She Dulles . . MBO NET.:. VOL. XIII THE1 DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 11, 1901, NO. 0 A FILIPINO MEMORIAL ..THE FHIR, The Flace where you can Save Some Money. People who are looking for bargains do not only want low prices, but want the quality with it, and it is this com bination we offer in all our departments. Read the follow ing for prices and then come and see the quality as well. Men's Underwear. In this lino wo show the best values in the city; shirts and drawers, each worth 7fc $1, $.2n and $1.50, wo are soiling at .")l)c, fSc, 70c, (.)"e and $1.10. Ladies' Underwear. Worth $l,$1.2f and $1.85, sells at 90c. Ladies' Union Suits, worth 75c, 85c and $1, at 58c, 7!-c, and 85c. A hi" lino of Ladies' Hose at 10c, 13c, i lot-, 19c and 2-1 c. We sell the FCCORSETS in all styles long waist, medium and short waist, French shape, as well as the girdle. Our leader, a 25c corset, in all sizes looks well and fits well; also eight diilerent styles, assorted colors, at -18c. Our JACKETS need no advertising. The great quantity we have sold speaks for themselves. Come and see. ' All Standard Calicos per yard 5c Do you know we carry Notions? In this line we outrank all others for LOW PRICES. Baby Kibbon, per yard lc School Handkerchiefs, each lc Aluminum Thimbles lc Pencil Tablets lc Lead Pencils with liubber lc Box Black Pins lc One Paper Pins lc Embroidery Silk, spool lc Filo Silk, skein 4c Carter's Ink 4c Miller's Shoe Dressing 10c Large box Shoe Blacking 5c Good Blacking Brush 15c Clothes Brushes 10c, 15c and 25c All Standard Calicos per yard 5c Men's Overcoats. A nice black coal, well-made, worth $K.00; at ... $0.00 A better one in black anil brown, worth ? 12.50; at $9.00 A verv fine Irish frieze ulster, worth $ 12.50; at $9.00 A still liner black overcoat, worth ?1 5.00: at $11.00 Come and see for yourself. MEN'S SUITS. We aro ottering real bargains in this line. Not old shelf-worn goods, but all new stock. Prices range from $4.75, $0.50, $7.90, $10, $10.90 and $11.85. An oxtra fine heavy all-wool black serge at $10.00 Ask or send for samples of cloth. WE ALSO SELL Clothes Pins, per dozen lc Hope Clothes Line 10c Best 75-foot. Wire 20c No. 1 Wash Tub G0c 10-qt. Water Bucket : 19c 12-t. " " 23c A Good Broom 23c Glass Lamp, complete 30c Boys' Lantern 20c Lantern, large, Diet. .- 50c Good Curry Combs 10c Good Horse Brushes..., 18c Kitchen Saw 20c Wall Lamp, complete 43c Mrs. Potts' Irons, per set $1.15 And lots of other Useful Articles. All Standard Calicos per yard 5c THE FAIR The Place where you can Save Some Money. 133 Second Street. F. C. Marquardsen, Prop. Teller Presents to the Senate a Some what "Cheeky" Appeal. Washington, Jan. 10. Teller present ed a memorial from 2000 "Filipinos and peacelul inhabitants" uf Manila. The memorial was in the form of an appeal to the congress of the United States, and, as Teller stated, was "signed personally by the lending people of Manila and that se'.'.iion lawyers, bankers and profes sional men, representing the best ele ments of that community." It reviewed the circumstances leading up to the pre sent struggle of the Filipinos for in dependence. It paid a high tribute to the wot k of Aguinaldo and his coadju tors in their endeavor to obtain liberty and independence for the people of the Philippines. Reference was made to some of the principal events of the pre sent evolution against American author lty, the petition urging that the Ameri can troops had failed to make serious impression upon the revolutionary party It pointed out that Aguinaldo had de clared he might lose the hope of victory, but he would not lose the hope of dying for the liberty and independence of hie people. It points out that the revolution has the bupportof practically all the people of the Philippines, and declares that though 100 revolutionists be de stroyen, 1000 will rise up to support the fight tor independence. All the islands of the archipelapo, says the memorial, are supporting the revolution, and they wiil yot yield until the last drop of Fili pino blood has been shed. The Filipino nation, the memorial continues, bearing in mind the history of America and its humanitarian doc trines, asks the government of the United States to cease its "persecution" of men "struggling to be free struggling against greater odds and greater wrongs than those which inspired the fathers of the republic." This they ask "in the names of Washington, ot Jefferson, of Lincoln, in trie name of justice and in the name of the God eternal." The appeal directs that an autonamy similar to that enjoyed by Canada and Australia would not be practicable for the Filipino?, who desire full liberty and independence, :md they urge the govern ment of the United States to give them liberty and independence. When the reading of the memorial had been con cluded, Mr. Teller asked that it bo printed as a document. "I objsct," said Mr. llawley (Conn.): "it is a treasonable denunciation of our government, and an attack upon our sol diers." w l'lttuet Kros, New Vokk, Jan. 10. A epecfal to the Journal and Advertiser, from Cambridge, Mass., says: Professors Pickering and Wendall, of the Harvard observatory, have made some important discoveries with regard to the new planet Eros. From the recent discoveries it is found that the Harvard observatory took photographs of this planet as early as 1603. These photographs, when compared with the ones taken last night, made it possible to tell accurately the path, size and distance of the planet from the earth. The astronomers have determined that the planet is probably not more than twenty miles in diameter, and at times comes nearer the earth than any other planet. It belongs to a group of planets which come between Mars And Jupiter, but Kros breaks away and often comes this side of Mars, thus being nearer the earth than any celestial body, except the moon. These observations will continue at the observatory until about the first of March, when it is intended to continue the observations from the station in South Americ.i, where it is believed the planet wiil he vihiblu a month longer than in any other part of the world. Ktli Milk Mini t'rouiM. A dollar saved if a dollar gained. I am selling the best Jersey milk in the market, warranted to test five per cent butter fat, for $2 n quart per month. Also purely ujutrifuga,lly eeparattd cream at 40 cents u quart, Why pay more when you can do better by phon ing to the City Dairy. 'Phone 385. d30-lru Bbkt IJaui.kv, Prop, Next SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE OF Never-Rip Knee Pants. ....TWO LOTS.... 8 dozen pair; 15 different patterns; medium and darks, checks and mixtures. The material an All-wool Cassimere full-winter weight, worth $1.00 pair. SATURDAY Special. 65c 8 dozen pair; 18 different patterns; mediums and darks, stripes, checks, mixtures. Material Strictly Pure Worsted full weights only, worth $1.50 pair. SATURDAY Special. 95c This sale will afford you the chance of buying the best knee pants made, at the prices usually asked for much inferior grades. Sizes run from 3 to 15 years. Those from 3 to 8 years are made Junior style: open at side bow and buckle at knee. All are provided with the Elastic Loop waist band which relieves all strain and yields to every motion. Every seam is taped or double-sewed, and every pair goes to you with our guarantee (of a new pair) NEVER TO HIP. If you have been accustomed to buying the cheaper grades, try these and see "by comparison how much cheaper it is in the end to buy the best. That's our object in this sale to induce people to buy and wear "better goods. A. IKE. Williams Go. G-uardian's Notice of Sale. Notice is hereby (riven that pursuant to mi order of sale muitu by tho County Court of tho 8tnte of Oregon for Wasco County, the under signed, the duly apoiuteii guaruiaii oi llanna ricmiug, win i ruin ami aiier mu iu nay oi February. I'JUl. bell at private bale tho following described real property: Lot No. 0 in block 5 ot Thoinpson'b Addition to Dulles City, Wasco county, wregou, ueioi.giug n mu esiaiu or nam Ilaiiua Fleming. The bald bale will be for cabh in bund paid. j'j aiiia. vi. J . .n unar.u, uuaruiau. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICIC. Notice is lierebv ulven that the uudurblirued lias been appointed by the. county court of WaM'D county. Orccou. administrator of the estate of Francis Hots, deceased. All persons having claims aKaliibt the estate arc hereby re quired to present the same to me, duly vcrlllcd, at thoolllco of V, II. Wilson, In Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated November 10, itxx). GEO. V, ItO.SH, niivlO Administrator. Stylish Dressed Men.... Are those who wear clothes that are up-to-date in lit, workmanship unit j uulity . My llnu ot sampled covers all thu latest designs (or (all ami winter, the price is right, and I can guarantee a perfect tit. Suits to Order, $IO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Statu of Oregon for Wasco County. Joseph l'aiiuet, I'lalutltt', vs. K. X. t'afjuet andO. U fauuet, Defendants. lly virtue of an attachment, execution, decree and order of sale, duly Issued out ol and under the seal of tho Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, to mu directed and dated thu '.Mill day of November, HHX), upon a Judgment rendered and entered iu said Court on the 'J7tlt day of January, 1'J7, iu tho above entitled cause, in favor of the plain till' and agaliibt the defendants, K, X, i'auuet and I). 1., l'aiiuet, as judgment debtors, In thu sum of four hundred (f HK)j dollars, with interest thereon from thu 30th day of September,, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and thu further sum of tiiteeu (? l!i)doIIars, with interest thereon at six per cent per annum from the'J7th day of January, Isu7, and the further sum of thirty-one (Ml) dollars, costs, and thu costs of and upon this writ, ami commanding mu to make sale of the real property hereinafter de scribed, I will, on Monday, February, 1th, I'.Wl. at the hour ol o'clock In the afternoon of suld day, and at thu front door of the county court house In Italics City, Wasco County, Ore gon, sell at public auction to thu highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the defendants, K. X, 1'aquet anil (). 1.. l'aiiuet, or cither of them, had on thu 27th day of January, 1.VJ7, the date of thu judgment, or which such defendants, or any of the defend ants heieln, have since aciuiied,or now havu iu and to tuu following deseiihed real property, slluatuaud being iu Wasco County, Oiegon, to wlt; The northwest quarter 0i)o( tho northwest quarter ('.,) of section two (.'), and thu north cast quarter ,'.l)u the northeast quarter ('.,), and thu south half of thu northeast quarter (') of section tlneu all in township six pi) smith of range twelve (I'.') east of thu Willamette Meri dian Iu Wasco County, Oregon, and containing ouehuudrul and sixty (IM) acres; or so much of said prorerty as will satisfy said Judgment ami dccrui, with costs ami accruing costs. t(nlit property will he bald mblect to continua tion anil redumption us by law provided, Dated at Thu Dalles, Or., this tith day of De cember, 11)30, U011KKT KBM.V, J5 At Sherilt Wasco County, Oregou,