1) c Dalles VOL. XII I THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY 12, 1901. NO. 10 ..THE FHIR. The Place where you can Save Some Money. People who are looking for bargains do not only want ; low prices, but want the quality with it, and it is this com- hi nation we offer in all our departments. Read the' follow ( ing for prices and then come and see the quality as well. Men's Underwear. In Uiis line we show the host values in the city; shirts and drawers, each worth T.V. $1, $1.2") and $1.50, we are selling at .")()(, f)8e, 70c, 05c and 1.10. Ladies' Underwear. Worth $ I ,$1.25 and l.:io, sells at 90c. Ladies' Union Suits, Avorth 75c, 85c and l, at 58c, 7l'c, and 85c. A big line of Ladies' J-lo.se at 10c, 13c, 15i', l'Jc and 24c. We sell the FCCORSETS in all styles long waist, medium and short waist, French shape, as well as the girdle. Our leader, a 25c corset, in all sizes, looks well and fits well; also eight, different styles, assorted colors, at -J8c. Our JACKETS need no advertising. The great quantity wo have sold speaks for themselves. Come and see. Do you know we carry Notions? In this line we outrank all others for LOW PRICES. Baby Tlibbon, per yard lc School Handkerchiefs, each lc Aluminum Thimbles lc Pencil Tablets lc Lead Pencils with Rubber lc Box Black Pins lc One Paper Pins lc Embroidery Silk, spool lc Filo Silk, skein 4c Carter's Ink 4c Miller's Shoe Dressing 10c Large box Shoe Blacking 5c Good Blacking Brush 15c Clothes Brushes 10c, 15c and 25c All Standard Calicos per yard 5c All Standard Calicos per yard 5c Men's Overcoats. A nice black coat, well-made, worth SH.00; at $0.00 A better one in black and brown, worth $12.50; at $9.00 A verv fine Irish frieze ulster, worth 8 J 2.50; at $9.00 A still finer black overcoat, worth $15.00; at $11.00 Come and see for yourself. MEN'S SUITS. We are offering real bargains in this lino. Not old shelf-worn goods, but all new stock. Pricos range from $4.75, $0.50, $7.90, $10, $10.90 and $11.85. An oxtra fine heavv all-wool black sorgo at ". $10.00 Ask or send for samples of cloth. . WE ALSO SELL Clothes Pins, per dozen lc Hope- Clothes Line 10c Best 75-foot Wire 20c No. 1 Wash Tub GOc 10-(jt. Water Bucket 19c 12-qt. " " 23c A Good Broom 23c Glass Lamp, complete 30c Boys' Lantern 20c Lantern, large, Diets 50c Good Currv Combs 10c Good Horse Brushes 18c Kitchen Saw 20c Wall Lamp, complete 43c Mrs. Potts' Irons, per set $1.15 And lots of other Useful Articles. All Standard Calicos per yard THE FAIR The Place where you can Save Some Money. 133 Second Street. F. O. Marquardsen, Prop. BOERS REPULSED AT ALIWAL Commando of Two Hundred Tried In effectually to Cross' Orange River. Cape Town, Jan. 11. A. commanao, about 200 strong, crossed the Orange river near Aliwal. It waB met on the borders of the Aliwal, Wodebouee and Harkle East districts by a body of police and mounted farmers and was repulsed with some loss. It will probably attempt to cross the river again. Dewet was last reported in the neigh borhood of Bothaville. All the towns in Orange Colony on the main line of railway are strongly held by the British and the Boers show no disposition to ap proach them. The British warship Sybil has anchored in Lambert's bay and landed a force of bluejackets and a number of guns. This force has constructed entrenchments. Hertzog's mam body, 700 strong, with two gunB has crossed the Koggeveld mountains and is now Drobably in the neighborhood of Elaand's Drift, 50 miles eaEt of Clan William. Hartzog'e intention, apparently, is to move toward Ceres and Worchester Only a few passes aie passable for the guns and the whole country is difficult to traverse. The passes are narrow and easily defended. According to latest re liable reports another party of 500 Boers haB reached the Doom River, 70 miles south of Calvinia. The British are doing all iu their power to meet the situation. Refugees from Calviniaand Clan William are flocking to Piequetberg road. They state that many poor whites are certain to join the Boers, as are also many bit ter bondsmen in the neighborhood of Clan William and Malnsberg, who open ly declare they intend to join the in vaders. Attack on Machadoilori. London, Jan. 11. The following dis patch has been received from General Kitchener, dated Pretoria, January 10: "The Boers attacked Machadodorp laet night, but were driven oil' before dawn. "Hertz3?'9 commando is in the neigh borhood of Sutherland, Capo Colony. Settle is organizing n column to head him oil. "In ttie Midlands and eastward the Boers have broken up into small bodies, some leturniiig north and some hiding in the northwest of Jamestown." Knir.'ss to Have Kttixe Force. Chicago, Jan. 11. A special to the Record from Vancouver, B. C, says: Captain P. L. Jickhart, correspondent of tiie Loudon Times, in China, who ac companied General Gaselee's relief force, left for New York, en route to London, today. Speaking of the situation in China, he said : "I think that so far as Li Hung Chang himself is concerned, he is per fectly etucere in his position as mediator, but my observation leads me to judge that any agreement the Chinese make now would be kept by ttiem no longer than it suited their convenience. The empress dowager will by Spring have a tremendous force of men armed with modern rifles ut tier command, and neither she nor Prince Tuan has the slightest chance of falling into the hands of the allied forces. Next summer will see the great struggle between the well organized Boxers under the Empress and Prince Tuan and the allied forces in their attempt to seat the young emperor firm ly on the throiie." Colrt SU'fl or Death, "There is but one small chance to save yonr life and that 1b through an operation," was the awful prospect set before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to cure tier of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on me marvellous power of Elec tric Billets to cure stomach and liver troubles, but she heard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided eur geon,s knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It is positively guar anteed to cure stomach, liver, and kid ney troubles and never diseapolnts. Prlca 50o at Hlakeley's drug store, 1 For sale An Eastman folding pocke kodak. Inquire of or address Frank( Sylvester. JHMt. Today, SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE OF Never-Rip Knee Pants. ....TWO LOTS.... 8 dozen pair; 15 different patterns; medium and darks, checks and mixtures. The material an All-wool Cassimere full-winter weight, worth $1.00 pair. SATURDAY 65c 8 dozen pair; 18 different patterns; mediums and darks, stripes, checks, mixtures. Material Strictly Pure Worsted full weights only, worth 1.50 pair. SATURDAY Special. 95c Special This sale will afford you the chance of buying the best knee pants made, at the prices usually asked for much inferior grades. Sizes run from 3 to 15 years. Those from 3 to 8 years are made Junior style: open at side bow and buckle at knee. All are provided with the Elastic Loop waist band which relieves all strain and yields to every motion. Every seam is taped or double-sewed, and every pair goes to vou with our guarantee (of a new pair) NEVER TO KIP. If you have been accustomed to buying the cheaper grades, try these and see by comparison how much cheaper it is in the end to buy the best. That's our object in this sale to induce people to buy and wear better goods. A. M. Williams t Co. Utnllli Iiiilltx to IIh Ours. Copenhagen, Jan. 11. The negotia tions for the sale of the Danish West Indies to the United States are seeming ly approaching settlement. The matter haB been placed in the hands of the linance committee of the Higsdag, with the view of arranging the difference in the price asked and offered. The King and Ministry are in favor of the sale, but final action may be delayed by powerful opposition both in the islands and here. A Might of Terror, "Awful anxiety was felt for tho widow of the brave General Burnham of Machias, Me., when tho doctors said she could not live till morning," writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she tii u st soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it had more than once saved Iter life, and had cured her of Consumption, After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases, Only f)0o and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley's drug store, 1 Persons who sutler from indigestion cau not exiect to live long, because they cannot eat the food required to nourish the body and the products of the undi gested foods they do eat poison the blood. It is important to cure indiges tion as soon as possible, and the best method of doing this 1b to use the prepa ration known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and restores all the digestive organs to perfect health. Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. I'iayed Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Lobs of appetite, Feverishnose, Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be pari tied in order to obtain good health. Acker's Wood Klexir has never failed to cunt Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Iilakeley, the drug gist. Drying liropimitlohs simply devel op dry catarrh j they dry up the secretions, which adhere to tho membrane and decom lioso, causing a far more serious trouble than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing iuhahiuta, fumes, Binokes and suuffa aud uso that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely'ti Cream Balm ia mich a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly, A trial alzo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists soil tho COo. size. Ely Brothers, fill Wnrreu St., N.Y. The Halm cures without naiu, does not irritate or cause Biioezing. It spreads itself over an irritated aud angry eurfaco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Uream Halm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh aud Hay Foyer.