The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FJ3DAY - 3 AX. 11,1801 such for the Bad but mnnifest reaann that the strenm cannot rise higher thnn the founuiin. Should the Tnited Stntes supreme court decide thnt the ''constitution luliows the flag" and Hint the Porto Itfcnns nud Filipinos are citizen of the United States, with al! the con stitutional lights of American citi zens, it will inevitably follow that we ennnot do with the Philippines what the nnti-impcrialhits want done with them. The doctrine of sects Bion, peaceable or forcible, died hard but it died beyond the possibility -dI resurrection. If the Philippine Islands are a part of the "Tnited States there is no constitutional way "by which they can be cut loose. We can no more part with them than we can part with Alaska or Arizona. In Captain Bart's recent rejiort on The Dalles-Colilo obstruction an estimate is made that r.4,0D0.ri00 ibushels of wheat are raised nnnually in the country tributory to the upper river, every bushel of wbich would lie effected by any change in the current freight rates, let us call the 84,0('D,000 buahelf one million ttons nnd we have this Quantity of wheat, exclusive of merchandise, live stock and other products, to be iTffected. If a state portage would effect a reduction of one dollar a ton, lake two to night and you will be well to morrow. Bald win's Health Tablets. Thev cure sick-headache, chronic constipation and make sick people welI-50 doses 25c It. W Tan!ll lht Chicago mllliunairr cijrar man (of Tuuslll'i hunch ,.c Cigar funic,) wj-i: "Balrimu't Health tTafct-t jitc thv lJt Trmrtyfnr cmHtiputinn. billiauiueisuud tor pid, liter X have e-w nil." JoRTiAitn, ore. nWAR3 1. DAI.15W1N- CO.. l:6nd tout Health Tablets exc-'tent far smttpatioti, 3ici..huachc anil tivivpu. C.KO i...r.LM. orrreo. linker i: Co., Auctioneer. Clarfce &. Falk. The Dalles. Oregon. Catarrti Cumint lie liureri. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of tin disease. Catarrh ie a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Sali'e Caturrh Cure if taken internally, und acts directly on tiie blood nnd mucous auriaceE. Hull'e Catarrh Cure is nu: a uunefc medicine. A Miniamr linvll Tll i Destroying its victim, is a type of con-1 atipation. The power of this murderous j uiiilwily is fult on nrgntiB nnd nerve? and . muscles and brain. There's no henlth tlil it'p overcome. Hut Dr. King's 2Jew Life l'ille are ti safe and cartnin cure. ' llest in the world for stomach, livor, kidiit'v, nnd towels. Only "5 cunts at Ihnkuley'p drug store. 1 A -f ricntftil Itluiidur Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut nr bruise, llueklon'e Arnica Salve, the beat in the world, will kill the pain nnd promptly heal it. Cures nld sores, fever sore, ulcers, boils, corns, felotiB and nil skin eruptions. ileat pile cure on earth. Only 125 uts. u box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by G. C. Iilnke-) ley druggist. 1 ' This season there is a large death rate i , among cliildreu from croup and lung 1 troubles. Prompt action will save the ; little ones from these tumble diseaaes. I i We know of uuthiug so certain to give 1 1 inBtant relief us One Minute Clinch Cure. It can also be relied upon in 1 j gripjie and all throat and lunc troubles 1 n adults. 1'lensant to take. Clarke & , Fnlk'e Pharmacy. 1 i .Now ie the time wbn croup and luug , trouble? prove rapidly fntul. Tiie onlv ' hurtnl'WK remedy tlint product's im-iii-diulv results ie one Minute Cousdi Cure. It is very pleasant to take and , can be relied upon to quick'y cure, ' coughs colds und nil hint; diseases. It will prevum consumption. Sold by Clnrke &. Polk's 1'. O. Phnrniaey. Wiien threatened by pneumonia or any other lunc trouble, prompt relief IE necessary, as it ie dangerous to delay. We would suggest that One Minute , Complete Cipe of at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUOC15T. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this "well-kno-wn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Calces. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOItUjWBlA BREWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tlm product of thin weh-knotwi brewery the Vnitd Rtutep Health ItuportP for .lime UK, WHO, , Biiyt- "A more uupeiior brew never entered the bibratnry of the Tinted Stnteh Health reporlM. Jt if ubmiltttely devoid tif the slighteHt truer of itdultorntion, but on tbe other bund if t'ompoMid of the berit of mult and choicem of hopH. Ith tonic (jtnditiec are of tbe high etU and it can be owed with the greuteHl benefit und nut iiifunl ioti by old nnd younc. ltf use can concuiuutiimtily be preHcnlied by tbe phyHiomuK with the eursuintv that a butler, purer or more wholesome beverage could not pocnblv be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Just What You cuant. and it would easiJj' do that, a million Jt was was prescribed by one of the beat Cough Cure be token as soon he indica dollare a year would be saved to the physicians in tbih country for years, and tions of havine taken cold are noticed, fnrniprs nf tbp Tnlind "Kmnirp mi rbie 'ie a reimlnr prescription. It is composed It cnTes quickly and its early use pn- Bingle product of the farm. of the "bear 'inifb known, combined with tiie lwst iiiitnd purifietE, acting direcilv on the muciiue surfaces. The perfect Con2res3mun Tmrton, chairman of combination of the two mgTediente is the rivers and harbors committee, what produces Euch wonderful results in appeare -vary much annoyed ttiat kSb Catarrh. Kend for testimoniak, Oregon should ask the federal tress- jr.",,. Chsnev & Co.. Props., Toledo 0. urv for sufficient means to build a SaA by drruggists, price 75c. " , , , Hall'E Familv Pills are tiie beat. 12 icanal or other adequate means of : transportation past tbe dalles of the ti,,l' Hlrul "-''' Columbia river, savs the Salem "TtlUT ie mu 0,,e BUja11 ahmw tD . . ".. ' eave vour life and that is ttirnugh an ntatesmnn. He savs it would cost; . , . operation, was tbe awful proaji:i eet too much for the commerce it would , before Mre.l. B.Bimt, of Lime Jiidge, subserve and that 'Oregon had 1 Wis., by bur doctor niter vainly trying already received too much help fur to cure Iter of a frightful case of stomach rtbe commercial interests represented. ' trDKb,e ni,d -VB,tow in"'''"s. He didn't . count on tbe marvellou-. power of Elec- Tuis man Uurton forgets that the : . - TIi., . ' . , . B trie JJitterf- to ciire Htomucb und iiver Tegion of 'jountry whose interests troubles, but Hue heard of it, took seven would be subserved by an open bottles, wue wholly cured, uvoided aur- XJpper Columbia river is creator in 'wnn,e kuife, now weighs more and feels extent than tbe entire yew" Enclaud better than ver. Ib positively euar. T ' unteed to cure stomach, iiver, ana t:iiw .states with ew Jersey and 3Sew'ney trnnuleg Ild IieVt!r tliSBfl0jtE. lork thrown m, tmd that the ob- Price 50c at UlakeleyV drng store. 1 struction of the vents conanmption. P. 0. Phnrmaev. Clarke il: Falfc'e Quality and not quantity makeE De-' Witt'E Little Early ItiserE aucii valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Falk'e 2'. 0. Pharmacv. I Kemember tiiat Cocoonut Cream Tonic ! will promote growth of liair. Charles ' Frazer, Hole agent. iiU-im Clarke 6: FulfcV fiavnriat: estraetf- are tiie beat. Abe vour irrncer for them. wo Jz A full line nf Eastman rllms and sup plies juat received by Clurfce & Fulk. Columbia river, which is thus sought to be remedied, is one of the great influences ia re larding its growth in weaHh and population ; tliut witu an open river ! the commerce of that immense cm Tilt J'.t-xt l'lutlur. A piece of flannel dampened with Cbamlmrlaiirs Pain Halm and uonad to the uflscted parts i sunerior to any jKew ideaE in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stuck, liual imit tion creton efi'ectE at ordinary prices. Good papers at cneup jiaiier jirices. Elegant deaigiifi, tauteful culoriutie, ynurt for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of limine jiaintu. D. W. VAUSE. Third St. Crandall & Barget DEALEIJS IX 0t)eSj fill kinds oi undertake i BuriaSh Funeral Supplies .embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. r F- s. Gunning, Wasco Warehouse Company Eeadquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pii kin Headquarters for Roiled Grain, ail kinds (Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, "rn Headquarters fcr "Dyers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUT Tll,h 1!"ur x "'l"f''Ktnred expreHfOy for famin u, , . , wv ' vt!rv "t i ennranteed to give BatiHfaruon. , e mu our gtiode lower tnau any bniice ,a tbe trade, and if von don't ttimk so call and gut our jt-icee und be euuvmtwd. " j Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. 1 mzz sums or paine in tiie side or cheat, give it a trial and vou are certaiu to be" more pire would lie vastly increased iu a tban pleased witn tbe prompt relief very few years. It looks very inuuh 1 wbich it affords. Pain JJnlm also cures as if Mr. 21urton was the mouthpiece rheumatism. One application gives re--of railroad interestb that do not wish liuf- Fnr Bt,le b-v J!lahBl' druggist. to see the Columbia cleared lor 'traffic. "Washington is perhaps the most moral of the large cities of the countrj. There are no gambling .bouses. Puro, roulette nud keno are uukuown. Poker when played is re- Poc,de a specialty utricted to small groups in ,,rjVute ;nfbBTKe Ur a gradnate optician. rooms, aunda' observance is nota ble. JJot only are suloons shut tight, i:nnTul. J. . Adcos & Co. have moved their jewelry store to tbe new building on Second atieet weHt of J. T. Peter', where tliey will te pleased to meet nil their old Irieudfa' and as many new ones ae need anything in the line of watcher, clocks, jewelry and repairing. Optical Eyes examined free j7-t( T. E. Aiieo.v &. Co. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please remember tbat we carry a full line of LOWNEY'S. jint opened, freab from tbe fuctory. In plain ahd fancy boxet for ChristnrnK trnde, and at prices to suit. Don't forget tbat we are bead quarters hi' the best on earth. .Name lOWNEY settiet it. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. C. F- Stephens Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing, jj Dealer in Blachsmith Supplies, I Cor SBuoEfl & langMiE. 'Piione 151 1 REGULATOR LINE. I DALLES, 1'OllTLLNI) k ASfOIllA KAY. COMPAKY ritcimiort- ill tin. KcKUliitur l.lin will run tit. per tin .,!.; wlwlui.;. the :,imj.miy ru.urvlill; the rinht U chi.tu-. i'!.iiuk' witdimt iiiitiev. S'.r. Rtipulutor J. B. KCIir.HKE, i-reaiUtflit. k.i: iikaj.j. ciuhii first Jiational Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General JJankinp UucineBE transacted jiitw:. i.' lali'ft' lit A 11 1 M'.-jilny Tiuiudm hiUurilny . .Vrr I'ti'tlmid lit ai i- : IT I'Drtl.uil! ' ' A . .Mimiliiy l;rnlnv An linllw. u f i- :. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalltia City. jiowj; I.v. Imllei nt : a i. .Mimdiiy Wptlln-Mllll' I'riiliiy. Arr. I'orthtiiil u'4 ::)! I i 1a I'urthiiii! HtT.lm a : Tins.(hi ThursrtiK hiiturilir Arr luilli nt r y. Depoaite received, nubject to rJiglit n-..i. . ru i- Collections made and proceeds promntb ! c nf eollection. fc I FOE OOMFOET ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, remitted on dav Higlit and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ! f i' New York, San FrauuiHco and port- f TVt-(.ii t.i U. ..... Ullit..' (mt-Htr.-.;! W. n. aiiauav. "11 , UOI1. rtLLi .Dcmltir In... lluvc 1 nu u J.uyV ft .i.:. ...ill . i . I..., ,i., .1 r i ' vim iiuvr, Line Kin luierL'Ki vuu. A but other places of business save ;,.,. , , r , al. lllnims & Co. ur udvertiBing a where food or newspapers or drugs nmAWl riL.e.reduction on their bova' 1 lire on sale. 2so theutrical entertain- knee nuntu for iei Kiitnniav. a dir. !fi5 nients nre Kiven, tbe last vaudeville; Iot of pu worsted pantF worth $1.50, all '! Goods, Clothing, bouse wbich attempted a Sunday ! B,WB VI" be fiold eentt Hpecial ; U Cents FUPniEhings. ir.l.t riorf,.rmr.,.r. l.;n !1JW1 .,.!"""" r,iU,.j .UI(;c .Hie Ul pureWOOl ' " J caeaimeres will go at liif worth pressure me past year. 'i.ue ob regularly. Tiiis eale is for baturd servunce of the Jitjuor law is not bee their window. merely lorroul with the evasions of Bide doors, as found in some other cities Clarke & Fulk have un ewe & full line of paint and artist'n brnniiee. f v $1.00 M S 1 liKUh ay only. it (3 V.H BliiM?v Hut- I'iij NiitlDin lur V. L. Pougluj. Hti in land. DIKECTOKB I). P. InOltl'HOK. JllO. B. BciltNCK. Eu. M. Wn,UAMK, Guo. A. Lieut, i H. M. iiKAU.. ! y 5 Bt Tuleiihoiie Nr. SS Imx-oiiU HI., Tiie Ballss, Or. Tiie well-l:uown American Ludy cor set ie handled only by Tbe Sew York Casii Store. Floral lotion will cure wind uhappiug and Hunburn. Manufactured bv O'arae & J-'alfc. It is actual, licensed places closing promptly at the hours epeci Ceil in the law. And yet the govern went of the city is arbitrary as any in tbe world ; for the taxpayers und residents have no part or lot iu the. For Hale-One" eet hecond-band car city government, and a city ollicial pernor took ol the late hodericb Mo is liuver tempted for a moment to ut Maier &. llenton'B. iifiii-lw cater to the vicious element, or niiy Clark i FaH: are imver closed Kcnday. other element, in hope of election to !,""'1 f"rut,lt,,6: or leteution in oflice. Jn the light of tbe contrust that Wushingtou presents to utiy other city in the country, cau one be blunted for con cluding that popular government in our large cities is & failure, nnd is; MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horsesboer. All kinds of blacksmithing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in firnt'CluHP HbSjie. Give him a call. WEAK NERVES. .,,,1 J'".?,!'.'' V."1 " l!."H" (!f ""rvou, wftakiH'HF in tbe wor-d t nln no mutter w,i,t tbeciiufe or of bow Iohl- Htimditic tbat tbe neeof LINCOLN MSM'AI. PJLLS "-ording f (!';ei!tioi, wbioii am Himplennu very eucy to follow V. UyCMTvi,,V(i)y retniunS; en LliNtiOL.N bl.Xt AL PILLS will m.,i-. .. Price, U 00 jier bos liny f vour druggiHt ot Html 1" mail on recetpt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PE0PEIETAEY 00., It. WByne, Ind. M Z Donnel!, Agent, The Dalle. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRACE MARKS JCSIQNS COPVniCHTK &.C. AnTonejeiidlin' nalietrh und ilecriptliii mu I win l-'or hulu. ' JJuHtern Oregon timothy hay, i?15 per tou, f. u. b. The Dalleh. Eaaluru Ore gon wild hay, $18.00 hi car lots. MoOum-v &, ! d4 2w La Grande, Or. j Subscribe fur The Ciiiiomcu;. ' riuiclil? lucofirtin iniriiipiiiKiii true illul. llu, t aire I'itliii.u token ithrouuti ilunii k Co. rwelr mvRiiiiim In iirulmljlr tuiluiitable. ' imiiminio umiaiiriciirruiiuaeiiiuii. luuiawioKuui'atvuU ,oiii ir;. '.linen aiiii: lur xvurilur puiuu. Wftbtl notice, without, ciiuruo. iu tho A (mnrtiomolr lllutrlt klr. Ijtrumt eir niUilimi of unr MieiillUc Jimnia). Ttnwt. 9& jfun timr Sold by nil newirtenlen. Uniuch (ifliwj. SSl-Hu V.'ailjliurtmi. ll. Richardson'B Old Stand, Third 8t near Federal, The Bailee, Or. mi Besianraot I.. Y. Hone, llrop'r. first-Class in Every Respect j MEiLH AT ALL UOI'ttH. ' ; Oysters Served in any Style. ' K7 Swoiul 6t Tin- Uiillfn. Or. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. priced Will1 "ell iXiiT i I1"" HUM' Bt luunh wbolt-HBle priLi.R. ui sun in bulk ot in iotf-. or uny way to tmit puiohttburH. Eatii-e stock must be closed out before 30 days. and jSttSkSltHniB80 Wd V"1 .n.pso,,'i. Glove-fUtlng CoretB bargain" ,,riueB W,U b" ,in,,e' Cul1 "ttrl.v J. P. McINERNY, Comer Sooond and Court Sis. Subscribe for The Chronicle.