ANOTHER f 9 FROM OUR GREAT REDUCTION SALE. The Great Event is meeting with such favorable response that we have decided to make a bigger cut than ever i .... BOMBSHELL III And Still They Go Down III Despite tlio unfriendly elements, the happy throng still crowds our place for "plums." They know the people do that our stokes are merciless and our cuts are deep. When we say "our goods are cheap," we don't mean "cheap goods." There's as much difference- between the former and the latter as there is between "an ardent lover" and a "lover of the ardent." Some Additional Surprises. Men's Trousers Your Choice for - $1.15. About loO pair to select from; the regu lar values of these Trousers range from :) to $2..r() per pair. Men's Overcoats in blue, black or oxford gray; regular aiui's SC.r0 to $8.50. Special $4.95. A few BOYS' SUITS in lots 1, 2 and ."loft. Holier hurry up before they are all gone. Men's Underwear "Kandom" wool underwear, shirts or drawers, regular Too values 39C per garment. SEE WINDOWS. Men's Suits Your choice of about 20 different pat terns, regular values ranging from $5.00 to $8.00. Special $4.95. Hats! Hats!! . We are throwing some good bargains your way in soft and stiff hats, every right shade and shape. There's music in our low prices a band goes with every hat. 0 Standard Apron X i lYl ZLX Ghccks- ain I f hams in green, black, pink, blue and red. At 14c At 75c brown; worth $1.00 and $1.25. Ladies' Wool Hose, worth 25c over any counter. Ladies' Kid Gloves, mostly tans and dark At3ic worth up to $1.00, for 31c. Pillow Tops. Just think! front and back coverings, At One-half... Any garment in the house, for lady, miss or child. PEASE & MAYS This store closes at 0:15 p. m. Remember that every article in the house is re duced, and we are daily, cutting articles lower to make a "clean-up." Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. The feet, above everything else these cold days, have to be given one's special at tention. Look at our prices and then visit our shoe department for a general inspection. Men's congress anil lace 07c Boy' clf and grain 07c L-idies' cloth top and kid lace 03c " kid welt button $1 53 " kid turn sole, lace 1 03 " spring heel, lace, button, 2. to r ......... 03c Misses' kid, spring heel, lace, button, Uj to 2.... 1 13 Childs ' " " S&toll.... 83c " "- " " " 5 to 8 73c " goat, " " '" otoS 53c " " " " "0 to 12 63c ' kit". " " button, 5 to S 40c PEASE & MAYS This store closes at 6:15 p. m. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY - JAN. IG.,1901 (Oysters served In any style. () At Andrew Keller's. THKASUH KR'S NOTICE. All U'unco County tvurruntN reirltril lirlitrto h-l'iiiltir I, 1X1)7. will li lil on iirmivntittliiii HI my HU'. lntrt wwi rti' Niivnitr ll'OO, .lOIIN l II AM I'M II I UK, Citmiiy Trruiurtr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "The Now Waifs of Now York." At tlio Vogt opera house tonight. You cm always got bargains if you go to Thu J'uir. be a great mining region pome day, and that, too. before long. Good discoveries are being made almost dallj. If President McKinley Avill come to j Hums during his westerntrip, Harney county will barbecue i yearling calf worth $20 und presume the president with a pair of socks made from the wool of a sheep worth if3 after her twin 'ambs have been sold for 2 each, says the Harney County News. The Salem correspondent of the Ae toria News, writing to his paper on the eve of the opening of the legislature, says: "All the prominent politicians in the state aro here, tho stragilers hav ing arrived today, and the city presents tin animated appearance. F.xperienodd politicians express the belief that Cor belt is already as good as defeated, though money is being freely used in his behalf." " Wasco Tribe, No. 10, I. O. H. M raised up their elected chiefs for tho en suing term last nigiit, u. v. n. c. a. a. acting as installing officer : Sa- Ilayward; S. S., N. Blaser; i nu i.Keller r An adjourned regular meeting oi tho I el.em, O. K. May ward ; S. S., N. Blaser j el.y council will be held tomorrow night. 1 S., I . U riel, ; 'rophet J) Hoekman c, , , . . , .j C. of It., .1. Michell; K. of V., Frunk l'rnfHjor Sandvig announces that his Men(jf Fir(jt filH,mli j. Canlield; .sua. ctinesuay nigni uanee ... ; a,com, Sanm.p, Frank Marquiss ; O. of l-e given tonight. Le w chtt(J FrIeily; G. of the F., The Fair wants to thoroughly intro-1 A)Jam u(m, rtuce tho Mascot kid gloves, and will I VmU have a special price for Saturday. W atch , ou awmUen of thu BJS8uWre this paper tomorrow. el0ul(, ()o m,n.. that does not The Kathbono Sisters aro otipeeially I tiavo tjie Coyoto hill hi tho pile. If this reipieeted to attend the regular meeting j ljtJ repealed, tho money that has been ol that order tomorrow night, as busl-1 HJ)eIll wjjj iavo U()ea practically thrown nees oi iiiiiortance will come uoioro vu , KVVtty . whereas, if the stato bounty is continued, thu coyotes will be extermin ated in a few years, all croakera to the meeting A hobo, who gavo hiJ namo as George Forward, was arrested last night by Ollicer Mite, und on being arraigned be fore his honor, .lodge Gates, this morn ing, was given his liberty on tho promise that ho would leave town immediately. Tho Salem Statesman says: "Sena tor .1. N, WilliuniHon, of Crook, made a 'Hgulllod temporary president and his occupancy of the chair was n strong re minder that 'coming events cast their Windows before.' Mr. Williamson will 'Je a member of tho senate in 1903." The Fossil Journal says: "Seven Muiirt. claims were located on January lt iiw i he VVeet Hrauch petition, in Wheeler county, about ton miles south west of Mltcholl, by Hou. W. 1'. Keady, ex-speakpr of tho Oregon house of rep resentatives, This section is destined to contrary notwithstanding. All talk of parties breeding coyotea for their scalps is tho veriest bosh, unworthy the con slderatlon of sensible legislators. Tonight at the Vogt opera house Mr. ljrin .1. Howard will present "Merry" Katie Kinmolt, and u splendid company of actors will be seen in this host and most laniug of American sensational comedy dramas, "Tho Now Waifs of New York." The play depicts many scenes of both high und low life in the most faithful und striking manner, and all special scenery of familiar points, with wonderful mechanical effects, etc. In the Bowery concert hall scene many now, bright and origin! specialties are introduced, and in such an artistic way that each one in u measure aide in de veloping the story of tho play. Seats are now on sale at Clarke it Falk's drug store. For ladies only. Special in corBetp. A few left. Sizes IS to 20; 24 to 27. Only 25 cents while thev laet. At tho New York Cash Store. A head-end collision occurred last night on the O. II. & N. this side Hood River, between a double header freight train that left here about 10 o'clock and tho No. 0 passenger, due here at 12:1.") u. in. From the scanty information that could be procured we learn that tho ac cident occurred through tho mistake of the engineer of the first locomotive of the freight train who passed a signal board when he ought to havo stopped and given the right of way to tho passenger train. Tho engineer who gets the blame Is reported slightly hurt. Ho is a stranger, who has not been long on this division. Jim McMenamy, a logger or chopper or sawmill man or rancher, or some thing of that port, down on tho Cheno weth, was arraigned this morning before Judge Gates on a charge of drunkenness. Jim had made his conch on tho side walk and was sleeping like a top when Ollicer Like, came that way and trans ferred him to a boudoir in tho Hotel do Driver. On his arraignment tho judge mistakenly charged Jim with vagrancy and Jim lesponded by saving ho did not know he was as bad as that. Jim plead ed guilty to the charge of drunkenness and was lined f. But tho night's de bauch had made him a busted coniniu nitv and ho was remanded to tho cala boose to servo out his lino. The Dalles correspondent of the Port land Telegram reports to that paper that "fully six inches of water" fell here in u few hours last Saturday night, and tho Telegram, not to be beaten by a mere country correspondent when it was simply a question of tho expansion of the imagination, puts a scare-hea I on j tho dispatch und makes it out that we had a cloud hurst hero that ripped things up in great shape. Now, tho truth is, rain begun falling Saturday afternoon about four o'clock. At that time there was about three Inches of snow on tho giouud. The ruin continued with scarcely any intermission till Monday afternoon. In all, the storm lasted about 24 hours, and during that time the precipitation was exactly 2.47 inches, an extraordinary amount of rain to foil in 48 houra at The Dalles, but a good ileal Bhort of the six inches reported by tho correspondent of the Telegram. Word reached here this morning of the death yesterday, at his homo on the White Salmon, of J. It. Warner, an old and highly respected resident of that neighborhood and a man who was belt! in tho higheft estepm by all who knew him. The deceased was a veteran of the civil war and for many years held the office of chaplain of the G. A. It. post of this city. No particulars of his death havo reached hero to our knowl edge. It is supposed it 'must have been sudden, as no one here peems to havo known that ho was ill. From a short telephone message it was learned that the remains were taken on today's boat to Portland, to be buried by the side of his lirst wife. We understand that n written requeBt will be presented to the bnsines men of the city asking for the closing of the stores -md other places of business, ns fur as it may be possible, from 2:30 to H:30 next Fridav afternoon, in order to give tho employes a chance to witness the lastfootball game of the season. e cannot doubt for a moment that tho re quest will be granted, for to put it on the lowest scale, nobody is going to lose any thing, us business is suro to bo practic ally suspended during the time of the game. Besides, the closing of tho stores for two short hours will bo a doserved (compliment to our own boys of lhe D.lles team, ns well as an honor paid to tho visiting team. It may he added that when our boys went to Heppner """'rnot on v the stores eloseil while tho game was in progress, mu tno leacners of the public schools gave tho children a half holiday. ? CASTOR I A For Infants, and Children, The Kind You Have Always Boughl We do Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates made and contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. Do not forget That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, ulso a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done. 1VIAY5 t CROWE, ...Given Away... Boars the Siguaturu of Paint your house with fully guaranteed to lust, have them. paints that aro Clarke A Falk Clarke & Falk haye received u carload of tho celebrated Jame K. I'atton strictly pure liquid paints Subscribe for Thk Cuito.Niri.K. With every Hollar's worth of goods purchased at our store during .January anil February, wo will give One (Mianco on tho following prizes: FIRST PRIZE One Aluminized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated Knives and Porks. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Niokle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nioklo Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE One Niokle Plated Tea Pot. In addition to giving away these pri.os we will sell goods as low as tho lowost, and will always ho ready to sorvo tho trade in tho host possible way. Wo will positively not ho untlorsold by an' ono. Our prices aro right. MHIER St BENTON,