l)c Dn II cg VOL. XI LI THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY. JANUARY 15, 1901, NO. 12 SETTLED DOWN TO BUSINESS llotli Houses of the Oregon Legislature pcrimineiitly Organized Yesterday. Sai.km, .Inn. H. Juit before noon to day tliii Oregon senate cllented porma neiit organization by ducting C. W, Fulton, president; S. I.. Mnorhetul, chief clerk ; Frank Grant , nBsistant cliiuf clerk ; J, A. Finch, eiilendur clerk; J. II. Slmpc, rending clork ; I.. M. Wntroiis, seriertnt-nt-arinH; V. V. .Smith, door keeper, nml II. S. Mount, mailing clerk. The election of oflieers was In pur suance of tint iiiuuilmoiiH actio1 of n republican caucus, some of this 0pofli tion iiifin Imth voting for tin; republican nominee!1 anil others voting blank. This afti'rnoon the house ofl'eeted licrmiiiiunt oruaniz ition by electing tho following ullieers: Speaker, I.. H. Rend er; chiuf dcrk, A.C. Jennings ; assistant chief clerk, A. V. U. Snyder; reading clerk, TliiiuiaH Wilson; calendar dork, F. A, Turner; Hergennt-ut-ui ins, E. W. Allen; mailing clerk, T. K. Hill. Special to Tin: Chiionicm: B.u.km, .Iiintiary 15th. The houHehuld a session last night. A iliHtrict commit tee of twenty-eight members wiih ap pointed to fill all tho bonne clerkships. Tim number of tho clerks to be employed is fixed at twenty-one. Today tho tieunl roeulutiuiiH were adopted providiiiR for committees to ex amine tho bonks of tho various Htate iostitutioiiH and providing cudus, Htampe and iiOKDpaporH for tho members. Governor T. T. Geor delivered tiiu message at 'J o'clock p. m. The senatorial situation iH unchanged. Twenty hills worn introduced in tho eu:ite tide morning. Moat of lliein re lated to assessment and taxation. Senator Ilrownoll, of Clackamas in troJuced a bill providing for an appro priation of .',0IK) to Hl'llll Huven veteran soldiers to Washington to plead the ewsoof tho Indian war voterana before congress. "10 tallowing clerks were allowed Crook, Klainatb, Luke und Wiihco "lislricte in tho bonat;: K, A. Kclsuy, Arthur lSenann uud Hunuiu tinna. N KlKlit lu l.cllnima. The woman who h lovoly in face, form nml temper will ulwayH have Mewls, hut onu who would be attractive intuit keep her health. If alio ia weak, :ckl' nl all run down, alio will bo nwv&naand irritable. If alio baa con Jtlpatlon or kldnoy trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotchea. akin "uptloiiB and t wretched complexion, ""uric Hitters la the heat medicine In ie world to regulate Htoinach, liver und kidneys and to purify thu blood. It mee strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, Wlvoty skin, rich complexion. It will Mko a good-looking, charming woman 0 riin.dovu, invalid. Only 50 cento ulakeley'H(lrugHtore. 2 'iikIi.ii in ti, riTbiirsohuuiK. Manila, Jan. 14. Representatives of tuntrul Catholics, ntn meeting here, tpoke mi t,t. Bui,j10t of r,Kion ln , ec"oolB,and urged thu adoption of amend ments providing for the employment ex "i9lvely or principrtlly of native mid J nolle teachers, and permitting ro "Klotirt teaching in the schools. They Wed that native teauhers could achieve tur n,ltB than Americans, and that " Mibliu schools would be far uioio I lym If the prevailing religious -"8loins wore not disturbed. , or,,l'r t0 "void a long response from '"'f oi'l'l'onents in the question of relig- t'Michiugs in the schools, Judge T.ut ""'oiinced that the commission could w , 7, ly "(lo,t tho "ineudinents sug com n t i U, C""lrul Catholics. The Ulli ,!Qmrfi ru wimnlmous in the w Unit tt Kroat nmjor;ly of lhu FillplnoH desire lelicious teaching in the schools. They bold that the purpose of tho bill for public education would bo partlnlly defeated unleHH tho children of Catbollcfl are permitted to attend tho public schools.. Ilnlrn of Mllllonitlrn KJcc. Giiicauo, JBn. 14. A special to the Chronicle from Popular Bluff Mo., says: Milea G. Owen of New York, of repre Bentative of Attorney Potter, who ia en gaged in looking after the $0,000,000 estate of William M. Hlce, who died in New York on Saturday, September 23, 1900, under suspicious circumstances, baa been in Stone county, Mo., where he hua found tbreo heirs of tbe millionaire. They ure It. F. Kice. Itird Kice und Mrs. Mattle Clurk, all of whom reside In tbe Bonth part of the couuty. Tbe three were not aware of their uncle'a dentb nor the sensational circurn- atancea connected with his demise. The attorney Nerved each with a citation no tifying them that the probate court of New York City would on February "th take action on Hid will of William M. Kice and requesting their presence in the probate court on that date. What action will be taken by the heirs ia not known, an it ia mud they bave not means to carry them out of tho state, much less to New York. 11 lh I.lfn Wan Saved. Mr. .1. K. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverenco from u frightful death. In telling of it he says: "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. 1 continued to use it, and now am well and strong. 1 can't say too much in its praise." ThiB marvellous medicine is tbe surest and quickest cure in tho world lor all Throat aud Lung Trouble. Regular si.es 50 cents und $1.00. Triul bottles free at Blakeley's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. '2 Plottml to Kill Cxiir. Nick, .Tan. 14. The nolice have ar rested Prince Victor Nakadchivez, a Russian, on tbe ciiarge of plotting to take tbe life of tbe Czar, on the hitter's approaching visit hare. Prince Nakad chive., who is u nihilist, was condemned to death m Russia as mi accomplice in the conspiracy of 1KW against the life of Alexander III, grandfatherof the present C.ar. He was also convicted in Paris of being illegally in the possession of ex plosive machines. Voldiuilt: I'.l iiiIIiiiin Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of i'v. ltucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Roils, Felons, ConiB, Warts, Cuts, Itruises, Hums, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Rest Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Onlv lio els. n box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at Rlakeley's drug store. 'J llriilo. Until l.i'K. M'.Minnvii.i.k, Or., .Ian. 14. Mrs. Delia lloardman, mother of President Rourdman, ot McMinnville college, fell from a platfoim in the darkness, at her home yesterday morning, and broke rhoth legs, one limb being fractured in two places above the knee, and tbe other at the ankle. A I'owilnr Mill K,ll(n. Removes everything in sight; so do drastic mineral pills, but both ure mighty dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate machinery of your body with culoiuel, croiou oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's New Life Pills, which ure gentle us a summer breeze, do the work perfectly. Cures Headache, Constipation. Only 25c ut Rlakeley's drug store. 2 UrltlHli Kttiit Arneuu Nittlvtm, Ratiunimt, Gambia, West Africa, Jan. 14. The Rriliati punitive expedition ar rived at Dumbutu January 11th and completely surprised und routed the rebtds. The troops captured the town ! after an hour's lighting. Sixty rebels were killed, sixty were wounded, and 200 captured. Six Important chiefs will be brought to Rathurst. Thu ISrituh disunities were six West Indians wounded. Hustling young uiiiu can make $00 per mouth und expenses, Permanent posi tion, lixperienco unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Co,, Fourth und Locust Streets, Philadel bpitt, Pa, 88-tf ANARCHISTS' MAIL SEIZED Followers of Red Flag Complaining Four Registered Packages Were Xot Delivered. NewIohk. Jan. 14. The anarchistB of Paterson, N. J and elsewhere are much incensed over the seizure bv the government of four packages of register ed matter addressed to La Questione Sociale, an organ of the anarchfets, pub lished in that cify. The package, it is asserted, contained pamphlets and other printed matter, which, while they preacneii me doctrines ot anarchy, are declared to be perfectly proper, as well as legal. When Commissioner Trimble was in vestigating tbe charge that the plot to kill King Humbert was hatched in Paterson. he questioned Editor Esteve, of La Questione Sociale, and other avowed unarchists. They admitted that they preached the doctrine of anarchy, but denied that they were connected with Breed or any one else in a plot to assassinate the king of Italy or anybody else. The commissioner made his re port and left the city. Since then, it is alleged by the anarchists, secret agents have visited them several times and watched the delivery of literature with suspicion. Editor Esteve made his complaint at the first meeting of the Group of Right to Existence. He said' that he could not account for the actions of the postal authorities. When the packages came to him they were preceded by the regular notice that a registered package could be found at the postoffice. He called. On each package was stamped the word "suspected." "1 requested that the packages be opened," he said. "This was done and several paunphletB and books were dis closed. They were innocent enough. There were lectures by Krepoltkine and Malutesta. 'Patriotism and Govern ment,' by Tolstoi, and works of a like character. On tho ground that the packages were supposed to be liable for duty they were held and the custom house authorities wore notified. Tins is tbe last that I have heard from my property. It is withheld from me by no right of law or reason." Postmaster Pollett said last eveuing the matter was in the hands of the customs department at Newurk. When the packages were called for the post-1 ofhce'a connection ceueed. Ihe matter now lies with t lie customs authorities. Okivo Out Filipinos, Manila, Jan. 13. General Grant, who is endeavoring to liuish the latest insur rection in his district, and who is person ally commanding his scouts at the east eru end, reported today that he had en countered a number of bands south of Ruloc mountain, all of which retired up the hills. He says that 100 of the enemy, who were well intrenched, made consid erable resistance, but were ultimately driven from their position. The bodies of four insurgents were found. The American casualties were a sergeant and one private of Troop A, Philippine cavalry, wounded. In the opinion of General Grant, his district ia now fairly pacified, with the exception of the locality south of Ruloc mountain, and the province of Pampanga is ready for civil government, It is ex pected that Pampauga will be the first province to which provincial govern ment will be applied. Colonal Frank Baldwin, of the Fourth United States Infautry, yesterday de stroyed an insurgent urseual in the Pa tuugan district, seizing a quantity of arms aud ammunition together with u printing press and other material. Flglit for Uftliui ill Kiokuui', Wimli, Si'okank, Wash., Jan. 14, A hand-to-hand tight for poBBession of the couuty treasurer's otllce took place at the court house this morning between the forces of A. L. Smith, republican, and George Mudgett, democrat. Smith's friends took possession early this morning, lock ingll the doors, Mudgett jumped in through the window and let in his deputies, He tried to enter tho treasur er's private otllce. A euuflle ensued dur- A good story is worth repeating. Every da' sees the assortment growing less. Not a day passes but what a few garments change owners and every Jacket that leaves this store, we have the satis faction of knowing, makes for us what we most desire ...A Satisfied Customer... We start another week's selling todar, with a balance of just sixty-two choice Jackets. They range from $10 to $20, and from 32 to 44 bust. We offer you two Jackets for the price of one or ONE AT HALF PRICE. EXAMPLE NO. 1. Stylish Jacket of a light tan Kerse'; made with high Medici collar and large revers; revers, front and cuffs beautifully appliqued in same material; fine pearl buttons. Lined throughout with good quality of satin to match. M r $ 1 3.50 Jacket for q)U . 5 A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. ing which the vault was locked, Smith's men holding the keys. Both men are now camping in the of fices, each with a lull force of deputies Mudgett was the only democratic county oflicer elected laat November, claiming 12 plurality over Smith. The republicans appealed anil are now await ing the decision of the Mipreme court. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv Carke & I'alk. inn ml in miMiin Avtgetable Preparalionfo'r As similating llicFoodandRegula liiig die Stomachs andBowcls of Promotes DigeslionXheerfuP ness and Rest. Conlains neither Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. 'ot 7 arc otic . try aftMn-SAKUELPtTCMR ImpliM Sail' sUx.Senna BtttitmatrStfa Mrm SrtJ - m rmrtr. Apeifecl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness md Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of new vomc. EXACT COPr OF WRAPPER. CAST0RU The Half-Price Sale of Ladies' Fine Jackets. . If yon are interested if you think you will need n new coat next winter, or the winter after it will be to your advantage to antici pate your wants and buy now TODAY. revers ; edges A $20 Jacket The UeHt IMoHter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to j the affected parts is superior to any j plaster. When troubled with lame back lor pains in the side or chest, give it a trial und you are certain to be more I than pleased with the prompt relief i which it affords. Iun Balm also cures . rheumatism. One application gives re ' lief. For sale by Blakeley, tho druggist. CASTQRIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CI NTftUH COMPANY. NIW VO CITV. A satisfied customer ia our best advertisement. Just as though you paid full price we fit every Jacket FREE of Extra Charge. EXAMPLE NO. 2. Stylish Short Jacket; made of a very fine imported black Cheviot, and lined throughout with a good quality black Taffetta Silk. Double-breasted, with large bound with silk. $10 for Stylish Dressed Men.... Are thoee who wear clothes that are up-to-date in tit, workmanship and quality. My line ot samples covers all the latest designs tor fall and winter, the price is right, aud I can guarantee a perfect fit. Suits to Order, $IO.OO. John Fashek, The Tailor. Guardian's Notice of Sale. Nntlcu I hereby Riven thHt purauant to nn order of miIu Hindu lij-Hie County Court of the Statu of Oreunu for Wiiseo County, the muter slKiied, the duly iipiioluttd uuardiiui of Haatiu Fleming, will irom mill after the 7tli day ot February, lfJl, tell at private, hnlu the following described real property: Lot No. fl in block 5 of TlionipMin's Addition to Dulles C'itv, Wat.ee County, Oregon, beloiiRiiiR to tho estate of uld Milium Hernias, The said .sale will bo for cash in hand paid. ja MUS. (i. J. JlUSSKtt, nunrdian. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTL12MENT. Notlco is hereby Riven that the undersluneii has tiled with the clerk of the county court of thostaleof Oregon, for VVuscocounty, his rtnal account as administrator of the estate of Helen Bradford, deceased, and that by au order duly made on the llth day of December, 1SHX), by said court, Monday, the llth day ot January, ltl, has been fixed as the lime, aud the couuty court room of said court as the place for tho hearing of objections to said dual account. I'. T. 1IHADFOKI), declMi Administrator NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OHick at The Haliks, Oil, ) December 10, WOO, i Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has tiled notice ot his intention to make Una! proof in support ot ids claim, and that said proof will bo made befoio thu register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, January It), luoi, t. Crest OliltKsclilaiter, of Tho Dalles, Oregon, 11, K, No. Mia for lhu W'a NWii and W'J bW'U Sec. Ill, T. 2 N., it. 13 r,,, W. M He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon und cultivation of said laud, Vi!., Jacob Whittle, Jacob Ohlcgsrlilager, Able V. Marsh, l'erry Vaiieaiiip, all cf The Dalles, Ore gon. dedl JAY 1'. I.UCA8, Hculster, NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is heieliy given tint the undersigned has duly tiled with the County Clerk o:' Wasco County, Ortgou, his final account and report as administrator of tho estate of Adolph Agldlus, deceased, aud that iliu Honorable Couuty Court has tlxeil Mondaj,tho5th clay of November, llKXi. at 10 o'clock a in, of said day as tho time, and tho County Court room ot tho County court house in DallcsClty, Wasco Couniy, Oregon, ut. the place for heuriiig said Until account ami re port. All pertous interested in said estate uru hereby untitled to appear at said tlaio and place mid show cause, il any there be, why said rciwt should not bo approved aud said administrator dlschutKed, Dated this 5th day of October, lMO. . . , , J. I', AOIDIUS, Administrator of tho estate of Adolpli Auldius, deceased, ocl6