The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY JAN. 21?, 1901 four candidates favored by them, namely, McBridc, Mitchell, Hermann nnd Fulton, the strongest candidate will be the choice of the other three. 0.R.&N. A wonderful change has come over the SDirit of the drfams of the "A stringent sailor boarding-house faction that was responsible for the j ,aw sl,ould be introduced this sec DEPART TOR TtMK JCHKDDLB. Krom Dalles. legislative hold-up of they call upon republicans to acquit themselves of any purpose to create "a senatorial deadlock and legislative , hold-up," and follow up their appeal by announcing tliat they think that the proper waj and the only way the anti-Corbett men can evade ac countability to their constituents for harmful and demoralizing obstruc tion and for certain defeat of useful legislation is by joining with them in naming a -States senator, had been as anxious in 1S97 to obey the behests of the caucus that nomi nated John H. Mitchell for United States senator as you pretend to be ! now, vou would probably meet no t'antinns nnnnsitinn to a caucus at , Vour ticket agent -1 . this time. Your words look wsll in ARRIVE Kpom not advocating such measure." , Salem Sentinel. What: And Larry ' Sullivan working his meanest to elect the Oregonian's clear old friend Cor bett? That would never do, Mr. Sentinel. At least it wouldn't be ap proprkite at this particular juncture. Fast It-nit Lukr, Denver, Ft. Mall , Worth, Omaha, Kan 1 12:25 p. m.. ms City, St. Ixmls, ' Chicago and East. Ft Mail 1:05 ji C Jonathan Hourne, Graham Glass, jr., and W. P. Keady, at one time speaker of the house, arc said to be thf tlirpp worthies iro. hnnrilinrr candidate for United , Corbm.s sack in ,lis franllc cfTort t0 Ah. brethren. If vou ! . ... . secure tuc senaiorstim. irtiiv a 1 ' I worthy trio, jays the Li Grande 1 Chronicle. GOING EAST If you intend to take n trip East, ask to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern ami up-to-date railroad in everv iiiirtiinilnr. " print, but your brethren of the op- Thron?h trilins rom, Kmm position know to their cost that they i City, Omaha or St. Louie to New York Atlantic Salt Ijiks, Denver. Ft. 4:iia. m Kxyiress- Worth, Otrmtia, Knn-l V2:5o a. m. sas City, at. I-oul.i, Via Hunt- Chicago and Kast. I lnston. ' ' Spokane Mall and Express 9:25 p. m S p. m. S p. m. Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Minneapolis. St. Paul, Mail 1) ninth, Milwaukee,! and Chicago and East, vlaj Express Spokane akd Hunting, ton; also all points In1 Washington atui Eust- 3:31 a. m em urcgon. I. Froh Portland. Ocenn Steamships. For San Francisco Every Five Days. 4 p. m. i 4 n. m. Ex.bundaylColumhla P.v. 8teamcre.tEx.buu(i ,lo Astoria ana way Faiurday landings. ! 10 p. m. 6 a.m. Willamette River. 4:30p.m. Ex.buudayiOrcson City, Newberg, Ex.Sundaj Salem & Way Laud's. are charged with gall and hypocracy. The death of Queen Victoric comes as a personal loss not alone to the people of England but to the world. Hers was infinitely more the majesty of a noble life than that of a mon arch. It is not too much to say that no human being who has lived dur ing the last 82 years has eseroiscd so enduring or remarkable an in fluence on the world as she. She will take her place in history, nay, rather she has taken it already, as one of the best women that ever blessed the earth with her presence. She will be remembered not for her intellectual gifts and accomplish ments, however great these were, but for the beneficent influence of her strong personality and the 'womanly virtues that are the adorn ment and glory of her sex. Surety, as the London Standard remarks, there is no enemy of England too bitter, and no professing contemuer of crowns too fanatical not to admit the virtues and services to mankind of the dead queen. and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Fails and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Clixe, Pacific Coast Pass. Act,, Los Aneeles, Calif. C. S. Crane, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. . a. ra, Willamette and i am- 3:30 p. m. Tucs.Thur. hill Kivers. ' and r ri. and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-Landings. Complete of Drugs at nnn TTT A mrTD T TXTTn I DALLES, PORTLAND & ASI0R1A M COMPANY J Steamers ( tho ilcgtilntor I.lnc will run as iter the fol.'J Str. Regulator oh. up sehMlule, the Company reserving thu right to change '3 schedule without notice. 3 1 DOWN. , I.v. Dalles at 7 A. St. 'Tuesday. . . , Thurday . . Saturday. . . ' Arr. Portland ,at4:: r. m. I.v ur. I' t 7 A. M. Monday Witlncilsy .Friday Arr, Dalles a a r. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. DOWN I.v. Dalles at 7 A. tt. Monday . . 1 Wfdneiday , Friday Arr. Portland ut 4 :u r. x. up, Ia . I'ortland , at 7:00 A, M TucMlny Thursday , . . .Saturday Air. Dalles" at ft r. m FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steamers of the Ileculatnr Une. The Company will iMHleavor tn give Its pat rons thu lw.xt service possible. For further Information addrenf Portland Olllce, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALLA WAY, Gon. Afft. i Wasco Warehouse Company " Te DRUCC!ST. ' Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. .. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind? i ICS 1TIII3. -Lv Riparla dally 3:3.) a. m. SNAKE KlVEK. Riparia to Ijswlatoa. Leave Lewisto.n daily 0:00 u. m Jast What You uuant. I 'arties desiring to go to Hermner or , take No. 2. leaving Thi DhIIps nt VJrJO n. m. making direct connections at Hcppner junctlou I and Ulggi. Returning maiiinsdireotcounectlon at Heppner Junction and Wcbs with No. 1. ar riving at The Dalles at Vj:u) p. m. The O. R, ,t N. steamer "Jlodoc'"is now mak- I inir regular trips to salem and Inpependcnce, i stopping at alt way landings. She leaves Port- I land on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. in., arriving at Saem 4 p. m., and Iudeiicnd ence about t3 p. m. on same days. Returning , ooai leaves inaepeauence at o a. m. auu feaiem attia. m. on Tuesdays. Thursdav.s and Satur days, arrlvlug at Portland about 3 p. m. same days. For full particulars call on O. R. & Jf. Co.'s agent The Dalles, or address W. 11. HL'RLUt'RT, (ien. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or CHOCOLATE BOH BONS. 4 In talking of Chocolates please remember that we carry a (ull line of LOWNEY'S, ju.t opened, fresh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxes for Chriatrras trade, and at prices to ! Norton Pacific Yellowstone Park Line. New ideas m Wall Paper here. Sueli wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single Btonk. Heal imita- tion oreton effects ut ordinary prices. ! Good papers at cheap paper prices. i Elegant designs, taBteful colorings, yonm for a small price, at our store on Third ' street. Also a full line of house paints. iD. W. VATTSE, Third St. "The election of Mr. Corbett will help the chances of Senator Simon for re-election wonilerfully, and is perhaps the only tbiDg that can save him from defeat at the hands of the opposing faction ol the party, should the republicans have a majority in the legislature in 190S, which is very doubtful." State Journal. And it is for thai very reason, among others of equal moment, that every possible legitimate effort should be made to defeat Corbett. The people of Ore aon have absolutely no use for Simon, who, apart from being nolb-J ing but a most unprincipled wardj heeler, is of no more service to Ore-1 gon than a fifth wheel is to a coach.' jetiit. Don't forget that we are quarters mr tne Dest on eartn. LOWXEY settles it. head-Name THE DIKING CAR ROUTE FROJI PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW STONE PARK. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. m. Union Dapoi, Firtnaim I sts No. 2. No. The souvenir edition of the Sliani ko Leader, published last week, con- tains a careful write-up of Sbaniko,' its surroundings, progress and pros pects. It contains a number of excellent half-tone pictures of the promoters and prominent business men of the town, besides pictures of its prominent business and residence j buildings. It is a very handsome edition, and, being all home print, itj reflects great credit on the mechan- I ical end typographical equipments of the Leader otllce. I C. F. Stephens ..Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, f Hoots, Shoes. Hats, Caps. Notions. Agt. lor V, L. Douglas Shoe. Telephone No. eS. i:u Second St., The Dalles, Or. Fast mall for Tacoraa, Seattle, Olynipla, Gray's iiaroor auu nouin nenu 'points, Spokane, Row land, H. C i'ullmaii, Moscow, LcHiatou, Hnf 11:15 A.M. falollump mining coun- ijjM 1. M, try, Helena, Mlnneapo-' lis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, 'Chicago and nil nohits' No. 4. east and southeast. i'uzet Sound Kinross' 11;30 P. M. for Tacoma and Seattle 7:00 A. M. and intermediate points No. 3. Pullman first-class and tourist sleepers to Minneaimlis.St. Paul and Missouri river points ' Vestlbuled trains. Union depot connections ' I in all principal cities'. I Bajfjrajfe checked to destination of tickets, i Kor handsomely lllustiated descriptive matter, i i tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or I I write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General I'astenicer Agent. S5S MorrI , son Street, corner Third, I'ortland Oregon. F.s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & LannMiE, Tiione 157 J. S. SCHCNCK, President. Max A. Vikit, Casblei SOUTH and EAST via 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Newspaper amenities are slightly strained over in Union county on a' question of circulation. One paper. contends that it has more "boni fled" trade marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone lending a sketch and description ma,' quickly ascertain our opinion free whether n' liiTentiou Is probahly patentable. Cimmiunlcc tlotisJtrlctlycoiiBdentlal. Handbook on Patcntc int free. OMest atrency fur securing patents. P.itei.ta taken tliruuuli Jlunn & Co. recelrw tpttlal iwtlct, nlthout charge, Id tho Scientific American. A haniltomely llluttrated ueclclr. I-ireest clr tnlutloii of any ncluntiun Journal. Terms, IS a y-.iri four months,?!. Sold byall newsilealart. MUNN &Co.36IBrodNew York mm Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains leave Thu Dalles for Portland and way ' stations at ;Z a, m. nud 3 p. m. Leave Portland ..... j " Albuny Arrive Ashland " Sacramento .. , " San t'runcUco :.' a m ...Mum ..12:Sinm . .'jiOOjim . . 7:r p m 7:00 p m t 10:50 p m 1 ll:S0am ' :2.i a m I S:15a m First Hatiooal Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Buaineeu transacted uepoBite received, aubiect to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection, fiiitht and Telegraphic Exchange aold on ' New York, San Franciaco and port land. ' DIHKOTOKS. D. P. Thompbon, Jno. 8. Scubnc. j Ed. M. Williamb, Geo. A. Linns. ; H. M. Bkai.i,. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horseshoer. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SPITf'Sd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOIl FlOTir I '"nr ,u iwf"'!turel expressly for family xvytAA UHt,. ,)Vt.) v Hin:k in iruuranteed to give batisfaction. Wa soli our oo(Ib lower than any liouei- in ttui trade, and if you don't think bo call and get our prices and lie couviiiLvd. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clotliinn, Unoto nnd Sliot-f, nt imuili Iube than wholesale prices. Will sell in bulk or in lote, or nny way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All poodf will b sacrificed except Tlitimpon's Glove-fittine Corsets and Ilutterick I'ntteriiH. Your prices will lie initio. Call earlv und secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Sot'ond and Court Sts. Crandall & Burget Robes, All kinds Of . UNDERTAKE- h BuFiaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers gte. The Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Broad, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. 1 Arrive Ogrton " Denver " KuiifeusClty I " Clilcugo .. vi it m 7:Uum 11:15 am :uoh m T5e CoWia pacKing Co., PACKERS OF subscribers than any other two papers in the county combined, and tiie ittin rwnc nn tlinf. lf fiatnnnnnrl nnr.. temporary has a good circulation, 'ORK Gind BEEF and while it acknowledges that some j of it is boni-Qed insists tbat some of manokactdbkksok it is also Prilled. . pine Lard gausageB The Astoria Nea currespondcut, p . n n j t at Salem advises his paper 'tlut be! uUFBIS Ul DnArlU lias it on me uiguesi nuiuoruy mat : tj a urr o. da .-tlt I Arrive ls Angeles . . i ' Kl rW I " Knrt Worth. I " City of Mexico . ' " Houston " New Orlcuna ., " WiuhliiKton . . . I " NewVork . 1:-J0pm fi:U) i m ,. t;:aitm ,. y:Miiin . HUJarn . 0:12 h m .l'.':l.pi All if iriflf) nf hlanlrymlftitnf. u.tll v,ut., T.'MHm I . .-wM........,6 ...41 UMillU Uisoum 'Prompt atieotion ana will be executed i in flret-claee ahnpe. Give him u call. 7:oo u m 6:oo p m 'JMam 4:oo m fi:'j5 p m ii-i.'H in !. p in j there is absolutely do friction among the Anti-Corbett people, and of the JKIF.D BEEF, ETC. I Pullman and Totnlit ciirx on both tmln .Clmlrcwrii Hacrainunto to Otcden uinl Kl 1'iuo. I ' anil touiltt Crtr to Chlcugo, tit LoiiU, Nuw Or i leans and Washington. I ' Conncotlnit nt Sou Krimelnco with ovru1 I teamhlp linos for Honolulu, Jupuu, China, I'lilllpplnw, Central nud .South America. tJco oKcnt t The Dalles station, or addrtux C. H. MARKHAM, Ocueml PMiiKer Agent, I'ortiand, Or Yon will not have bolls if vou take Clarke & Falk's sure cure lor bolls. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, Th Dalles, Or. mm mm I.. V. Hone, Prop'r. pirst-CIass in Every Respect MKAI.H AT AM, 1IOUICH, Oysters Served in any Style. 7 Second 8t.,Th Unite, Or. THE CELEBRATED 5 I .. .GOIiUIVIBIA BHEWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. potBilily Im foun.l.'' 1 "re wl.olosomo bevrnBe could not 5 East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 4 YOUR KIDNEYS. witl.m'.V ni"! tln,.u' ,,B,nTB " ""Ml kWnev remedies ,r , , )y,,'.,!n,!'U,1,1,V' L nooln SexnI Pills and Iw , i,i i 1 ' f '"He I'!'." '.mi,,H ,n y' ill L, 1 I'M 0 ln ,n t,,u kidneys" and have Li.u ,. l(,Br ","y troubles cured, and your ttHMi!nni 1 1 i o ""e of nature's Rreatcrt assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. l,v ,nii . ' i,'.8r 'mx,-blly ol yourdrngttist orsont by mall on r.calnt of prlcH. In plain wrapjmr. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., M 7 iii.w.oii i . ,n. ,F(!rt Wye, Indiana. " '"iiiiell, ARorit, The Dallest