The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 10, 1901, Image 4

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Do You Cough?
"I pues. I cl to lio like everybody cl?c.
"When I cauditcold, I justlctitnloitc, think
inp it would
M. T. Nolan went to Portland on the
afternoon train.
Justice Firwnhill went on n visit to
Grass Valley this afternoon.
Mrs. Hueh Losan left this afternoon cureiuclfin
on a short visit with friends in Portland. 6 few ilny;
, i . it ofcoursethe
State senators T. H. Johnston and J. , couphinp
Is". Williamson left on the afternoon nnd spittinp
train for Salem. j of mucus
. . . . . . , i sometimes
P. Welch, of the firm of Foley Bros. A lasted sev
Lsrsen, contractors, on the railroad iai-, eral weeks,
provenietits near Mosier, is in the city. hut after n
. i i while the
Mrs. Cliarle? Hanson, who has hee i trouble
se-ionsly ill for the nast couple of weeks, would sub
was taken to St. Vincent hospital this side. I nl
afternoon. ways no-
tteed. how-
i prpr t h n t
each cold wa wore than theoneleforc. My
, throat seemed to pet weaker, and the Ient
State Senators T. H. Johnston ana change in the weather started the couphinp
J. X. Williamson made a trip this fore- ; ocAin. The last cold was the most severe of
... -r- , c ..r . &11. I was really fnchtcned. Cough drops
i.i, m miUf.i; -'"i ana Home treatment uiu no cooa. a menu
All members of A.O. U. W. are re
quested to meet at Fraternity hall at
7 p. in. Thursday, Jan. 10, 1101 . as
business of importance will be trane-
acted. There will tie n joint installation
of officers of Temple Lodee Xo. 3, A. 0. 1
U. W.. and Fern Lodee No. 25, D. of 11.
All members and visiting metnbere are 1 -requested
to be present. The screen I
work will be exhibited by the A. 0. U
W, " J. M. FtM.OON,
jS-'Jt Master Workman.
A Daltes-Celllo State I'lirlHRe.
Ill future any and all inquiries rela-
i tive to delinquent taxes must tie made
to the county clerk, as lie is custodian of
' delinquent tax sale record and rolls. The
sheriff having complied with the law in
making sale of delinquent tax?s, he is !
completely out of the tas-collecting
business till March next. dlP-lin
over the right of way that the govern- j told me about Acker's English Remedy. I
abandoned prrject of a boat railway, j I was well. My throat felt asstronpand we
Thevwere agreeably surprised to find cId Since then I have hadnonioi
, - , , ., , 'trouble. I think Ackers English Remedy s
iilroad would be required to connect that it easi y resists the changes in tempera
, . . , ... ... . ture,aaditbuildsuptheconstitutionaswell."
lie navigable waters ahoye Ceiilo with. (Signed) Cabkie Schwab,
' i i ii. . ui. - e
nient recently acquired for the now I V". '"V-" ,nn
mat only aoout eignt miles ot portage gtrenpthens the delicate lining of the throat
those below the Dilles rapids, and that, 251 Gold St., Brooklyn. JY.
five of the eight miles are almost level' gold at25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throuphout
earth, requiring very little grading and i the United States and Canada: and in Eng-
no ileep cuts. The remaining tnree uaiii i is. iu.. j. ou,, . . ji j uu ua- ui
Z i" p. in,
Ttxr. ciisnitLx.
From Dausj.
rflt Ijikt, Uciivcr. Ft.
Worth. OiuhIih, Khii- Mall
Srt City, St. Jiuls, 1:05 p IP
Chicago and Kat-t,
Atlaiitlr 'salt iJik?, Denver. Ft., 1:45 n. in
Kxprcs i Worth, Omaha, Kan-'
l:':Wa. in.' City, St. lxiuls,
Via Hunt' Clilrngo niul Ilust.
U:tS p. m
Miss Haven wishes to announce that
during tiie months of January and Feb- j '
ruary she will oiler all her remaining
stock of winter millinery at greatly re
duced prices, preparatory to receiving
spring goods. Trimmed hate at just
half price. d30-l'w
Walla Wnlla, Simkane, Spokane
- Min!:eHiollj. St. Paul, Mall
' ilulut h, MUwaukw, and
. (Hilraeo and Knst, via Expnn
i Spokanenkd llmitliit-'
' tun: :il mi all MiintK lit,
WashiiiRtou and Kakt- a. m
; era UrcRuu.
miles are over rough and uneven rocke,
atisfied after buying, return the bottle t
vnllr flnifi-Ut. rnrl fnt vnllr Tnntipv li.nnb.
over which a road could probablv be . . .. . .. .
, ., , , r if e authorize tne abort J7ii-nn(.
bestbnihby trestle woik, as was the jr. U. HOOKER i- CO., Proprietors, 2an York.
first road over similar rocks by the, For oale at Blakelev's Pharmacv.
O. R. & X. Company.
Messrs. Johnston and Williamson
agree witn Air. feeuiert that the eight : itemoTai.
miles of road could be built for $12,000 a ! j Aric03; & Co lmvt. move(1 lneir
mile. They believe that the five miles jHW.c)rv gtore lo t-ne t.,v building on there is nothing so cood us Chamberlain's
. of earth could be eraded for $4,000 toiSe .onj ..fcet weat o( i T liters'. Pain Balm. Try it. For sale bv Blake-
The most soothine, healing and anti
septic application ever devised is De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves
at once and curee piles, sores, eczema
and skin diseases. Beware of uuita-!
tions. Clarke & Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy
p. m.
h p. m.
From l'op.TtANn
i Ocean Steamahlps.
' For Fan Francisco
Every Five Days.
4 p. m.
4 p. in
Ex.auiidayiC'olumbla Kv. KteanierK. Ex.buiuf
'To Astoria and Way
Saturday Indilig!,.
10 p. m.
tou't Hub It In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke &
For sprains, swellings and lameness
6a. m. Willamette Hivkk. 4:sop. tn.
Ex.bunday'Orcgnn City. Nowhere, Ex.buiiUnj
nalem Way Ijind's.
Ta. m, WiLLAMirrTE ani Yak- S:S0 n. m.
Tuen.Thur. hill Uivers.. Mon.,Ved
and tiut. Oiepon City, Dayton,, and Frl.
aud Way-l.nndliiR.
l.v Rlparla
2::V u. m.
Snake Kivek.
Klparla to lwiston.
9:C0n. m
o,00U a mile and tliat a tully equipped w here thev wil lH; pjemed to meet all I ley, the druggist
road ready for business, should not cost tlieir ,,, frien(ie Hnli ll; ulanv new ones j . Heap70iuT
u,uulur fiou.uun, or nussiuiy fio,- as need anything in the line nf watches, i nentlv cured bv using Moki
000 at the farthest, lhese centlemen ! rin,.i.. ! a,s r,.niT!nt, rintir.,,1 I rleAsant herii drink. Cures conciliation hV. ,vu Vi" VJ i
ed free ' mnigesnon, uiaKes you eat, Bleep
1'artie;. desiriiii: lo co to Heimner or
I Julius on cuiumnia t-nuinerii via Jiises, mouia
.taL'e.s'n. leaving The Dalles at VI-10 p. in.
and perma- i makinp direct coni-cctlnni nt Ucpimer Junetlnn
Tmi A aim hikss. Keturtunp minciiipiurcctcnimeetinu
$1.00 per month.
Strictly first dais local nn.l long
distiuice teluphoiiH service within
your home.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will he kept a secret.
No con for installing.
You get the standard Untitling
Ding Distant Instrument.
Coiitiniimis day anil night service.
We will accept your contract for
ten vears and allow you to cancel
same on giving ue thirty days writ
ten notice.
E. FALT & CO.,
Proprietors CommercjaI Sm?e J)00mS.
5- Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any pari of the City.
S5b Ixitig Distance. 1 3 Second Street.
will earneatlv support an appropriation I,, 8pticiaitv. Eves examint
by the state for a portage road if they j of char?e by a gradnatl. opnKM,
find that the people of Eastern Oregon,
their constituents, so desire. But to
equip them for the intelligent advocacy
of rhis measure in the legislature n
survey of the route ought to be made by
competent parties and careful estimates
made of the cost of construction and
This is a matter in which The Dalles
businees men would doubtless help but
should not be expected to do it all, as
their interest in the matter Is very small
compared with that of the inhabitauts
of the vast territory lying east of Ceiilo.
Joint Installation.
J. E. Aucox & Co.
! ., r ' , . 1 1 The O. I;, .V steamer "JI'doe Is now mak-
aud happy, satisfaction guaranteed or inp recular trips to suiem and inpepemiuice,
uionev back. 23 cts. undoOcts. Blakelev, stepping nt nil way laudlim. fitis leaves hut-
lio ilrntiat hind on Monday. Wedm-irtav.s nnd Fri(l.-i) at
1 l"c uru- ,Bi- f. a. m., arrivinsat Sucr 1 p. m.. aud lnileiii(l-
Tuesday evening Mt. Hood Camp,
Woodmen of the World, and Cedar Cir
cle, Women of Woodcraft, held joint in
stallation. A first-part program, consisting of a
solo by Miss Maie Cushing and an ad
dress from the
the Woodmen
Paint your house with paints that arfl
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior j
paints' when you can buv Jamea E. ,
I Patton's sun nroof paints for $1. 50 pert
i gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & )
j Falk, agents. ml j
1 Dvspepsia can lie cured bv using 1
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little :
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. Blakelev the druggist.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakelev the drug
gist. '
Drying preparations simply devel
iNirtiprn Pap fit
nullum ui uuiuu
erne about i'j p. in. on ame dttjs. Uetumlni;
Doat leave lnile;.i(leliee at . a. m. and Palem
i at t a. ni. on TiR-Mlay;,. Thur-days aud caiur
I day, nrriviug at i'orthmd .lbout ;! p. in. amc
, days
For full particular rail on O. U. A: N. Co.'t
agent Tlie lialk-4. or addres
W. 11. Hfl'.I.Hl'KT.
deii l'as. Act., Portland, Or
Yellowstone Park Line.
leave, unioa Dsrot, Firmand I sts
Fast mail for Tacoma,
Feattle. Olympla. Gray's
Harbor and South Ilcnd
points. Spokane, Ross
land, l. C, Pullman,
Mocow, L-.'oiatou, llul-
t V L n , " i opdrcatarrh; they dry up the secretions, ! 11:35 A.M. faloilumpininiiiKcoun- 5jS0 V. M. j
B pen of John P. Meak.n, 4ich adhere to themeibrane and decom'- ft' Mfuifo
of tiie W orld evangelist, pose,causingafarnioroEerioustroiiblothnn Kansas City, at. Louh.
.. T . . . . , . . .... 4 I riv.1 1 .11 .... 1
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
HUE 1 Udll lit .11 in. I' lilt It I II. LIItTIl lllftllltfll WIUUIIU A - A .U UM UM- I .
ingode of'Mt Hood Camp was snng by! iB ialialauts, fumes, suiokes and snuffs - ' tound'Esp
. , . . , - iinu rae inai wuicu cicanses, Eoomes ana u;ai i: n. lor Tacoma and heattl
Cbicaeo aud all iHiinto '
eat ana soutncusi.
No. 3.
members and the entire audience, and Ueals jv's Cream Balm is such a reaiedv
officers of Aoodmen were installed by and will cure catarrh or cold in the head -
James Tavlor. The captain of the i easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be Pullman
guards not heme able to attend, the 1 nf.ied for 10 cents. All i druggists sell the
ittle 7:C0 A. M
nnd intermediate jkjIuLb
rirst-ela. and touritt jsleeiers to
Minneaiili, St. I'nul and Missouri river points
without chdtiue.
ennrd mncfmcnH irnrf. ilianMnanrl icifh I m T, V - , . ,1 OitlDUIeil trains, t UtOIl df)0l COllIieotlOUS
guara movements were uispensea witn. , 'il0 uaim enns vrruout pain, does not , m all nrinciuil cities.
The second-part program consisted of irritate or cause aaeeziutf. It spreads itself BaispaKe checked to dejtlnatlon of tickets
a solo bv H. Parkins, v. lio was encored ! over an irritated :.-.d r.sgty surface, rcliev-
tA,i....hA. tiu. ,i. iw.i m: c, . r i ins iinmsdiately the pnuiful inflammation,
to the echo ; then the little Mi-ee Daw - j Witb r,.,g J.1 y0B nr0
Eon rendered a duet that waE enjoyed by atjamstllasal Catarrii and Hay r ever.
all and they responded ti an encore. Tt.e ;
rur i.tfiii ir num.
Circle installed its- officers to guard
movements, with Miss Minnie tiosser as
iMinuin and Louise P.intoul as installing
Refreshments were served and a nut
cracking contest reulted in Mrs. Niel
sen receiving ladieu' prze and Mr. Fred
'Buruhtorf gentlemen's. Dancing was
called for and Mr. Comini and Mies
Maie Curbing furnished music, while all
enjoyed daucim;.
The hall was filled, every chair being
occupied. Several visiting neighbors
of both orders were present, and a gen
eral good, sociable, fraternal time was
enjoyed by all. Midnight was reached
before the crowd dispersed.
The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on
First i-treet, is for rent or sale. If Is a
three-Rtorv, errrnjMted iron huii.ling,
110x33 fee, uitii water elevator. Amny
to .Sam Wiikin-on. The Dalle-. iCO-tf
Anions; the lens of thnu-.ind w ho have ;
n-ed Cliamberlain's Cough Hemedy for
colds and la crippe during the past few
years, to our knowledge, not a single ea i
has resulted in pneumonia. Then. 1
Whitfield & Co., LMO Wabash avenue,
Chicago, one of the most prominent re
tail druggists in that city, in speakiueof
this,saye: "We recommend Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in
many cases, a it not nnlv g'ves prompt
and complete recovery, but alao counter
acts any tendency of la grippe to result
in pneumonia." For sale by Blakelev,
the druggist.
A I1L T if M
mm mm oo.
I Urease 1 I .
helps the? team. Saves wear audi l Pnone 234
expense. Sold everywhere, I
I -
.P .fc.M.iUVl.
J. .AND... j
Nest door to First National Hank.
In all Ita etas there
shouid be cleannnci.
Ely's Cream Halm
cl?3nes, f oothr i and iicils
tl.o diseruetl meu'irnnc.
It cures '.-attirrh am! ur--. ca
l-or iiantorneiv llluitiiit.iideetintlvc mutter, i away n coid in the head
tickets, bleej'iiig ear reservations, etc, call on or ' nuictly.
. -r-TvT i Jren Halm 1 paced Into the noitrila, spreads
A. D. OHAR-TON, , over the rnemlirane a:id n noiorbed. Ite.ief ie m-
Assl.-tant ucneral Passeneer 2e11t. Morri ' ratilme and a c.ire follimi. J' is not dryin? iloc
fon a treet. corner Third, l'ortnind OreKnn. not prralnco sneczins. I.nrge S.zc, 50 rente at Dru-
" I gist .r by mail; Trial tiizi , :uci.'nts by mal..
SOUTH and EAST Via ' U.Y I..J-niEltb,5.i Warren.S-.rcC., New York.
Ilave Vuu u Ho)?
If you have, this will interest you. A
M. William? & Co. are advertising a
anecial Drice-rednction on their bove
knee pants for next fiaturdav. A big! Such liltle nl119 B8 DeWtt" LUtle
lot of pure worsted pants worth 1.50, all t Earl' Iiifiers are ver-v pas51-v tnken
eizee, will be eold at 95 cents special ; they are wonderfully effective in cleans
and an equally large line of pure wool , in-' lh llvfcr 8nd --" Clarke & Falk
caesimeres will go at G5c worth $1.00 r P' ' Piarma'-T-
regularly. This sale is for Saturday only. ' Hustling vonng man can make ?C0 per
Shasta Route
Train, leave The Dalles (or Portland and way
ntatiuiib at l:'ii a. m. aud C p. m.
Tiiird aM JeffGnu, Phouc 158
3 UjriASUrACUJ-AS .LL...-u.,riT
Leave Portland n:3) a m
" Albany 12:31) u in
Arrive Ashland 12:Sia m
" baerameutf) 5;00 p m
" Ban Francisco 7:10 p m
Arrive Ogdon
" beiiver ....
" Chicago . ..
S:t5a m
9t00 a m
"vii a m
7 : 15 u rn
Arrive Los Angeles . .
" El Paw)
" Fort Worth.
" City ot Mexico ,
" IlOUttOU.
' New Orleans .
' WashluKtou .
" New York
1:20 pro
fi:CO p in
,. o:s) m
.. 0:Mnm
. l;Ca m
. criiu m
. CM'.'u ra
.12: la p m
7:ti0 p m
10.-&0 j, m
11:: a in
4;& a m
h:15 a tn
ti:U)a m
7:33 n in
7:(0a m
C:00 p m
fi;:a m
;..' u in
1:00 u m
O-.'Ht p in
C 12 a in
2'1U p m
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wnrrnn.
.oliii.' i! iii'Tt'ijv L'lvi'Ti ill it in,, iinnf.rif.iiii ' k
line duly tiled with the Coiiiitv Clerk of aoo J
, County, OrfKon. lii- linal account and reirt n.i i
' administrator of the eHtate of Aduhili AkIiIIiik. K
1 iltceaed, and that (he Honorable (.ountv Court C'
hah fixed Moii(lu.thc.'ith ilav ol NovcmiiiT. l'i I'
atlOoeloeka in. of Mild ilay an the time, nnd,""4'
ine i-oiiiuy uouri riMiin oi me i.ouniy court '
hou?ein Dalles city, Vhco Counly, Oregon, iid I
the place for henriiiK aid liual account nnd re '
liort. All perons interested in Mid estate are
hereby notllied to appear at faid time and place '
and (.how cautc, II any there be, why eaid remrt
hhould not be aimrovcd and mfil Hilmiiilmmior !
(lchatKed. that Ilwill leftBO in lotB of 10 to reannn.
Dated this 3th (lav of October, lwift. ... 1 i" win ui lu lo riBpOli-
. filh a .ta.l .... 1 .. ..
Dtwic Ha' ucii uii ciiaren
Se9 their window.
month and exnenseg. Permanent mini. I
tion. Experience ntineeHe?.uv. Write I
For Infants and Children.
TIk Kind You Have Always Boughl
Pullman and Tourist can on both trulnk
i nun. r.ipi-r lenre ininecefArv, rno nunwumi iu uku uuu m raw,
quick for picnlara Clark & Cu, tat' bt U'u'"' "
' Fourth and Locust Street'. I'tuladei-1
hpia, Pa, 8-tf ' 'fnneetluir at fian Kranclco with several
! rhlllpiiiiiw, Cent ml nnd ho nth America.
I Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
I .artificially digests the root aud aids
Katuro iu streiiKLhetiiug uud reuou
atructlng the exhausted diKcitivc or
gans. It. Is the latestdiseovereddigest
cntaiid tonic. Ko other jireparatlou
can approach It In otliclency. It iu
Statltlv reliPVMnnrl rurrniinnnt.1v rnrps
5 1 Dyspepsia, Iudigestion, Heartburn,
,S Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
M 1 Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Cramps aud
, allother results oflmpcrfect digestion,
k LarRosl-ocontalnBSVJttrnos
j buiuU size. Jiook alt about Uysiiepsluuuillodtree
j cporcdbyE n. DcluITT ACO..Cbleoo
bold bv Clarke & Fnlk'e i'. O l'
Belgian Hares to Lease. FRENCH & co
I have about 100 thoroughbred dues ww.,
j. ! Ai;iinr:. Biuie parties on BliareH. A nnlv to 1 tia vsact i v.-i.-i. v
Administrator of the est1.l.....f A.loi ,T, i, I -...,Uu.,w.,u uutiit,,.
decerned. ' " Vk i u- u'- " KU,
Iu the matter of the estate; of John Uottlieb
WaRcublast, deceased
Notice is hereby siven that the undersigned,
the executor of the last will and testament of
John (iott'ieb WacenbUst, iltceaked, has IlKd
hia linal account iu the matter of said estate,
and the County Court of the Htatc of Oregon for
HM'O Count V has set .Mnnilm-. tim Ttb rim- ...
Jauuary. 1W1, at the hour of lu u. in. of said "day '
as the date for the hcailiiB of the said account '
The Ddllep
, Letters of Credit issued available in the
fcaetern States.
Sibt Exchange and Telejfruphi-;
Tranefere sold on New York, Chicmio,
bit. LoiUb, San FranciHeo. Pnrt.lanri n.u.
Iroii, Seattle Wash, . and various points
' in (Inn-mi ntirl Wuuli,......
q Uooms io and ii, chapman Uloek, The iMHe. Collections made at all nint. on far
It. K. H.MITll,
Pepsin preparations often all to re
lieve indirection hecuu-e they cm ilij,v t ;
only alhuicinou- fooiU. Th-re iiui
Hee agent at The Dalle station, or address
N(lli"Ci 1M hf-n-liv I'lfufi tlw. t i .
Hsecutorof the Jti OH RHIVN'C
NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. ei wka'1!'? . a' th"' Vl "no "f 1 ' iVc" r iVi ' ('bjcetionii ! OWE nHTwt I X
In the County Court of the Htale of OtcRon- ' ''V.",t,,"1vl" '' ' All heirs. 1 K-mo.n Pi,ni ,v ffj r X?
-Notice is hereby given that the uii(lrlKried. SfSA ' 1 ;'-'r, '"'T' '" 1 ""1-'tl "i sal. , miluu.;,'".. i p T, 1 ' J P
It K. Kaltinarshe, aumlulstiMtor with the TwI ,V ':" " f'rU) r-r"" to lllu their , Il-.ll.ia ..'W. ! -
anuexeii oi tne estate ot Jonathan Jackson, do- ( ,,,Vu.rV.Vr. ,i, . T .. . . " T "uve, on ' , , tim rjeVcUTi. .
ceiised, has tiled his liual account In said estate ViaU -s r . .V I U ' ' . creof. j ; Vi ."-Tilfi " V ;J r, ., '
ill the countv court of said Waseo Coniiti- Or . I loJles f ii , Mr . .S..y 1 .. p... J. .Vf," "Ml.n"-,' h , . i
I I1I.-1L I I I . I .1 .... . - -n-f ufar.,liL I . ...
I 1 . a ecu ior j -i
Bears t
ton, f. o.
ton wild h
d-1 2w
.'Olllltv. f)r..
koii, and said court has. by mi meter dated the
mi. ui) ui jcctouovr, j'.M,, iippoiuiCU ihuis-
(lay, the 10th day of January. Pjiii, at the hour
; of 'j o'eloel: lu the afternoon of said day, us the
time anil the counly court room In the court
IllJtlftU HI 1JH1ICM I IL . IJ.IVn . k 1(1. tllnf.j
tlio tieariiit; of said liual account and
iNOIlt i; FOK I'i;i;i.c nox.
Um. uiiii at In,: li,i.t.fs. Or.,j
.ii., i , . "''"her I iJK
1.AMI Qmce AT TUB IMI.I.K',011.,
St . nrenarutinn that (lii'HC'fl nil fl.,.w nf
LB Jif ' General Passenger Aeent PortlMnrt nr I J"-'"" tui", ii " iiiciu uv. All heirs, """!" , uricoy mten unit (lie followiiiL' i '"'";" is nereny Kive I that the fill owl l
r S' SJ&Jtf-?-?- od, and that In Kodol Hvs.cp.l,, Cure. . !2!!2!l,,,!?ftLl,fn? ftiuiOr owlllatsiiiiii other persons InterenUd In sal-i I mmw settler has lliel notice of Ins u !"'!r,1 W has lUeil notice nl his inteull'
of JZ&ffZ u ,ure8 tt)e WOf.t B4t , ,;.,. . NOTICE OF FINAL r-ElTLEMENT. ! !r,& SfWlt VMW, t XXlVW
yrhie. what you eat. Clarke & Falk P. O. thestaleof Oregon, for Wu.coeounty, his linal ' Administrator with iio 'u in mn.Mi ..i . I FraiaiU A, Ulirltt, i reat Ohlm-krliiHuur,
3,eCon timothy hay, f 15 per ' XX j X1 Me Kl,Wj' J', I Wfe wTStoll'&v W
.Thenars. Extern Ore C.nce .a,e wlnterlllnery Wanted A UJy, , m::'! & Cavi.oh,
La Grande, Or.
lors. Trimmed hate, street hate, and of objections to said nnlcs.ount.
baby bonnets nt cost. j7lm ( tleclJli ' T Adm!'dtmtjr
too large,
at the Cmio.Nicu: L';,1': !' v.V.'.'.SF.1"".'. Gibson, Alex
t razcr, all of 'I he Ualles. Oreirnn.
dcclh MV 1'. I.UCA&, Iteglster.
;?lKv', JhK"h "I'l'-Wl'IaKer. Able
c .ii " r N ",ai"lll'. "U of The Dalles, a
J.VV P. J.UCAK, U-i:lster,