Choose The Great Reduction Sale ive Life for yourself H mailers lillle whether you seleetrihe fruit and veg etables you huy, or lei us selecl for you. If you depend on us for the selection, we will do the best we can. All of the fruit and vegetables we carry are u;ood; some are better than others, but all are good. You will appreciate what wo od'er. FRUITS. Nice Large Bananas, Navel Oranges, Camelia Lemons, Golden Dales, Red Apples. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts, Merced Sweet Potatoes, Beets, Celery, Lettuce, Cauliflower, Green Onions, Radishes, Parsnips, Turnips, Rutabagas, Cabbage, Carrots. PEASE & MAYS Still goes on in all departments. The hundreds of customers who have taken advan tage of our reduction sale will appreciate the many bar gains they bane secured. There are only a few days more and the sale will be- over. We have still a few bar gains in reserve for you come early before they are 'all gone. SILK WAISTS. A 4- GLA. Qf) Fine Taffetta Silk in black and colors; A Waist worth $8.50; in light blue Taf fetta Silk, handsomely trimmed. At $5.17 A"f "7 A. betler one, tucked all over, trimmed XX O J lacQ. real valuo At $3.00 Fine French Flannel Waists; few in stock; worth $4.50. EMBROIDERIES. only We wish to call attention to ladies who are com pelled to make spring purchases of embroideries and muslins. Here is an opportunity very seldom offered: rc.Mr.noioKiMKs worth 15c reduced to 1 l?.c worth 20c. ..reduced to 15c worth 25c . reduced to 18c worth oOc. reduced to 23c worth 35c reduced to 27c MUSLINS Lonsdale and Fruit of Loom 7.c per yard worth 3c . reduced to" 2c worth 5c... red need to 3ic worth 8c. .reduced to Gc worth 10c. ..reduced to 7v,c worth 12?,c reduced to 9c ...Shoe Specials... Men's congress unci lace Hoy' c.rtlf iittil prum , LuliiV cloth top iiiid kid luce " kid welt button " kid turn poll, lace " Ppring heel, lace, tuition, SUj to (i Misses' kid, Hpring heel, luce, button, ll,'- to 2. Childs' " ' ' " " " 8,'rfto 11. " " " " " " 5to8 " goat, " " " o to 8 n (i ii i " 0 to 12 kid " " button, 5 to 8 07c 97u H.'Jc $1 51) 1 03 9:ic 1 13 k S.'Jc "'in olio Goo 40o Preparations arc being made for our annual stock-taking. We desire most earnestly to close out all odd garments, all broken assortments. Some of our finest merchandise will there for be offered this week utterly regardless of valu'o. Take for Example WVClLOclLb and $10.50 values. & -Clearance Trice sV S5 Men's Hats l!f ' ;"d Clearance Price $ ' -0 liirtQ ens w-h1g unldundered VV IllLC OlllI lo shirts, pure linen bosom, reinforced throughout, patent extension bands, , regular 50c values. Clearance Price 1 J Ql " We have a few of those 01UlcCl OllirLb Mens colored shirts left. Regular $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 values. Clearance Price UL)U Boys' Clothing JX' ni" t? supply of Boys' Clothing, for in this department we are offering unhearp-of bargains. Boys' Suits and Overcoats less than actual cost. Call and see them. PEASE & MAYS the Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY ,1 AN. 21, 11101 Oysters served in any stylo... At Anrlmu) Kil Ini-'s. . TIMUKlMMiirs N0TJ0K All Wiixso County wiiri-iuils ri'RiNtiirml irl.,i I,. h.'ntuniliiH- I, I HUT, will Im pitlil III ! n.M'lll.ltlllll lit III)' lllHlIK, IlltllMlNl iMn uftiir Niiviiiuliiir :.M), I DIM). .ion n f. ii.v.ursuiui;, Cmiiiiy 'J'liiUKiirt'r. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Fresh Hasteni oysters, 55 cents pur '"'in, nl the Stadulmuii CoiumiBHion Com puny. jJlt Lost A diamond HiinliiirHt brooch. A reward will lm paid for its return to Ui'ih olllei.. tilj-tf Mr. Geo. Kcklor, of Dayton, WiihIi., 1b visiting In the city for 11 few days, tlu KU'Ht of his daughter, Mm. A. .1. Tolmie. I'" r fashionable drcs-ini'iking and plain emving, call and hco Mrs. S. H. Homier fun, litis Third slreul, in Mm. Kddon's linu-o. jld ltn Tin: (JiiiionkMiK Ih pleased to learn that Mrs, .latuoH Duncan, ol UiIh city, who wuh (l.iimoroiiiily ill at St. Vincnnt'H hospital a few days-ago, at IuhI. itcconntn Is very in null hotter, Vincent William Swain, the 28 ii'iiitliH-old nan of Mr. and Mm. W. 11. Swain, or thin city, died yemorduy after very tilmrt illni.'wa of pneumonia and was buried thin afternoon, lio Hloi'l'.iiinii'u (!oiiviintloi) hiild l'"t vt t-oit at Silt l,ilu, Utah, tho Hald win siii't.p it Lund Co., of Hay Crock, Cnml; fiiutiiy, cnrnutl oil' thu hIIvit taip i prize for tlm boot Hliocp in Amni iua. Hi'iliv liux IMbk Iiiih applied to thn '"iinty court of (iilliitin county for pur 'lifHion to clmnj-o IiIh nuiiiu' to Utinry Hi'x Gravua. Ilunry liasn't iinprovod it ""Hill. HHtttir a livo pit' than anythim.' Hiitfiziintivo of a duad Htill". Vonni! Amoricu waH tolling a atory ut "iu tulila the otlior tluy nbout a vnry sink youiii: lady who tirnvtul for limine, hut tliu doctor wouldn't, lut Imr out thorn. "Hut," Bityfl Yoiiiik America, "just, a uoiiple of dayH heforn hIio died, they avo hur all tlm hu'ins Fhu wanted, and ehe lot wull." .JiuneB If. Canliold, of ttilu city, wii9 taken ho violuntly ill with pneumonia l.iHt week that, buinir a Hini;le man, it wan thoi,:t litiKt by Iuh bruthern of one of tho fraternal orderH to have him taken to St. Vincent's Hospital, and he wiih taken there accordingly venterday. Tho Granite Gem siivh: "ltemon HtianceHiire heinu' circulated in (J rant county and ttined by all of tho leading republicaiiH, reiUUHtiiiK our representa tive, Geo. Harrett, to uhh liiH inlluencu tlie Dalles ntteiulantB as our Portland yuestH. The f-ucceHS of the oven in i; is laruuly duo and in acconted to the floor committee, MessrN. Frank A. French, .lohn Cooper, L. A. Porter, John II. Hampshire, Albert Gude, Harry Hic ham and II. I). Parking. NEW SCALP BOUNTY LAW. I. el Un Iti'imiiiKt riilt". Jatt'd par il the atritatioi! ol a tew intereeteil p ties for the cutting nil' of that portion of Wasco county lyini: Hontli of Sherman county anil eapt ol the Oei-ohntes, and f attaching; it !oNSheriuaii, bus reacbeij a crisis when it ie altogether proper for the people over this way lo huvfi some- and all honorable meatiF for the .lefeat , """B u) H,lv ",K,ut BO W"K " OMl' of II. W. Corbett for United Staten in Ul" H'"'tbeaslern part of the county Heuator at the emnini- Hessiou of tho ' wus hi'iWtl U' 1'iole.t a!nft the move lenislature." J ,n""t ' 110 "!IK !"'re 'Pi'''f"iw "".v ,, ... . , i Topen opposition to it. Hut now it is ho H.iya it (biesn t pay to7 advertiHe . IN ,'. ,. . , ,,. . , , , , , ... , . . ditlereut. lhiee tlillHient diHiatcbes isni n.uiiroay ir. iiin iyat. uvu imuulv Aiter Hi'rctiinu' in warrants worth fl28 every conceivable pine Mnr them without Hiu'cesiH a notice ol IbioiH was inserted in the Ciiitosici.t: inid the paper was liardly oil tlm ptwi wtien tlm misaiiii warranto were fciriiid in thu olllce waste basket of the alley drmr store. cunit) over the 'phone from the Antelope country ibis forenoon, eaeii protesting iiL'iiimit beinn cut oil' fioin Wasco and askliiK tlm eitiy.enfi of Tlio Oallesto net up a remonstriiiH'e mrainst the move munt. Uneof the dUpatelied announced iltbat a remonstrance was being eiicu ! lated in the Antelone and liakeoven pre- M. Gumberf, of Poitland. ban rented : (.im.t8 ,,U ,mi, nre.u-y obtained ninety- Uio Kture in the lieu Wilson bulldinir, next door to Gunning's blackRUilth ahop. and will open about the first of February' with a complete line of ini ported and domestic cigars and tobaccos and Fiuokera' articles, also periodic. Ih of all descriptions. Watch Tin: Ciiiio.n'km.i: lor the announcement of thei-raud open int.'. six Hi;:uatuies. That is all that need be said. If ninety-six residents and tax payers of ibe Antelope and Uakoovun irerinclH aio in favor of maintainim: their present relationship with us, there are ten thousand ol us over this way that will ntand by them to the last ditch. If they don't want to be cut oil", nobody shall cut them oil' if we can help it. This From a special lo 'I'm: CuuONici.i: ni-I part of the county has no telllsh inter calved at ! this afternoon we loam tliatestH to nerve in iniiiutiiiutng the present Speaker I.eod him appointed llepresont- j lolationship with the southeastern purl, alive McGreer as i halrnuin of the com- Inil the people there are our friends and mittecH on GoiiutioH and lOnroHsiiiir, J Wti oui:lit to stand by iliein. and UepretH'iitative Uoberi! chairman of ; i,Ht Komeone net u,i a remonstranco the couiiui.tee on luuue. noui nouses convent d at 2, but no bnslnessif im parlauco was traiiHneted. Ourcorre.' poudencir !uH llie Henatonal situation is darker than ever. Uy an inadvertance Tin: CiiuoNici.i: omitted to mention Sattuday that the benellt bull of Friday nl'lit of the I). C. it A. O. football team was a decided suc cess from every standpoint hut that of llnauce. In this respect, and this only, it was n failure, as only about forty tickets wore sold. This, however, in no wIhu Interfwed with the huccihs of the (mil as a Hocial eiitertainiii"ut as well for here and there will be no trouble in jt tint siym.tures to it. : C ASTOR I A For Infants aud Cluldron. The Kind You Have Always Bought I Boars tho 1 Signature of Floral lotion will mire wind chapping and sunburn, Manufactured by C'urKe & Fall;. Old I.iih to lie Kejif !(!, Kut All V:ir- Hiitx Ihui'l ttmlrr It to ltn l'ald In Full. Senator J. N. Williamson infcriuBTiiK Cnnoxici.i: that at an early date he will introduce a new ecalp bounty bill which is copied largely after a law that prevails in Minnesota. The present law will be repealed, as tnere is irrave doubt that it would stand the test of an appeal to the supreme court. Anotner Dili win no introduced to provide for tho payment, from the general state fund, of all war rants ifeued against the scalp bounty, fund. This bill will provide that all moil ins that have been paid Into the I state treasury under tho provisions ot , ithe present scalp bounty law, shall be! paid back in full to the counties from , which thev came. Counties, therefore, that have paid their share of the tax, or' any pint of it, will bo at no disadvan-j tunc over counties like Multnomah that refused lo pay the tax or imiko any levy for its payment. It will bo remembered that tho exist-; ma law calls tor a tax ol one cent per head on each sheep in the state and a. quarter of a mill on every dollar's worth , of real and personal property. The new law culls for no special levy. The bounty will remain the muni as it is now and will be paid out of thegeueial state fund. Hut in order to equalize tho tax and make it fa. I lijjhtebt on those who aro liMt benefited by it, and yice verm, it is provided that one-third of Hie amount of bounty earned in any one couutv for the wild animals killed with-, liu its boundary shall hn paid by such ouuty, ami tho remaiuim: two-thuds from tho general tax levy ol tho state. Tliua if the bountv earned in at-co county next year eboulil amount, to ijiWO, one-third of (lie sum, namely ifliOO, . would be paid directly by the county anil the remainint two thuds from the general Htato levy. The slayer of any wild animal untitled to a bounty there for must himself appear before the coun ty clerk and take oath that he has killed tho animal, ami killed it within the, limits of the county. The clerk thert; upon issues a warrant for tho u mount called for. Hut the clerk has authority to refuse to issue a warrant, and refer tho mutter to the county court in any case where he lias reason to suspect that the law has not been complied with. This provision is intended to prevent tho fraudulent transfer of scalps from other states, a practice that is said to have swelled the bounty into larpe pro portions in one or more of our southeast ern counties. The bill further provides that it shall be the duty of the clerk of each county to transmit monthly to the secretary of state a report of all warrants lseued dur ing the mouth under the provision of the law, whereupon the eecretary of state shall return to the clerk a state warrant for two-tbitds of the amount. These are the salient features of the proposed law. All warrants issued un-! der its provisions will be paid directly by tho counties that issuu them. The intervention of notaries public, middle men and speculators in scalps is avoided and the man entitled to a bounty, and be only, sets all of it, and yets it without cost or deliy, in tho form of a county warrant. Mr. Williamson is very confident that the bill will pass and that full provision will ho made for the payment of tho warrants issued under tho present law. Tliey Will John Hrookhouce, of Dufur, a succe&s-' fill farmer, was in Portland a few days ; airo and in connection with Mi". Geo. C. Pendleton, an experienced thiesheriuan, j of Marion county, purchased from K u s 1 iell A Co. one of the most complete j tbresbiii' outfits which has been mid by them iu this part of the country. It : coiisistH of one of tlio Uussell twentv- i horse compound traction eugint-s of lat est pattern aud a laijie thresher, with self-feeder and wind s-tacker. It is tlu intention of tlio purchasers to run one of the latest and most complete up-to-date outfits ever brought to Wafco county. The long number of years of experience of .lohn lirookhouse, com-, hineii with Ihu success which has at-' tended Mr, Pendleton in the operation of thiesbiuit machinery, bespeak for: this nev company an excellent yetu 's j business on the I'vyli Kide. I DRUGLESS HEALINU Witli Oxygenor Company's Perfected Oxygenor King. It i9 not a battery. It is not electricity. It cures with the oxy Itan of the air, without doctors, without drufjs, without medicine. The greatest boon to mankind ever discovered. It, stands without a rival as a curative agent and possesses complete mastery over all curable diseases without em ploying nauseous or poisonous drugs. Description, theory , method of operation, list of diseases for which it is recom mended, etc.. furnished free. Gallon or address. .1. M. Fn.i.oo.v, The Dalles, Or. 'Phono No. 300. j21 2.vd-v lui BUSINESS LOCALS. l-'or Kent ni- Sulti. Tho .Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on First street, is for rent or sale. It iua three-Rtory, corrugated iron building, 110x113 feet, with water elevator. Apply to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. u2t)-tf Subscribe for Tin: Ciikomci.k. Wanted A second-h mil lire-proof safe. Must tie iu uooil condition ami not too large. Apply at the Ciii:onici.k ollice. " oiil-if For ladies only. Special iu corset. A few left. $. IS to 20; 21 to 27. Only 25 cents wli'.le thev last. At the Now York Cash .Store. Kxpurience is the best Teacher. I so Acker's English Remedy iu any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to trivo immediate relif nrmey refunded 25 cts. and 50 eta. lilakeley, thodiug Kist. Sick Headache ahsoiuteiy and perma nently cured bv usiiiu' Mold Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures connipaiioti ami indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. S itit-faciiun guaranteed or uioni-v hat' If. 2'icts. and50cts. lilakeley, thu diuggist, Now is tho tune when cioup and lung tumbles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is one Mipute Tom-li Cure. Jt is very pleasant to take and can lie udied upon to o.nickly cure c.iughs, eolds and all lung disVases. It will pieveiH consumption. Sold lv Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy- Quality ami not quantity makes De Witt's Little Kirlv Kiers such valuable little liver pills. Clarke A Pack's P.O. Pharmacy, Don't you know that Cocoauut Cieam Hair Tonic will i-.ivo your and your children's hair? You can net it foi ")() ami 75 cents a botlle at FrHsr's barber shop, sole agent. If Clearance sale ol winter miliiuery at the Campbell it Wilson Millinery Par lors. Trimmed hats, street hats, and baby bonnets at cost, j'7 lut