The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 19, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 10
Over .i(i(i,(mo For Coyotes and Wildcats
The State Will Foot The Bill.
Saixm, Jan. 18.. Sculp bounty certifi
cates t" the amount ol over $4000 were
received ut tliu office of the secretary to
day. The largest certificate was that
for ifllWi, issued by Harney county to J.
M. ballon, of Hums. Thin instrument
certifies to thu killing of 4110 coyotes and'
(il wildcats. Up to tbo cIoho of the year
MOO, Hctilp bounty warrants to tbo
amount of $100,000 bad been issued.
Sinn,' tlmt lime the clerks In tbo office
of tins seuratary of state have been too
buny to Ihmio warrants of any kind, und
mi record Ihih been kept of the airgri-gute
ol certilieati'H received. It is estimated
tluu tlm total is now near tbo $110,000
murk. Only about 10 pur cent of this
amount Iiiib beeu paid into the scalp
bounty fund.
That Hie legislature, at its present see
aiou, will provide for the payment of the
scalp lionnty warrants there seems to be
little tlmiht. The members from EaBturn
Orison are standing snlidly for the inter
ests of tiieir section in this mattur, und,
apparently, will meet with scarcely any
opposition from Western Oregon. A
Urge porportion of thu scalp bounty
warriuitH have passed out of thu bauds
of tlm persons who killed the animals
for which the warrants wore issued, and
are now owned by Investors or store
keepers, who procured them at from 50
to KO cents on the dollor. As the war
wants draw ti tier cent interest, they will
prove a profitable investment.
No Hlght to UglUm.
The woman wiio is lovely in face,
farm and temper will always have
friends, but one who would be attractive
must kut'p her health. If she is weak,
sickly and all run down, she will bo
nervtiiH and irritable. If she Iiiih con
stipation or kidney trouble, her impure
blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin
eruptions and r. wretched complexion.
Klectrie Hitters is the best medicine in
tliu world to regulate stomach, liver and
kidneys and to purify the blood. It
Hives Htronc. nerves, bright eyes, smooth,
volvnty skin, rich complexion. It will
iiiako it good. looking, charming woman
ota ruu-dovwi invalid. Only 50 cents
t llliikehiy's drui: store. "
.Nut (irotvlni; I'unI ICiioiiuIi,
I.o.siiox, .Ian. 18 At. the beginning of
tliu 'JUlh cfiitnry, English thinkers are
studying over the disturbing fact, that
the birthrate of Great llritiiiu has great
ly diminished. So great is the decline
in this regard that it is asserted that
there has been u decline of 17 per cent
during the last quarter of the last cen
tury. The luxury of these days is telling
on tiie Anglo-Saxon, as well as upon the
('.ml, und produces this sharp diminution
of birth-force. The economists ure await
ing with pome anxiety tbo figures from
Hie United States und Russia. If they
should show no diminution in this re
spect the feeling of uneasiness would in
crease, inasmuch as Germany is growiug
!' population steadily. Franca is try
ing to arrest its loss by ollering bountiop.
It renmins to be seen what Kugluud will
do. Meanwhile, it ie plain that the ad
vent of womon in tliu lines of occupation
formerly hold only by men makes them
inditluiont to marriage.
How tn Uurti 4)roiii,
Mr. it. Gray, who lives noar Amunia,
Duchess county, N. V.,says: "Chamber
I'lin's Cough Remedy is tbo besl medi
c'no 1 I'ave over used. Jt is a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
'din to euro." When given as soon as
"ie child becomes hoarse, or oven after
tliecroupy uough ImH developed, it will
Invent, the attack. This should lie
'""ie in lutiut nm a bottlu of tho Cough
Ki-mudy kept at Imml ready for instant
'I8n as soon as those symptoms appear,
tor sale by Ulakeloy, the druggist.
Army 111)1 I'iuhixI.
WAHiiisirroN, Jan. 18 Just before (I
"lock this evening! the senate dually
disposed of tlm army roorganizatlon bill.
Hi" meaburo having originated in tbo
9tite, the Haul question was not upon
'to puuenge, but upon agreeing to the
senate amondments. They were agreed
to by a voto of 43 to 23. While party
lines wore drawn upon the moaeuro, four
domocrats voted for it, Lindsay (Ky.),
McLaurin (S. O.), Morgan (Ala.) and
Sullivan (Miss.; Hoar, who was de
tained at his homo by illness, was paired
against tho bill with Spooner.
A I'nwdnr Mill Kilmlfli.
Removes everything In sight; so do
drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty
dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate
machinery of your body with calomel,
croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's
New Life Pills, which ore gentle as a
summer breeze, do the work perfectly.
Cures Headache, Constipation. Only
25c ut Rlakcloy's drug store. 2
Illlllllll-M II r HllMlaH Of VICtlll'lK.
London, Jan. 18, IS til! p. m. Alarming
rumors were circulated today to the ef
fect that Queen Victoria is seriously ill
and that her family hadjbeen summoned
to Osbornn. Inquiries by the Associated
Press at Osborno at .'! o'clock this after
noon elicited a flat denial of the reports.
Tho Prince of Wales is now at Marl
borough House, whore no news has been
received indicating that Her Majesty 1b
not enjoying her usual health.
Tho Duke of York went to Sandring
ham tiiis atternonn.
In spite of douialB from Osborne nnd
Marlborough, rumors about the Queen's
illness have alarmed the public and ad
versely affected the Stock Exchange. Ac
cording to early Cowes telegrams, tbo
Queen waB not well yesterday, nnd bad
not improved today, but later news from
Cowes says the Queen had been Buffer
ing from insomnia, but was belter this
Sir Francis Laklng, surgeon to Her
Majesty, has been called in to consult
with Sir Jas. Reid, Her Majesty's
resident physician.
The Associated Press communicated
with Osborno house at C o'clock this
evening, and the master of the Queen's
household, Lord Edwurd William Pel
bam Clinton replied that be was unable
to dtECUBB the matter further, but that
a statement on the subject would appear
in tho "Court Circular" tomorrow.
1C. A. Algiir I h Very Hick Man.
Gitic.uio, Jan. 18. A special to the
Record from Detroit, Mich., says: Gener
al Alger suffered a relapse, and is again
conliued to his bed, a very sick man.
One week ago last Monday be left his
ollico not feeling well, and before the
end of the day cold hud set it, with
marked pymptoms of grip. He was
fordid to take to his bed.
(inuil Kill! i:t ii f Dt porllit Inn,
Ni:v Yomc, Jan. 18 A dispatch
the World from Hong Kong says:
The adoption by General MacArthur
of Consul Wildiiian's plan to deport the
insurgent leaders to Guam has had a
marked Hieet. The activity of tho in
surgents lias been hroiikim: up, and the
neoplti in the Philippines are being freed
from the domimilion of the native) army.
Krii;ir Nut Coining N.iw.
l!i:isui.8, Jan. 18. Krickie Elolf,
Kruger's grandson, is hvre from The
Hague. He says Kruger has no inten
tion of going to America at present,
although pressed with invitations. He
might possibly go later, if lie considered
the Interests of ttie Transvaal demanded
This season theru is a large death rate
among children from croup und lung
troubles. Prompt action will save the
little ones from these terrible diseases.
We know of nothing so certain to give
instant relief as One Minute Cough
Cure. It can also be relied upon in
grippe and all throat and lung troubles
of adults. Pleasant to take. Clarke &
Falk's Pharmacy.
When threatened by pneumonia or
any other lung trouble, prompt relief is
necessary, as it is dangerous to delay.
Wo would suggest that One Minute
Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica
tions of having taken cold are noticed.
It cures quickly and Its early use pre
vents consumption. Oliuku & Falk's
P. O. Pharmacy.
Such little pills as DeWitts Little
Early Risers are very easily taken, and
they are wonderfully etl'ectiva in cleans,
lug the liver and bowels. Olitrko & Falk
P, O. Pharmacy.
For sprains, swellings mid lameness
there Is uotlilug so good as Chamberlain's
Piilu Ualm. Try it. For sale by Blake
loy, the druggist.
Nw Mncliln Drill.
Colfax, Wash., Jan. 10. W. W.
Waite, of this place, has secured a pat
ent on a new kind of machine drill for
all kinds of work requiring drilling in
rock. The invention promises to revolu
tionize the present methods of mining.
Tho machine is operated by one man,
who simply turns a crank which revolves
a wheel, to which is attached four four-
pound hammers, which strikes the drill
with terrific force.
The machine, which was invented and
manufactured in Colfax, being made at
Carley Bros.' foundry, was on exhibition
here today, and attracted great interest.
At a moderate rate of speed, 1!10 blows
were struck by the hammers in one
minute. This is said to be the work of eight
able-bodied men. The machine turns so
easily a boy can operate it with ease. A
number of mining men who witneseed
the exhibition say it will revolutionize
mining, and greatly lesson the present
cost of drilling, and will make many low
grade properties profitable minee. The
machine is made entirely of iron, and
weighs but 125 pounds. Mr. Waite has
been at work on it for several months,
but did not announce it to the public
until today, when he received the an
nouncement that his application for
patent had been received, and that the
device bus never been patented.
It la Hlactro-Fanltla, or a Sneeclnjr
Cold, Canard by (ha Elec
tric Fan.
A brand-new hot weather ailment
has whirled into existence, aays the
rhilttdelphia North American.
It is electro-fanitis. Perhaps you
have got it, as no clnss is immune.
It's a sneezing, coughing eold in the
head caused by the germ-laden breezes
of the electric fan.
It is almost epidemic in Philadel
phia. If you are a victim hurry to a
physician or drug store and ask for a
powerful anti-phlogistic, remedy. That
is, something to relieve inflammation
of the mucous membrane of the head,
which is what electro-fanitis is.
This nil me,- by the way, bus been
agreed upon by eminent medico-philologists.
The utlix "itis," meaning "in
flammation," was selected been use it
is the term which of late years hub
been applied to all new inflammatory
ailments. It may lie pruuouced cither
e-tis, like e in each, or i-tis,- like i in
Unless promptly cjired electro-fanitis
may develop into the two other dis
eases of the same family tonsilitis
and bronchitis.
The victims of the new ailment in
clude bankers, merchants, clerks.
stenographers, barbers, and in fact
.very class of people who perform in
door work, where electric inns arc in
operation. Patrons of restaurants,
upon whose heads the artiliclal breeze
generators are played while they eat,
also form a large proportion of Hie
Physicians report that the majority
of complaints come from barbers, who
stand for hours at a ti lie under tin1
whirring fans. Many of their custom
er are also affected. Among the city
officers dozens of eases exist.
The most distressing and annoying
characteristic of electro-fanitis is that
it is never contracted except in hot
weather, and there is nothing,-' more
distressing than a summer cold. 5e
ing caused by artificial atmospheric
conditions, it is much more dirhcult to
cure than an ordinary cold.
Dr. P. It, Cleaver, of this city, de
scribes the causes and peculiarities of
the complaint as follows:
"The principal reason why the air
currents produced by electric fans so
readily ciuife inflammation of the mu
cous membrane of the head is that
the drafts are sudden and easily im
press the system of the patient, whose
vitality has already been lowered by
the heat.
"Then these currents of air are not
the fresh waves of ozone which are in
circulation outdoors. The artltieial
breezes are nothing but impure air
forced into motion. A steady blowing
wind at the seashore Vvould not affect
the membrane, whereas the whlrlV
electric breezes cause inflammation,
The patient who Is suffering from the
latter cause ought to secure prompt
treatment. Teh coal tar preparations
arc about the best remedy."
Country butter 40 cents per roll at
Maier & Uenton's. llij-lw
Siilltul for Home.
Manila, J mi. ID. The Eleventh cav
alry sailed for home today, after a long
und laborious campaign,
Sale of Jackets, h price Sale of Childs' Wool Dresses Sale of Ladies' Suits
True-blue barg ins, if ever
there were any.
2 Styles Cape and Box Coats.
In all about thirty garments, all of our best coats included. Several very dressy box
coats in the popular dark gray oxford mixtures; with velvet collar and wool-fleece lining,
Coats reduced from $15 to $10. Two good numbers:
Men's double-breasted box Mackintosh
Coat; made of a brown-mixed all wool
covert, double texture, strapped and ce
mented seams; all sizes. Value $10
Special, $7.15.
Men's double-breasted Mackintosh
Storm Ulster; made of a heavy quality ail
wool black tricot; vulcanized, and finished
with a good warm fleece-wool lining; warm
and thoroughly rain-proof. Value $13.75
Special, $10.00.
$10 and $16.50
values, now
$7.75 to $12
In the above two numbers we have at present a complete
A Rare Chance, line of sizes.
Cuual aucl I-ockn.
Washington, Jan. 18 Senator Simon
today offered and amendment to the
river and harbor bill, etriking out the
clause repealing the boat railway project
and substituting therefor the new project
of Captain Harts for a canal and locks.
His amendment diverts the $220,000 now
remaining to the new project; provides
for the immediate commencement of
work by contract or otherwise, and
limits the cost to $3,069,371.
Notice is hereby that the undersigned,
pai tilers doinc business in Dalles City
under t he lirm name and stylo of Chaw
Kee Co., purchased on the 12th day of
January, 1901, the entile business of the
said Chaw Kee Co., from the former
owners thereof. That the present part
nership firm will be liable for all debts
contracted by said lirm, the present
owners of the said Chaw Kee Co.. from
the said 12th day of January, 1901, but
will not pay or be liable for any debts
contracted or oweing before said date.
Dalles City, Or., Jan. 17, 1901.
Wonii Ken,
Wonci Ciiaen,
Wono Yon,
Ma Wei,
jl"-lw Ma Kee.
Paint your house with paints that ara
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them. .
All persons indebted to the late firm
of K. J. COLLINS & CO., and S. L.
HKOOKS, are requested to call and
settle up on or betore March 1st next
without fail. a. j 1JROOKS.
Look Here!
All the Groceries, Hardware and Tin
ware will be disposed of by the 1st of
March, as the building will be occupied
by other parties. S. L. I3HOOKS.
la nil Its stages there
should bo cleanliness,
Ely's Cream Balm
clonuses, soothes and heals
tho diseased membrane.
1 1 cures catarrh au d drl es
sway a cold lu the head
C'rvuut Halm Is placed Into tbo nostrils, inreads
over tho membrane and Is absorbed, itellef U lm.
mcdlute and a euro follows. It It cot drying does
not produce aneezlug. Largo Size, 60 ceuts at Drug
gists or by mail ; Trial Size, lO.cents by mail.
HLV UOOTUEUti, 60 Wttrrou Street, New York.
Wanted A second-hand fire-proof
safe. Must be in good condition and not
too large. Apply at tiie CitnoNiCLU
office. o31-tf
For ladies only. Special in corsets.
A few left. Sizes IS to 20; 24 to 27.
Only 25 cents while they last. At the
New York Cash Store.
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug
gist. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Came
& Falk.
Experience is the best Teacher.
Acker's English Remedv in anv case of I
coughs, colds or croup. .Should it fail to
Fur Kent or Suln.
The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on,
First street, is for rent or sale. It is a
three-story, corrugated iron building,
110x33 feet, with water elevator. AddIv
Uae , to Sam Wilkinson, Tho Dalles. n20'-tf
Subscribe fur Tin: Ciiiionici.i:
Vegetable Preparationfor As
similating IhcFoodandRcgttla
ting the Stomachs aM Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion.CheerfuI
ness and Rest. Con tains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
hope ofOMJk-SAKVaPtrCOR
JmyJuu See 4 '
HatktlU Stilt -Aaise
Sunt r
Apeifecl Remedy forConslipa
Hon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
ami Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the t
For Over
Thirty Years