The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 14, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 11
Uoth Houses.
E fleeted in
Special toTlIK
Saixm, Ore., Jan. 14. Tlie house wan
Cillmi to order at 10 o'clock by .lennim-'p,
chief clerk o( the last house. Harris, of
Lane couiity, nominated Roberta, of
Wanco poimty, for temporary spenkcr.
Mr. Roberta whs unanimously elected.
On motion of Stewart of Jackson, Jen
nings huh elected temporary clerk.
Kirk, MiGreer, Grace, Stewart and
Xottiniihiwii woro appointed as com
mittee on credentials. Ihirrett, Eddy,
U'utHon and Emmcti were
us committee on order of
Tliti houHe then adjourned
till i! o'clock p. t.
Immediately following adjournment
the republicans of the house went into
caucus. '1 ho Minute republicans had
ciuctised at 10 o'clock.
At 11 o'clock the senate was called to
order by Senator Cnmeron, und William
son huh elected temporary president.
Muorliend was elected temporary clerk,
and Frank Grant, of Multnomah, assist
ant clerk. Keuatore Hrownell, Josephi
D(1 Steiuer were appointed a committee
on credentials. It is hardly probable
that there will be any permanent
fanlwtimi tuday.
llrpiihlW'uii Chuciik Noinllitim.
Saum, Ore., Jan. H, 1 p. m. The
senate republican cauens has chosen
Fulton, (if Clatsop, for president and
Moorheiid for chief clerk.
The houMi republican ciiucub chose
Hustler of I'iniitillii county for speaker,
ami Wileun of Portland for chief clerk.
wan the causo of no little anxiety. Two
daya later, however, it was announced
that he was improving and had been
able to leave his bed. The unusual
severity of the present weather, together
with the damp atmosphere of The
Netherlands has aggravated the execu
tive's condition until now his friends are
nroivllng at Knjrlanrl.
MovniKAL, Jan. 12.---La Verite, the
recognized organ of the ultra Catholic
French Canadians, publishes a threaten
ing against English rule in Canada. The
The article says :
"There is a limit to human patience.
It is said that England will always guard
Quebec. We say that she will guard
Quebec, just as long as the French Cana-
dittns wish Iter to and not an instant
longer, and if the fanatics of Ontario and
elsewhere were not blinded by passion
ttiey would comprehend it also. If the
insults of which we have been made the
constant object on the part of the Eng
lish element of this country do not soon
come to an end, and if they continue to
reward our loyalty toward the English
throne by covering us with injuries and
flooding tiB with threats, there will be
an explosion of anger among the French
Canadians which will astonish those who
are accustomed to regard us as 'Good
"And what will be the result of a
series of riots, of serious troubles between
the French Canadians and the EnglUh?
The French Canadians have only to
make u sign to Uncle Sam und in fifteen
days an urmy would occupy Quebec,
Montreal and Toronto.
'We certainly do not hope to see theBe
things, but they will come if the cam
paign oi insult does not cease."
Chinese Court Has Issued the Long Ex
pected Instructions to Its Representatives.
No I S lffllt to UkIiidlk,
The woman who it lovely in face,
linn mill temper will always have
friends, but one who would be attractive,
must keep her health. If she is weak,
eickly and nil run down, she will lie
nervous und irritable. If thu litis con
stipation or kidney trouble, her impure
Uuwl will cause pimples, lilotchui', skin
eruptions and u wretched complexion.
Electric llitinrti is the beet mediciiio in
the win Id to regnlute stomach, liver and
kidneys and to purify the blood, if
Hives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth,
velvety tkiti, rich complexion. It will
make a good-looking, charming woman
I run-down invalid. Only 50 cents
at Iilakeley's drug store. '1
Ki'iinvily Ih I'fnliuiril.
Ini'Unai'omh, Ind., Jan. l'J Govern
f Mount, who retires from olllce next
Monday, today pardoned William W.
Kennedy, who was sentenced to prison
life in 1883 for the murder of David
Uaker, at Greensburg, Ind. Kuinedy
wa paroled in 1807 und has for several
"mnths beun uttached to the eaultary
"vice in Huvnna.
The case attracted national attention
wause of the efforts of Kate Kennedy,
the convicted man's sister, to Becure his
Prdon. Since his conviction she 1ms
Ppealed to every Indiana governor, but
without uvail until todav. Ml Ken.
nely, in man's garb, traveled over the.
wintry in au endeavor to locate the leal
murderer. She tramped her way and
"ever in iseed au opportunity to intoi-
ew tramps and criminals, witli tlio
' of ascertaining the whereabouts of
J''e limn for whoso crime she clnimed
nef brother watt suffering.
KniKr u HiKroiiHly Hlok Mun.
Cmicaoo, Jan. 1. A ditpatch from
Y'lBtothoTdtmuo says: I'rivato ad-
VICeB received Imm unu II, .,1 ii riitrmaii
I'Mcian who recently ejcunlned Preel
! , 1 KruKer pronounced him dangeiouH
J scarcely utile to live more than a
'O'tnlgbt longer. The president was
P'O'tratud by an attnek of bronchitis two
ft'ni WK0 U"d 8evuro ulliiittte has
Uitntcd the progress of the disease,
"hen JVcpldentKrugur was first at
si by his preseut illuete his condition
II l Lire Wan Naveil.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverence from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says: "1 was taken with
Typhoid fever, that ran into Pneumonia.
My lungs became hardened. I wsh so
weak I couldn't even sit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle gave
great relief. I continued to use it, and
now am well and strong. I can't say
too much in its praise." This marvellous
medicine is the surest and quickest cure
in tlie world for all Throat and Lung
Trouble. Kegular sizes f0 cents and if 1.00.
Trial bottles free at Hlakeley's drug
store; every bottle guaranteed. -
Can ul I'lcnt) Tiilum Up ISy tlie llrttlnli.
Washington, Jan. 12. Ollicial in
formation hits readied the state depart
ment to the. cd'ect that the Jltiy-Paunce-fote
treaty, us amended by the United
States teuutc, is now under consideration
by tho Hritifch cabinet ollicials, with u
view of finally determining whether tlie
instrument in its amended form shall lie
agreed to or not. Ileyond the fact that
document itself is now before the of
llcinls for final action, the etnte depart
ment is not advisud, und there in no n
timulion at hand as to the probable re
sult of tlie conferences now going on.
Thut it is actually taken up gives
promise that an answer one way or the
other will be quickly forthcoming, und
there will be no long-drawn-out delay
over the negotiations.
The fact that tho treaty is now being
actively considered in Loudot naturally
has excited aiuch speculation as to the
final outcome, hut the state department
is unable, to confirm any of the rumors
as to probabln acceptance. There is
quite a prevailing feeling, however, un
otllcially expreosed, by those who have
followed the recent course of afliairs,
that tho indications are favorable to an
acceptance. It was pointed out in this
connection by tm ollicial that if a rejection
was contemplated, it probably would be
made at once, whereas the delay of about
two weeks since the amended treaty
reached the Loudon foreign oflice, gave
evidence that there was a desire on the
part of the cabinet oflicialls there to con
sider the matter with much deliberation
in the hope of bringing the two govern
ments into agreement.
Volcuuiu KruitloiiH
Are grand, hut skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Jlueklen'n Arnica Salvo cures
them ; also old, running ami fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felous, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Itruisos, liurus, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblulus, Best Pile cure on
earth, Drives out pains und aches.
Only -') cte. a box. Cure guaranteed,
Sold at Ulukoley's drug store. 'J
Pkki.v, Jan. 12,-The Chinese Peace
Commissioners have received orders from
the court to sign the joint note of the
Nuwi oisk, Jan. 12 A special to the
Times from Washington says: Not much
faith Is placed by the state department
in tho story from Paris that the joint
note has been signed by Prince Cbing
and Li Hung Chang. It is said that
Minister Conger would certainly have
reported an event of so much im
portance, and that not a work has been
received from him on the subject.
Tho state department is still strongly
inclined to doubt whether the opposition
of the emprees dowager can be overcome
by any ordinary means. The appearance
of Chang Chi Tung as leader of the op
position inrceaees the doubt. Chang is
known throughout China as the principal
representative of whatever patriotism
and love of country is left in the empire.
His influence is all the greater because
his antipathy to foreigners has never led
him into any of the ueeless and violent
moves against them, such as the Boxer
rebellion. Chang has always sought by
conservative means to build up the
patriotic spirit in his country without
compromising it in the eyes of the
powers. He is additionally respected be
cause he is known to be an incorruptible
office-holder, a rarity in China, and he
has actually snnk n fortune -in public
works without getting a oentdishonestly.
The tact that such a man has warned
the empress dowager that she must re
call her authorization to the plenipo
tentianes is of great significance. If the
empress dowager should ogam aseent to
tlie signiiig of the note, she would have
to reckon with a patriotic movement led
by Chang.
Con t Mil KiprfM Coniiunli ,
Chicago, Jan. 11. The Record tomor
row will say:
"Absolute control of the vnst interests
of the express companies imiv fall into
! the bunds of the railroad financial pow
ers. Preliminary steps toward such an
object are said to have been taken under
the guidence of J. P. Moigau, James J.
Hill and others, who are figuring promi
nently in the recently reported railway
deals, and the general scheme has been
outlined. Tlie report has it that the
powers intend to conduct the express
businees of (lie country as a regular de
partmeut of railroad operation. While
nothing definite regarding tho plans is
obtainable, it is claimed to be the inten
of the railroad officials to refuse to renew
contracts with tho companies where the
remaining life of the contracts is not long,
and to make outright purchases of fran
chises where the contracts still have long
lives before them. Tho express compa
nies iiave contracts ranging all tho way
from five to 20 years, and at tlie expira
tion of their legal agreements they are
at the mercy of the railroad companies."
A I'uwdor Mill Explosion.
Removed everything in sight; so do
drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty
dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate
machinery of your body with calomel,
croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's
New Life Pills, which are gentle as u
summer breeze, do the work perfectly.
Cures Headache, Constipation. Only
25c ut lilakeloy'e drug store, 2
DttliUh J nil leu to He Oui'x.
Coi'KNH A'iKK, Jan. 11. The negotia
tions for tlie sale of the Danish West
Indies to the United States are seeming
ly approaching settlement. Tho matter
has been placed in the hands of the
finance committee of the Itlgsdag, with
the view of arranging the difference in
the price asked and offered. The King
and Ministry are in favor of the sale, hut
ilnul action may be delayed by powerful
opposition both in tlie islands and here.
Wanted A second- hand tiro-proof
safe. Must be in good condition ami not
too large, Apply at the Ciiitoxicm
office. o3l-tf I
A good story
is worth repeating.
The Half-Price Sale of
Ladies' Fine Jackets.
A satiefled customer is
our best advertisement.
Every day sees the assortment growing less. Not a day passes but what a few
garments change owners and every Jacket that leaves this store, we have the satis
faction of knowing, makes for us what we most desire
...A Satisfied Customer...
We start another week's selling-today, with a balance of just sixty-two choice
Jackets. They range from .$10 to $20, and from 32 to 44 bust. '
We offer you two Jackets
for the price of one or
If you are interested if you think you
will need a new coat next w inter, or the winter
after it will bo to your advantage to antici
pate your wants and buy now TODAY.
Just as though you paid full
price we fit every Jacket
FREE of Extra Charge.
Stylish Jacket of a light tan Kersey;
made with high Medici collar and large
revers; revers, front and cuffs beautifully
a'ppliqued in same material; fine pearl
buttons. Lined throughout with good
quality of satin to match. rt-itC n
$13.50 Jacket for 4U.
Stylish Short Jacket; made of a very
fine imported black Cheviot, and lined
throughout with a good quality black
Taffetta Silk. Double-breasted, with large
revers; edges bound with silk. T
A $20 Jacket for $10
Wallham Watcheii For Crowe.
Wai.tham, Mass., Jan. 11. Two men,
one of whom is paid to hear a striking
reeemblance to tho newspaper picttmB
of Pat Crowe, t lie alleged Omaha kid
naper, were sentenced to serve six
months at the state farm today on the
charge of vagrancy. They five their
names as Fred Miller, of I'utnmn, N. V.,
and Fred Wilson, of New Haven, Conn.
They had been occupying a camp inaj
secluded place. Uoth were well drested.
A newspaper from which a picture of
Pat Crowe had been torn, was picked up
near the camp. The men were photo
graphed today ontl their pictures will be
sent to the police of ali the large cities
for identification.
Hustling young man can make $60 per
mouth and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experienco niinecessary. Write
quid: for particulars. Chirk it Co.,
Fourth anil Locust Streets, Philadel
lipin. Pa. tS-tf
i -i i ITjiifiiln1 '"iTii Tiil ii"iT
Vegetable Pr eparalionfo'r As -similatiiig
ling ihe Sloinachs and Dowels of
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur
ness nndRcst.Contains neither
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narcotic.
aftM llrSAMUn. PttOWl
JuiyJiUt Set it
sttx.StAita '
jinise ttvrf t
Jttgrmwil -.
Jil TetunairStila
. nwmytM nam:
Aperfecl ltcmetly forConslipa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions.fcverish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
new Yomc
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Are those who wear clothes flint are up-to-date
in lit, workmanship and quality.
My line ot SHinplea covers all the latest
debiyns for fall and winter, the price is
right, and 1 guarantee h perfect fit.
Suits to Order, SIO.OO.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Guardian's Notice of Sale.
.S'otlru i hereby given that imrsiiHtit to an
ruder of Mtlo made by the County Court of the
State of OreL'oa for Wasco County, the ttiider
Hltrned, the duly niiiiolnttd Kiiardlati of Manila
FleiiiltiK, will trom and after the 7th dav ot
February, l'.wl, sell at private miIo tho followIiiK
des-crlbed real property: Lot No. 0 In block 5 of
Thompviii' Addition to Dalles Cttv, Wasco
County, Oreson, bclot.KitiK to tho estate of said
Hiiitiia Fleming, 'ihe bald Mile will be for cash
lit hand paid.
j'J MI!S. G. J. MUS3KK, Guardian.
Notice la hereby irlveu that tho undersigned
has tiled with tho clerk of tho couutv court of
tho state of Oregon, for Wasco county, his rlnal
account us administrator of tho estate of Helen
Umdford, deceitseii, aud that by an order duly
made on the Ilth diy of December, l'JOO, bv aid
court, Monday, tho 11th day ot January', 1D01,
has been ilxed us the time, aud the county court
room of said court as tho place for tho hearing
of objections to said llnat account.
deolMl Administrator
Land Omes at Tiik, Oit.. ;
December 10, ltw, (
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice ol his Intention
to make Dual proof In support of his cluim, and
that said proof will bo inado before the register
and rtvvlver at Tlie Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day, January ID, I'.KU, vU.:
Crust Olilecsclilaiior,
of Tho Dalles, Oregon, II. K, No. sua for tho
jy... Ni ami V'.a' SW'i Sec. Ill, T. 'J N., It. 13
Ho names tho following witnesses to provo
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said laud, vU. :
Jacob Whittle, Jacob Ohlegsehlager, Able Y.
Marsh, IVny Vuncuntp, all cf Thu Dalles, (lie
gon, deoU J.vv v, l.U('.S, heglster.
Notice Is hoietiy given tint tho itudcrslsncd
has duly llled with tho County Clerk of Wasco
County, Oregon, his dual account ami report as
administrator of the estate of Adolph Agldlus.
deceased, aud that thu Honorable County Court
has tlxed Monthi) .thofith day of November, M0.
at lit o'clock n m. of sahl day as tho time, and
tho County Court room oi thu county court
house. In Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, as
tho place for hearing said Hunt account ami re
port. All persons Interested lit said estate uro
hereby untitled to appear at said time ami place
and show cause, if any thero be. why said reimrt
should not bo approved uud said iidinltiisirator
Dated this fith day of October, lOHO.
...... . J- I' AOlDlt'S,
Administrator of the estate of Adolph Agidius,
deceased, (m:u