The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY JAN. 1901 SWIPED EDITORIAL WIT. Mr. Bryan possibly read the com plctc election returns before an nouncing that be was a private citizen. Isn't it stranse that all these! people who knew about the salt cure never thought to mention it until the Chicago professor spoke up? Mr. Bryan says he is a private citizen with excellent possibilities of remaining so. Even that isn't as bad as being "crucified on a cross of gold." Mr. Bryan did not positively say that he would decline a nomination if any whooping, j'elling convention should insist ou it with a unanimous vote. A scientist claims that salt will re store life. Persons having a consider able amount of the commodity to sell ought to be able to do some business with the democratic party. Those who were hoping for great things from the new century will be disappointed to hear that the num ber of congressmen is to be increased at the very beginning. A foreign gentleman who has been traveling in this country for some time complains thai while tbis country is rich in beautiful scenery, yet there are no ruins here. This gentleman evidently did not meet William Jennings Bryan in his travels. Take them to day and you will be well to-morrow. Baldwin's Allopathic Cold Cure Tablets, (Cald In Head) No.23-B. 25c SAH FRAKCtSCO. K. L. T1AI.DWIN CCV Your Cold uiire isuie oniy iratu; uih reallv iloei cure in one any. Hakky Kddokm. Harry Koderrs Co. Those who admired the stand taken by Senator Simon and the Oregonian in regard to the Porto JSican tariff bill and denounced the republican majority m the United States senate for its passage, claim ing it was an act ot oppression, are respectfully invited to explain why it has not been repealed. Accord ing to the terms of the law this can be done at any time by the Porto Kican legislature, yet no move has been made in that direction, nor is there any demand in the island for the repeal of the bill. On the con trary it appears to give excellent satisfaction, the fact being that the opposition to it came from the tobac co and sugar trust of this country, and not from any considerable num ber ot the people. Salem Sentinel. T . HAI.mVtV CO You tow ture ibdici .-". Sacrakknto, Cal. 13.11 are 0.R.&N. DEI-ART roB I tive schedulk. From Dalles. ...i,iirf iv.rc"ii1i1 In Head. ' WM. mVINKM.. With Adams, Uoothe & Co. De.vvkr, Colo. E. L. BALDWIN CO. I find vour Cold Cure Tablets the nd mot con wnient remedy for cold in Ihm head. Thev cure in every instance. H. Coorsojc ' Clarke & Falk. The Dalles. Or. gon. Iteri Hot From the Gun Wae the ball that bit G. B. Steatlman ot Newark, Mich., in the Civil ':r. It caused horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped for twenty years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It cures cuts, bruises, bnrns boils, felons, corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Twenty-five cent? a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley, the druggist. 3 Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arce & Falk. Fast (Salt I.akr, Denver, Ft. Mull Wo-th, OUIHlill, Kmi-i 12:25 p. m.i Ras City, St. I.ouls, Chicago and East. Attr.lVE Fhom FlKt ! J Mall I 1:05 p n? Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. 4:4ii. Express 1 Worth, Omaha, Kiin-I 12:60 a. m.f sas City, St. Louis,, Via llunt-i Chicago and Fast. lugtoti. I Eroltanc Walla Walla, Spokane,' .Mall .Minneapolis. St. I'nul,) and' i)u luth, Milwaukee,, Express I Chicago Bnd Fast, vlai I Spokane Rkct Huntlnc-I I ton; uto all points in; 9:?' p. m : WashlURton and East ern uivguu. , Spokane Mall and Express :sn a. in 8 p. m. FBOK FORTLAWr. Ocean Steamships. For San Francisco Every Five Days. 4 p. m. 8 p. m. 8 r. m. 1 4 r. m. Ex.SuudarlColumDlR Rv. Steamers. iKx.hmid" 10 Astoria ana wayi Baiurday 10 p. m. Landings. 6a.m. ' Willamette River. -1:30p.m. Ex.bundnylOrejron City, Newbcrg, Ex.Sunday Salem & Way Land'!,. The only successful antidote for hazing that the investigating com mittee has been able to discover so far is for the victim to get in and lick blue blazes out of his assailants, one at a time. Evidently it is n course in pugilism instead of mathe matics that the candidate for West Point should take, says the Walla "Walla Union. CHOCOLATE BOH BONS. In talking of Chocolates please remember that we carry a full line of LOWNEY'S, juu opened, fresh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxes for Christrras trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forget that we am head quarters fur the best on earth. ' Name LOWNEY settles it. 7 a. m, Tuei.Thur. and Sat. WlLtAMETTE AND VaM- 3:30 p. m. MILL Rivers. lMnii.,WeU Oregon City, Dayton, i and Fri. 1 and Way-L:mdlngs. Lv Uipatla daily 3:l'5a. m. SNAKE UlVEK. Rlparia to Iwlaton. Leave Lewiston daily 9:00 a. m Turtles desmnc to en to ncminer or points ou Columbia Southern via IIIkks, should tate No. 2, leaving The Dalles et 12:40 p. m. making direct connections, at Hcppner Junction and Hlgss. Returning makingdireetcrmnectlnn at Heppuer luuctton and lllggs 1th No. 1. ar riving at The Dalles at ls:0) p. m. The O. R. i: N. steamer "Mdoc"'is now mak ing regular trips to Salem and Inpeiiemlcuce, stopping at all way landings. She leaves 1'ort land on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at fl n. m., arriving at Sa'en 4 p. m and Indeiend. ence about C i. m. on same days. Returning boat leaves Iudeiendeiice at i a. in. and Salem nt 0 a. m. on Tuesdays. ThurMliiys and Satur days, arriving at 1'ortland about 3 p. m. utme days. For full particulars call on O. II. & X. Co.'s agent The Dalles, or address W. 11. HL'RLBURT, (Jen. Fas. Agt., Portland, Or Nihil Pi t Complete of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Just What Yoa cuant. mm, W Yellowstone Park Line. New ideas m Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are allowing never be fore craced a single Murk. Real imita tion cretun effects at ordinary prices. Good paperB at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of bouse paints. B. W. VATJSE, Third St. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE KA6T. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE VELl.OW- SIONE PARK. leave. Union Dsrot. Firttiana I st- arrive. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. C. F. Stephens No. No. ..Dealer In. Fast mall for Tacoma, Seattle, Olympla.Uray'K jiainor ana soutn jieuu , points, Spokane, Ross-, laud, D. C Pullman, Moscow. Lewiston. imr- i 11:15 A. 31. faloHunipminlnKcuun- 5;50 P. M, i try, Helena, Mlnneapo-' lis, St. Paul, Omafin, ' Kansas City, St. Louis,, i Cblcntro and all noluts : No. 4. east and southeast. Ptieet Sound Express ' 11:30 P. M. for Tacoma and Seattle and intermediate points ' No. 3. ";CD A. M. Dty Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps. Notions, for W. L. Douglas Shoe. Pullman first-class and tourist sleepera to Minneapolis, Ht. Paul and Missouri river points without change. 1 1 Vostlbuled trains. Uulon depot connections 1 1 In all principal cities. i linKftage checked to destination of tickets, 1 1 For hnndHomelv illustiated desnrintlve matter. tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. jCor Seuoua & Lanolin. 'Phone 151 J. S. KCHENCK, President. Max A. Voot, Cashlei First National Bank. THE DALLES OREGON Telephone No. 88. in hecona at., The Dalles, Or, sou Street, comer Third, Portland Oregon SOUTH and EAST via Private advices from Salem are to the effect that Corhett'a sack is wide j open and that the old man's money is flowing like water. But the same advices assure us that Henry Wood pile Corbelt will never be senator for Oregon while the world lasts. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Cocoanut Cream liuir Tonic will cure dandruff and all Ecalp diseases. Don't neglect your hair. For sale at'a barber ehop, boIh aiieut, tf Fresh KaHtern oyntwre, 55 cents per can, at the Stadulman Commission Com pany. J2L3i Last A diamond aunburet brooch. A reward will be paid for he return to this office. JJlj-tf For fashionable dressmaking and plain ewinp, call and lee Mre. S. E. Hender ion, 368 Third street, in Mre. Kddon's house. jlO Ita trace marks Designs COPVRIQHTS &.C. Anrono tending a kctrh and description ma' nnlcUly ascertain nur opinion tree whether a i luventlnn t probably palentablc. Communlo tloniatrlctlrciintldeiitial. llaudbookun I'ateutt tent tree. OMeat agency for securliiir putenta. l'.itci.ta taken throuuh Jlunn i Co. recctvt tpttUit notlft, without charae, In tiio Scientific Jhnericam A handiomcly IlluttratPd weekly. Ijtreest elr. dilation ot any tcientllln jniirnul. Terms. 'J a ycir: (our months, tl. tiold by all newdealcm. MUNN & Co.36'0- New York Uraoch tifnee S, 1' HL. Vt'ailaton. I). I TtieGoiuiiaPacKiDgCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDKACTUKKKS OK Fine Lard and Sausages Gurersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF, ETC. ' Assistant General I'd.enttcr Aeent. v, Mom ' A General Banking Business transacted uepoaite received, subject to eight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection, j Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on . New York, 8an Francisco unci orl I land. I DIRECTORS, D. P. Thompson. Jno. H. Schenok. I En. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbb. H.M. Bkali. Soutn Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles lor Portland and way stations at 4','Ja a. in. and 3 i, in. Leave Portland S:) a m " Albany l'J.COam Arrive Ashland 12:31 a m " .Sacramento r:0O n m " ban Franchco ":li m i Arrive Oxdon " Denver " KainiMH city " fhleusjo . . . t;l.1a m Jioonin 7:i'j u m VMS a m Arrive Lou AnKeles 1:90 pm " Kl i'ao ti;00 ii rn " Kort Worth ti::X)am 11 City of Mexico was a in 11 Houston -liCOa in " New Orleans CrAnm " Washlnittou n:4'Jain " New York IJ.Up m 7:00 ji m 10:M m ll:!50 a m lilioa m b:l,'a in 11:15 am U:aia in 7 :.'. a in UlSOam 7:00 a m fi:W) p m ii;uo a m U:.Via m 1:00 a m fi: .'5 p m n-Wain l'j'-::: p m Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Hacrameuto to Oxden and Kl Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, tit Uiuls, Now Or leans and Washington. Connecting at Han Francisco with several , steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and Houtli America. ! See agent at The Dalles station, or address i C. H. MARKHAM, Cieueral Pasener Agent, Portland, Or You will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk'e sure care tor bolls. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and flofseshoep. All kinds of hlackainUtiint' will receive prompt attention and will be executed in firflt-claea shape. Give him a call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dulles, Or. mm mm L. V. Hong. Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respeet MEALH AT A LI, UOUKH, Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Second St., The Dalles, Or, REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAV. COMPANY Steamers ol the ItcKtilator l.lno will run ax per the fn. oh.iik schi'dulo. this Compiiny re.iervlng the right to change M-hedule without notice. Str. Regulator r5 . tb DOWN. B, I.v. Dalles Eat , a. . Tuesday. . .. ThlltfttltlV MHiuroay . . . . ;' Arr. Portland :, at V. . til l.v. Portland at 7 a. h. Monday .WedtiesOHy Friday Arr. Dalles a & l'. v- Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. IMIWN tip, l.v. Dalles Ia .Portland nt 7 a.m. at 7:(K) A. M, Monday ... . Tuesdny WdneHdai" Thumdnv Regulator Line, i Jv'Svviand AtZ at ! i.'H) p. M. at fi I, ii. P 1 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, : Travel by the Steamers of the ltcRiilatnr l.lno. The roinpimy will endeavor ti R.'ve its pat- J itihli ui .fu u tjr( svtvi1,n pi,SK,iL.. for further Inforniatloii address S i, Portland Oillce, Oak Htreet Dm. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Afft. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SISIlfeed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- TT1 "FlmiT r u mannfnctnred expressly for family uhh : everv Hack is Kunrnnteed to give satisfaction. We sell our ;oo(1b lowor thun any liotipn in the trudu, and if yon don't think so call and get fur priwn and lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots nnd Sl'oee, at much Ihbs than wholesale prices. Will eelllu hulk or in loin, or uny way to suit Durchaaers. Entire stock must "be closed out before 30 days. All Roode will lie Hntiritictid except Thoinp(in'e Glove-fittiiifj Cornete and ltutteriuk I'utturiiB. Your pricen will h initio. Ctdl earlv and pecure burgaine. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sis. Grandall & Barget DEALERS IS Jj fill kinds of undertake- & BuPiaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers gte. The Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUlWBlA BREWEfiY .. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Rt...?rtH1or,,7nnt" ''ll.k,,o n hrewery tl,0 United Statea Health KoportH (or ,nw i&. 11)0), hiij-b; "A more Htipoi or brew never entered the lahrawry of the Unifd Status Health reports. It IB ab8o utelv devoh Set: ' ,:i ,iB?f,on' b,,.ii,n th? ot,,(,r "S " A, L! iiih DiiHt ol limit and ilinlct.'Ht of hopH. Its ton c (iiialltiiiB are of the liiuh- vam Iih'IIu ' WH ' ,h.8 Tl''t l)H,,t"11 u'1 at fae ion hv old and Joiiijk. is ime can coiiHclentloiiHly he preBcnhed hv the p ivslolana with East F5nnnnrl Sh-oof. nritn rv a t " """I J-xiCi ua.uuaa. UKlliU-UJV. YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tiro of nsine no called kidney remedies without any benefit, une Llnooln Sexmil Pills and forever rid of thoHe dull puli.B In vour hack. Discard that old foifv Idea of "pain In the kidnevB" and liava all yonr bladder and urinary trouble? wired, and your nljjhta iiiffflf reBiful by the ie of nature's streatett BSHistant-Linooln Sexual Pills. Price, l (M) per box buy of your druggist or sent by mall on receipt of prlc, in p)an wrapp'r. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., m v 11 . t Fort Wyne, Indiana. M. A. Uonnoll, Auen", The Dalles.