The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 16, 1901, Image 4

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    Rolling Mill Consumption
Seven out of every teii men who work In rolling mills, iron foundries and gla. factories die.
of consumption. You know hotr early in life these men pass away. The uual svmptoiu U a
nagging, persistent omigh sometimes short and hacking, sometimes hard and dry. ' The patient
prows weaker anil thinner day by day. Death eventually conquers. The trouble iomc from
intense heat, and the constant inhaling of the tine particles of dust and Iron that fill the air.
These particles, under a microscope, snow ragged, sharp edges, which tear and mutilate the
delicate lining of the throat and lung?. Perpetual sores are thus formed, and here it N that
the germs of consumption find a place to feed and multiply. Acker's Knglish Kcmedv was
discovered in England, and is the only cure in the world for Rolling Mill Consumption. It
heals up the sores, strengthens the mucous membranes of the breathing organs, permanently
stops the cough, builds up the constitution and imparts vigor to the whole lystem. It must
either cure or it oots you nothing. One lottle does wonders. Try it. What it has done for
Many others it will also do for you and your loved ones.
Sold at 23c., 50e. and SI a lttle throughout the United States and Canada: and in
Kngland at Is. al., 2s. 3d., 4s. Gd. If you aie not satislied after buying, return the bottle (0
your druggist, and get your money back.
We auUiori;c Utc above guarantic, II', , UOOKEll A CO., Proprietors, .Vu Vvrk.
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
.Justice Brownhill went to Dufur to
day nn business.
T. A. Hudson ent to Walla Walla
today to adjust u fire loss.
Daniel O'Connor, a wealthy Klickitat
Bp-epinan, is registered at the Umatilla
Chas. McAllister, of Croy, was in town
last night and left for Portland on the
afternoon train.
W. C. Bnrten, sheiifl' of Klickitat
county, was in town last night, the guest
ot the Umatilla House.
James Duncan went to Portland this
afternoon to visit hie wife, who has been
at the Good Samaritan hospital for the
past three weeks.
Mrs. Thornhury, of Portland, is in
the city on a visit to her daughter, Mrs.
Xinersly, who has been quite ill for
some time, but is improving.
Volcanic Krupttoun
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of jny. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Bold at Blakeley'ejdruir store. li
For Sate.
Eastern Oregon timothy hay, $15 per
ton, f. o. b. The Dalles. Eastern Ore
gon wild hay, $13.50 in car lots.
d-1 3 w La Grande, Or.
Cocoa nut Cream Hair Tonic will cure
dandruff and all scalp diseases. Don't
neglect your hair. For sale at Frazer's
barber shop, sole auent. tf
Clarke & Falk'e flavoring extracts are
the beat. Ask your crucrr for them.
-Ma it if Oregon l ine.
Boston, Mass.. Jan. 15. A fine stick
of Oregon pine 11L' feet long has bten
towed to Lawley's yacht yard and landed
at the spar shop. In a finished state it
will be the main boom of the La we on
yacht. Workmen at once began to pre
pare it for trimming. The saiimakers
have finished two jib topsails and have
cut a staysail.
Catarrh Cannot Itn cured.
with local applications, as thoy cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is n blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must tako inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curo is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by ono of the best
physicians in this country for yec-s, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting' directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination 0! the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. .). Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drriiggista, price 7ftc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. l'J
J. E. Adcox & Co. have moved their
jewelry store to tho new building on
Second atieet west of J. T. Peters',
where they will be pleased to meet all
their old friends and as many new ones
as need anything in the line nf watches,
clocks, jewelry and repairing. Optical
goods a specialty. Eyes examined free
of charge by a graduate optician.
j-tf J. E. Auco.v & Co.
Fast Halt l.ukt, Denver, Ft.
Mail I Worth, Omaha, Kan
Ui'.'j p. m.j mis City, Kt. hails,
Chicago mid Hint.
F. press
l'J:')0ii. m.
Via Huntington.
mai p. m
8 p. 111.
8 ti. m.
Ex. Sunday
10 p. m.
Salt l-uke, Denver. Kt.
Worth, Omaha, Kan
sas City, SI. Louis,
Chicago and Kast.
1:05 p ir
Walla Walla, Spokane,
.Minneapolis. St. Paul,
iiu tuth, Milwaukee,
Chicago mid Kast, via
Spokauoakd Hunting
ton: also all lHilnts in
Washington anil Kast
em Oregon,
t: l.'i 11. m
.iisoa. m
From I'ouTLANif.
Ocean Steamship!!.
For San Francisco
Every Five Days.
4 p. m.
1 p. m.
Columnln Hv. KteanierH.lEx.Muntf'
To Astoria and Way
..Hidings. I
l'asseil u (i.ioil Night.
Washington, Jan. 15. The president
passed a good night. He is daily gain
ing strength, and everything points to a
speedy recovery. He is attending to
more business than at any time since
his illness, but he does not expect to go
into his office for several davs vet.
A full line of Eastman nlms and sup
plies just received hy Clarke & Falk.
Sailed fur Home.
Manila, Jan. 15. The Eleventh cav
alry sailed for home today, after a long
and laborious campaign.
The American Lady corset can be
found in all styles at The New York Cash
Wanted A good, fresh milch cow.
Apply at Polan & Heisler's meat mar
ket, iu the East End.
Lost An Elk charm with the initials
T. J. S. A liberal reward will be paid
for its return to this office. jl2-lw
Call at T. A. Van Nordeu's ami get
bargains in anything from his stock of
jewelry, watches and clocks. Telephone
2JJ. jlU-tf
Remember that you don't have to be
bald ; you can keep vmir hair by using
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be
had at Frazer'd barber shop. tf
Don't you know that Cocoanut Cii'iim
Hair Tonic will nave your and your
children's hair? You can get it foi 50
and 75 cents a bottle at Fraz-r'ri barber
shop, sole agent. tf
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for itiferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for o years. Lilark &
Falk, agents. ml
Dyspepsia can bo cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. Hlakuley thu druggist.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Heniedy in any case of
coughs, coldri or croup. Should it fail to
dive immediate relief money refunded
25 cts. and 5U cts. Blakeley, thu drug
For Kent or halo.
The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on
rirst street, is tor rent or sale. It is a
three-story, corrugated iron building,
110x33 feet, with water elevator. Applv
to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. n2li-tf
Clearance sale of winter millinerv at
the Campbell & Wilson Millinery Par
lors. Trimmed hats, street hats, and
baby bonnets at cost. j"-lin
l'resh Milk and Cream.
A dollar saved if n dollar gained. I
am selling the best Jersey milk in the
market, warranted to test five per cent
butter fat, for $2 a quart per month.
Also purely cjntrifugally separated
cream at -10 cents a quart. Why pay
more when you can do better by phon
inir to the City Dairy. 'Phone 3S5.
d30-lm Beut, Prop.
Drying preparations Biuiply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up tho secretions,
which adhcro to tho mcmbrano anil decom
pose, causing n far moro berious troublo than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
iug inhalants, funics, smokes and entitTa
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will curo catarrh or com in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial uizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All dnif,'fiists soil tho
50o. size. Elylirothers, fin Wnrren St., N.Y.
Tho Balm cures without pain, does not
irritato or causo sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated nuil anry Mirfaco, reliev
ing immediately tho painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm youaro armed
agaiust Kubul Catarrh and Hay Fover.
Persons who Buffer from indigestion
can not expect to live long, bt-caute they
cannot eat the food required to nourish
the body and tho products of the iindi
treated foods they do eat poison thu
blood. It is iifiportant. to cure indigos
tion as soon as possible, and thu best
method of doing this is to nee the prcpa
ration known as Kodo! Dyspepsia Curo
It digests what yon ea, and restores all
the digestive organs to perfect health.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
In future nny and ull inquiries rela
tive to delinquent taxes must be made
to the county clerk, an he is custodian of
delinquent tax sale record and rolls. The
sheriff having complied with tho law in
making sale of delinquent tuxsc, he is
completely out of the tax-collecting
business till March next. dl!-lnifV
The moat soothing, healing and anti
septic application ever devised is De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves
at once and cures piles, sores, eczema
and skin diseases. Beware of imita
tions, Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Ilon'l Hull It In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
ami the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
fia. m. I WtLLAUKTTK UlVKK. 1:30 p. m
Kx.buudny Oregon City, Ncwberg.l Ex. Sunday
I satcm il: way uiuu s.
$1.00 per month.
Strictly first class local and long
distance telupiionti servlco within
your homo.
Lines do not i;rnp-tnlk. Your con
versation will I u kept a secret.
No cost, for Installing.
You get the standard 1 limning
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day anil night survico.
Wo will iiiTopt your contract for
ten vears and allow you to cancel
same on giving ub thirty days writ
tun notice.
7 n. m,
and tint.
Oregon City, Dayton,
mid Way-Landings.
l.v itiparia
3:S.ja. 111. !
Itiparia to Iwistou.
Ui.lO p. m.
and Frl.
9:00 a. m
Parties desiring to go to llennner or
poinis on Columbia Koiiinern via lilggs, suo'.uu
niKu M. leaving The Dalles at 12:10 p. m.
mailing direct connections at lleppner junction
mill lliggs. Returning niaklngdlre;teoiiuecllou
at neppner junction mm lilggs with No. 1. ur
riving at The Dalles at Vr.m p. m.
The O. It, A: N. steamer "Modoc"!, now mak
ing regular trips to Salem and Inpepeudtnce,
stopping at all way landings. Hlie leaves Poll
ination .Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at
(Hi. m. , arriving at bineri In. in., ami lnileiK.Mii
etice about (i p. m. on same days. Iteliirniiig
leaves iniicpciucuec at .i n, m. anil t.ilem
in ihi. m. on luesiiays, i iiuixlays anil Batur
days, arriving at Portland about :i p. in. same
For full particulars call on O. It. .v. N Co.'s
agent Ihc Dalles, or address
W. . llfUI.IlI'KT.
den. fas. Agt., Portland, Or
rease 1
I hcljis the team. Saves wear nnd B
expense. Sold every where, m
irtlffl Facilic
TIlEATMKNT.--Clo.inso tho scalpand hair with warm shampoaiof CcTicor-l
Boai-, rinse with warm water, dry carefully, ami apply a lljrlit dressing of CuncuitA,
purest ot einolliont skin euros, gently ruhhed Into tho scalp. This sluiplo, refresh
inj;, ami iuoapetislvo treatment will clear tho icalp anil hulrof cnuU, Mules, and
dandruff, sootlio irritated ami itching surfaces, stimulate- thu hair follicles, bupjily
tho roots witli energy ami nourishment, ami make tho hair frow upon a sweet,
wholesome, and healthy xcalp, when all else falls.
Millions of Women Vfo Cuticdba gotp for beautifying tlio ikln, for tho
tupping of fsllhig hair, for (Olteahuund whlteulng red, rough bauds, In ttie form of baths for
anuoylnir Irrltatloas.tor too Iruo or olleualve pertpiratlon, In the form of wailici for alcvratlro
weikncuoa, lor uuuy sauativo antUiplIc purpoiea, and for all tho purposes of tho toilet, bath,
and nuraery. Cutiouka Boa combines In Unit Boai- at Omk Puick, vli., 23 Cumtb, tbo. Kiar
akin ana complexion aoap, and the uist toilet and baby soap In tbo world.
oar u
f OuTiruaa SoictJX:.), Cuticumi Oismiisi (Sua), mi CuncuHA ItcaoLvaMT (.we.). A Bison i Bit
wim auincKQi u cur iuu aevrmt rnwi ci luriuruij;. uiinituriuis nuinon. pom inrouaaoui kuv vvrtu.
Dana urn t'utat. t'uat-., bolt Prop., Utwioo. Hud Ivr ' Uuw u tun t?ery Uuiavr," Inc.
Fur spraine, flwuIliiigH and laiiienesB
there is nothing so good us Chauiberlain'e
I'iiin Halm. Try it. For uale liy Hlaku
ley, the druggist.
Sick Headache aheolutely nnd perma
nently cured by tisinu Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Curea coinuiualion
and iudltiestion, initkHs you eat, Bleep
and happy. K.itiHfaciiun timiranteed or
money back. Wctu, undfiOuta. lllakeley,
the drugfjiat.
Wanted A eecoud-band firo-proof
aafo. Must be Id good condition and not
too large, Apply at the Ciiiionici.k
oflice. oai-tf
Yellowstone Park Line.
TO thi: HAST.
hi OS i: I'AI'.K
No. 'J.
'Union Depot, Filth and I sts
i Fast mall for Tacoma,
I Seattle, Olympla, (iray's
i iinrnor ami Koutn i;euil
l points, hpokmic, Itoss
ilaud, II. C, Pullman,
I Moscow, IxjhIsIoii, llllf
11:15 A. M.ifalolluiapiiiinliigcouu- r;M) 1'. M,
1 try, Helena. .Mlnueano-
lis, ht. Paul, Omaha,
Kansas City. Kt. Uiuis.
Chicago and all Points'
leastiuid southeast.
lljatl 1'. M. I for Tacoma nnd beatllu 7;0OA. JI.
and intermediate points!
No. I.
No. y.
Pullman first-class ami touriet bIcoiktk to
Minneupolls, Ht. l'uul and Missouri river points
without change.
Vnstihiileil trains. Union depot connection!)
In all principal cities.
llaggage checkiil to destination of tickets.
For hundsomcly llliisiiateddescriptlveinatter,
tickets, aieeping car reservations, etc., call on or
Assistant Cciicral I'assenirer Airent. "V. Slnrrl
son .Street, corner Third, Poriiiind Oregon.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Proprietors Commepeial Sample tjOOlTlS.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Doliverotl lo any part of tho City.
l'huneu: 51 Local, -t- r i -a j.
scs 1.01m Diauince. I o becond btreet.
f KATX-VXTA'CXTA'T-A TA fA Ta I Al AT A VA I A I A 1 A 1 A'l A1 At Al Al AXATA VAt A "A '.A AT AliTt'AIJ
.... V V V V . , V V V V . V -
C. J. STUBLilflG,
wmii.KHAi.i: .'.Nn i:i:taMj
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Phone 234,
Next door to Firat National Hank.
U! JT.I Vt iltIT 1 rS'VUtYv'l .Y I .ya I .T".ivV. I i.TJI .V t V lt I J V t VAK4t
prjnjVgKfJLVM.l AT ATi t rAyAT ATT AyA-Ta
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothora Wagon.
G-uardian's Notice of Sale.
Notice Is herein- elvcn Hint inirsimnt In mi
order of salo made hy tho County Court of tlm
niaie 01 iregon lor n asco ounty, ine under
signed, thu duly appoiuttd guardian of ilaiinu
I'lemlng, will from and after thu 7th day of
rebriliirv. lMl. sell at trlvalu salo ilin Inllmvlmr
ilescrlbeil real property: Uit No. tl iu hlook a of
Thoinpson'H Addition to Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, belonging to tho estate of said
lunula Pieiiuiig, ino sain hale will bo lor cash
In hand paid.
J'J MIIH. r,, .). M IJS.SIvlt. (iiiurUlaii.
In all its atagoa there
tlioulil bo cleanlluess.
Kly's Cream Itnlm
clean seg,(ontbrsaii(l heals
I Iiu diboased laeuibrano.
1 1 cures catarrh and drh ei
away n cold la tho head
(.'ream Italm Is placed Into tbo nostrils, spreads
over tlio mcmbrano and ! absorbed, llclief lalm.
uiedlalo ami a curo follows. It Is not drying doea
not product) ancezlng. Largo 8Uc, CO centa at Drug.
giiU or hy mall ; Trial Hb.c, 10 centH by mail,
M.Y lAWTIUiltS, 50 Warreu Wreet, New York.
jit. It. K. H.1IITII,
Itooms III and II. Cljanniiiii lllni-L- 'rim i t l..u
Oregon. wwii"
Notice Is hereby given Unit the undersigned,
executor of the will of Andrew V. Anderson
deceased, Ins nlcil Ids final account Iu thu
county court of thuHlaloof Oregon for Waco
County, and said court has appointed Monday,
l ie Till ilav of .Immure. I'llil t il,.. l,... .. ,.!
o clock a. in,, as tho time for hearing objections
thereto and ihu settlement thereof. All heirs,
creditors and other iiersnns Interested In sahi
estate are therefore hereby required to lllu their
objections lo sa Id hccoiiiiI. If mil- tin.i- I,,....
or beforo tho day tot for the hearing thereof.'
Iialles City, Or., Nov. 15, pjou.
"'7-'t J.C. HOSTKTl.KK, lixeciitor
Notlco Ik hereby given that tho unilorslgnod
has lllcd with Ihu clerk of the county com t of
thu stumor Oiegon.for Wawocoiiiity, his llmil
accoillit us administrator of ill -tale of Helen
iiinunMii, ,1, i , iii-u in. i, m nn i r 1 1 -r 1 1 1 1 1 '
malleoli Ihu 1 1 1 1 !-. of l iv , n.,, ;kmi, by oilil
court, MoiiiIiiv, tho IIUi May u .i ;,,.; p,K
has been llNed as the Huh-, a Iiu-i-oimiy court
room of su il i-oiiii as Hie pUre i( U hearing
ofobjeutlons to said lliial u.-cuiM.
,,W,IS1 dmlnlstrator
NOrit!K K()l I'Ulil.ll.'A noN, "
I.ANDOi'nor. at 'I in: D.U.I.ICS, or,,)
., , , , , I'lieinbi-r 17, 1 WW.
Noll to U hHeby given the following
naiaid se tier lias I llu-l notlco of his Intent ,,
hi make llnal proof In supiairtof Ids claim i,
Unit said proof will bo made beforo the ieg" "r
and receiver of tho II. H. laud ollleo at 'Ihi
Iialles, Or , on Hatiirdiiy, Jaimary i, yoi, VU:
I'raiMilH a, Ohrlsl,
of Tho hallos, Oregon, II, K. .V(). ii;o, for the
it'iiiw.! """ h!i -NW J vn "
llo names tlio following witnesses to prove
ol 'liTlind.'vli!!0 '"tU HUd ,Jll"lv''ll'
J. It. Iliilll 11. ") Nelson, Chin, Clibsou, Alex
Fm!ur, nil o! Thu Iialles, Oregon,
ivaW MY I. I.U0A8, Kegiater.
l.ANII Ol HI K AT Tin: llAM.KS, ()i: f
lleeeinber 10, I'flSj,
. ......... ,n .... . ,,j Kiini mill nil- loiiowillg
i sett er has I ed iniiiei-nl l,u I, ti,,
, lomake lliial proo Iu nipnort ol his claim, and
I Unit said i if will be made belore the register
and reeeiver at The Iialles. Oregon, on Katur-
I diij . Iimuary P.), Iwu, ylit.i
Crt-nl Olilf-eliliifi.r.
of The Dalles. Oh-l-mii. II I v.. mi'.
'P.JV'O'W'.""!! WJa M!, hec. 1-j.T il N., It 3
- ' I.,, v. . M
' lie names the following nltnesvs In prove
fl. his eoiitliiuiiuj teslileuee upon and eiiltivatlou
.y of Mill! 1 ml. v .
,B , .'''"'oh Whittle, .l..eoh Ohlegehlager, Able V
J -Miirsh, Perry aiieiiuip, all cfTlio Dalles, Ore
'H t Koll.
JAV 1'. Keglster.
A D.MI X I ST K A'J'OI! S N 01 1 C li.
.Notliels hereby g veil Unit the uiiderslgmd
has been appointed by tlio county court of
t Wasco i-oiiiity, Oregon, iidmlulstralor of the
icslate of l-iiinels linss, iheeaid. All persons
rt fn
rllOlill 10a 3 l';;ylltg ebdiiis against the estate are hereby re
n 'iillred to pu-si.-nt the s.iniu lo inc. ilnlv v..rlil.-.t.
'2 lit llmolllen of W. II. Wilson, III llalh-N City
i.Ur-M ""I"1."1; wilhlli sK inoetlis from the dale liereol.
Haled .November It), Itmo.
1 iiiivlo
(il.'O, F. ItOSH.
Lottere of Orudit iHHiied uvailwble in tlio
EiiHtitrn HtateH.
Kiht ExtilmiiKu and ToleKrapliif!
IranBlere Hold on Now York, 0hiciKO,
bt. LouIb, fcnn Francisco, Portland Ore
Hon, Seattle WitHliniid variouH poluta
in Oregon and WtiHliinuton.
OollectioiiH inttdu at ull pointu on fuv
rable term"'.
Irlwinriuia lit I
II I in, , ... I. 1 f.". ''I.-
111111111. ....... i. 1 T'Vnt
A in
Inr I.
Vinci. nu. .... .
., i,u. ,,. tlJ, m. M..w,i,i-c -in
ire-ill,,, Th,.,,;uhv.. '.wf
win moil N,, ;i , , i it i. ;
m'.i.-'pi t -- 'MII, -r,
llf.Wu ,,1i,,"c".V, K'V('ll,l"t lindeihlgtitil
n,"."Jr,lw, wt li lho County Chirk of Vavo
f.',i "'"yi ,(''KOIi, his llnal iiceouut nnd report ns
ailmlnlstrator of thoeslato of Adolph AgldliiK,
leceased, and that tho llonoiahlu County nn
.'mo n-lo il""",,J 1 "i "".'! '!"y NuvtiiibiV tiui
at 10 o oloek a iu. of bald day us the time, ami
''".'""VV.f ."t"r" ilVn.1 a;r,l r"
iu iv ru inj ILTl'KU! I 111 kill. I iiul.iiit iirii
All IlLTMIIiH llllor.'iyrj.d In
KTC'IiV llOIllilwl t(i jiih.o.ii ii aj.ii.i ti ..i
,i , , , M " ,"l1l"f, bo. why said icport
iii1 "f bu"l'l'foved am i,ald iiiiuiliilNirator
Hated this Oth day jif October, l'JOO.
I It lilltilltJ
deA.,,.!!l,.!.?'',tr'lur ,,,u wl'doof 'Ailolph Auldlun,