Choose for yourself Tl nmtlnve lilfln wliothm' if you select the fruit and vug- f nUlnn KAn rY lrtl I1C select for you. If you depend on us for the selection,. wo will do the bi'?t wc can. All of the fruit and vegetables we carry are good; some are better than others, but all are good. You will appreciate what we offer. FRUITS. Nice Large Bananas, Navel Oranges, Camelia Lemons, Golden Dates, Red Apples. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts, Merced Sweet Potatoes, Beets, Celery, Lettuce, Cauliflower, Green Onions, Radishes, Parsnips, Turnips, Rutabagas, Cabbage, Carrots. The Great Acrtive Reduft ion Sale Preparations ' Still goes on in all departments. 'iM,ni,n,irn,lcnfniiRfnni(!vsvlo have taken advan tage of our reduction sale will appreciate the many bar gains they haue secured. There are only a few days more and the sale will be over. We have still a few bar gains in reserve for you come early before they are all gone. SILK WAISTB. A 4- fiH Fine Taffetta Silk in black and colors; JJ, iPOU worth $0i00 and $Gi5(K a i t isr t a Wnist. wnrt.1i ftS.Kb in light blue Taf- JXb tj0. fotta Silk) mn(lsomoly trimmed. ai A better one, tucked all over, trimmed AT tpO. tO with lace. real valll0 $10. A (QHO Fine French Flannel Waists; only a ILL , . stock worth 4i50. EMBROIDERIES. 1T :K 4 o11 nftnnfinn ffl lnfllftR wllO ai'O 00111- pelled to make spring purchases of embroideries and muslins. Jiere is an opportunity vui,y auwum Ir.toHnrr Wfi dnsiffi are nemg maue 101 uwr uimum onn. most earnestly to close out all odd garments, all broken assortments. Some of our finest merchandise will there fore be offered this week utterly regardless of value. Take for Example Clearance Trice. and $1G.50 values. $9-95 EMIJKOIDK1MES worth 3c .. worth oc . worth 8c... worth 10c... worth 12?,c reduced to reduced to .reduced to .reduced to reduced to 2c Sic (58 Tie 9c worth 15c .. reduced to 1 lie worth 20c. ..reduced to loc worth 25c... reduced to 18c worth 80c. .reduced to 23c worth 35c .. reduced to 27c C regular $12.50, $13.50, $lo.00 VJVCILUclLO and M TJn regular $1.25, $l.oO ana ens Hats gfro values. cieftrance Price 3 1 ,V-0 tth Q1 ' . Men's white unlaundered W HltG OnilLO shirts,..puro linen bosom, . . . . . , ; 1 1 reinforced throughout, patent extension uauus, O Cp regular 50c values. Clearance Price 0 1 1 Ol 1,4. We have a few of those vOLOrea OllirtS Men's colored shirts left. Regular $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 values. Ap Clearance Trice s MUSLINS Lonsdale and Fruit of Loom 7?;c per yard ...Shoe Specials... ' x"U 1 -. Don't miss the op Boys Clothing tumty to iay i. jsupplv of Boys' Clothing, for in this department we PEASE & MAYS Men's congress and lace Boys' calf and grain Ladies' cloth top and kid lace " kid welt button " kid turn Fole, lace " spring heel, lace, button, 25... to 0 Misses' kid, spring heel, lace, button, 11 Chi ds ' V l2 .1 ii " " otoS " goat, " " " ft to 8 " " 9 to 12,. . kid " " button, ft to 8 to : 97c 97c 93c U 53 1 93 93 1 13 83u 73t 53(3 fi3c 40c oppor- m a jsunplv of Boys' Clothing, for in this department we are ottering unlieara-oi oargams. ouys omw anu wwwvU less than actual cost. Call and'see them. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TP US DAY JAN. 22, 1901 Oysters - m served i In any style At Andrew Keller's. are still TKKiSUKKR'S NOTICE. All Wit.o liounty MitrrimtH r-ltrMl lirh.i tii hi'tciiilir I. 1H7, will In' Ill un im.i.niiliitlc.ii ut my olllrn. Iutr-Kl inm ufliir NiivHinliHr 1 .MU1N 1'. IIAMI'MiUtK. Con uty TrtiurninT. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A new lino of olf Bkirta lias just been rticulvod ut A. M. WillianiH it Co.V. Lost Black silk fob ribbon, with rod caciuo charin. l.oave at this ofllce and iret reward. Found A bunch of keyn, which the owner can tlnd ut this ofllce by tayiiK for UiIh notiue. j22-2t Wanliid A competent pirl to do housework. MuBt bn a ood uo-jk. Apply at thisolllce. j-'-t' Thoau koU BklrtH A. M. WillianiH & Uo. opened thla inornlni: are in the latest hpriiiK Hhadt'H and Htyloc He aure and Bee them. Thojo belonBlnir to tho football obsou' atlon and having football equipment are ruquested to leuve the Hame at the land oflluo in charge of the manager, OliB I'atteraon. J22-lw Major Coubhud, comuiBiidor of the Sal vation Armv in the North 1'ivciflt!, lutely from the KahI, will apeak i t" Briny! ball tonight ; uIho Maj r TurriH, liin Beo j reta'y. The public cordially invited. A remonstranco analnHt the cuttliiK otl" o1 ihe Houlheustern portion of thin coun ty mil attucliinif .it to Pherman county was circulated over town today and was Binned bv everyone to whom the oppor tunity was given. Tho mandamus proceeding brought by Drake 0. O'ltellly BKaiubt tho Colum bia Southern Railroad, to allow him to examine their books, was dismissed yes terday morning by Judge Fraer, costs being aneBaed to neither party. This is only one of the minor actions connected with the litigation between these par ties. Three important suits pending. Tin: CiiiioNici.K is reliably informed that the sentiment in tho Antelope and Bakeoven precincts au'inst that district being hitched on to Sherman county is very Btronf, especially among the etock men and large property owners. The rumor that has prevailed here for the hint three days of the death of Mrs. Neal Paulsen, we are pleased ic say had no foundation in fact. Mrs. Paulsen has been very ill, but ut this writing her friends have strong hopes of her recov ery. From the Walla Walla Union we learn that J. I). Lee, superintendent of the atato penitentiary, is in Walla Walla this week for the purpose of examining tne workings of the local prison and particularly to inspect tho construction of the recently added dining hall, with the object in view of making a similar addition to tho institution of which he is manager. From the Telegram wo learn that Charles Tracey, tho man who struck ! Captain Johnston, mate of the steamer Dalles City, of tho Hegnmtor line, ue- cause the latter retimed him worK, j pleaded guilty yesterday morning before Judge George to a charge of simple assault. He will not bo sentenced until Wednesday, as tho couit desires to look Into tho matter further. The WaBco News pays the following handsome compliment to the sister town of Moio: "One thing certain, no one can throw mud at Moro. l4t it rain ever so hard; in a couple of days the him shines, and tho streets become so dry and clean you could drop a hot iiiiL'm nil tho buttered side and pick It milling business, we are advised, and believe that Mr. Yager is thoroughly qualified to meet all of them, and we know from his record while among us that ho has that strong personality and good judgment that comunnds the re spect and confidence of solid business men. Waeco News Two vouni? follows, who gave their i PEGASUS AT HIS OLD TRICKS. Ufccntly Klclteil tt Sheep-llenler With IIih FnllowliiB MarvelouH Result. It will be news to many readers of Tiik Cmto.vici.K to learn that tho very Pegasus that sprang from the body ot Medusa after she was slain, and which, wlio gave u.e.r , .,. nf Ma off ,lind names as A. C I.hw.s am A i im mm , fol,ntB,n 0, and claim to be from Nowber the fr0IU tll0 howels of Mount countv, were arrowed by Marshal Driver Rr last night in an KastKnd lodging ho so, - M while occupying the same room w,t I, , - - of ft couple of girls of ab?nt 18 years fro . I. ; ,,, or B.jmebo(ly of tlmt k, same town. The u.rls were als, ,1a a lhero'pl.sho,l forth the following under arrest. The boy- c aimed t hat J1 pastoral, which wo reverently they were married ' the girls but the verbatim ot literatim, et punc girls own that the boys induced them to Pun" go oil' with them on a pleasure trip and 1 tuitum. that thev had visited Astoiia and rort-1 A buui.ksk ok moki: tkui ii iu..n m u.. land before coming hero. Tho marshal has jiroof that tho boys have been trying j to put the girls on the town, prooaoiy with a view of deserting them, or moro likely, hh the marshal thinks, with a view of living on the wages of their in famy. Tho girls say their lathers' names are W. I. Smith and J. T. Bryan, and the marshal has sent a dispatch to thee names asking what disposition they wish made of tho girls. Meanwhile it is In order to remark that if there is any way by which these young Lotha rios can he prevented ruining other young girls for a good long term of years, it is hoped tho authorities will see to It that full justice is meted out to thorn. DEATH OF QUEEN VICTORIA. A private dispatch received this fore noon announced the death of the queen of Kugland at HtfO ibis morning. k.i..i llitle nllls as DoWitts Little up without Injury." Wo presume 1 " Kllrly irters are very easily taken, and v...u uimitiM without llliury () tne. , i,...ftiv ..if..,.iU'.t In cleans- ii . n ... . If you want to have fun just take a good run on the roads keep up by judge Blakely Another Irish Hull. In the lobby of tho house two mem bers of parliament were discussing the honor being paid to Ireland and Irish troops. Ono was a Scotchman, the other an irishman. The man from Scot land said, condescendingly: 'It's a' very weel to praise the Irish soldiers," and ho proceeded to explain that while ho was glad they were to wear the shamrock on St. Patrick's day, it must not he forgotten that tne High landers had been lighting bravely, too; "they expected no special mark ol tavor for their services, they were always ready to brave dei'.th for their queen, and "their loyalty was beyond reproach." Tho irishman interrupted indignantly : "I would have y know, Borr," he cried, "thorn's as thruo a heart beats under an Irish soldier's tunic as beneath any Highlander's kilt!" In less than ton minutes tho story had gone round tho house. because they are all right for a run in day liglt on the roads keep up by judge Blakely tho Btago driver is wakely that can drive on the roads keep up by judge Blakely if you want to gel rich keep your wagon out of the ditch that crosos tho road keep up by judge Blakely. I will now say no more for it makes me feel soro to think of tho slam on judge Blakely so now I am through and hope to seo a crew working the roads and paid by iudgo Blakely Caul of TIiiuiUk. w.. ili.olm to tender our heart-felt I thanks to the many friends and neigh- hois who in various wayH manliested their sympathy for us in tho loss of our beloved child, and in this connection wo specially mention tho name of Uev. D. V. Poling. Ml!. AND MltS. W. 11. SWAI.N. MA It It I Kit. street. jji Mr. J. Yager, tor some mmuun hmhio ge'r of the 11. I'. IfiacH Milling Co.'s tburing mills i" Wuseu, has resigned m; position and accepted the same placet with th't company that Is going to put up u 5110 ban ol llonriug mill " " j Dalles, Mr. Yager left Wednesday to , ...i i.iu ,Imi1 with the now com- U,kC Ui 111 .- pany. Ho will bo engaged for several! woekB workln out the many detallB lor the plant. He will then superintend its construction and rbbuiiio its general management. While we know but very little of the special requirements for the wonderfully elective in cleans- ng tho liver and bowels. Clarke & l-uiK O. Pharmacy. nraiiis. swellings and lameness . . - there Is nothing so good as Uhamneriiuirs , 'ain Balm. Try it. For sale by Wake- ley, the druggist. Lost An Klk charm with the initials T J. S. A liberal reward will w paiu for its return to this office. jl2-lw llim'l l(ub II In, I Just wet the affected part freely with ilysterlous Pain Cure, n Scotch remedy, lid the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke A I'KOI'I.K CIOMINO AXII CUHSO, alk. S. A. I), tturloy, tho Arlington attor iihv. was in town todaj. Tin: Ciiuo.m cm: acknowledges a pleasant call. lull ii u Hulilwin. ii former esteemed employe of this office and for the past eight years with tho Walla Walla Union. is In the city on a snort visu mi mo old friends, Max Lueddemapn, of the Antelope I Iimi-h veHtenlav to meet his mother, who arrived hero yesterday from Alabama. Mrs. Lueddemaiiu and her son left for Antelope on the noon train. Subecribe for Tiik .Iiinnarv 21st. at the F.uropoan House, Hov. W. Brenner oth i elating, Mr. James Dennis and Miss 1 Margaret Isaholl Scott, both of Grass i Valley, Sherman county. i Taken dry as a powder, well washed down with copious libations of wator, salt has been used for years as a dimple homo remedy. Tho only reason that the cure is not worse than the disease is tlmt. it uots washed down lininedUtoly, ! and a half-teaspooufnl, which is usually , a dice, is gone in a wink. One woman, ' well known in Now York, vows it is net-; , ti.f than iiiiv nerve specialist, and clings I to salt now as a life-preserver. On thoj .. . it. .11 tihaUilAlii" which eho woara huims u nine llllV 111 IV il V filled with salt. Occasion- ully who "takes a half spoonlul, the "grains of prevention," she calls them. DRUGLESS HEALING With Oxygenor Company's Perfected Oxygenor King. It is not a battery. It is not electricity. It cures with the oxy gen of the air, without doctors, without drugs, without medicine. The greatest boon to mankind ever discovered. It stands without a rival as a curative agent and possesses complete mastery over all curable diseases without em ploying nauseous or poisonous drugs. Description.theory , method of operation, list of diseases for which it is recom mended, etc.. furnished free. Call on or uddress. M. Filloon, The Dalles, Or. Phone No. 393. j21 2-d-w lm BUSINESS LOCALS. Wanted A second-hand fire-proof safe. Must ho in good condition and not too largo. Apply at tho uukonici.k office. oSl-tf For ladies only. Special in corsets. A few left. Siiws IS to 20; 2$ to 27. Only 25 cents wh'.lo they last. At tho Now York Cash Store. Experience is tho best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to lvi Immediate relief money refunded 25 cts. and 50 cte. Blakoley, the drug gist. Sick Headache ahsaiuuly and perma nently cured bv using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures coimtiimtion and indigestion, makes yon eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money hack. '.'dots, anuoucis. muhoiuj, the druggist. lfiuiieiiibHr that von don't have to be bald ; you can keep your hair by using Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To bo had at Fraswr's barber shop. tf Now is tho time when cionp and lung tumbles prove rapidly fatal. Tho only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is one Minute Cough Cure. U is very pleasant to take and can bo relied upon to quickly cure caiighs, colds and all lung diseases. It will ptoveiu consumption. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Quality and not quantity makes Do Witt'B Little Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Don't you know that Cocoanut fleam Hair Tonic will save your and your children's hair'.' You can get it fm 50 and 75 cents a bottle at Fr.Vs barber shop, sole agent. l' Clearance Bale of winter mlllineiy at the Campbell & Wilson Millinery Par lors; Trimmed hats, street hats, and baby bonnets at c )st. J7 lm