The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 23, 1901, Image 3

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    "0 WEI Choose The Great A6tive
ftWfor Reduaion Sale Preparations
7 Ip-SgS Y Lirodl Still goes on in all departments.
X nfPlii arc being made for our annual stock-taking. We desire
J rafelSlr It matters little whether The huinlreds of customers who have taken adyan- ,U()st earnestly to close out all odd garments, all broken
I YWmnfh' the fruit andveg- tage of our reduction sale will appreciate the many bar- aa8ortmonlg gome of our finest merchandise will there-
v - f.tnLw i .. I, gains they haue secured. There are only a few days . . n, , .. , r ,
Y&S , 5 ' Sc!t fo? vou ' ore antl the sal wil1 bG ovor- We have 8tiU a few bar" y rGgarlleSS f valuo"
' gains in reserve for you come early before they are all
If vou depend on us for the selection, we will do the RTTiTT "WATSTS T C i
bisl wo"cnn. All of the fruit and vegetables we carry are OiUXl. VVXXXOXO. clK6 lOf Jl!XclfflDl6
rood: same are better than otheis, but all are good. A-f fc4. QH Fine Taffetta Silk in black and colors; .
ot.ou worth $G00 nnd $G 50( .
You will appreciate what we offer. At $5 17 A Waist worth $8,0; in ht bluo Taf"
FRUITS ' . Silk, lmmlPomoly trimmed. n regular S1o,50, $13.50, $15.00
At $6 75 A better one, tucked all over, trimmed vyVcrCOclLo and $1G.50 values, -
Nice Large Bananas, ' with lace; real value $10. Clearance 1 'rice 9-95
a.t 1 Af 5ft Ofl Fine French Flannel Waists; only a
Navel Oranges, " tpo.vHJ few in stock. worth $450. TAri'c: T-TQtc resular $1-25' L? and
pni j; T lVlCll o XXciLo Si. 75 values. rr-T
Ulinellcl Lemons, EMBROIDERIES. Clearance Price !. $1.05
ole eil Dates, We wish to call attention to ladies who are com- . , . ,r , . , , ,
Red Apples, piM to make, spring of embroideries and Wlllte ShlttS plnTotm
muslins. Here is an opportunity very seldom ofiered: . , Al , . . " ' A V , '
" reinforced throughout, patent extension bands, r r r
VEGETABLES. kmuhoidf.imks regular 50c values. Clearance Price
worth ."c reduced to 2c worth loc . reduced to 1 lie
New Potatoes, Br USSel Sprouts, worth 5c. ..reduced to She worth 20c. ..reduced to loc i j qi , We have a few of those
Afpivprl uppf Pnfotnpc worth Sc.. ..reduced to 0c worth 25c. ..reduced to 18c LyOlOrCQ OilirtS Men's colored shirts
MULLQ OWeuiOldloes, worth lOc. reduced to lie worth 30c. .reduced to 23c left Regular $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 values.
Beets, Celery, Lettuce, worth 121c reduced to J)e worth 35c .. reduced to 27c Clearance Price '. UC)C
MUSLINS Lonsdale and Fruit of Loom 7;c per yard
Cauliflower, Green Onions, , . , Rnvc' PlntVnncr Do"'fc miss V16 Ppor"
' . ' . r Shoe SDeC a S - -Dy VlOUllIlg tunity to lay m a
Radishes, BarsnipS,- lurmpS, ...onuc ptvicuo... supply of Boys' Clothing, for in this department we are
rv. 1.1 4. Men'p conttrpei nmi lacn 9"c offering unheard-of bargains. Boys' Suits and Overcoats
Rutabagas, Cabbage, Carrots. K- S loss u.S,, actual cost. Call and si then,.
; " kid welt button $1 53
" kid turn sole, lace 193
" spring heel, lace, button, 21... to ( '. -. 9.'5e "
Misses' kid, spring heel, lane, button, Uj to 2 .- 113
' kid " " button, 5 to 8 40e
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
I county waa ycaterday signed by 200 oi
I thu leading citizens o( The Dalles, and
iv oi nni ! 1'rotnpilj' forwurded to otie of our repre
I Hentutivea at balein.
' Out of respect to the dea'i queen of
England, the American tlammi nt half
I mast over the court house, the etores
I of I'enue Maye and A. f. Williams &
Co., and in front of the United States
bervou i
At Andrew Keller's.
land office and on a nunber of private
(5) I bouses.
Representative Joseph Xtsbitt,! of
, Goldendole, has introduced i bill in the
WaHhington leisluture Appropriating
All H-u.r.i County wnrr-utn rrCUtr.Ml I ,oney (or a Htate r0iuj rtong tne nortM
irlir to Hiiitiuliitr
hi prnnnutittliiii nt my ortlcfi
'rustic urtitr Niivfiulmr lilt, 1110(1.
.IUIIN F. IIAftll'Mlilltl!,
(j'liiinty Ti-fumirnr
, Will IMJ . . . .,. ,,, T
! Klickitat county, to Ift'ashougal, Clark
i county.
Why not settle the senatorial ques
tion, says the irrevereut Prairie City
Miner, by auctioning the position oil' to
the highest public bidder (private deah
Coronur W. II. Iltitts went to Port,
land on the ufternoon train.
Found A purse, which the owner
:u have by calling at this oflice and
paying for thin notice. 23-4t
Tim Fortnightly Club will meet with
Mrs. A. H. ISeniiCtt tomorrow afternoon,
nd reading will commence promptly at
1 :U0 o'clock.
Mrii. KHz i 10. Paquot, wife of Louis
I'nquot, the well-known Portland boat
iMiilder, died at Los Angeles, California,
on thu '.'1st instant.
Lost A lady's gold watch, witli the
Initials "M. B." engraved on the cast)
A suitable reward will bo paid for its
rHturn to tiile olllce. 23'-0t .
Dun's review for last wok fliows the
fiillures for tho wiok were 32 in the
United States against 242 last year, and
13 In Canada against 40 last yt'iir.
Mth. Ilnttitt Morris, stylish dreffl.
nittklnir. Kelster-'I'nylor Hijuare, touglit I
in i3t. I.ouls and Chicago. All the
l itest patterns. Above Vmto it Muyh'
'tore. j23'2w
i W a'o pleased to report that Mrs
teii him on tho Bubiect of the nronosed
minPTiitinn nf flint n;irfr nf tli pnnntv tn i
...... ,-. w. ...w J ' '
Sherman that he is satisfied the major
ity of them are opposed to it, and think
this is not t lie proper time to ask for a
new county. In order to aatisfy those
who have taken an active part in getting
up the petition for annexation, Mr. Mc
Ureer proposes to call a meeting of the
Wasco county delegates and present tho
views of the tax-payers for their consid
eration. Mr. McGreer thinks that the
result ought to be satisfactory to all in
terested parties.
After yesterday's vote at Salem the
correspondent of the Astoria News tele
graphed to Ins paper as followe : "It is
the fgeneral belief here that while the
old man has no earthly cnance of elec
tion, lie will remain in the race until the
"distance fliig" is dropped on him. He
is expected to begin dropping votes by
barred) and divide the proceeds between J'fhurfcday, and to continue to lose from
the scalp bounty fund and the Dulles-
Celilo locks and canal?
Ex-Senator W. II. Biggs, while in
town today, made the statement that
the citizens of his town of Wasco are
violently and unalterably opposed to the
annexation of southern Wasco county to
Sherman. Ho said the people in his
neighborhood want no now territory and
Will IIK'U WIU IIUHJ3UtJ nilllCMlllUll U'J
the last ditch
that time on. Among his opponents
little is being done in their own behalf,
the general effort being to frst dispose
of the old man and then to let each of
the eligible? take his chances. The Mc-
Bride men profess to feel confident and
Mitchell and Hermann each has his
friendH hero, but It in not expected that
either of the two will cut any important
"Doc" C. A. Bell, a spectacle" peddler,
was arraigned before Justice Brownhill
And now comes a dispatch, which says ,, mornil)g aj pleaded not guiltv to
that tho notorious Mary Yellin' Lease lt dmrgB of lnrwll). I)y baie(J, j,,,
lias ngniu changed her mind nnd is go-, jennett appeared for the defendant and
ing to abandon her allllcted husband for Frank Menefee for tho state. Hell was
good. The wretched she wolf tiled suit vhai )y W.H.Davis, of Wapinitia,
lor divorce Monday in thy district court J wit, ,BVj, ma,j0 wth a horse und.
of Sedgwick county, Kansas. Accompli. , bam t(at h() had 0Htnjne,i n,H tmnp0r.
nylng the petition is u WHvier signed nry UHe f while peddling in Wapinitia
Mr. Lease signifying his wisu intention UK, HI,rrniIIiii,g country. Without
of not contesting. asking Mr. D.ivis' permission and with-
Mrs. JOIizibeth A. Stephens, tho wid- 0nt Mr. Davis' knowledge, Bull took the
Hived mother nf Mr. C. K. Stephens, of j outfit into Washington and hud gone as
tins city, died yesterday nlternnon nt . far as Zilla, Yukiinu county, when he
Goldendiile, where she has resided for ! was arrested on the order of Sheriff'
the last ten yeiiis. She had been ailing Kellv under a warrant sworn out hero
unexpected, four oi her seven living 0f Jim Brown, of Victor, anil was ar
children were wth her when the end t ralgned forthwith. Hell unc'oubtedly
came. Mrs, Stephenh wus a pioneer of ueteil strangely, not to eay wrongly, in
1852, having ciosscd the pbtiiH in that , taking the rig so far aw.ty without per-
year from her home in Tennessee. She miaaion, but when the evidence was all
Curhett ami Sid I tit Jln a Vote Kat'li
l'rciin Two Aliieutntm of Yesterday.
J'fiink Hiworth is recovering nhmly , fur Hoino time, ami her death was not Bell'nrrived here tills morning in charge
.ii an operation performed last weih
nuediiy by l)r. JSfthulmuii, assisted by
fr. OoisendorllVr.
The store of C. F. Stephens is closed
today on account of thu days of Mr.
tophenK' mother nt Uoldendale yeater
1"V nfurnoon. Mr. Stephens left tills
nornliii fjr Goldendale to attend the
rim remonstrance against the annex
aoii of H'.uUieAHtarn Wasco to Sherman
will be buried in the Goldendale ceme
tery tomorrow.
Representative T. II. McGreer, in a
letter to a friend in this city, says that
an niniiv of the tuX'uaverH In the Ante
lope and llakcoven precincts hove writ-1 discharged.
sifted there appenreil no proof that he
intended to steal the horse and buggy,
which he claimed he hud duly rented
from Mr. Davis, Tho complaining wit
ness agreed to pay all costs and Hell was
Special to Tin: Cuito.vici.b'.
Sam:m, Jan. 23. The house today
passed a bill appropriating $25,000 for
the payment of state deliciencies of the
past two years.
Tiie senate haB worked ail day on in
corporation bills. Both houses received
reports of committees and listened to
the third reading of bills. This will be
the ordinary program for several days.
The houses went into joint session and
canvassed tho vote of yesterday. The
result of today's vote leaves the senato
rial situation practically unchanged.
Hermann lost one vote. Corbett and
Smith each gained one vote from two
absentees of yesterday. '
A caucus will be held tonight but it is
not believed that it will jelled any
material chance in the situation.
We do
Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates
made and contracts taken for heating old or new
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, uieo n ma
chine repair shop in connection with our hardware
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
(ierinitu Vtruiu' .MrftJiii;.
.Given Away
The German veterans of the wars of j
1848-4!), W4, 18(10, and 1870-71 mot in;
the athletic hall in K;iet Portland last
Sunday for the purpose of organizing a
t-oeiety. The athletic hall was finely j
decorated with American and German
colors. The German eagle born as a '
motto the refrain of the Landwehr
song: "To him who served his time
with honor, this full gottlet is dedicated,"
while the American coat-of-arms bore
the motto:
Iive ti tlu country hero lay erialle Mood,
lioynlty to the country when) text my waialer
illK feet.
The meeting was :i gieat success and
the c octet y was started on its course,
with great enthusiasm. The following,
are the names of the members from this ,
neighborhood, although the only mem
ber present at the organization was
Assebeor O. L. Schmidt : Chits. Stabling,
Conrad i'hirmaii, Fred Lemke, Frank j
Vogt, Joseph Nitschke, Win, Bruno
Henry Hrune, who wears the iron cross
for cons picuous bravery In the war of i
1870, and Peter HiscJi.
Alut'CHliptm, Attention!
Tent will open here tomorrow night
at 8 o'clock sharp. The pru-ence of all
members is requested,
With overy Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store,
during .lanvfary and February, we will givo One
Chance on tho following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Aluminized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Porks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Niokle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nicklo Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE-One Nickle Plated Tea Pot,
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as tho lowest, and will always
bo ready to serve tho trade in tho host possible
way. Wo will positively not he undersold by
any one. Our prices aro right.