The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 22, 1901, Image 4

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    t 'PJl
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Is J
New Edition of 30 Volumes is offered
Nickelsens Book Store
$29.50 BUYS TJ1E HlflOIiE SET.
There is but one set at that extremely low
good only for two days.
Translation and Study of the United
States Constitution. j
'An International l;ndiTtnndlim
IlronKht About Tlirouuli Truuii
action ltrtneen Our finv
erninent nml Deuniurk.
The relation of the United States
to the responsible government of
China is, in sonu respects, different
from that of any other nation. At
the present horrible crisis all is eon
fusion ami ehaos. In the future a
lasting settlement is to be made. It
will be full of difficulties, but America
holds a place of vantage. The follow
ing paragraphs explain, in part, why
this is so why the high otlieials of
China understand better than they
do any nation of Europe. When the
first Chinese legation to the I'tuted
States settled in Washington it was
accompanied by a very intelligent and
cultivated attache, by name Tsai S.h
Yung. He came of an ancient Chi
nese family, one if whose members
had been prime minister of the em
pire a very unusual post for a pure
Chinese to hold under a Mnnehu Tar
tar dynasty. He was a graduate of
Dr. Martin's college at Peking and
had also taken his bachelor's degree
in the Chinese examinations. " During
his residence in Washington he formed
a close friendship with Dr. Edward
S. Holden. then one of the astrono
mers of the I'liited States naval ob
Fervatory. In one of their conversa
tions Tsai was asked the object of
the coming of his legation. "Why,
it is to make a treaty with your
"Audjjhow js a treaty
'It is a written agreement
vour president and our em
peror." "Nothing more'.'" "Xo. noth
ing more than this." It transpired
that Tsai, and his minister as well,
was totally ignorant of the treaty
making function-, of the senate: and
they were thrown into consternation
when they heard the tory of the re
jection of the treaty with Denmark
by tht- senate ntcr President Cinint
it-.'! art jir.-s'il for the cession of the
I.t.: 'rh Vfct'.-. ami after the
e. i.H.Hng Danes of St. Thomas and
y i-.:a Cruz had fofiiallv voted to tie.
..( t An e. ei'i'nsh.o.
(": fi'i eoave:-s:i'ou. km s the
A Grocer Says
"I guess everybody in
Tcnows O. B. Callaghan, the
in his em
am about as 1
well known -z- u
as he is. A.
Krocery is a
place where!
you have
cold gusts
of wind
coming .n
every time
the door
opens, and
there is a
good deal of
about out-
Moors too. Anyhow, I
catch cold very often, but
the minute I begin toaiiecze
J reach upon the shelf aud
take a dose of Acker's Eng
lish Hemcdy. I tell you it
is wonderful how quickly it stop a cough or
cold. I have used it myself, and in my fam
ily for a number of years. It works like a
charm. I suppose some of the folks would
have run into consumption before this if I
had neglected to keep a bottle ready all the
time for immediate use. I wouldn't think
of using anything else for throat and lung
troubles. I know what Acker's Itemed?
uctually does, so what sense is there in ex
perimenting? Certainty is better than
chance." (Signed) John IIoff.
Bold at 2.r)c. 50c. and $1 a bottle, through. !
out the United States aud Canada ; and in
England, ut Is. 2d.. 2s. Ud 4a. (Jd. If you
are not satisfied after buying, return the
bottle to your druggist, and get your money
Hie authorize the above guarantee.
W.IL UOOKEK t CO., rroprtetort, Sew York.
I' at lllkeley' Pharmacy,
llelievue, Ohio, i
grocer. I am
i-r ran i
New York Min, grew a project to
translate the constitution of the
Tnited States into the Chinese lati
truage. l'or many mouths the China
man and the American met daily.
Each provision of the constitution
was carefully explained and ilisi.ssc!
and then written down, with a com
mentary; on a subsequent day the
Chinese translation was rendered
back into English and again discussed
until all was clear. Doubtful points
were referred to Frederick W. Whit
ridge, Eq.. of the N.- York bar
in writing, or, occasionally to Mr. Jus
tice Hradlry. of the supreme court
Finally the document was completely
and satisfactorily translated with a
marginal commentary and sent as an
official dispatch to the tsnng-li-yainen
in Peking. A copy of it was deposited
by President Holden in the library
of the t'niversity of California, win i
it now is. On Tsai's part it had been
a labor of'love and on his return to
China it won for him official ad
vancement in rank and place. His
American coadjutor was glad to give
a portion of his time every day for
nearly a year to this public service
which has resulted in making the
high officials in Peking understand
the I'nited States of America as they
understand no other country. They
are themselves a literal" people and
are used to relying on the written
word. They know the organization
of (Sreat Hritain or of Germany in a
very different way from that of our
own country, and we are, according
ly, trusted as no other country is.
Our opportunities at the present
crisis are unique. Every European
government is distrusted by all the
high otlieials at Peking by those
friendly to foreign inventions as well
as by those who hate and despise the
foreigner and nil his works. When
th" time c'imes to adjust a final and
lasting settlement for the future it is
in the iower of As :erica to take a
high stand. The ('.institution of our
gi:eriimeut is understood. It is
known that we desire no territorial
acquisitions. We desire and we mean
to have the freest opjior: unities for
trade, and above all things ilie fullest
protection for our citizens in foreign
parts. It may be neeessar for our
troops to join with those of Europe
aud Japan in a punitive xtieditinn.
it may even be necessary to nr.:e the
walls of Peking to the ground, to
plow the site and sow it with salt, as
tin- Tartar Chief Jenhiz Khan was
used to do with the rebellion" cities
of liokhara and Turkistau. All this
will be understood as a deserved pun
ishment for acts which even the Chi
nese cannot defend. Put in the Una!
adjustment of relations America nun
hold a unique place: ami this posi
tion of moral vantage should be safe
guarded in all our acts.
A Sir inner' I.iiml unit Sen Trip.
The engineering feat ol transport
ing a steamboat of S.jit tons from
Scotland to Lake Titicaca-- the most
elevated lake in South America- has
just been accomplished. The xesse!
is the Coy a. It was constructed in
Scotland and then taken in sections
Hi Mollcndo, Peru, from which place
it was carried in 22 cars to the rail
road skirting the steep sides of the
Andes to the lakeside, nearly Y.'.AVM
feci, above the hea level. There the
sect ions of the vessel were put to
gether again aud the boilers and i n
yiuus installed. -London Daily .Mail.
The merited reputation for curing
piles, sores and fkin dinciwe neqiiiml
by DeWitt'H Witch II..l Silve, hn
led to the mulcing of worthier couniir
feite. lie euro to gel only 1)V ill's
Halve., Clarke & Falk'f P. O Pharmacy.
fur hnln.
Eastern Oregon timothy hay, flu per
ton, f. o. b. Tha Dalies. E.tstern Ore
gon wild hay, $13,50 in car lots.
MeUui.i.Y & C.wi.oii,
d-i'L'w La Grande, Or.
A lull line ol Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
for sale at I. C.
price, and offer holds
The Heat l'lanter.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to
the all'ected parte is eunerior to any
plaster. When troubled with lame back
or pains in the side or; chest, give it a
trial and you are certain to be more
ttian pleased with the prompt relief
which it affords. Pain Halm aleo cures
rheumatism. One application eives re
lief. For sale by Biakeley, the druggist.
Among the tens ot thousands whohave
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
colds and la rrippe during the past few
years, to our knowledge, not a single case
has resulted in pheumonia. Thoe.
Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue,
Chicago, one of the most prominent re
tail druggists in that city, in speaking of
this, says: "We recommend Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in
many cases, as it not only giveB prompt
and complete recovery, but also counter
bcIb any tendency of la grippe to resnlt
in pneumonia." For sale by Biakeley,
the druggist.
Persons who suffer from indigestion
can not expect to live long, because they
cannot eat the food required to nourish
the body and the products of the undi
gested foods they do eat poison the
blood. It is important to cure indiges
tion as soon as possible, and the best
method of doing this is to use the prepa
ration known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It digests what you eat and restores all
the digestive organs to perfect health.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
TTa.allinrv . i n i . n r t i 1 1 n 11 . . . . mal'a 2I0 v Ltr
month and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Write
quick for particulars. Clark & Co.,
Fourtli and Locust Streets, Philadel
hpia, Pa. s8-tf
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior '
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & .
Falk, agents. ml
Dvspepsia can bo cured by using
1 ','.1.,...,. r
Tablet will give immediate relief or!j'
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin I P
boxes at 23 cts. Biakeley the druggist. p
Don't wait another day or you may be
too late. Corsets 18 to 20; 24 to 27.
Only 25 cents at The New York Cash
The American Lady corset can be
found in all styles at The New York Cash
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints
In future any and alt inquiries rela
tive to delinquent taxes must be made
to the county clerk, as he is custodian of
delinquent tax sale record and rolls. The
sheriff having complied with the law in
making sale of delinquent taxae, he is
completely out of the lax-collecting
business till March next. dPt-lm
I-ANIl Ot'tlCK AT THE ilAI.LKS, Ol!.,
December 10, l'.KK). 1
Notice Is hereby elvon that the following
imintit settler luih filed notice nl hl intention
t.i wake limit proof hi hiipt-ort of his olaitn, mid
tlmt null! priKif will w nmdu tiflotc tlie regintor
!i!!v m.'v, ll'H wi'.' 0reKu"'() rtutur'
da, Jaiiunr , 1J, IJOI. Uz..
of Tho or J , u ,nr
r w ji '"'
lie niirnek the folloulni; wltneisei to prnvo
his eontliiuoiih refildenee upon uiid uultlvatloa
of fcatd Imid, viz.:
Jacob Whittle, JmcoI) Ohlcitiiclilaitcr, Ablo Y,
MHr.ili, Terry Vnneaiiip, ull of The Mullen, Ore-
"'dtoll JAV J'. IVCAH, UtKUter.
In the iimttvr of the estate .if John Gottlieb
Winjetiblunt, Uecuuijd.
Notice Is hereby given tlmt tlio miilcrolKacsl,
the executor of the luxt will unci teatuinent .if
John (iott!eb U'eiiliUt, deecuked, nun II kit
hiii llim! Hcconat in tbc mutter of balfl eHtiitu,
Hint the Coiuitv Court ol the Htate of Oretfon fur
Wusco County hint tut Montlay, ttiu 7tli day ol
January, liwl, at the hour of 10 . ni, of said day
a the date for the hearing of tho wild account
and mi) objwtloim thereto.
Kxccutor of tho but will of Julia Gottlieb
Wuuciioliut, deceiuvd irjl-5 y
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itartiflcially dlRCSts the food aud aids ,
Nature in strengthening aud recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
nans. It lsthclatestdiscovcreddigest-1
ant and tonic. Ko other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Isausca,
Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crnmpsand ,
allother results of imperfect digestion.
PrIeo50c.aTid$l. LarRoslrccontalnsSK time; !
rcpsresJ fey C C. Dc'.wiTT CO.. CblcoB
Sold bv Clarke &Palk V. O. Pharmacy.
helps th team. Saves wear and
expense, soia everywucre.
Are tlioee who wear clothes that are up-to-date
in fit, workmanship and quality.
My line ot sampleB covers all the jateBt
designs for fall and winter, the price is
right, and I can guarantee a perfect fit.
Suits to Order, SIO.OO.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphs
Transfers eold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav-
able t.nrins.
dr.gunns-: -
nemo Pimple., Pmrcnt
11 lionIies. Purifr t hn TO....I
Cure llMilsoho nd Djapomm.
yra:ilth. Thi'T neither srit.i imrmrken. T'.rnn-
i. J 'i i ' . 111 """ '" !ui lit. i lor
t"c.Uuiitoraiocsiiw.UR.ROSaiii(o:n ohiu
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
l TMrfl and Me, Phone 159 3
JjK. It. K. HMITI1,
Rooms 10 and 11, Cliupumn Ulock, Tlio tJnllex,
OreKon. Bei)'.'!
Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh f thoy dry up the eocrctious,
which adhcro to tho mombrauo aud decom
pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and enuffa
and tuo that which cleanses, soothes and
hcnlo. Lly'a Croara Balm iu such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
I easily anil jileasantly. A trial Blzo will ho
i mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
I C'Jc. buso. Elyllrothora.OO Warren St., N.Y.
Th(J Ba,m vlthmA pain( dot. ot
! I"ate or cattso jmoostlng. It spreads itself
over an irritated aud aur'ry mirfaco, roliov-
in( imraodiatuly tho painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Jiulm you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovor.
Notice 1 hoieoy glveii th it tho unilcmiKiit'd
huH duly tiled with the County Clerk of Wbhco
County, OrrKoii, hl lliml iiecoimt uiid reort un
iKlmhilatrator of tboealato of Adolph AkIiIIiih,
.1 treat til, uiid that the llonornblo County Court
ban llxe.1 Mon.ln), tbeAth day oi November, llOll,
at 10 oclock a in. o( said ibiy an tbu time, mill
the County Court room of the County Court
hniiku In Uailcij City, Wiikeu County, Oregon, an
the place for tiuirlni; uuld limit iiccmiiit aud re
port. All tiertoas liitertHteit In bald CHtute ate
lieicby untitled to api.tar ut mild tlmu mid plueu
and bbow came, It any there be. wtiy bind report
Hbould not be approved uud mild udmlnliitrator
Dated this Mb day of October, 1000.
J. f. AOIMU8,
Adtnlnlntrator of the estate ot Adolph Agldlim,
deceaed. oetn
BlacKsmltfi I
...AND... j
Horsesnoer i
We do
Steam, lint wali-r ami lurmictt hcntitur. Mimuloi
mailt- and contracts taken for hcaiim: old or new
Do not forget
That we operate a plnmhinp. and tin eliop, uleo ma
.thine repair hop in connection with our liar.. wale
ami implement tore. Repair wotk o( all kinds done.
With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fori:
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Niclde Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold by
an one. Our prices are right.
$1.00 per
Strictly firHt eland local and lone
distance telephone (service within
your home.
Lines do not croec-talk. Vour con
versation will iiu kept a secret.
No cod for iuutalliiiK.
You tret the, Htaudard llunuiri'
l.on Distant IiiHlrument.
CotitinuouH day and nipht Bervice.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten yearH and allow you to cancel
name on iriviug tie thirtydayn writ
ten notice,
vie a i
JL Prorjrietors
of bommereiai sample Kooms.
y Purest Liquors for Familv Use $
l'homjB: Gl Local,
858 Loup Distance
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
f Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON.
-r o V
Delivered to any jiart of tho City. f7
173 Second Street.
Liquors Cigars
"' "T 1