t)vmitk. VOL. XIT1 THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 17, 1901. NO. 14 1) c Da Ucg THE OREGON LEGISLATURE Hath Houses Adjourned Today Until Monday Memorial Services Held Special to Tim: Ciiko.viui.k. Sai.km, Jim. 17. Roth houses are rushing business with commendable ipeed. At noon today 127 i)ill8 had boon introduced and read (or the firm time in tiie linnets mid ovor sixty hud reached the sunk.' stage in I lie senate. Memoriiil services were hold today in1 the senate in honor of tlui Into Senator Ileal. Tlii! committee clerk evil Iiuh boon cliucktil in both Iioiihun, whether tempo rarily or permanently remains to be seen. Senator MeRride and Kx-Setutor Cor hint arc Imtii boro und bunt at work. Iiotli express themselves us hopeful, but in tin: opinion of many, tin; situation is not flattering for cither, iiotli Ford und iluriiiiiu are talked of as having at least a chance with the rent. Tliu atato printer ia crowded with work. A joint memorial has paaHcd lioth houses objecting to the transfer of thu control of the foreHt reBerves to the agricultural department of the- federal government. Oregon is particularly interested in this matter. Awaiting printed bills both houses adjourned today till Monday. The call for a republican cauciiB has boon circu lated, hut witli what aueoeBS Iiuh not been announced. McRride'a friends ex pect to have u majority of the members who have not aa yet committed them selves on ttie imuatorial (ineation. Near ly all the incmherH left Salem tliia afternoon. No ItlKl't tu ('Kill"". Thu woman wiio is lovely in face, form and temper will ahvayB have friumlH, hut one who Mould he attractive iiniHt keep her health. If alio ia weak, sickly and all run down, alio will lie nervous and irritable. If ahe Iiuh con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure hlootl will canae pimplcH, blotchen, akin eruptions and c. wretched complexion. Klectric lilttera ia the beet medicine in the world to regulate fltumiieh, liver and kidtieya and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyea, Hinootb, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 centH at Ulnkoloy'H drug more. 2 Wiinl l.oiiem- liny. IlAiiiiiHiii'Kd, I'u., Jan. 10. Tho Wil littiiiBlowu colliery, controlled by thu I'uiiiiHylvuiiia railroad Iiuh auapended opuratioiiH on account of a demand made ly the employes that the laborerH and timber men should have a ten. hour day instead of eight. Tho colliery HinployuH 1000 men, and was the hint to quit work "hiring tho anthracite Htrike lam Fall. II In l,lf,. Wim Ni.ve.1. Mr. ,1. Ii. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful lelivorence from a frightful deatli. In telling of it hu Bays: "I was taken witli Typhoid fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lunga became hardened. 1 wan ao uk I couldn't even Hit up in bed. N'otiiitij- liulpud me, I expectud to booh die of Conauiiiption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave Sreat relinf. J continued to uae It, and w am well and Htrong. J can't nay too much in Uh praise." Thin niarvelloiiB iiii-dlcino Ih tho aurcHt and quiokoat cure in the world for all Throat and Lung ''rouble. Regularsizoa 00 cents and $1.00, Trial bottk'B free at Jtlnkuloy'u drug store; every liottlo guaranteed. 2 l'on't you know that Cocoanut Cieain 'lair Tonic will nave your and your ulilldrun'B lialr? Vou can got it foi 50 ''id 75 cents a bottle at Frazer'a harbor ""op, solo agent. tf tiaye received a carload oi the celobrated .lame K. Patton atrictly pure liquid paints MEASURES TO BE PRESENTED Provisions of a Few of the Many Bills Which Will Come Before the Legislature. Sai.km, Jan 10. Representative Mat toon has prepared bill, the object of which is to enable borrowers from the state school fund to obtain the six per cent interest rate without diminishing the principal. Mr. Mattoon Bays that the land securities in Oregon are now so gilt-edged that all loans should be ob tained at tiie rate of six per cent, with out regard to the reduction of the prin cipal. The text of this bill follows: "Suction 1. That section 8 of an act 'withdrawing from sale certain indem nity school lands, and to reduce the rate of interest on loans from the school uni versity and Agricultural College funds, and on notes given for the purchase of lands,' approved February 17, 1890, be, and the same ia hereby amended so as to read as follows : " 'Sec !!. Tho makur of any note for any ioan heretofore made from any of the fundH mentioned in this act, desiring to secure the six per cent rate provided in thiB act, may do so by paying up all arrearugea in interest due on his loan, without diminishing the security. Upon the payment by him of all arrearages in interest due on hie loan, ttie rate of in terest on the loan shall thereafter be computed at 0 per cent per annum, and shall be payable semi-annually on the firut day of January and July of each year; provided, nothing herein shall be construed as authorizing the continu ance of any loan whiijh ie not adequate ly secured.' "Sec. 2. That section of the afore said act be, and the saute is hereby re pealed. "Sec.!!. Inasmuch as there is urgent need for the orrection of the present law, this act shall take effect aud.be in full force from and after its approval by the governor." TO UK IJJCACr MOKTCj.U.lM'.VV LAW. Representative Rice, of Douglas coun ty, baa prepared a bill that practically provldeB for the re-enactment of the mortgage tax law. The bill in entitled "An act to define the lerma 'land' and 'real property,' for the purpose of taxa tion, anil where tho name shall be as sessed and to provide for the pale of tile Hiime for taxes, ami to declare what to curitieH are void." ion cati'1.k.mi:n'm iiknckit. Representative Roberta, of Wasco county, proposes to stand by the cattle men of the state, lie bad a bill before the legislature two yeais ago to repeal the net to prevent and punish the driv ing or holding of liveatock along or near public highways and canning tho same to be obstructed. Tliia bill, which la a measure in the interest of atockmeu, pasped thu houae two years ago and readied ita third reading in the senate when overtaken by adjournment. Mr. Roberts proposes to push the hill this trip, and stay witli it until it becomes a law. All that it contemplate?, lie de clares, is simple justice to stockmen. Senate bill No. 5,, introduced by John ston, of Wasco and Sherman, for the purpose of enabling this atate to receive tlte beiieilta of the United States arid laud act seems to provide a means by which syndicates of land speculators may obtain control of vast areas in Kastern Oregon. The federal not re ferred to wa,a approved August 18, 1804. By Ibis act the secretary of tho interior ia authorized and empowered, upon the proper application by a state containing arid, to contract with said statu to graut to it an amount of such lauda not to ex ceed 1,000,000 acres, free of cost, upon aufllclenl proof being furiiitdicd by thu state that tangible steps have been taken to actually irrigate the tracts in question. Under the provisions of tliia law the slate may proceed to make contracts to cause tho said lauds to be reclaimed and sold to actual settlers, in tracts of not more than 100 acres, and the money derived from such sales in excess of actual cost of icolaaiatlon to be held by thu state as a trust fund to bo applied to the reclamation of other deeert lands, Tho bill introduced today provides (or accepting the land and the sale thereof to actual settlers in tracts of not leea than 100 acres to each man. It aleo provides that upon payment therefor, a atate deed to tho land shall be issued to the applicant, "his heirs or assigns." This authority fot iaeuing a deed to the assigns of a purchaser has been one of the main aids to the securing of school land by syndicates. Under this provision, a syndicate might put up the money necessary to secure the land to a pur chaser, then take an assignment and by paying the balance due, secure the land. This was the precedure by which syndi cates secured blocks of the indemnity school land in 1S9S. BURNED AT THE STAKE Xcijro Meets a Terrible Fate in a Kansas Town Charged With Unspeakable Crimes. Leavvnwokth, Kan., Jan. 10. Fred Alexander, the murderer of Pearl Forbes and tiie fiend who attempted to criminal ly assault Miss Eva Roth last Saturday night, surrounded by a yelling mob, bis clothes torn, bis face bloody with Ii'ib own blood, was dragged from bis cell in the courthouse, pleading for bis life, and, after being dragged around the courthouse yard, for 15 minutes, was loaded into a wagon with bis captors and taken to the place where Miss Forhf s' body was found, to be burned to death. Before the match was applied, John Forbes, the father of the murdered girl, stepped up to Alexander and said : "Are you guilty of murdering my daughter?" 'I don't kuow what you have mo hero for." said the doomed man. Forbee replied, "For killing my girl on this very epot." "Mr. Forbes, if that's your name, you have the wrong man." "Rum him! Rum him!" cried the crowd. "Gentlemen, you have got lots of time," eaid Alexander. "You are burn ing an innocent man. You took advan tage of me. You gave me no show- Can 1 aee my mother"" A man in the -crowd called for the mother ot the negro, but she wae not in crowd. He then said: "Will you let me shake bauds with all of my friends?" "You have no friends in this crowd, you beast," said one of the men in charge of the negro. "If you have anything to lay, do so in a hurry." Another man then stepped up and said to Alexander: "Make your peace witli your God.uigger, for you will eurely die." Coal oil waa then applied for the second timo, and, while it was being done, Alexander called to his friends in the crowd and bade them good-bye. He did not beem to realize that lie was to be burned at the stake, and talked rational ly until John Forbes, the father of the murdered girl, lighted the match. Again Alexander wae asked to make a con fession, but the negro replied that he had nothing to Bay. As the flamea leaped about him, Alex ander turned ghastly pale, and then for the first time realized that his death was near. He claaped his hands together, and began to awing to and fro while the crowd yelled. In less than five minutes hu waa hanging limp and lifeless by the chains tiiat bound him. As aoon aa the crowd saw that life waa extiuct, it began to slowly disperse. There wero hundreds of the moru morbid, however, who stayed to the last. Men kept pilhu; on wood all the time until rboul 7 o'clock, when thu Humes were allowed to die down. From 0 to 8 o'clock there was u steady stream of peoplo go lug to the ecenu of the burning. There were persons who had been unable to get away from their work in the after noon, but were determined not to misa seeing the awful spectacle. When the tiro had died down etif -tlciently to allow the crowd to approach what roinalued of Alexaudor, there was u wild scramble to obtain relics. Bits of charred flesh, pieces of chain, scraps of wood everything that could possible serve aa a souvenir was seized on with morbid avidity by tho eager people. Subscribe for Tim Uhuomclk. A good story is worth repeating. The Half-Price Sale of Ladies' Fine Jackets. A satisfied customer !b our best advertisement. Every day sees the assortment growing less. Not a clay passes but what a few garments change owners and every Jacket that leaves this store, we have the satis faction of knowing, makes for us what wo most desire ...A Satisfied Customer... We start another week's selling today, with a balance of just sixty-two choice Jackets. They range from $10 to $20, and from 82 to 44. bust. We offer you two Jackets for the price of one or ONE AT HALF PRICE. If you are interested if you think you will need a new coat next winter, or the winter after it will be to your advantage to antici pate your wants and buy now TODAY. Juet as though you paid full price we fit every Jacket FREE of Extra Charge. EXAMPLE NO. 1. Stylish Jacket of a light tan Kersey; made with high Medici collar and large rovers; re vers, front and cuffs beautifully appliqued in same material; fine pearl buttons. Lined throughout with good quality of satin to match. w $13.50 Jacket for vpU. EXAMPLE NO. 2. Stylish Short Jacket; made of a very fine imported black Cheviot, and lined throughout with a good qualit- black Taffetta Silk. Double-breasted, with large revers; -edges bound with silk. rt T A $20 Jacket for $ 1 (J A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Flayed Oui. Dull Headache, Pains in variouB parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appatite, Feverisbness, Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it became so it niuat be purified in order to obtain uood health. Acker's Blood Elexir has nevei failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood aiseaees. n is cenainiy a wumicum remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Rlakeley, the drug gist. Among the tens of thousands who have ueed Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la crippe during the pa9t few years, to our knowledge, not a single cape lias resulted in pheumonia. Thos. Whitfield & Co., -40 Wabasli avenue, Chicago, one of the most prominent re tail druggists in that city, in speaking of tliis, eaye: "Wo recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in many cases, aa it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but aleo counter acts auv tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by Rlakeley, the druggist. flow to Curo ('i(iui). Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county, N. V., says : "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is the best medi cine I have ever used. It ib a fine children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure." When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. 'Una should be borne iu mind and a bottle of the Cough UxniHilv kunt at hand ready for instant uae as aoon as these symptoms appear. For sale by Rlakeley, the druggist. Paint your house with fully guaranteed to last. have tnem. paints that are Clarke & Falk Country butter 40 centa por roll at Maier & Denton's. 12j-lw Notice ! All persons indebted to the lato firm of E. J. COLLINS & CO., and S. L. HRUUkb, aro requested to call and settle up on or betore March 1st next without tali. a, L. JJRUUKs, Look Here! All the Groceries, Hardware and Tin ware will be disposed of by the 1st of March, aa the building will be occupied by other parties. S. L. BROOKS, InnlC'tnchl One-Sixth of New York Haft tli Grip. NewYokk, Jan. 10. Speaking of the grip epidemic in this city, Dr. Cyrus Edison said last night: "Fully one-sixth of New York's popu lation has the grip. I believe the epi demic is now at its height. It has been more severe and the cases have been more numerous than in any previous, epidemic. There are many cases of urip-1 pneumonia, which is grip atleetini; tlej lungs. This is very dangerous. A I characteristic of grip this year is that the temperature is always very high. The death rate so far has been enormous ly high seventy-five deaths in one week is unprecedented for crip." Remember that you don't have to be bald ; yon can keep your I. air by using Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be had at Frazer's barber shop. tf Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and HiinOiirn. Manufactured bv C'arke & Falk. fL'ftfiltJlMWl I r ASTORIA 1 iM I ' in iiuntiiiii' AVfcgetable Preparationfor As similating IticFoodandRegula liitg the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness and Rest. Contains neilltcr Oiniiin.Morpliine uortlmcraL wot Harc otic . HmyitiH Seed' Mx-Smna -KacktlUSJu- JkftteniUHt. - tnim til lurooruurtuut I IKnttSfJ Cttmfod &gr hbltymn 'ftavor, ) Apeifecl Remedy TorConslipa lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrlioea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signnlure or NEW YOHIC. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature jf h J" In S- Use ur For Over EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CKNTAUII OOMMNY. NSW VOHM CITY. t