. l)c a n Ik g flip (Lljrxmme- 4 VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 24, 1901. NO. 20 THE SITUATION IS UNCHANGED Xor is Any Important Chance Ex pected purine the Week. Special to TriK CiiRONici e S.u.km, Jan. 24, 1 :53 p. in. The yole today for senator was exactly the name as yesterday. The cancas lst night resulted in nothing. Not only la the senatorial situation unchanged hut no change is expected during the week. The hotJHe today passed a measure providing for an oil painting of Governor Ueer fir the house of representatives. The eutti appropriated is $600. The tenate today confirmed the gov ernor's appointments of regents of the State normal schools. Charity To u (.III. Sallm. Jan. 23. By virtue of generosity of thedelegntion from Multno mah county in the leislature, a purse uat raised to pay the court fees for a writ of habeas corpus in the casb of a tierumn girl who was sentenced to the county Jail for twenty-five days under a fiue of foO for the alleged stealing of lotnu wearing apparel at Woodburn. The petition was heard before Judge Boise e?terdy afternoon, and the girl was discharged. She lias been assisted to some good clothing and several persons, iuc'.udiug tlis'Multnotnah delegation, are interesting themselves to get work for her. The girl, whose name Is Bertha Crader, had been working for a man in Woodburn, who failed to pay her accord ins to a contract, and when she left she took a couple of waists with her of little no value. The papers upon which she ae arrested were entirely faulty, and the whole proceedings aroused consider able indignation. Hhk llHrt Kxiirrlt-ncti. London, Jan. 23 The Daily Telegraph publishes two editorials, under the cap tions " The Queen" and -The King." In the latter it says : "Most happily for him he has, wiih infinite credit to himself, passed through a period of probation in some ways more AVegetaUe Preparationfor As similating tUeFoodandBeflula Ung theStoiuaclts andBowels of Promotes DigeslionJCheerful ness and test. Contains neitlter Opium.Morplune norliueraL NotNarcotic. Wi StU- A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea (indLosfl OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of 'ew vonic. EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER, V. . edr -IT dlliieult and certainly more prolonged iiinii nisi uj which any successor to a throne in modern times has been sub jecteit. lie assumes the burden of his imperial task equipped with all invalti ablet xperlence which the most painstak ing discharge of great duties could secure nun during the lifetime of his august mother." The Times says: "If anythlngcan in some measure con sole the nation for the irreparable loes it has sustained, it is the well-founded con viction that the Queen has left behind her a worthy successor who may 'be trusted to walk In her footsteps." , ' Tiie Standard expresses regret that the Queen was not spared to see peace restored in South Africa. The Daily News savs that Queen Vic torla was always a peacemaker. It refers to the incident of her modifying In a pa ciflc.sense Lord Russell's dispatch in the Trent case. Uravn Men f all Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poison9 in Mie blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feel- tl'ejinu. But there's no need to feel like , that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville. Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at Blakeley's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. 3 When threatened by pneumonia or any other luog trouble, prompt relief is necessary, as it is dangerous to delay. We would suggest that One Minute Cough Cure be taken as Soon as indica tions of having taken cold are noticed. It cures quickly and its early use pre vents consumption. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Those belonging to the football associ ation and having football equipment are requested to leav the sauie at the land office in charge of the manager, Otis Patterson. j22-lw Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will save your and your children's hair? You cm get it for 50 and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer's barber shop, sole avenl. tf .Subscribe for The Oiikonici.e. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years AW CASTORIA THB CINTAUa Hwn EDWARD VII TAKES HIS TITLE Hail to the King of Great Britain and at Ireland and Emperor or India. London, Jan. 23, 1 p. m. The King Emperor entered his capital at 12:55 p. m., and proceeded to Marlborough, after attending the first privy council, at St. Jame9' Palace, at 2 p. m) when a de cision was reached regarding the public proclamation of his accession, which, it is expected, will be read tomorrow at 10 a, in. f -London. Jan. 23, 3 p. in. At the meeting of the privy council, the king to.,k the title of Edward VII, KiDgof the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Emperor of India. London, Jan. 23. The house of lords and the house of commons assembled at i o'clock, and took the oath of allegiance to the new eovereign. The king, at the accession ceremony, wore a military uniform. His brief speech wae delivered with great earnest ness, and was quite extemporaneous. It is expected it will be published later in official form. At the last moment the king decided not to attend the house of lords today. The proclamation of the accession of His Majesty was signed by the princes present, the Duke of York first, then the Duke of Connaught, the Duke of Cam bridge, Prince Christain, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Mayor and the other representa tives of the city of London. At 4 :30 p. m., the artillery began firing salutes in St. James' park to signalize King Edward's accession to the throne. fXTHong the incidents of the day was an imposing civic procession. The Lord Mayor and Alderman, accompanied by the city marshal, mace-bearer and other members of the norporalion, escorted by a strong body of police, proceeded from the Mansion House, by way of the Thames embankment and Trafalgar Square, to St. James' Palace, in gilded equipagee, with liveried outriders, in cluding semi-state carriages, making a notable picture, which was witnessed by thousands of Bilent people, who filled the sidewalks along the entire route. Tim Klnc Malic it Speech. London, Jan. 23. The king's speech to the councillors was made in great earnestness. He said: "1 have decided to assume the title of King Edward the Seventh, in accord ance with the wishes of 'my beloved mother, who united the virtues of bu pre me and domestic good with affection and patriotism of a wise, peace-loving monarch. I have a respectful desire to leave the memory of my father's name, Albert, to the exclusive treasury of my beloved mother. Notwithstanding per sonal dosire,! cannot hope to do justice to the renown and virtues associated with Prince Albert's name, but I shall do my utmost to be worthy of my great position." No l'rlnce or Walei, Nkw Yokk, Jan. 23. A dispatch to Tribune from London says : The Duke of York will not necessarily become the Prince of Wales that his father has as cended the throno. The principality was granted by Edward I to his eon, afterwards to Edward II, mid his heirs, kings of England. Conse quently when the Prince of Wales succeeds to the throne, his princely title merges in his sovereignty. The new sovereign's eldest son is still Duke of Yoik, but ho becomes also Duke of Cornwall, this title descending to him from his father. It is generally assumed that the king will immediately confer his principality upon him as It is within his social prerogative to do so. XI i e Kliitf a Itiuliieii Man. Nkw Yoiik, Jan. 23. Alfred Harms, worth, editor of the Loudon Daily Mail, In a dispatch from St. Augustine, Fla., to the Herald, says : "As one deeply Interested in the hind lug together of the 100,000,000 of British people, I cannot but reali.a that we have lost in our Queen a center of Imperial sympathy that did much for cohesion and unity, Could any more potent spell i be divined for the union of the divergent races that form our empire than the personality of a good woman? With you it has been your beautiful flag; with us the noblest of women. "But the futuro haB good in store for us. The world has passed from the realm of sentiment to the age of business, and in Edward VII we have one who is above all a man of affairs. Not enough is known on this side of the Atlantic of the marked aptitude of our king as a diplomatist, a negotiator and a hard working business man. His only rival In this matter among the world's sovereigns in hie nephew, William of Germany, and no one will gainsay the fact tbat for discretion and savoir faire Edward V1I is more than a match for William II. It bodes well for the world's peace that the friendship that has al ways existed between our king and many of our statesmen will, as the result of the emperor's visit, now be firm 'twixt him and his German nephew. "The three nations do not always see eye and eye; no treaty will ever link them, perhaps. But there will be that between them, it Is to be hoped, which we of the workaday world know as a business understanding. " Southern California. Notable among the pleasures afforded by the Shasta Route is the winter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh points of interest added sources of enjoyment, under its sunny skies, in the variety of its indus tries, in its prolific vegetation and among its numberless resorts of mountain, shore, valley and plain. The two daily Shasta trainB from Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the most approved pattern of standard and tourist sleeping cars, but the low rates of fare will still continue in effect. Illustrated guides to the winter resorts of California and Arizona may be had cn application to C. H. Makkiiam, G. P. A., Portland. Oregon. How to Cure Croup. Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is the best medi cine I have ever used. It is a fine children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure." When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or oven after the croupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant use as soon ns those symptoms appear. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. I'layeit Out. Dull Headache, Paine in various parts of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores are ali positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has nevei failed tocuro Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blond diseases. It is certainly u wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle mi a positive guarantee. Blakeley., the drug gist. Persons who suffer from indigestion can not expect to live long, because they cannot eat the food required to nourish the body nnd the products of the undi gested foods they do eat polsoti the blood. It is Important to cure indiges tiou as soon as possible, and the best method of doing this Is to use the prepa ration known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and restores nil the digestive organs to perfect health. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Among the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la crippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case has resulted in phetimonia. Tlios. Whitfield A Co., 210 Wabash avenue, Chicago, ono of tli' most prominent re tall dru;'ists in Unit city, In speaking of this, says: "Wo recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for la grlppu in many cases, as It not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency. n( hi grippi to result In pneumonia." For sate by Blakeley, the druggist. Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure dandruff and all scalp diseases. Don't neglect your hair. For sale at Fra.er's barber shop, sole agent, tf The New Walking Skirts for Spring have i arrived. $4.50 to $12 will The new skirts are here in homespun cheviots, heavy camels hair serges, oxford-gray vicunas and mel tons, light brown Venetians and golf-back coverts. Cut five-gore with flare; seams are all double tailor-stitched, and bottom is finished with numerous rows of stitch ing. A neat pocket on each skirt. Prices are $4.50, $0.00, $7.50, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00. Perfect models at each price. A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and actB directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It waB was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifieis, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chunky A Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrnggists, price "he. Hall's Family Pills are the heat. 12 This season there is a largo death rate among children from croup and lung troubles. Prompt action will save tho little ones from these tetrlblu diseases. We know of nothing so certain to give instant relief as One Minute Cough Cure, It can also be relied upon iu grippe and all throat and lung troubles of adults. Pleasant to take. Clarke A Falk's Pharmacy. I'kjkIi Milk ami Ci-uhiii. A dollar saved is a dollar gained. I am selling the best Jersey milk in the market, warranted to tost five per cent butter fat, for $2 a quart per month. Also purely cmtrlfugally separated cream at 40 cents a quart. Why pay more when you can do better by phon ing to tho City Dairy. 'Phono 385. d30-lm Bkht Baulky, Prop. The most soothing, healing and anti septic application ever devised Is Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo. It relieves at once and cures plies, sores, eczema and skin diseases. Beware of imita tions, Clarke A Falk's P, 0, Pharmacy. Working Night ami ltuy The busiest and mightiest little tiling that ever was made Is Dr. King's Now L'fo Pills. Evory pill is a sugar-coaled globule of health, thut changes weakness into strength, listlessuesR into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cuius pur box. Sold by Blakeley, tlm druggist. 3 Country butter -10 cunts pur roll at Maier A Benton's. TJj-lw Clark A Fulfc aru never ulosud Sunday, Don't, forget this. lfiialllng young man can make JliO per month and expenses, Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Chirk A Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel hpla, Pa, sS-tf Great improvement is notice able in the new walking skirt. Improvements in the style, in fit, in the materials used and particularly in the finish. The new walking skirt for the spring of 1901 is a strictly high grade tailor-made garment, and bo the means of adding strongly to its popularity. already great NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, pattners doing business in Dalles City under the firm name and style of Chaw Kee Co., purchased on the 12th day of Jan., 1001, the entiie business of the said Cbaw Kee Co., from the former owners thereof. That the present part nership firm will be liable for all debts contracted by said firm, the present owners of the said Cbaw Kee Co., from the said 12th day of January, 1901, but will not pay or be liable for any debts contracted or oweing before said date. Dalles City, Or., Jan. 17, 1901. Wong Ken, Wong ClIAK.N", Wong Yo.v, Lu Guie.v, Ma Wki, jl7-lv Ma Kek. Pepsin preparations often fail to re lievo indigestion because they can digest only albuminous foods. There is one preparation that digests all classes of food, and that is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the worst cases of indigestion and gives instant relief, for it digests what you eat. Clarke A Falk P. O. Pharmacy. Wo oiler for a limited period the twice-a-week Chiioxiclk, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this oiler must be paid iu ad vance, tf Clarke A Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Pattou strictly pure liquid paints Clarke A Falk have ou saio a full Hue of paint uud artist's brushes. Notice! All persons indebted to the late firm of K. J. COLLINS A CO., and S. L. BltOOKS, are requested to call ami settle up ou or before March 1st next without fai'. S. L. BUOOKS. Look Here! All the Groceries, Hardware and Tin ware will bu disposed of by the 1st of March, as the building will' he occupied by other parties. S. L. BUOOKS. ianlCmehl S E 12 D S E K Tho most complete stock of Garden, Grass, Field and Vegetable SeodH in bulk in tho Inland Um pire at the Fuud, Sued it ml Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS, THE DALLES, OR. E E D XS E D S