The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY . - JAN. 17, 1901 1 . -. - ., 1 CORBETT AT JUS OLD TllWKS. Of the contest now waging for the . ( m consi(lercil so dearttbIe an senatorship at Salem, the correspond !5nvo3tUOnt , forcl8nor8... ent of the Astoria News writes Ins ; paper as follows. (The News, let It' Will the state legislature, which be remembered, is impartial to the ' meets Monday, elect n man hostile extent that it is opposed to the election of both the candidates men tioned.) "The friends of the several aspir ants are conducting vigorous cam paigns, and members of the legisla ture are besieged at all times. The Corbett crowd is said to have brought along plenty of money and . several instances are already re ported in which bribes have been offered. One stanch McBridc man was approached last night, it is said, and offered 82500 if ho would openly advocate tho election of Corbett. He is said to have immediately re ported the matter to McBricle head quarters. That the anti-Mcliride faction expects to win by use of money is evident, but the opposition managers say the Corbett people have bought up all of the purchasable element already, and that further attempted use of money will be of no avail." A correspondent of the New York fcun insists that all that any one needs to be healthy is to drink a teaspoontul of dissolved salt in a glass of water when he or she first arises, and then not to eat any food for about half an hour. He says that to drink it in vichy or even plain carbonated water, it is robbed of its most unpleasant taste, and that j in a little while a person gets to like it. He says that millions of people have experimented with hot and cold water as a before breakfast drink, but not many hare tried salt. He tells that in 1S1M his heart action was so .feeble that the pulse beat was almost constantly at about 44. He began the use of table salt and had complete relief from his life long stomach troubles within a week. He says that since then he has never had any trouble whatever with his circulation; that formetly he was very thin in ilesh, but steadily gained with the use of the salt until his weight has increased thirty pounds. From a shadow he became almost stout, and had and still maintains a healthy, clear and fresh color; and though 60 years ot age, is in feeling as young as at 40. Governor Ilogers makes a sug gestion to the Washington legislature that Tiik Ciikoxici.i: would very much like to see adopted on this side the Columbia. In his message de livered yesterday the governor says: "Without attempting to interfere, save in a strictly constitutional man her, with the peculiar province of j the legislative department of govern ment, I shall be permitted to observe that, in my opinion, each organized county, without regard to population, should be permitted to have at least one representative in the house of representatives. To deprive the small counties oftliis privilege would cause somo injustice and much ill feeling," The districting law that hardly gives a county in Eastern Oregon a representative and hitches "Wasco to a district that extends from the Columbia river to Cali fornia and from the Cascades to the Blue mountains is a fraud and an outrage, if the Apostle Paul were the author ot it. A Now York trade journal is re sponsible for the following state ments: "Queen Victoria owns SG, 000,000 worth of mortgages on New York real estate, from which she derives an annuaHncomo of $2j0, 000, and that she owns 3,000,000 worth of stock in A'nencan railroads. Tho Prince of Wales also owns 5,000,000 worth of American so curities, whilo Emperor William has $3,0000,00 invested in American railroad stocks, and the Czar has $6,000,000 invested in n similar manner. It i? stated that oven the royal family of Spain lias $2,000,000 in American securities. There has never been a time when American sip.iiritif.s anucht after so enner to the administration, when the people have overwhelmingly decided in upholding that administration? Will it? Have conduious changed since November that the people of Oregon want a man in the United Suites senate to vote against what they voted for then? Hardly. Uurns Items. BUSINESS LOCALS. Wanteil A eecond- hand fire-proof safe. Must be in ood condition and not too large. Applv at the Chuoxiclb office. " o31-tf Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James . Patton's aim proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agente. ml Dyspepsia can be cured ly using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Rlakeley the druggist. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug gist. For Kent or Siiln. The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on First street, is fnr rent or sale. It is a three-story, corrugated iron building, 110x33 feet, with water elevator. Apply to Sam Virinon, The DalleB. u2(i-tf This season there is a large death rate among children from croup and lung troubles. Prompt action will save the little ones from these teirible diseases. We know of nothing eo certain to give instant relief as One Allnute Cough Cure. It can also be relied upon in grippe aod all throat and lung troubles of adults. Pleasant to take. Clarke & Falk's Pharmacy. Such little pills as DeWitts Little Early RUers are very easily taken, and thoy are wonderfully effective in cleans ing the liver and bowels. Clarke & Falk P. O. Pharmacy. Hustling young man can make $60 per month and expenees. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel hpia, Pa, sS-tf Quality and not quantity makee De Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Fnlk'a P. O. Pharmacy. Don't wait another day or you may be too late. Coreets IS to 20; 24 to 27. Only 25 cents at The New York Cash Store. You will not have boils if von take Clarke & Falk's euro cure lor boile. Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is one Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseaees. It will prevent consumption. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. When threatened by pneumonia or any other lung trouble, prompt relief is necessary, aa it is dangerous to delay We would euguest that One Minute Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica tions of having taken cold are noticed. It cures quickly and its early uee pre vents consumption. Clarke & Falk's P. O, Pharmacy. The Heat l'later. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is euoerior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the eide or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application inves re lief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. A I'imilnr Mill K)loilin. Removes everything in eight ; so do drastic mineral pills, hut both are mighty dangerous. Don't dynamite tho delicate machinery of your body with calomel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's New Life Pllla, which are gentle as a summer breeze, do the work perfectly. Cures Headache, Constipation, Only 25c at Rlakeley's drug store. 2 Pepsin preparations often fail to re lieve indfgeition because they can digest only albuminous foods. There is one preparation that digests all classes of food, and that Is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the worst cases of indigestion and gives instant relief, for it digests what you eat. Clarke & Falk P. O. Pharmacy. catarrh Cannot lie Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack" medicine. It wa9 was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for yecrs, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with thebest blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney Je Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold bv drruggists, price 7fic. Hall's'Family Pills are the best. 12 KemoTal. J. E. Adcox it Co. have moved their jewelry store to tho new building on Second street west of J. T. Peters', where they will be pleased to meet all their old friends and as many new ones as need anything in the line of watches, clocks, jewelry and repairing. Optical goods a specialty. Eyes examined free of charge by a graduate optician. jT-tf J. E. Ancox & Co. We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Chkoxicli:, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must bu paid in ad vance, tf Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line ot paint and artist's brushes. Clark it Falk are never closed Sunday. T)on't. forget this. RCGHTCM9 CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates pleaee remember that we carry a full line of LOWNEY'S. just opened, freeh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxes for Chrieta-as trade, anil at prices to euit. Don't forget that we are head quarters for the best on earth. Name LOWNEY settles it. Geo. C. Blakelfey, The Druggist. C. F. Stephens .Dealer In. Dty Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Huts, Caps. Notion?. ARt. for V. .. DoujjIhi Shoe. Telephone No. BS. 131 Second St., The Dalles, Or, 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE trade marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anroiio aondlni; n sketch and description m' quickly ascertain our opinion froo whether iv. Invention In probably patentablo. CVminiunlcf. t Ions ptrlct I y eouddentlal. Handbook on Patent! jent freo. Oldest ut'eney for pocuMir patents. l'ntei.ta taken through Munn & Co. recelvu rprclal notice, without cbareo, In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weokly. Lament dr. riilutlon of iniv wrientllln journal. rear: four months, tl. Bold bya I newsdealem. I erins, f J a MUNN & Co.36,Br9ada New York Bruwh Office, OS. 1' fcU Washluiitoti, U. (' Tire ColuniDia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAKOKACTUHKRB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Gurersof BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIF.D BEEF, KTO. Complete of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Jast What You uaant New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papeis at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yourH for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & LaMn. 'Phone 151 J. S. SOIENCK, President. (1. M. JlKAM., First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection, flight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on Now York, San Francisco and porl land. DIREOTOH8. D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Schknok. Ed. M. Williams, Giio. A. Liibb, ti. M. DUALL. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horseshoes All kintlH of blacksmithing will receive prompt attention and will bu executed in (iret-claBB shape. Give him a cull. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, Tho Dallee, Or. U Besiauram L. Y. Hone, I'rop'r. First-Glass in Every Respect MKAIH AT AM. IIOUIIH. Oysters Served in any Style. f7 Second St Tlio Dalles, Or. MiM PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy G-rocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. r THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUfffBlA AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tho product of this well-known brewery tho United States Health Ueports for June 28, 1900, says: "A more eupuiior brew nover entered the Inbratnry of tho United Stiitea Health ruportH. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of the beat of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can he used witli the rentest benefit and catlsfaiuion by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by tho physicians with the cereaintv that a better, purer or mori! wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second .Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi p 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S?i?VkK?B Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr Tnis I,lour IH ""h,Jti'red expressly for family ngu. ev,.rv (,,. jH miaranteed to give satisfaction. Wa sell our goods lower than any house In tho trade, and if you don't think so' call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Str. Regulator Ship your Freight via DOWN, ur. , I.v. Dalles ,v. I'ortl.iml nt 7 A. M. ar 7 A. M. ' Tuesday Monday I ThllrMlHV . . . ViHlm.ulu- 1 K'fa'-" Arr.niuiL Regulator Line. . at 1:80 i: m. ii a i m. 1 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE , Travel by the Htoainers g, , ,&r I Inc. - , Portland Ofllco, Oak-Street Dock. Hetivmg from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. prIcryVM SI"U'S at lnm;1' 8H than wholesale prices, w in sell in hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. .. i iV1.?00!11? "!. bo eat::,i"t:,l "sccpl Thompson's Glovo-fitthu: Corsets Si"l."er,Ck 1 ttttorn8- Vonr prices will ,,, Gall fly "ml secure J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sis. Gfandall DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKE- tf EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. Funeral Supplies BHEWEKV : DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY; 'i StoHiiKTs ol tlib Kvmilittur Line will run hk .or thu fol- 'i owuik tclmliiK-, this Oiniimny rm-rvlHK tho iIkMI to cIiiiiiku 2 .-I.., i.u i Str. Dnlloo City. JillWN I.v. Dalk'i at 7 A. ti. Monday . . WVilnmlay. , Friday Arr. Portland nt l;.'!0 1'. M. tlf. l. , 1'ortlaml . at 7:oi) a, :. Tuculiiy 1 TlmrMlii) , .Saturday Arr. Dallfs nt r. 1-. u . The will ,.nd,r , K.V0 It, a. - . ii hm jjiuuim hum W. C. ALLAWAY, Gon. AKt. & Burget Robes, BufiaSh Etc. YOUNG MAN! I " f ly A t'!'(:ttU80 ?' 1,10 I'011 ol vice or exceed k ufe ?rlecl 8trBntl' n Blnriuna man vuu use i.uNUJl(iN SEXUAL PILLS you will surnrieu yourw I and your trienda by becoming a HtronB!n!a,,Ban. I rice, $i 00 per box buy of your drumilat or sunt bv mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. " ai LIS?,(!LI! 0PR;,PARY 00,, Ft. Wayne, Iud. M. . Donnell, Aueut, The Dalloe. i j