The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 15, 1901, Image 4

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Spitting Blood
"I 110(1 to
roliRli a great
(leal and spit
1) loud, mill
my iU'ii;!iliois
in I) u y to n,
01ii(, whore
.'.'I live, said
' unions them
selves that I
had con-
Mimiition. iil
I Kill" I thnv
did not tetl
me m to my
t'aee, for fear
of making me
1 k o p t o n
rottshhu,' and
tryitip ditler
ent sorts of
'iiotlilnp seemed to reach tny trouble until 1
pot hold of a liottlc of Acker's Knslbh
Jtcmcdy. I prayed for health all the time,
and my prayers were answered as soon
as I began taking this celebrated Eng
lish expectorant and tonic. Since tny re
covcry I have told hundreds of sufferers
from concha, colds and weak lungs that
Acker's English Remedy would euro them.
Sonic of them won't try it, and it does
seem to me terrible when anyone deliber
ately refuses to he cured. There ought to
lie a law compelling consumptives to take
it. Even if they don't care for their own
lives, the public's welfare should be consid
ered. Don't you think so too? I hope
such a law will soon be enforced."
(Signed) Miss. Kiciuurson.
'RUttraand Canada : nmt III UliRlanil. at Is. 2d.. us. 3d.,
U.M. I f you arc not sntiafleil after buying, return tli
-bottle to ynur drugjUt and get your money back.
We nulhnri-c the above nuarantee.
H'. II. IIOOKEli & CO., Proprietors, Sew York.
For Bale nt Blnkeley's Pharmacy.
An Interesting Kellc of that Important
B. E. Selleck, a former Dalles hoy,
mow of Boyd, lately received from hie
uncle, E. A. Selleck, of Hamilton, Wash
ington, who is a veteran of the Civil
war and was with Grant at the fall of
'Vieksburg, an interesting relic of that
event. It is a copy of the VickBburg
Citizen of July 2, 180'J, two days before
the surrender of the city. The paper is
a fonr-column single eheet, printed on
cheap wall paper and, of couree, on oue
side only. It was run through the press
by some typos from among the victori
ous troops, using the type as they found
it set up in the office of the Citizen,
with the single addition of u short ex
planatory paragraph at the foot of the
last column.
Ab might be expected, the little sheet
records a number of deaths from the
'fire of the besiegers, but the genera
tone of the' paper is hopeful, and Com
uiodore Porter is commiserated as "i
poor fool who might as well give up the
vain aspiration he entertains of ensur
ing our city or exterminating our peo
-pie, and return to his master to receive
'the reward such as a gasconading dolt
will meet at the hands of the unappre
ciating government at Washington."
The editor (whose name, by the way,
is .1. M. Swortls) acknowledges his in
debteune-s to Major (.Tiilespie "tor a
steak of -contedtrate beuf, alias meat.
We have tried it," he says, "and can
assure our friends that if it Is rendered
necessary, they need have no scruples of
. eating the meat. It is sweet, savory
-end tender, and as long as we have
ninle left we are satisfied our soldiers
will be content to subsist on it."
In another paragraph the editor learns
of "'un instance where 'a knight of the
quill' and a 'disciple of the black art,'
with malice in their hearts and veil
gfiuiee in tlieir eyes, ruttilesiiy put a
period tu the existence of a venerable
(Inline that had faithfully discharged the
duties to he expected of him to the ter
ror of sundry vermin in the neighbor-
boor). Poor defunct Thomas was then
prepared, not fur the grave, but for the
ijHJt, and several friends invited to par
take of 'a nice rabbit.' As a matter of
couree no one would wound the leelings
of another, especially in these times, by
refusing a cordial invitation to dinner,
and the guests assisted m consuming tbe
poor animal with a relish that did honor
to their epicurean taste. The 'sold' as
sure us the meat was delicious and pussy
must look out for her safety."
Mr. F. Riser is commended for por
tioning off from bis supply of corn what
be thought was necessary to last him
'during the "brief period that will ensue
before the arrival of succor to our garri
son!' und thus relieved the wants of
many families free of charge. On tbe
other band the editor denounces numer
ous pereonE who have breadstuff se
creted and are doling it out at most ex
horhitaut figures to those who bad not
the foresight or meane to provide for tbe
emergency then upon the citizens. A
rumor bad reached the editor that "par
ties in .the city have been and now are
Belling flour at $0 a pound! molasses at
$10 per gallon, and corn at $10 per
bushel !" He bad not "proved tbe facts
upon the parties accused," but be hopes
'the allusion to the subject may lead to
'the discovery of the guilty parties to
that "a brand may not only be placed
upon their brow, but that It may he
eared into their very brain, that hu
manity may scorn and shun them ae
they would the portals of bell itself."
(The editor credit nearly two columns
of "Yankee News" to the Memphis Bui
letin , but he warns his readers that tb
news is "whitewashed bv the Federa
provost marshal, who desires to hood
wink the poor Northern white Blaves
while tbe editor of the Bulletin is char
acterized ae "n pink-nosed, slab-sided
toad-eating Yankee, who is n lineal do
scendant of Judas Isuariot and a brothe
gernmin ,'sicl of the greatest Puritanical
sycophantic, howling scoundrel unhung
Parson P.rownlow."
After recounting, in florid rhetoric
the achievements of Lee in Virginia, tb
editor says: "Today Maryland is ours
tomorrow Pennslyvania will be; and the
next day Ohio, now inidwav, like Mo
haaimed's coffin will fall. Success an
glory to our arms! God and right are
with us!"
After this burst of eloquence the editor
descends to every-day affairs and be
wails the lax discipline of some of tbe
company officers in allowing their men
to "prowl around day nnd night pur
Joining fruit, vegetables, chickens, etc.
In several cases that had come to the
editorial knowledge the offenders had
in open deyiight, entered premises
seized cattle and other things and defied
the owners to their teeth. In one case
the editor was pained to learn that an
"esteemed citizen of our Vickeburg,
William Potterfield, was under tbe pain
ful necessity, in protecting his property
to wound one or two Eoldiers aud deprive
another of his life."
Under tbe heading "On Dit" it is an
announced that "the great Ulysses
the Yankee Generalissimo, surnarned
Grant has expressed his intention of
dining in Vieksburg on Saturday nex
(it was then Thureday) and celebrating
the Fourth of July by a grand dinner
and eo forth. When asked if ho would
invite General Jo Johnson, he said 'No.
for fear there would be a row at table.
Ulysses must get into the city before h
dines in it. The nuv to cook a rabbit i
first to catch the rabbit."
After roundly scoring the Yankees for
lying till it had become "not a second
but a firBt nature with them," tl.e editor
tries his "prentice hand" at the same
game, and with admirable success. He
quotes from "a late date Yankee jour
nal, teeming with the odor of wooden
nutmegs, pumpkin pies, and adorned
with all the devices of patent back-act
ing, rotary motion, self-revolving inouBe
traps and perpetual pendulum action
wooden work clock," which, according
to tbe veracious editor, bad said : "We
are constrained to admit that our posi
tion before Vickeburg is literally covered
for miles with our dead. We have to
acknowledge a loss of 15,000 killed out
right. ThiB will make our loss in killed
and wounded alont not counting the
missing 43,000. Probably our entire
loss is 50,000 or 00,000. At such a rate
how long will the siege of Vieksburg
The answer was given two days after
whon Pemherton surrendered, and the
great Confederate stronghold of the
West, with 27,000 prisoners, fell into
the hands of the victorious Federals.
Of this event due notice is taken in tbe
only paragraph added to the forms by
some typos from among the invaders.
This paragraph reads: "Two das
bring about great changes. The banner
of the Union floats over Vieksburg. Gen.
Grant has 'caught the rabbit;' helms
dined in Vicksbnig and he did bring bis
dinner with mm. The citizen lives to
see it. For- the lust time it. iiimears on
wall paper. No more will it imagine
the luxuries of mule meat and fricaeeed
kitten urge Southern warriors to such
diet never more. This is tbe last wall
paper 'edition, and is, excepting this
note, troni the tvpes us we found them
It will be valuable hereafter as u curioB
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure
dandruff and all sculp diseases. Don't
neglect your hair. For sale at Frazer's
barber shop, sole agent. tf
Dryiiitr preparations simply dovel-
op dry catarrh; tiioy dry up the secretions,
which adhero to the mcmbrnno and decom
pose, causing n far more sorious troublo than
the ordinary form of caturrb. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and gnutTs
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is Huch a roniedv
and will cure catarrh or cold in the. bead
easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druueists soil the
COo. sizo. Elyllrothors, fit! Warren St., N.Y.
The Balm cures without tiain. docs not
irritate or causo snoozing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surfaco, roliov- (
ing immediately the painful inflammation
With Ely's Cream Dalm you aro armed
against Nasul Catarrh and Hav Fovor.
The merited reputation for curing
piles, sores and Bkiu diseases iicriuired
by DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve, has
led to the making of worthless counter-
. .
felts, lie sure to get only DeWltt's
Salve. Clarl-e A Kulk's P. O. Phurmacv.
We oiler for a limited period the
twlce-u-week Cmtosicu:, price $1,50,
and the Weekly Oiegoniun, price $1, 50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ud
vunce. tf
Wanted A second-band fire-proof
safe. Must be in good condition und not
too large. Apply at the Cuiioxicuk
office, , oiil-tf
Catarrh Cannot Ha Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of tbe disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and Bets directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was wbb prescribed by one of the best
pliysiciatiB in this country for yeers, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the beat tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. Tbe perfect
combination of the two ingredients 2b
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chknky & Co., Propa., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggiats, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. 12
J. E. Adcox & Co. have moved their
jewolry store to the new building on
Second street west of J. T. Peters',
where they will be pleased to meet all
their old friends and as many new ones
as need anything in the line nf watches,
clocks, jewelry and repairing. Optical
goods a specialty. Eyes examined free
of charge by a graduate optician.
j7-tf J. E. Ancox & Co.
How to Cure Cruui.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Auienia,
Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is a fine
children's reinedv for croup and never
fails to cure." When given as soon ns
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by Clakeley, the druggist.
I'luyeli Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, FeveriBliness,
Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden
ces of i mi ti re blood. No matter how it
became eo it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never (ailed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blond
diseases. It .is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we Bell every bottle on a
positive guarantee, islakeley, the drug-
Paint your house with
paints that ara
Clarke & Falk
fully guaranteed to last.
have them.
Why pay SI. 75 per gallon for inferior
palntB wiieu you can buv James E.
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
talk, agents. ml
Dyspepsia can bo cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. Dlukeley the druggist.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedv in anv case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. und 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug
gist. Fur llinil or hull).
The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on
First street, is for rent or sale. It is a
three-story, corrugated i;on building,
lUx.i.i feet, with water elevator. Apply
to hum Wilkinson, The Dalles. u2(i-tf
Among the leuB of thousands who have
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
olds and ht grippe during the past few
years, to our knowledge, not a single case
has resulted in pheumonia. Thos
vvhilbeld & Co., 2-1U Wubueh avenue,
Chicago, one of the most prominent re
tail druggists in that city, in speaking of
this,sayB: "We recommend Chamber
Iain's Cougii Remedy for la grippe in
many cases, as it not only gives prompt
and complete recovery, but also counter
cts any tendency of la grippe to result
in pneumonia." tor sale by Blakeley,
the druggist.
Such little pills ub DeWitts Little
Early Risers are very easily taken, and
they are wonderfully effective in cleans
ing the liver and bowels. Clarke & Falk
. O. Pharmacy.
Pepsin preparations often fail to re
lieve indigestion because they can digest
only albuminous foods. There is one
preparation that digests all classes of
food, und that Is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It cures the worst cases of indigestion
and gives instant relief, for it digests
what you eat. Clarke & Falk P. O.
Clearance sale of winter millinery at
'U,e Campbell & Wilson Millinery Par-
' Invu '1'pI ii tu U1 tin I U at mot Lola i
lore. Trimmed hats,
baby bonnets at cost,
street bats, and
t'tekli Milk nnd Crituiu.
A dollar saved if a dollar gained, I
urn selling the beHt Jersey milk in the
market, warranted to test five per cent
butter fat, for $2 u quart per mouth.
Also purely ciiitrifugully separated
cream at -10 cents a quart. Why puy
more wheu you can do better by phon
ing to the City Dairy. 'Phone !)85.
u30-lm Bekt Uaui.kv, Prop.
Hnlt l.nkc Denver. Kt
1:05 p IP
Worth. Oimilin, Kan
tian City, St. Ixmls,
ii. in.
UlllCHgO HlIU t-.HM.
Halt Uikc, Denver, Ft
Worth. Oninliu. Kim
I: I'm. m
UtiAlln. in,
kiin City, Ht. I.ollln,
Via Hunt
CnleiiRo and hiiu.
9:'i"i p. m
Walla Walln, Bpnkarie,
Mt!l!lCfll(lltH. St. 1'iinl,
i)u 111 til, Milwaukee,
":M a. a
Chicago mm i-.hni, vih
also all points In
Washington mid KHftt
eni Oregon.
8 p. m.
From Portlanp
Ocean Btenmshljifl,
For Shu Francisco
Every Five Dhv.
4 p. m.
8 p. m.
10 p. m.
4 i. m.
ColumDlR Kv. Bteiimcrs.iKx.Hinn?-
To Astoria una nay
6 n. m.
WilIjAMKTTK Rivkk. ' 4:K0n. m,
Oregon City. NowlicrciEx.HundHy
tiaicni ay i.ancr.i.'
7 a. m.
Willamette and Yam
hill Hivr.iis.
Oregon City, Dayton,
and Wuy-I.:indliiRs.
and sat.
aud FrI
IjV It I purl h ;
Hlparia to LcwiKtoii.
3:;j,'i a. in
0:00 h. m
Parties desiring to go to lleimnor or
iKuius mi uoininmii Miuinorn via niggs, Hnoiuu
take No. 'J. teavlnc The Hull nt rj:4(l ti. m.
making direct connections ut lleppner junction
and lliggs. Returning mukliigitlri-etvoimcctlon
in iieppner junction mid Jllgg.s wltli No, 1. ur
riving nt 'me Dalles at l'j::iu p. m.
The O. K, it N. steamer ".Mii(loc"'ls now muk
ing regular trips to anient and Inpciivndcncr
stopping at nil way liiiidlngs. She leaves Pint
land on iloiidav.s. Wednesdays and Fridays nt
ii u. in., nrrivi cm &neri 1 1. in., ami iiiiIimu-iim
.enee nlinut ti p. m. on same days. Itetiirnlng
nimi ieavu! iiiiiL'pe.uieiice ill n it, ill. unil ttitiein
in ii a. in. on -i ueMiny.s. TiiurMlays and Hatur
utiyb, arriving in t-oriiaiiu annul p. in, sain
For full particular!, call on O. It. it X. Co.
agent The Dulleb. or address
w. ii. limthnruT.
Gen. l'as. Agt., Portland, Or
m iniure any anu uu inquiries rela
tive to delinquent taxes must be made
to the county clerk, as he is custodian of
delinquent tax Bale record and rolls. The
shcrifl having complied with the law in
mnking pale of delinquent tuwp, he
completely out of the tax-collecting
uusiness tin March next. ui:-lmv
Miss Haven wishes to announce that
during the months of January und Feb
ruary pIih will offer all her remaining
stock of winter millinery ut greatly re
(iticeu prices, preparatory to receiving
spring goods. Trimmed hats ut just
half price. dliO-t'w
The most soothing, healing and iinti
septic application ever devised is Do
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves
in once anu cures piles, sores, eczema
and skin diseases. liewure of iuiitu
tions. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy
!ont Hub It In,
Just wet the affected purl freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, u Scotch remedy,
auu me pain is gone, bold uy Ularke &
f UIK.
For sprains, swellings aud lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes von eat. sleen
anu nappy. naiisiuciiDii guaranteed or
money back. 5 cts. and 50 cts, Blakeley,
the druggist.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints
In all Its Btagea there.
Iiould bo clcaaliuesi.
Ely's Cream Balm
c!vaiieg,gootlies and heal
Ilia dlacascd niouilirano.
It cures catarrh und drives
ntvny a cold lu ttio bead
C renin Bulm la placed Into tbo nostrlli. loreadi
over the. membrane, and la absorbed, ltcllofla Im
mediate and a euro follow). It la not drying doe
not produce meaning, forge ttlzc, SO cent at Drue,,
gist or by mall ; Trial Hlzc, 10 ccnta by mall.
M.Y IKKJTUKIW.eo Warrcu Street, New York.
Ji&lOrfE BhortcnB J
helps the team. Saves wear nnd B
expense. Sold every where. Jp
$ i. oo per month.
Strictly llrst cIbhb local atnl long
(iifltiince telephone service within,
your homo.
Mill's do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will be kepi a secret.
No cost for installing.
You get the standard Hiinning
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night service.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten vears and allow you to cancel
same on giving us thirty days writ
tun notice.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Proriotors Commepcjal SampIe fymS
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
Phones :
51 Local,
80S Long Distance.
'jn'JgrXfJtWTKi A"1 AT J. 1 A'U'UTA'I MAIl'lUUU'l A(AI ATAXA"TJCTJkT A I AT A A t A 1 AyA'rj
Wines, Liquors Cigars
: Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First
Phone 234,
vtr.i.yT; y.iyj:t:.y.tT'iT,.itr.i-T:i.y.i ti,n
f L.
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Mtnn. Phone 159
Belgian Hares to Lease.
I have ubout 100 thoroughbred does
that IJwill lease in lots of 10 to resnon
Bible parties on shares. Apply to
n30.2w The I)allN.
)lt. It. K. HMITII,
Itnnms 10 llllll 11. Chimmnn lllncL- Tlu. n..n..
OruRon. tu..i
Notlro In hereby Riven that tlio iiuUerHlcnwi,
jcoutor of tbo will of Anrtrew V. AnchTrMiii
licensed, iiuh llled bin linal acminnt In the
unity eourtof the Htate of lln.ifim tr W..V..7.
uillity, and mill court Iiuh iiiKiiiitel Mantluy,
lo ,th nay or January, IMil, nt tliu lionr of ii
i'.UK'.k II. Ill .IIS till! 1 1 Mil! fi,r 1i,.H., ,,l,l,.,.. ii. '..
tlieieto iiiiil I hi) huttluineiil llii'iuif. All lielrH
laLimurn nun i':nur hts ,i, l n.l...l l., t..i,i
ctutii iire tliereliiielieri'ln' r. .iiiu l to lllo their
objeotlons to wild .icco'int. U,u: ih-.y liuve. tu
or before llin day tut lor tlm Ihmiiiik thereof
milieu uny, nr.. r.nv, l.i, l'K(i J. (J. lliwMii l.liit, Kxeeutor
NOIICK R) I'UlilJt'A noN.
I..1.SD on ick
AT 'I ,, II.U.I.KK.Or,
Notice In lutein- l-Ucii ii.i ii,,.' .'..ii!,.. ......
III ll.llll...r IT llu! I
niimcd huttlur 1ms lllel notlie or lu Intei t ,,
to linike f lmil iinuif In ,,..,.,..,( ,,i " "!
that mid proof will be iiiudo licforu the riXe t
V . H In. Hll Iro WW '
- 'rlM., ivui-ivvr Ul II1U
Diilles, Or , on Hiuurd
,,S.V.,.,i,u.,,.,..,.,flK0' No. Hi7i;. for tliu
r.H HIIU Ji NWli bee. 3.T1 s..
l'J K., W. M.
i.,1?. "!',""-'H ",0 '"""whig wltneihcH to prove
oiw'lilSiS""!.1?8" U'"" ""d u"Ulv'l"
J. It. Hall, 1). ) Nelson. Oliim. Olbnuii, Alex
Jrasur.tillofTlielMlleh, OreKon.
decI8 'AV 1'. I.UCAB, HegUter.
173 Second Street.
and nirrwb
National Bank.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
j Ifcartillcially digests the food aud aids
: Nature in HireriKthL'iilug and recoil
j I atructing the exhausted digestive or
.g 1 ciius. It istlic latestdlscovcrcddlgcst-
1 ant and tonic. No otlmr preparation
.jj'cao approach It in etllcicncy. It in
! stantly relieves and permanently cures
, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
( Sick Headache, GastralKla.L'rnmpsand
iwiuwierrubuiisoi impenect digestion.
Price Mc. and fl, Larccslr.o contains 2 tlmos
bmull size. JJook all about dyspepsia malledf ree
vcpared by E C. DcVITT A CO., Chicago.
Sold by Clarke & Kalk'n l O. Pharmacy.
FRENCH & co.
. . '
Letters of Credit issued uvailuble in the
Eastern StateB.
BiKht Exchange and TelBRraphis
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
bt. Louis, San Franeiseo, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
rahl term.
Hoillillro Plinp!.,,, rr,.tlt
O ir I.'Ti"' 'i'1"'" '' ' "h
t,T..IH,,, ( I ,,,
.i Ik
i bulilbf iiruiiviaiH . V
In the County Court .f the htntu of Oreuim:
u vSu ht',rt'b' " HiMt the uiidurhlKiii'il,
U. K. hiiltiiiiiiklie, iidiiilnltriitor with tliu will
i ii uexcil of tl.e ehtiite of Jonathan Jaekbnii. il"
censed, Iihk llled IiIh IIiiiiI afcoiuit lu Mid eUato
III the coiintv court nf mild Wimuo County, Oie
uoii.nnd siilil court Iiuh, by an order dated tliu
lltll llUVIlf lll'Clllnlinr. limn ,1 ......
W l.'T 1!'tl' i'iy "I "lR it the luVur
uiuho at, DnlliK City, 0.vKou, " tli" !!nce?fof
JectluiiH tlieieto. if any there be. All he rN
creditor nnd other permum lutorenttil li wild
eMnte.aro lieieby untitled mid ru'iulri'd to i ru
(.ent nnd lllu their ob eetloun to inld a" count. If
uny liey wve, on or before tl.e tin o be t ( r III"
l.eiirlnir thereof uh ufoicHiild,
cMale'V.' KV?r l'" 5' w'll oi' the
cstotu of JonutliHU Jueksou, deceufcod. dl'J-61
iiiu iieiiriuir 01 miiii nun miwtin.t ,.i ..... . ..