The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 18, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 15
l)c Da II cg
Episcopal Hisliop Expresses His Views
Addresses New York Har As
sociation. A111.ANV, N. V., Jan. 17. Discussing
tlie8iiliV'C.t of divorco before the New
York State Har Association, William C.
Dome, I'rntestunt Kplseopal Bishop of
Alton) , said :
"It will not seem iiiiKUiiiiriniH if, in
justice to u somewhat public and very
pronoiini'.ml position on this whole
subject, I imard, at tliv outHot, my warm
approval of tlm proposed nut to tutulil iti
aunlt'iriu law 'relative to divorces, pro
ceilure mill divorce from the bonds,' or,
ajl slicuM !)', from tlio bond of mar
riage. Wtiitw apart from my intense con
victioim ii Christian man and elorKy
man, that the bond of matrimony can
only Iw dieolved by death, and that
atliilti'ry land nothiup else), may he
rfcoanlztil from the Scriptural point of
vied as a caiiHu for tlie U;nl dissolution
of mtirriiit;. I have the deepest feeling
ana man, on purely human and social
ami civil and legal (.'rounds, tiiat the old
Knulish law ia wound, which providoa
for Eiip;iration from bed and board, with
no right of remarriage, and knew no
other iiiuniiitip of the woid 'divorce.'
"I learned long ago that to wait for
perfection, to be content with nothing
but just w hat Hiiita one's own individual
convictiuus, ia to ait on the bank until
the stream ruim dry.
" 'Out the beHt poaBilile,' Governor
Roosevelt sayB, 'when the perfect heat is
not iihtaiuahle.' I am quite ready to
welcome new proposals ub the beat
possible now, a climb, and a good,
steep climb, by compariaou with the
existing condition of things.
"The feattirea of the proposed legiela
tion which seem to be moat valuable,
are requirement lor a lama tide per
manent residence in effect and in in
tention in the state where tlie auit ia
bronchi j tlie limitation of grounds of
divorce to the law of the state in which
tlie case arose, the requirement of hear
ing before the court in open aeaaiou, and
the restricting in regard to the personal
service of process upon the defendant.
"Such legislation generally adopted
would make our courla cease to he
'schools for scandals,' and would tend
largely to remove from America the evil
repute which liaa come upon her for
loose iiiothodH of dealing with thip
m.itior of paramouiil importance to
society ami humanity. More than thin,
using the word ecaudal In ita original
sense, it would take away from many
erring and misguided feet 'a sf.mbling
block ami occasion to fall.' "
Vm - Unusual
It ir, vorv unusual for a vcrrulnr physician of pood reputation to publicly
endorse a proprietaty remedy. Wo have often heard of cases where doctors
have secretly prescribed Ackei'r. English Remedy, but it is most gratifying to
n-uivu me hmiowiuk viMiuiwuy luuui
fromC. F. Smith, M. D,, tho most
successful physician f Clean, N. Y. :
"Messrs. W. II. Hi.okcr R- Co.,
New York City: I wish to mid my
professional testimony to the vnluu
of your English preparation known
as Acker's ISuglish Remedy fur Asth
ma, etc. In several instances, after I
have tried my utmost to jjivc oven
rolief, i imvo proscribed your remedy,
and it Ims acted almost liko a miracle,
not only rolioving, but permanently
curing every one of the patients. 1 en
dorse the preparation as one of tho
most valuable additions to the prac
tice of medicine."
Such a frank endorsement as tho
above is phenomenal. Coming from
so distinguished a membor of tho
medical profession, it carries with it
n assurance which tho public will bo
sure to avail themselves of. It isrec
oinnioiidations like this which mako
jt possible to give tho broad guaran
tee that is a partof ovory saloof Ack
er's Kni'llHti k... limit ttV ( Olltf1lK.
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. It must cither do all that is
vuumeu tor it, or your money will Do rettiwicu. jjo you Know oi nay ouiui
medicine sold on those terms ? Do you know of any other mcdiciues which
Prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than
Proscriptions thoy wrtto themselves ? These facts are well worth consideriug.
ihoy are of especial interest to those with sore throats nd weak lungs.
, Ji'iM at ijc. toe. mid Si a bottle. throUKhout the United State and Canada s and ia Eog i is. u.;'473d.,V.6i" If you ire not untUnou atter buying, return tho bottle to your
urUt, and got your money back, , .. ,
We authorise the aknr uuuranUt. !'. II. IIOOKEK di CO., Propritton, Aw loi t.
A Vhiioiin HrnniN Amiiirnil.
Special to Tins Cnito.vioi.K.
Sai.k.m, Or., 2:lf p. m., Jan. 18. The
majority of tlie members of both houses
have left Salem for Portland, which will
be the etorrn center for the next two
The senatorial candidates claim lo
have secured enough of signatures to the
call for a republican caucus to insure tlie
holding of one next Monday.
The committee appointed to investi
gate the soldiers home left for ilosohurff
this morning.
It it llI III r Oyniiiiiltml to Hccurn Murtlcrur
CiiHiACio, Jan. 17. A Bpecial to the
Tribune from Corbln, Ky., aaya: As a
result of the riot here last night, two
persons were killed, one mortally
wounded, three or four others wounded
and a building wrecked by dynamite.
Tlie dead are: Miaa Susan Cox, an
innocent bystander, killed by a stray
bullet ; Stilton Faris, killed by the ex
plouiou. Tlie wounded are: James Shotwoll,
fatally; lladley Bradley, Tracy Cooper,
ami an unknown traveling salesman.
At noon yeBterday James Shotwell
waa shot and mortally wounded by Holla
White, who had tiecomo angered with
Shotwell on being refuaed to keep com
pany longer with Shotwell'a daughter.
While at once went to the store of his
brother, where he surrendered to a
deputy sherill". Telegrams were sent to
Judge Morrow Biid a posse was ordered
to the scene from tlie county seat. In
the meantime White was barricaded
with hiB friends and the deputy sheriff
in the store. When night fell the store
was wrecked by dyuauute.
The sheriff's posse arrived at midnight
mid Holla White is now in the custody
of the sheriff.
Ilukn :uue it Hitch.
Nkw York, Jan. 17. A dispatch to the
Journal and Advertiser from Amsterdam
says: The Amsterdam Gazette pub
lishes two of the measures contained in
Queeu Wilhelnuna's marriage bill. Tlie
first gives the approval of the states
general and the Dutch people to the
marriage; the second provides C12,G00 a
year for Duke Heury in the event of his
becoming a widower.
A third measure concerns the national
ity of the Duke. Here is a difficulty, for
the Duke wishes to become a Nether
lander, hut at the same time to retain
his own nationality. TIhb ia contrary to
Dutch law, and should the Duke persist,
all arrangements for the marriage may
fall through. Tlie Duke is hound to
conform to the law, which cannot be
altered. Ill the event of his refusal, a
serious hitch wil! ensue, which will at
, least postpone the marriage indefinitely.
Remember that you don't have to be
bald ; you can keep your I. air by using
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be
had at Traner'a barber shop. tf
Earl of Koscbcry Spcakcs of the Com
petition of the United States.
London, Jan. 17. The earl of Rose
bery responding to a toast to his health
at the annual banquet of the Wolver
hampton Chamber of Commerce, spoke
the "Great Commercial Warfare Being
Waged Against England."
"The chief rivals to bo feared," said
ids lordship, "are America and Germany.
The Americans, with their vast and
almnbt incalculable resources, their
acuteness and enterprise, and their huge
population, which will probably be 100,
000,000 in 20 years, together with the
plan they have adopted for putting ac
cumulated wealth into great co-operative
syndicates or trusts for the purpose of
carrying on this great commercial war
fare, are perhaps most formidable.
"On the other hand, the Germans,
with their calculating and conquering
spirit and the energy with which they
seize and useitB b"Btand most economic
al methods are but less redoubtable than
the Americans.
"The Americans, scarcely satiefied
with gigantic individual fortunes, use
these by combination to make of capital
a power which, wielded by one or two
minds, is almost irresistible, and if this
power is concentrated against Great
Britain in trade warfare, it will be a
danger we cannot afford to disregard. A
trust of many millions might compete
with any trade in England, underselling
all her products at a considerable loss.
This a possible outcome of the immediate
"A cunouB feature, if I may say so
without impertinence, seems to be iu
that combination with the faculty for
the acquisition of money there is a com
plete contempt for money except as a
means of making more, and for power.
These millionaires of whom we hear so
much, are often men of simple lives,
whose simple rule is to make enough ac
cumulations ia order to acquire more
"Englaud, in order to withstand inter
national competition, must thoroughly
educate her youth, and I would suggeet
sending batches of young men abroad to
learn the beht our rivals know."
i ..
I'luj'tiit Out.
Dull Headache, Tains in various parts
of tho body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverislmess,
Pimples or Sores are ali positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified iu order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
lilexir has novel failed toenre Scrofulous
or Svnhilitio noisoiiB or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly u wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, tlie drug
Jtorr Am Muimir.lUK
London, Jan. 17. General Kitchener,
telegraphing from Pretoria, untier date
of Wednesday, January 10, says tho con
centration of U0OO Boers at Carolina
(Transvaal) is reported. He adds that
Colville's mobile column was engaged
near Van Tonde's Hoek. The Boers
were driven off with heavy loss. Three
hundred Boers entered Aberdeen yester
day, looted tlie stores and retired on the
arrival of 100 British infantry.
Among the Ioiib of thousands whohave
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
colda and la irrippe during the past few
years, to our knowledge, not a single case
has resulted in pheumonia. Ihos.
Whitfield & Co., 210 Wabash avenue,
Chicago, one of the most prominent re
tail druggists iu that city, in speaking of
this, says: "We recommend Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in
many cases, as it not only gives prompt
ami complete recovery, but also counter
acts any teudency of la grippe to result
in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley,
the druggist.
Will Invito tlm I'rlnue,
SumtiDAN, Wyo., Jan. 17. Colonel
William T. Colby, (Buffalo Bill) is organ
Izmir a hunting club that will hate head
quarters at his ranch in the Big Horn
mountains, The first outliig will be in
tlie Autumn of 1001, and among the
Sale of Jackets, -h price
Men's double-breasted box Mackintosh 1 Men's double-breasted Mackintosh
, A,rrt Coat: made of a brown-mixed all wool Storm Ulster ; made of a heavy quality all
fein rnirl SlfifiO ' , , , wool black tricot; vulcanized, and finished
JU aHU ip.lO.UU coverti doabe texture, strapped and ce- ; with it t,0nd warm fleece-wool lining; warm
Values, HOW mented seams; all sizes. Value $10 j and thoroughly rain-proof. Value $13.75
Special, $7.15. j Special, $10.00.
$7.75 to $12 1
In the above two numbers we have at present a complete
A Rare Chance, line of sizes.
guests will be Colonel Eoo3evelt aud
General Miles, and should he come to
America to attend the yacht races, the
Prince of Wales will be asked to partici
How to Cure Croup.
Mr. K. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
Duchess county, N. V., says: "Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is a fine
children's remedy for croup aud never
fails to cure." When given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent tlie attack. This should be
borne in mind aud a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for inetant
use aB soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
Notice is hereby that the undersigned,
paitners doing business in Dalles City
under the firm name aud style of Chaw
Kee Co., purchased on the lL'th day of
Jauuarv, 1001. the entire business of the
said Chaw Kee Co., from the former
owners thereof. That the present part
nership firm will be liable for all debts
contracted by said firm, the preeent
owners of the said Chaw Kee Co.. from
the eaid 12th day of January, 1!01, but
will not pay or be liable for any debts
contracted or oweing before said date.
Dalles City, Or., Jan. 17, 1901.
Wosg Ken,
Wong Chak.v,
Wong Yon,
Ma Wei,
jl7-lw Ma Kee.
Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream
Hair Tonic will Bavo your and your
children's hair? You can get it for 50
and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer's barber
shop, sole agent. tf
Paint your house with paints that ara
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Country butter 40 cents per roll at
Maier & Benton's. l'.'j-lw
All persons indebted to the late firm
of K. J. COLLINS & CO., and S. I..
BROOKS, are requested to call and
settle up on or before March 1st next
without fail. S. L. 15ROOKS.
Look Here!
All tlie Groceries, Hardware and Tin
ware will be disposed of by the 1st of
March', as the building will be occupied
by other parties. S. 1,. BROOKS.
janlO mchl
Sale of Childs' Wool Dresses Sale of Ladies' Suits
True-blue bargains, if ever
there were any.
2 Styles Cape and Box Coats.
In all about thirty carments, all of our beft coats included. .Several very dressy box
coate in the popular dark er.iv oxford mixtures; with velvet collar and wool-fleece lining,
Coats reduced from .$15 to $10. Two good numbers :
Wanted A second-hand fire-proof
safe. MuBt be in good condition and not
too large. Apply at the Chuonicle
office. o31-tf
For ladies only. Special in corsets.
A few left. Sizes IS to 20; 24 to 27.
Only 25 cents while they last. At the
New York Cash Store.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's Kuglisli Remedy in any cape of
coughs, eolde or croup. Should it fail to
itt 'i TiTt'iM urn
AVtgetable Pr epatalionfo'r As
similating HicFoodandRegula
tiitg (he Stoimiclis andBowcls of
Promotes Digeslion.CheerFuP
ness and Rest. Conlains neillier
Opium.Morpliiuc norfJucraL
Hot IJarc otic .
lrniftkui Sad'
Cfmhut Sugar
Apeifecl Remedy 1'orConsUpa
Uon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
pacSmvilo Signature oF
new york:
irive immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 eta. Blakeley, the drug
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke
& Falk.
For Kent or Suit!.
The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on
First street, is for rent or sale. It is h
three-story, corrugated iron building,
HOxX! feet, with water elevator. Apply
to Sam WilkiiiHon, The Dalles. n2G-tf
Subscribe lor Tin: Ciiuonici.e.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the i
Signature Jjp
ry Jtv In
Jr For Over
Thirty Years
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmaoy.