SORE HANDS Red, Rough Hands, Itching Burning Palms and Painful Finger Ends ONE NIGHT TREATMENT Soak the hands on retiring in a strong, hot, creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICURA, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during the night, old, loose kid gloves, with the finger ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms. For red, rough, chapped hands, dry, fissured, itching, feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful finger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful. Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap Exclusively, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the 6kln, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, uud the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, nnd soothing red, rough, nnd sore liumla, In the form of bath? for nnnoying Irritations, liillani. niatlons, and dialings, or too free or offensive perspiration, In the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily sugge-ft themselves to women, nnd especially mothers, nnd for nil the purposes of the toilet, hath, and nursery. So amount of persuaslua can Induce those who have once used It to use any other, especially for preserving and purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children. CUTICUUA Soap combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTI CUUA, the groat skin cure, with the puret of cleansing Ingredients anil the moat refresh, ingof flower odors. No other mttltcaltd soap ever compounded Is to be compared with It for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the ekln, 6calp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toil't soap, however expensive, la to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, luth, and nursery. Thus It combines In One Soap nt Osk Pnici:, viz., Twi:xTY.rtvr. Cents, the iiest skin and complexion soap, the best toilet and uest baby soap In the world. Complets External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor, M it ml ID A tva.iitin;nf Ctrrrt'fU Soap (29c.). to cletnte the iktnof crosti anil eale and rotten the tuc s?t thidcennt cuttel. Cittioi-k. Oitmixt (SOc.). to initially Uy ltthtas nd irrlt.tlon and Tnt .wthe and hwl, nnd Ccticoba Hssoi7zvTf.V)c-).toenolandeleanietheblood. Soldthrougti- 1.28 out toe worlii. Purr a c Dacu a.xu Cbeu. Corp. Sole 1'ropa., Uoiton. I'KOl'I.E COMING AND GOING. 5Iax Aekermau, Mr. went to Spok trie today girl. Mrs. V. D Kellar's bake', to see his best REPORT OF STOCK INSPECTOR Stuck in Healthy Ctindl t loii--Scal Prob ably Eraillctml--St ork In.pevtor's Life Not Due of I'leasuru. Richards, who lias been To lhe Honorable County Court, Cuunln ill at the home of tier daughter, Mrs. J F. Huworth, in this city, for the past three weeks, is much improved in health and left this morning for her home in .the Fairfield district. number a from ravages of coyote, the comparison with the spring enumeration shows a sale for the county of some 55,- 000 hem) for the season. We hud in tho fall a very humiliating case of scab. From some bucks being pastured in J. H. Mamotor's pasture, in Tvl'Ii Valley ,scab was scattered among n number of bands, and one band belong ing to Konrad Houser, near Hake Oven, 1 am inclined to think contracted scab on tlioir aummui range. A panic seemed to come over the sheep-owners. While each one would treat his own sheep for a cure, lie was positively sure that none of his neighbors did the same, and when he could catch his breath from berating his neighbor, he would turn his atten tion to me and give me a round-up as being responsible for the whole situa tion. I have had letters or telephone messages reporting almost every band of sheep in the county as having scab. I think now that the present situation is that the effected bands are probably all cured. Possibly it may show again in some one or two places ; but I think all danger of any general spread is passed. If a general spread of scab has been averted, with the wide distribution it received in October, the sheep-owners have great cause to congratulate them selves. I nave not heard of any diseases among other domestic stock. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Bon.sey, Stock Inspector for Wasco County. Dated Dalles City, Jan. 10, 1001. How to Cure Crniiii, Mr. It. Gray, who lives near Amonia, Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber- lain'B Cough Remedy is the best medi cine I have ever used. It is a ' . ilt I III mil ' ij ruiiiuli' fnr ii.nnii ,,,irl iiuvur f.tila to cure." When given us soon as tlie child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hnnd ready for instant use as soon as these symptoms appear For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. llKTAUT roll Ktist Mull 12:i p. m, timk srin:iui.K, Fiiom AlllCVK FlIOSI Suit Lake, Denver. !'(. Worth. Omaha, Kiiu khk City, St. l.otiis, Chicago, uud Host. Knit Mall l'.O.') p IP Atlantic Kxprcax U!;.vi ii. m. Via Huntington. Spokane Mull and Kxpress U:! p. m 8 p. m. 8 p. m. Salt IJike, Denver. Ft. tilin, m Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, St. IjiiiIs,! t'liicngo and Kast, I WbIIh Walla, Hpoknnc, JIIliiieiioll. St. I'Hilli, jlu In th, Mllwnlikee, Chicago nnd Knst, via, Spokane akd HlliitiliK- ton; also nil points In WHuhlugtnu and Kust-I em Oregon. ' StHikiiuc Mall mid Kxprca.1 ;;::'Ji a. m From I'ortlakii. Oceiin BteamshliE, For Shu Francisco Every Five Days. 4 p. m. t p. m. Kx.SuudaylColunibta Rv. .Steamers.1 Ex.fcUiiitf. !To Astoiiu nnd Way Raiurday ! landing'). i 10 p. m. ' Ca. m. 1 WlLLAMXTTK KlVKIt., Kx.HuudHylOregon City. Newlwrg, Kx.Huuday 1 bnlem ik Vny Iliad's. $1.00 per month. Strictly llrst class local and long distance telephone service within your homo. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will he kept a secret. No cost for installing. You get the standard lluiiuing Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. We will accept your contract for ten voars and allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ten notice, PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. i R, tiii 'Willamette and Yam- :i:30 p. m. Tues.Thur. hill Kiverx. tMon.,Vcd and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton,! uud Fri. anil Way-Landings, i I.v liiparlii dally , 3:3o n. m. i Snakk Kivkic. Kliiirhi to lx!Witoii. I.kavi: i.kwistoh daily 'J:ooa. m Graurt 0iftulng. Ttiere will be a grand opening at the 'Bank Cafe tonight. The decorations of the interior have just been completed and the result is by long odds the hand somest bar-room and sample rooms in the city. The back bar is a massive piece of furniture of solid English oak by the Brnnswicfe-Blako-Callender Com pany. Every appointment and conven ience known to the trad" is present. The ceiling of the bar-room is magnifi cently decorated in water colors, and the raised fresco work ie all gilded over by hand. The wood work of the private office ,s finished to correspond with the bar. in antique oak. The graining is by J. Hardy and the wood work by A. An derson. Back of the bar-room are three sample rooms, finished the wood work iu natural colors and the walls and ceil ings respectively in green, blue and red. These are the work of D. V. Vanse. On the top of tne back bar is u magnificent marble Psyche, on each side of which rises a large potted palm. The effect it very beautiful and lias only to lie eeeu to he admired. Mr.' Stubiing will be delighted to see as many us possible at the grand opening tonight, If von htvn dandruff, your hair ie failiiiL' it. lT!-.- Coi'oanut Cream. For rule at Krazer's harder xliup. liO-Itu Simcial vatu-i- in corsets, only 25 cts, ; eiz-f 18 to L'l ; !M to 29, at The New York C ihi ti'ore. The merited reputation for curing piles, sores and skin diseases acquired by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, has led to the making of worthless counter feits. Be sure to get only DeWitt's Salve. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. BUSINESS LOCALS. paints that ara Clarke & Falk Advice of a Druggist "It is proper, I think, to let others know about the popularity and virtues of Acker's English Remedy for Coughs, Colds and Con- Kumpuon. From the moment I began hand lingit.itsold rapidly, and the sales keep grow ing all the iirae as fast .as people f i n d out what a re-, markable preparation it is. The satisfaction i t gives is universal. 'Our best cit izens use it and say it is the best thing for throat and lung troubles they ever saw. Mr.8, H. Cul ver, one of our prominent townsmen, &aya Acker's English Remedy is the only medi xine that helped his chronic cough of many years' standing. At first it gave relief, und now, after taking a few bottles, ho i wholly cured. I buy it by the gross at u time, and my sales aro larger on this one medicine than on any other in my store, It is ii great jileasurofor me to feel that whilelum prosper ing! am alsodoingMimuchgoodtothucoui .munity in selling such a grand medicine." ifSigned It. R. Dowilas, Westlleld, N. Y.$Ln bottle, throughout lhe United Hiatus und Canada ; and iu Eng land, at Is. 2d 2s. 3d., 4s. Ud, Ifyou arenot satislied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, uud get your money back, We authorize tht. above guarantee. .!'. Jl. UOOKIU: d- CO., I'mprietun, Xew York. V t at Blalteley'a Pharmacy. of n', Stale of Oregon: Gentlemen": I have made careful in spection of al! cases of diseased stock that have come to my notice for the last half year and taken such action as eeecjed hest in my judgment in each individual case. HOUSES. There were some cases of mange in horses brought to my notice, and I caused them to be taken ofT the public range and treated by the owners for a cure. A few worthless cayuses that were strays I caused to be killed and the carcasses to be burned. I was informed that some of the horses belonging to the Indians on the Warm Springs Indian reservation were afllicted with mange and I wrote to the Indian department calling their attention to the fact, and that the diseased horses of the Indians straying or being taken ofT the reservation would be a constant menace to the health of all surrouudiug horse stock, and asking th department to co operate with the suite authorities in try- , Acker's English Remedy in any case of .rl,ii;,.iu n,ia ,iiaU.,t,. r iina I eougha, colds or croup. Should it fail to time I received I UP" 1'nrties desiring to go to llemmer or fine ' points on Columbia Southern via Uiggs. hhould uiku mi. leaving jne mines nt rj;iu p. in. making direct connections at ileppuer junction mid Biggs. Uetiirnlng maklngdlrectconnectlon ut Hcnpucr junction niul Illggs with No. 1. nr riving at The Dalles nr yy.-jo p. m. The O. It, A: N. steamer "Mndie'"is now mak ing regular trips to Salem and lupepondtncc, stopping nt all way landings, tlhe leaves Port land on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at i a. in., arriving at Saem -I p'. in., uud Imteix'ml eitee about C p. m. on same days. Hemming boat leaves luilepe.ideiiee nt A a. in. uud Salem nt b a. m. on Tuesdays. ThuvMlavs ami Satur days, arriving at Portland about ij p. m. same days. Paint your house with fully guaranteed to last. have them. Why pay $ 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Pat ton's sun proof paints for ? 1.50 per gallon, guaranteed foroyears. Clark. & Falk, agents. ml Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or motiey refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. lihikeley the druggist. Experience is tho best Teacher. Use For full particulars call on o. U. it X. Co.'s agent The Dalles, or address (Jen, V. II. urui.wiiT, l'as. Agt., Portland, Or 1M W I Mcns 1 giCiLE Bhortcn J (Urease :-1 9 helps the team. Saves wear anu R PL expense. Sold everywhere. M TjSgL STANDARD "oil. CO. Cfll'l 1 li rn uil I (i 1 1 riiiiaf nmnut a reply referring me to 5 ct(Ji am', 50 ctg Uni.0iev. the olHcer in criarL'e of the said reserva tion uud promising co-operation. On communicating with the said otlicer iu charge I found htm in hearty accird and anxious for information as to what stepB were necessary on his part. And I must say to the credit of the Indians that they showed a willingness lo do their duty in the matter that would be a good example for some of the whites to follow. Tiiere have been some other cases of sickness among horses brought to my notice; but so far as I was capable of judging it was nothing contagious. CATTLE. Cattle have been quite healthy during the hiBt half year. Black leg made its appearance to a limited extent, but not very many deaths resulted. I saccul ated some bands In which black-leg ap peared with Pastner'a Black-Leg Vac cine, and not another death resulted after vaccination, I believe it a safe and reliable preventive of the disease; and as it is easy of application and not ex pensive, I think it would be a good plan if all young calves were vacsinateii at about the age of four months. One case of supposed tuberculosis in a cow was brought tomy notice and I recommended ttiat the animal be killed. This is a disease that can be communi cated to the human family from the cow, and all suspicious cases should be promptly reported -to the authorities for investigation. I took particular pains to inspect the dairy cows kept for the purpose of supplying milk to th" citi zens of The Dalles, and found them all in perfect health so far as I could j uli'e, and in well-fed condition, being fnl only on good wholesome mod. t.W thud-iry barus were clean and wel, kep, and as no dairyman could have pu-eihly known when I was going to maku my rounds, the condition of things showed that cleanliness ie the rule. HIIKEI'. My semi-annual .inspection showed 137,000 head of sheep in Wasco county. Making due allowance for shrinkage in efiinded. ttio drug gist. . For Knit or halii. The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on First street, is for rent or sale. It is a three-story, corrugated iron building, 110x33 feet, with water elevator. Apply to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. ti20-tf Among the lene of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedv for colds and la crippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case lias resulted in pheumnniu, Titos. Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue, Chicago, one of the most prominent re tail druggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "We recommend Chamber lain's Cough Kemedy for la grippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Such little pills as DeWitts Little Early Kisers are very easily taken, and they are wonderfully effective in cleans ing the liver and bowels. Clarke & Falk P. O. Pharmacy. PepBln preparations often fail to re lieve indigestion because they can digest only albuminous foods. There is one preparation that digests all classes of food, and that is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, It cures the worat cases of intliuestion uud gives instant relief, for it digests what you eat. Clarke & Falk P. O. Pharmacy. Clearance sale of winter millinery at the Campbell & Wilson Millinery Par lore. Trimmed hats, street hats, and baby bonnets ut cost. 7-lm Freali Milk mill Dream. A dollar saved if a dollar gained. I urn selling the best Jersey milk in the market, warranted to test five per cent butter fat, for $2 a quart per mouth. Also purely cjntrifugally separated cream at -to cunts a quart, Why pay more when you can do better by phon ing to the City Dairy. 'Phone 385. 30-lin Bkut Uaglkv, Prop. NOTICE. In future any and all inmiiries relu- ' live to delinquent taxes must lie mude to the county clerk, as lie is custodian of I delinquent tax sale record and rolls. Tub eueriii having complied with the law in making oaiu of delinquent taxas, tie is completely out of the tax-collecting business till March next. dllt-ltn Miss Haven wishes to announce that during the months of January and Feb ruary siio will offer all bur remaining stock of winter millinery at greatly re duced prices, 'preparatory to receiving spring goods. Trimmed hats at just 1 9 J. E. FALT & CO., X Proprietors Gommerejal SampJe ffoomS. Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 Delivered lo any pari of the City. 173 Second Street. Phones: 51 Local, 85S Long, distance C. J. STUBblG, WHOLESALE ANJJ KKTA'L ,5 Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to FirBt National Iiank. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. Al JLHATAt AT3CTA-.-A-I AyA.':k'f3 k' I I ohn li. ltCXl IC, half price. dUO-L'w The most soothing, healing and anti septic application ever devised is De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves at once and cures piles, sores, eczema and skin diseases. ISeware of imita tions. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Iluu't It lib It In, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mnki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. L'Scts. aud50ets. Blakeley, the druggist. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jauie ' E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints 3, UK.VEKAL iSI f ...AND... j Hflrsfififififif I Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mcwd, Phone 159 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nuturo iu KlrenKtueniutf aud rcuon atruuting the exhausted digestive or gans. It isthe latestdlscovcreddigest ant and tonic. No other nronaratlon can approach It in utllcicticy. It in stantly relievesand pormanuntly cures i Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastrulgia.Crarapsand I all other results or imperfect digestion. FrlcoSoc. andtt. Largo slto contains 2VS times smBllsltcIiooUaUaboutdyspepsluinailedtree vopared by E C DsVITT ft CO.. Cblcaaa - I Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pnaimacv. Belgian Hares to Lease.! FRENCH & CO I have about 10(1 thoroughbred dot' .BAINK.fc.K5. T III I , , . .n . uuii xjwiii tease in lois oi iu to respon sible parties on shares. Apply to C. K. BAVAKl), n!t0-2w The Dalles. JjK. U. K. HMITIt, Osteopath. I'.oomi. 10 and 11, Chapman Illock, The UbIIci,, Oregon. uulfil Nasal CATARRH la all ha uttigta tboro iliould bo cleanllueis. Ely's Cream' Balm cleamee.ionthenamllitala .tlio iliucascil membrane. t curtu catarrh and drives away a cold lu the head quickly. C'rcura Balm Is placed Into tho noatrlli, tpreada over the niemlirano and ia alisorlied. llellafU Im mediate aud a euro follows. It la not drjrlng doea not produce sneezing. Large Size, SO oenta at Drug Slats or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. H.V IXWTUEKS, 5 Warren Street, New York. EXEOUTOR'd NOTICE . Notl-o Is hereby ujveii that the imderslKntd, fxecutor of tho will of Anilruw V. Audoraoi (Ivccnaed, has llUd hla Dual iiccount In tlio county court of the Statu oi Oregon for Wuaco Liniiitr, and mid court Iiiin iitiiHiiiitcd Miiiiiinv. iiio ,tii ilny n Jitiiiniiv. JSin, nt tliu lioiir of jii 0 cliHik a. m , us the time f-.r hi-nrhm' oblcrstlcuiH thereto mill H,u Mittlemenl tlie.-nf; All hiirH credltiiri. mill ctiuir ur .i.h i . u-tci lu Mihi CHtntoiirt- thrifinu.liun;tiv ii-iili.,l to lllu tholr objvctlnnh to wild "l eiiuni. if . ,, ... n,lve ' or bufnre tlio ilny m-1 fur tlm Iilmiihk thereof, hnllei. city, dr., Nuv. j.i, '"I '. H""Ti:il,H;t,Kxecntor NO IJC K KOU I'll 111. It.'ATION." ' UNI. orn(,i. .it 'I hi: Or., 1'iiTiiib. r iv. M). i aiiuco i? ikii'Iij si.un tlmt the Killowlnir mnieil te tlui lmi l lol until.. i nj,., t ,, o make final pruof hi hupimrtuf hl claim , that aiild proof will bo Hindu bufnru the leKli. ur iiuil receiver of tho I'. H. hind olllc. Wnu UhIIw, or , nn Saturday, January '.'ii, lytu, vl', FriiimlH A, OlirlNt, (if Tho miles, Ort-Kun, II. K. No. iutiJ, for tlm u'li?-. ""U HJi S! taVT lt Ho niliaei tliu following wltuushcH to nrove oi !hTl.ind','vlz:eS '"C U"'" vtou J. It. Iliilll NeUon, Ohna. Ulbaou, Alox Fmzor, nil of The inillet, Ohkom. u'u""1' a,ux ik,cIh MV I'. I.IIOAH, KfKUter. TKANHAOTA K.N E I'. Al. HANKING IIUfc'INKH Lettors of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphs Translers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattlo Wash,, und various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fa. rablM t,erm. ONE FOR A DOSE. ltomcno piln,,i , f... "i'on,';.T'VIU1'' f. a",' , 1 h".' 'I'-i-i' ' i'Ibilrui-;m-. I) 1 ' NOnOH OF FINAL tSKl'N.HMKNU In tho Comity Court of tin. state (, OieKim o v,.1 '"'."'''y F'V" lurhlgncd, H. fc. Haltmiirshi!, ii(halnli.trnt'ir wltli the u III niiuuxed of the t-htuto of Jounthiin .Inckn in, i " vi.w,, mm juei, ,., ,,, nuoititlit III Mill t'Slato iu tho inuutv court of Mild Wnseo Comity, Ore KiMi.niid siild court tins, by uu order (luted tliu llth ilny of Deceiabor. luuo, ii)ioluted Tliuis (liiy.tbo l ithdiiy of Janunfy.Vjoi.i t thi ur .f'Jo'olock In thuiiltcrnrmiiof h,,,l Unr, uii tlii hue und the cpunty court loom In the court hoiisu ut Dalles (ilty, OroRon, nn tho b.ueXr """I iniiii iiui.'oiiui iiiki oi tliu oh '; a t ( ii r'c-i i irn -i, . i ii.ji.i t jwiii inn inuroio, ii any tliuru be. All .,1.., in win iiimi inner iiurkoiiN lutoiustdl helrn. Ill Niiil estate, aru hereby untitled and iciulru.i tn tiru' .cut nnd iiiu thuir iibi.4iiif.My .:.!! .V?J LVrV; any thoy have, on r before the time act fur the hearing thereof us aforesaid "'"" ustiitu of Jonathan Jackson, deceased. UpJ fit