The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 17, 1901, Image 3

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9 9
The Great Event is meeting with such favorable response that we have decided to make a
bigger cut than ever..
And Still They Go Down
Ikspilo the unfriendly olomonts, tho happy throng still crowds our place for "plums
They know thu people do that our stokes are merciless and our cuts are deep.
When we say "our goods are cheap," we don't mean "cheap goods." There's as much
diflerenco between the former and the latter as there is between "an ardent lover"
and a "lover of the ardent."
Some Additional Surprises.
Men's Trousers
Your Choice for -
About 1"0 pair to select from; the regu
lar values of these Trousers range from
$1.2") to $2..r0 per pair.
Mens Overcoats
in Mm;, black or oxford gray; regular
values $(i..0 to $S.50.
Special $4.95.
A lew HOYS' SUITS in lots 1, 2 and
I! left. Hotter hurry up before they are
all gone.
Men's White Shirts
Unlaunderod, regular .r0c values, tr
all sizes; SPECIAL Q&C
Laundered, regular 75c values, A
all sizes; SPECIAL 40.C
Men's 'Underwear
"Kandom" ' wool underwear, shirts or
drawers, regular Toe values
39C per garment.
Men's Suits
Your choice of about 20 different pat
terns, regular values ranging from $5.00
Special $4.95.
0 Standard Apron
JtXAyC Chocks' Ging
I hams in green,
black, pink, blue and red.
At 14c
Ladies' Wool
Hose, worth 25c
over anv counter.
At 75c
Ladies' Kid
Gloves, mostly
tans and dark
brown; worth $1.00 and $1.25.
At 31c
worth up to $1.00, for 31c.
Pillow Tops. Just
think! front and
back coverings,
At One-half...
Any garment in the house, for
lady, miss or child.
' This store cloeee at 0 :J p. in.
Remember that every
article in the house is re
duced, and we are daily
cutting articles lower to
make a "clean-up."
Shoes. Shoes.
The feet, above everything else these cold
days, have to be given one's special at
tention. Look at our prices and then
visit our shoe department for a general
Men's congress and lace 07c
Boys' cilt and grain 07c
Ladies' cloth top and kid luce 0I5o
" kid welt button , $1 53
" kid turn Eole, lace 1 03
" spring heel, lace, button, 2!.j to 6 93c
Misses' kid, spring heel, lace, button, 1IJ to 2 1 13
Childs' " " " " " Sjstoll.... 83c
" " " " " " 5 to 8 73c
" goat, " " " otoS 53c
" " " " " 9 to 12, 03c
' kid ' " button, 5 to S 40c
This store closes at 6:15 p. tu.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JAP. 17, 11101
Ift served i
At Andrew Keller's.
All H County wurniiitM r:lNtitril
prior In hiiitiiiiilinr I, 1HII7. will lut pulil
in irHnlitilii ut my itilli!. IiittiroHl
' iiflrr Nuvi'iiiliitr SU, 1IMIO.
Ciiiiuty Trewmriir.
Football tomorrow ufternoon.
A grand lull in tho evening.
An adjourned regular meeting ol tliu
city council will bo hold tonight at the
recorder's olllce.
Thu high school will close Friday
afternoon in time to give thu iiiiilH ii
dunce to see thu football game.
The best apples are bringing $1.50 pur
1'ox in Portland; good four-tier nre sell
IK at $1.25. und fair upples at $1 and
Football practicH ut the grounds near
Congressman Moody'e residence ut 7:30
this evening. All interested uro expect--'!
to l)o there.
The American Sheep Breeder says
there is little to warrant any expectation
' butler prices (or wool for thu next six
r eight niontliH.
The Antelope Republican aaya Trout
creek was on a rum page hint week and
a rmult tun head of calves belonging
" A. ,1, Priday, of CrosH Keys, were
Yesterday being calendar tiny, thu
ludk'Hof the CnngreKutionul Aid Society
wore delightfully oniortuliied bv Mm. K.
Willluiiis und Mrs. . T. Parr ut tl.u
homo of tlm latter in tho afternoon.
HiiriiH Items coinforte it h readers these
c"l'i winter duja as follows: "Han't
K'owl became tho wonther la getting
old, Yon will not huvo to put up with
't loinr. Tliero ia u place where il In hot
II the time."
The Antelope Republican eaya; "Pe
titions ure being circilatod this weak
to huvo Antelope uml Hake Oven pre
cincts transferred from Wasco county to
Sherman. The petitions are being nu
merously signed."
For ladies only. Special in corsets.
A few left. Sizes 18 to 20; 21 to 27.
Only 25 cents while they last. At the
New York Cash Store.
Since the signatures were obtained to
the putition to the business men to close
their stores tomorrow while thu football
game is in progress, Manager Puttorson,
of the I). O. A A. C, has interviewed
the proprietors of tho meat markets und
obtained their consent to oloo at the
same time.
The funeral of the lute .1. (. Miens
took place yesterday nflernoon und whs
largely attended. A marked feature of
the procession was the presence of a
large number of G. A. 1!. veterans and
comrades of thu deceased. Rev. I), V.
Poling conducted tho services ut the
house und duliveied mm excellent und ap
propriate address. Tim services ut tho
grave were conducteit according to the
ritual of the A. It.
Tho Burns Items says: "The follow
ing epistle was picked up on the street
near tho Items otlicti u few days ago.
The writer can have it by proving prop
erty and paying for space this uoticu oc
cupies. It reads thus: "Dear Bill
Tho resoti i didn't lull' when you In lied
ut mo yesturday in the postofliue was bo
cause i have a bile on my face and kulnt
lull". If i lall' she'll bust. Hut i loo you
bill, bile or no bile, lall' or no lull'. Your
luvin till death."
At tho Hast Hud feed yard this morn
ing, while u gentleman mimed J.irseu,
brother of tho junior partner of the llrm
of Foley Urothurs it Larson, railroad
contractors, was about to mount his
horso previous to leaving the yard, tho
j uuiiiial reared up and fiill b.ick on Mr.
Larson, causing a compound, comminut
ed fracture of ihe right leg. The Injury
was trtiiipmurily intended to by Or.
UeisundoiUV. and thu man was taken
! this ufternoon to St. Vincent's hospital.
Hiorn were 730 voting precincts in
Oregon ut tho pimdlontiul election in
November. McKinley carried fil l, bryau
2011, tliuru wus a tie vote in 12, and 1
woro nut counted on account of irregu
luritiea, MuKlnley cairled a majority
of the precincts In all counties, except
linker, llainey, Jackson, Linn, Malheur
nuil Union. The only comity that gave
o majority lu every precinct to oither
candidate was Morrow. McKinley car
ried the 14 precincts. Multnomah
county ranked next in this respect, giv
ing McKinley a majority in 78 of the 80
precincts. - .n
Mr. McCuu has recentlv sold the Elite
barber shop to Messrs. Moore it Draw
lord, of Portland. Mr. Moore is cotn-j
mouly und well known in Portland as
foreman in the Mnr:innin Grand barber
shop, while Mr. Crawford has been fore
man for S. II. Howard, on Alder street,
for some time and needs no further rec
omm?ndalion. We understand t hut Mr.
Ciuwfcrd's family will be up in a few
days, while Mr. Moore will remain in
Purthu.d till u good location can be ob
tained.. A. H. Curtiss, of tho Diamond Flour
ing Mills, had the misfortune to break
his collar bono yesterday. The accident
occurred at. Mr. Curtiss' home ut Hock
laud. He was riding a horse to water
bareback, und leading uuotber, when
tiie rope of the led horse set tiie ridden
animal to kicking and Mr. Curtis was
thrown violently to tho ground. The
accident is not considered serious, al
though it is hard on u mun of Mr. Cur
tiss' years, following us it did the acci
dent of last fall at thu thuring mill
whereby Mr. Curtiss nearly lost his life.
This last game, Multnomah vs. D. C.
k A. C, will cost the football boys near
ly, if not quite, 75, and it is I heir
marriage the young couple crossed the
plains by ox team and settled on the
Cowlitz river, Washington, where they
remained till 1S02, when they moved
The Dailes where thev have since re-
desire to clear up expenses and, with e,deil. Nine children were born to them,
the ball, to even up the old indebted- U,ree of wl)0m (iied it, ifancy. The
uess occasioned bv the New Year's fathers are all residents of this state and
trnmu lffivlncr QDMirMrl tlift ornnnilfl '. it . m .1 r rt-i
ail will follow tho lead of the firms who
have taken the initiative in tho matter.
11 I'll I i 11 u 1
utioii which the game is to be played, atu jir8 jiarv
striini: ICoblwry.
and Decator Blakeney I
Thompson, of Baker
and having made arrangements for)!county Jeesie W. and James H. Blake-;
police protection, they propose to collect j nev oI tlli8 city iulll Mr8i E j, McClure i
.admittance to the game. I he O. 1!. f 0 f Mosier. !
N. Co. has also very kindly assieted the A i)urjnK his long residencs in this city,
football players, and "ruUUer-uecks . -mi uutl a few yearB .d0 wjlen the in
'(without tickets will not be plentiful, firmities of age compelled him to retire
lhis ought not to he necessary, but ' froul a,.tivt. liflJ) Mr Blakeney hud been,
there are always tittle people at public "engaged in teaming and draying. In
gatherings, and, from previous ex- i the earlv davs he ran freight teams be-1
pel ience, there are some in Thej)alles.tweensi The i)da and Canyon City,
ana ior many vears later mu me pnn-
Arthur Stnbling, who will play guard Jray wor'K for Xhe )aieB. ,
n tomorrow's game, is expected up j Mn uakeney was a generous, kind-1
from JMigene today. hearted man, a kind and obliging
neighbor and n good citi.en.
Practice will be the ON'.er Ut the , The funeral will not. take nlaeH fooiihr
grounds neat lion. M. A. Moody's reel- i than Saturday, und prob.bly not till
deuce this evening. Tho boys will meet Simdav. The time will be lixed to suit
at the club ut 7:150, und proceed to work ; the llrrjva 0f ti,e children at a distance
at once. All interested are requested to an(i win ,,H ann0unced in Tin: Cimox
como out early. Kvery jilayer is wanted ' ,,,, ,, tomorrow,
on deck this evening. .
Cellar Clrulo, Altuutlunl
All members of Cedar Circle are here
by notified to be in attendance at Fra
ternity hall on Friday afternoon, Janu
ary 18th. The installation of guardian
neighbor-elect by the grand guardian
Mrs, C. C. Van Orsdall, will bo the order
of business, after which u banquet will
be tendered the grand guardian by the
neighbors of tho Women of Woodcraft,
Cedar Circle. By order of committee.
Dlvini" AViinteil.
by".'5 Married Men" at the Baldwin
opera house tonight. 25 ami 50c.
Lost An Klk charm with the initials
T. J. S. A liberal reward wlil br p.tid
for its return to this ollics. jl2 1 w
It 16 hoped that our business men will
not forget to decorate. Multnomah, red I
A package of contracts wore stolen and white; D. O. it A. C, yellow und I
from Lorin J. Howurd't) privute car on ! white. Kindly help the mutter along,
the road from Pendleton, causing the
Katie Kuiinett Co., to lay over tonight i The action of tho busi.iess men in
in The Dulles. They will uppear at the J dosing for tomorrow afternoon's game,
Baldwin opera house tonight In u now j from 2:30 to 4 :!!0 is commendable. The
comedy, "Ii Married Men." Lots of boys feel t hut their ell'orts are approci
singing and dancing. 25 and 50c. i ated. Certainly it is to the best interests
J of the town to thus recognize athletics.
lillAlllt'4 MdllSl'K Climi).
The following petition was circulated
this morning, ami appended are the
names ol those who ngree to close for to
morrow's football game:
We, the undersigned, auree to close
our respective places of business between
the hours of 2:150 and -1 :!J0 Friday after
noon, January 18th, in order to allow
our employees to attend the last football
game of the season between Multnomah
For Infants mul Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Aiiiilher rionvtir tiuiie.
and Th Dalles :
Mays it Crowe
Pease it Mavs
Maier it Benton
II C !be
(Jon O Blskelev
Clarke it Falk
Bears tho
Slguaturo of
SM'l'llll HtmiiliiU-
of "15 Married Men" at tho
house .tonight.
John William Blakeney, a pioneer of
1S52 and u resident of The Dalles since
1802, departed this life ut 10 o'clock this staiMimv Com Co
morning, January 17th, nged 77 yeare, T A Van Nonlen
7 mmitliH und !S dnvH. The muse ol 1'Cori'K hllCII
r i) M..r.. .......
death was acute pneumonia. Mr. parM',,i)VitSummers K K Teagne
v t .lonnsiou
A M Williams it Co
Menefee it Parkins
I O Nickelson
M '. Donnell
NewYorktJash Store
Farlev it Frank
The D.illes Com
P F Stephens
N Harris
Blakeney hud been ill
when the em! came
only three days M T xolnn
F O Marquardsend
Baldwin I ni.., .i,,,,.,.,,.,.! lmm in iiPiihnkv . J B ltees
r ftn I'll
"I'" V
invited. 25 und 50c.
BKcholors jftmi when u mere child he .nov! with I vjor'fc J
! his parents to Vermillion county, Illi- j watt it Ilnaton
"Three married men" would like to
meut three niurried women at tho
Baldwin opera house tonight. 25 undCOc.
j nois, where he reiuaiiud till lie left for
the far West in 1852. lu 1S44 he was
married to Miss Nancy Phelps, who
BiirvlveB him. Fight years ufter their
L Horden it Co
Crawford & Moore
T J Lynch
Henry L Kuck
Jos T Petera it Co
J II Crosa
A A Brown,
It was impossible, in the short apace
of time allotted, to see some of those en
guyed in business, but it Ib hoped that
by laughing at "3 Married Men
lin lit ut! ii m ui i . lu-iiiu tntlirh f O.
liiuil n 111 v'.i t tiwiigu vuiiiguit
" at the
and 50i-.
U O 2 C
Lorin J. Howard's Katie Kmmitt Co. at
the Baldwin Opera-house tonight in
3 rnarriea men
Endorsed by President McKinley.
Tickets 25 and 50c.
Hefe v-'d s;ats at Blakelev'd Druistore