30 r. x. IT. l.v. Portland at; A. X. Monday .Wednesday Ship your Freight via Friday Rpcrnlator Line Arr. Dalles a 5 r. K Str. Dalles City. DOWN l.v. Dalles at T A. X. i Monday . . Wednesday Friday Arr. 1'ortlaiid i an:30r. it. , Portland OfflM 7 a. m, WltLAMrTTE ASD VA Tnes.Thur. RILL KIVRRS. and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton,, and Way-Kmdlngs. 8:30 1 iMon.,Wed and Fri. Lv Riparia dally i 3:35 a. m. Snare River. Riparia to Iwiston. Leave Lewibton daily ' 9:00 a. m Just "What Yoa uuant. i prtip itMintE to co to Hecmier or points on Columbia Southern via Hleirs, snouia i take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12:40 p. m. 1 making direct connections at Heppner Junction j pnd Biggs. Returning making direct connection at Heppner Junction and Biggs with So. 1. ar-1 riving at The Dalles at U:30 p. m. 1 The O. R. & N. steamer "Modoc"'is now mak- 1 Ing regular trips to oaiem and Inpeiendence, stopjiing at all way landings. She leaves Port- ; land on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at j ence about C p. m. on some days. Returning ' Wna. 1 .... tit . rt, O 1 ll "i M 1 ! fl at 6 a.m. on Tuesdays. Thursdays and aatur- I A arc u wrt .t at P.t1(inf1 flKtir ,n. !.nmp ' uu . at a... .uh " . ....... uvvu. " I , 1 A A For lull particulars catl on O. R. J: N agent The u, Co.'s allec. or address W. H. HfRLBrRT, Gen. Pat. Agt., Portland, Or CHOCOLATE BON BONS. Urn Pacilic In talking of Chocolates please remember that we carrv a fall line of . ington is bad enough; but if the state i LOWNEY'S. jnu opened, fresh from ; wants to commit political suicide, all the factory. In plain and fancy boxes; i ' . i - i for Christrras trade, and at prices to that is necessary is to send Corbett. . " , . v , , ! Yellowstone Park Line. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are ehowing never be fore traced a single stock, ileal liuita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Lrood papers at cneap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful coloringe, yoaru for a email price, at oar store on imru etreet. Also a fall line of house paints D. W. VATJSE, Third St, to consort with Simon. Certain Dooulist papers understand tbi thoroughly, and for this reason are advocating Mr. Corbett's election. Salem Sentinel. I suit. Don't forget that we are I quarters for tue best on earth. semes it. head- Name THE DIKING CAR ROflE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- SI ONE PARK. Union Btjot.FiruWISts The directors of school district Jfo. 12 (The Dalles districts ask The Chronicle to earnestly urge upon the taxpayers the duty of at tending the meeting that is called for next Saturday at 2 p. m., in the i Court street school building, for the J purpose of levying a tax to belp j . . , I.,. . . i , , . . i i support tue puuuc scuoois.aunng tue.f coming year. It is well known that, ordinarily, these annual meetings have not the attendance of a corpor al's guard and that subsequent' grumblings over high school taxes IK are made by parties who do not take L the trouble to voice their complaints -at a time and place where they i might be effective. The directors,' however unjustly, have, to a large extent, to bear the brunt of these complaints and it is only natural; that the should desire that as many' taxpayers as possible shall attend j the meetings f-nd thus become equal I partners in the responsibility. ' Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. AKRIVE. No. C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, K uencs' j-urmsnmgs, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps. Notions. Agt. lor W. L. Douglas Shoe. Telephone No. ii. mv,n TIqIIp? flp 1UU UUUUO) Uit VH Second St., No. 2. Fast mail for Tacoma, 1 Seattle, Olymplo, Oray Harbor and couth Rend 1 'points, Spokane. Roifc- land, B. C, Pullman, , Moscow, Le ibton, Bu- 11:15 A. M. faloHump mining coun- &;50 P. M. try, Helena, Minneuj 11s, St. Paul, Omaha,' Kansas City, st. Liuis. ; Chicago and all joiuu. I No. 4. east and southeast. No. 3. j Puget bound Express ' 11;30 P. M. lor Tueoma and Seattle 7;00 A. M. I and intermediate point F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop. Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & LaneUic Ttone 15' j Pullman first-daks and tourtit ileejer to 1 1 in nea polls, at. Paul and Missouri river point without change, i Vestibuled trains. Union depot connections . in au pniicipai ciues. Baggage checked to destination of tickets, , i 'or ljBiid!ome!y lilustiated descriptive matter, t tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or i wnte J. S. Schbscz, President. Mas A. Vout. Casblei First National Bank. : - j L . Portland ,3 Hl7:iu A. u. i . . 1 ucsuay i nursaay satuMay d Arr. iiancs 1 I FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Stealer, onh.a.r l.lne. fSS Portland Offlcc, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. AULAWAY. Gen. Agt. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eu kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Si?ik?E?D Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Fendle- rkTI "H,T, This Moor if manufactured expressly for family wUXl 1J 1X1 UM . everr Fack it pnaranteed lo give satisfaction. Wj sell onr coode lower than any foouee in the trade, and if yon don't think so call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Retiring from Business. j Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, nt nmch lesf than wholesale i prices, win sell in Dum or in lots, or any way to fctnt purcnasera. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All poode will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fittine Corsets and Butterick Patterns. Yoar prices uill be mine. Cull early aud secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. Grandall & Burget DEALERS IS RobeS, fill kinds Of UNDERTAKE- E BUFiaSh funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Aiilttant General 1'assfneer Aeent. 2.V, ilorrl bou otrtet, comer Ttiird, i'orilund Oregon. THE DALLES - - OREGON SOUTH and EAST via SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE m mm i race marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a fketrh and dewriptlon ma- mm Pacific Co Shasta Route A General Banking Bnainefie transacted Depoeits received, eubject to Sight Draft or Check, i Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San irancisco and orl land. DIRBOTOHS j D. P. Thompson. Jko. 8. Bckckcx. Ed. M. Williamb, Geo. A. Likujc. H M. Beam.. PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and -Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. I - w 1 Trains leave The Dalle lor Portiunl and way btatioae at 4 :Z a. in. aud 3 p. in. qulclilr ascertain onr opinion free trbetlier a , ttivHiitimi tit Drfibhblr ri'iteutuble. Communic tlonnntrictircoiisdeiitiot. IIundtKokon I'atenti recelr lent Jree. Oldest aeencr lur ucunng jiatentt. Kitcitl TAlet. without etiarco, In the Scientific A handeomelr illntratrd weoklr. iJirccit rtr. relation ot unj icicnttcn Journal. Ternit. 13 a rear: Innr rauiitlifl, t L Soli Lijtll neiduiler. MUNN&Co.c,JJro3 New York Brancti mr Ci V ft, V.'aihlBlon. U. 1' lite cotumtiia PaGKinoCo., PACKERS OF The politicians at the nationaj capital are having some fuu at the of Ex-President Harrison i over wliat tbef consider a plain in- j instance of Uncle Ben's inconsistency. ' Thev have dug up a message that' Mr. Harrison sent to the senate when president that not only sug- gests a provision "for the iocorpora- tioi of Hawaii into the Unsted States' as an integral part thereof," but also eugacbts that until congress shall i "otherwise provide the existing com-' mercial telations of the Hawaiian. islands, both with the United States Fine Lard and Sausages and foreign couutriee, shall con tinue." The joke on Harrison is that be now holds the constitution follows the flag and that the United States bas so power to make any Leave y ortland .... " Albany Arrive At bland . . , " Sacramento " ban franciyso . s::n a in .ll';30a hi .12:Xtum !,:00 j m . 7:liim Arrive Ogdon " Denver " Kuiiwii Cllty i " Chicago ... a rn . !:)0 u in l-. s'i u m . M u in 7:00 pra ! 10:W v m ! 11 :30 a m ' 4 :Si a m ts:li a ta 11:15a ra j:Wk rn MATT SHOREN,J General Blacksmith !? and Horseshoer. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUpm BREWEfiY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. All lrinrta rf 1 tlnVamt 111 ntr vrlll .nmtttin u':Wam ! prompt attention and will be executed , in Uret-clasa shape. Give hini a call. Arrive Los Angtlea l:'J0jitn El 1'aso f.:(W ji m " FnrtWortb (',:;) u in " City of Mexico . ... K:i5 a in " Houston 1:00 a in ' New Orlfmu .. .. C JCiain " Waklitngton . C:IJum " New York V A'Syza 7 :00 a m ( C:00pm i I'.::ju u m I y:S." h in 4:00 a m C:25 p m ij 2 a in li-rs p in n m. m -J T" TT TT i Pullman and Tourint earn ou both train I J II I CL I 1 LI D E Ed r ' ''balr cars Hueramento to OKdvn and Kl fako, MANDFACTnttEE8 Of Lard and Ran Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JBIF.D BEEF, ETC. I and touritt nara to Chicago, ot UiuU, New Ot- leantana vibtmngwu. t ConnectliiK at San Kranciiico with no vera 1 aUatrnitbiii lint for Honolulu, Japau, C'liiua, milll'i'liiCK, MMitrai anu soma Aint-ncu. Titv agent at The Dalle atutlon, or addrcm C. H. MARKHAM, j Yoa will not have boils if von take Clarke 4 Falk'a enre cure lor boile. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dallee, Or. - - , U Resiauram 1 L. Y. Hone, Prop'r. 'Fipst-Class in Every Respect, Ruort, . 'for'"?.' "s ','" wri''k'n rwry the United States Health poibly i.e found." "..uicbuimu oeverage coum not East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. MEALH AT ALL UOVltM. Oysters Served in any Style. 7 Bccond Et.,Tlie l)IU,Or. JHL YOUR KIDNEYS. ...i.i .r V0li lirb ' ,18i "o t-alled kidnev reme.liee v Itltoiit any benefit, ime Lincoln Sexual Pills ami ti ill viir 17-1 0 ,,l,in ' t kidueyi." and iav n I " ,dder .n? ,uri"ry troubleg cured, and your 'n'"'"1 ",B ' nature's gieiitrtt aesistHiit Lincoln Bexuul Pills, i .. n1' l W).l'r box buy ol yourdrunuiit or sent by ...all on rrcelpj of v,U-,, & piay wran"r. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. n . , Fort Wuyne, Indlitnn. IJonnell, Anent, The Dalles. - M. .