The Dalles Daily Chronicle. unless it is secured bv THURSDAY gtVing mm Ttestrovin.? its victim. U a ttne of con- I T I i p tt- ; ' t i enure control oi iue party, uc aims &tipation. The power of this murderous and 1 1 onnosc , twiscies ana orain. mere no neaitn , 4 JK 10 1901 at nothing less than complete politi- malndy is fe!t on organ and nerves 1 cal annihilation of all who oppose! uwscles and brain. There's no he BETTER TIIAS A MEMORIAL. . u5m. Tue constitution Rives Oregon The Oregonian suggests that tbe legislature should not omit, at the approaching session, to address a memorial, in strong terms, to con gress, in behalf of The Dalles-Celilo canal. This is very true, but the legislature should not omit to do something still better. Tbe legislature of 1 S91 passed a law authorizing the state to build two senators and, as this cannot be annulled, Pinion intends to see tLat his colleague shall be a man who. by reaon of his locality and great age, will have no influence whatever in opposition to bis own. One senator from Portland, and till it's overcome. Bnt Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. , Best in the world for stomach, liver, kidney, and bowels. Only 25 cents at Blakeley's drug store. 1 A rlctitfal lilumlrr Will often cause a horrible burn, ; scald, cat or bruise. Bncklen's Arnica . 'Salve, the best in tbe world, will kill, (the nain and nromntlv heal it. Cures! no more, should be the watchword old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, ' in Oregon hereafter. If the people felons and ail skin eruptions. Best pile of Portland prefer tbe little bos?,careon eartD- Only 25 cts. a bos. ( uore guaranteed. soiaDyu. u. iiat:e ,i a 1. . t i, . , i nn enn i ; 11111 if mimun nnr np - . i. a portage railroad around tbe ob- .. j . .. ,, lev druggist. li . - , , ... permitted to name his own colleacue. 1 structions at The Dalles and Gelilo, ,T. ... , . , . . His influence ID the n'iucs Of tbis This season there is a large death rate . 1 as well , arou.Bd tbe obstruction, .. amone ct,ldren from croup and lnnc;, at the Cascade locks. The Same law , , . , . , , troubles. Prompt action will save the ' appropriated the sum of 60,000 for the work and left it to the discretion of a board consisting of the govern or, secretary of state and state treas- little ones from these terrible diseases. when elected senator be bad tbe hardihood. I senate, to vote I our representative in congress, advo- Cure. It can also be relied upon in as president of the stite , We know of nothinp s0 certain to give) vote against a memorial to instant relief as One .Minute Cough ' i T'niiod cite grippe and all throat and lung troubles I urer which of the roads should be' of adults. Pleasant to take. Clarke & j , .. rr. . . . , i senators bv direct vote of the people. r.iti. Phm, built first. This is how tbe law ' . - , . h. . , FaIk s Pharmacy. , . As chairman of the republican reads, although it was well under- m,aa . i J Now is the titne whn croup and lung . state committee he issued bogus 1 ., ... , , , , stood that the appropriation of , , troubles prove rapidly fatal. Tbe only ! tC0,000 was specially intended the portage at the Cascades. It will be remembered that a further appropriation of $400,000 for a portage around The Dalles Celilo obstructions was only defeated by a few votes in tbe bouse, after it had passed tbe senate. Mnce then tbe federal government bas secured a right of way around The Dalles- Celilo obstructions, tbe use of which . wuncu, iu uiucr iu ueteai leaner barm1s remedv I republican nomin judge; in order to maintain j supremacy in Portland, he (accord- . t . jor Darnjts remeay iuat (republican nominee tor supreme m-diate results is one Mipute produces im-! Coach his Cure. It is very pleasant to take and pan h rniiprt nnon to nniffclv care i . - . i .i - i i .i : - T ' . .i . . ... , . cjuku?, cuius txuu ail iuuk uirrnrc;. .it , ! ing to the Oreeonian "bought meu , .,, . , , , ... w will prevent consumption. sold bv 1 :ih.e sueep; ue, uo ice oiuer no- , clarke & Fa,k-g p 0- pharmacy. torious briber, Jonathan Bourne, and - . 1 1 When threatened bv pneumonia or ' , H. W. Corbett, conspired to hold up ' anr olher hlnc lronble; t reHe 1S ; i tbe legislature of 1S97, and in the necessary, as it is dangerous to delay.. ; last legislature be secured full pay ' We would suggest that One Minute i for the members of the hold-up. Conch Care be taken as soon as indica-i : -1 1 : . 1. 1J .! I . . . . , This is but a small portion of bis I,. .., ... . could, without doubt, be procured ! i It cures quiclv and its earlv use pre- .u . . j-rp i. r infamous record. Todav he is work- vpn,E Mnenmntinn rinftp ,v- pit'' withnnt ons nr HifRntilf- nnmno' - ienis contumpiion. UiaiKe i.V ralK e Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. ) tl PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with, Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. THE CELEBRATED I i: i i ( ; East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON, .: .GOIiUWBlA BREWEKY AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for June 2S. 1900, says: "A more superior brew never entered the labratoty of the United Stales Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the sreatest lienefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be preserved by the physicians with the cersainiv that a better, pnrer or more holesome beverage could noU possibly be found." . 1 Just What You uuant. tent judges assure The Chronicle that the eight miles of track required to cover the obstructions should not cost, to build, more than ?12,000 a mile. This is the opinion of Mr. Frank Seufert, who is familiar with every foot of tbe right of way and is an earnest friend of the measure. Here, then, is a practical way solving tbe question of cheaper' freight rates for tbe Inland Empire j that we commend to the attention of j all who are interested in an open ' ' river. An appropriation of lo0, 000 or even 200.000 for this work i would be the best investment tbe state of Oregon ever made. It ing for tbe man whom two years 3go , P. O. Pharmacy. be betrayed in order to elect himself. ( Qiity and not quantity makes De-1 There is no disputing any of these Witt's Little Early Kisers such valuable : statements. They are open and no torious facts, known of all men and will not be disputed even by tbe Oregonian. Should such a combina tion be successful? It is liable to be unless the people impress their will upon tue members of the legislature. Tll T 1 i unci xtauauiipi. little liver pills. Pharmacv. Clarke A Fa'.k's P. O. I Remember tbat Cocoannt Cream Tonic ; will promote growth of hair. Charles j Fraser, sole agent. n9-lm ' fflfw M Grandall & Burget DEALERS IS , -mm0 RobeS, All kinds of undertake ;. BuriaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. Clarke & Falfc's fiavorinc extracts tbe best. Ask your erocer for them. are A full line of Eastman alms and sup plies joet received by Clarke & Falk. Caturrh Cannut 11 r currd. with local applications, as they cannot reach tbe seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to core it von must take inter nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Core is taken internally, and acts directlv on New ideaE in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are Ebowing never be fore traced a single Btwk. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papere at cheat) paper prices. Elepaut desipne, tasteful colorings, yours lor a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of bouse naint Wasco Warehouse Company would save, m reduced freights, to tbe blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's the nroducers of the Inland F'mnirP. ' Catarrh Cure is not a qnack medicine. more than ten times its cost eVery year. OXE-MAX POWER. It was was prescribed by one of tbe best physicians in this country for veers, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with tbe best blood purifiers, acting directly on u .1 i -v - , on tbe mucous surfaces. The perfect The Portland Oregonian of I- eb. i combination of the two ingredients is 8, 1891, contained the following edi-' what produces such wonderful results in torial. It is worthy tbe perusal and ! ?arnB Catarrh, bend for testimonials, 0 Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ? 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kind; d I Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Lnt?LVkLnEtfE,1 d. w. vause, Third st. ; Headquarters tcr "Byers' Best" Pendle , tOn FlOUr Thh Klour x manufactured expresslv for famil . . , , use: evervsack is euuranteed to jrive'eatisfactioz FC? i ii a . Ur ;00dfi lowi!rlthn" any bouse in tbe trade, and if von don't think s 1 (all and get our prices and be convinced. 0 w 4-4.4 u. oanay ana caxs. Gunning, 3 4TrTT7rrATar3t serious thought of every true repub- j Iican, who desires to prevent bis ' part' from degenerating into a mere , machine to register tbe bidding of a ' boss: free. F. J. Chexey & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrujreists, price 7oc. HalPEFami!y Pills are tbe best. 12 Cold Steel or XJratli. j "There is but one small chance to aarp vnnr lif. nn1 lio ia (iimnnt. nr. "The proceedings of tbe Iegisla- operation," was the awful procpect set : ture fully demonstrate the power Of before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Kidge, one man that man is Joe Simon. Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying I Tbe republican party is Joe Simon ,' t0 cnre ber of a '"ghtfnl case of stomach iruuoie anu yenow jinncice. ne Ulan t CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please remember that we carry a full line of LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxee for Cbristiras trade, aud at prices to enit. Don't forget that we ar head quarters ffr tbe best on earth. Name LOWNEY settles it. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. ? r Cor Second & Lantt. Ttone 157 . REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASFORIA NAY. COMPANY I tun?r of tin. ItOKUlator Uno m run HM-r tin-fol "3 rnr.iiii Liili.l..t.. i ' 1 ....... .., lom,u,. tfoervlUR the richt to ciinugf 1 whtKlulu uitmiut nutltf. I Str. Regulator J. S. 5cns.ct, frekideac . M. Beam,, count on tbe marvellous power of Elec- and Joe Simon is tbe renuolican j...,..,. iuc wiuc m uome mai; tric Bitters to cure stomach and liver there will be such a revolution among ! troubles, but she heard of it, took seven the people of Oregon tbat tbe reoub- bottles, was wholly cured, avoided sur- lican party in Oregon will be buried out of sight, if this one-man power continues," Mr. Scott taw with clear eyes in 1891, but today his mental .vision is clouded by bis desire to see II. W. ireon.B knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It is positively guar anteed to cnre etoraach, liver, and kid ney troubles and never diesapoiots. Price 50c at Blakelev'e drue store. 1 The Kent I'laxtrr. A piece of flannel dampened with Corbett occupy a seat in the United ' Cbainbsrlain'e Pain Balm and bound to ' States senate, and for that reason tbe loea"eea parts is superior to any Oregonian bas formed an alliance tbe affected parts is : plaster. When troubled with lame back nr nnlnB in tlic fiirtp nr nV.of I. n ' with tbe crafty boss, whose character; triBi and yoa Bre certain to be more, it thoroughly understands and now, than pleased with the prompt relief i hesitates to denounce. 1902 will be which it affords. Pain Balm also cures an off-year. There will be no presi dent to elect, the state issues will to a large extent take tbe place ot national issues. Then the time will come tbat 3Ir. Scott has predicted. rheumatism. One application Eives re lief. For sale by Blakeley, the drnteist. Tbe well-known American Lady cor , set is handled only by The New York Cash Store. r First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Bueiness transacted Depoeite received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt!. Thp 7")rTifrtri,t remitted on dav of collection. x uc xx uggiau gl ,t and Tejvgrapkjc Excnailpe Bold oa New York, San Francisco and port- land. Bt T A. M- ThuiMlsj' . . . Saturday . Arr. Vortlmid at i 30 r. M. l.v Vortl.uid r T A. 1!. Moiidny . WwJiuoy Kridny Arr. Dullt-it h ir. , Geo. C. Blakeley, C. F. Stephens ..Dealer In. . 4 t- t I t Portland O.tlce, Oak-Street Di:k. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. I.v. Uallvk it 7 A. k. Monday . . VedliMduy Trlday... . Arr. Portland ut I :M v, m. if. l- Port'and lit 7 lJ A M. Tuwday lliurhday .-otuiJu) Arr. Pallet, at Y. M FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the fcteMnerh of tho IteKiiliitor Mne The Cfimmiv in ..h W. C. ALLAWAY. Gen. AKt. Dpy Goods, Clothing, I 1 WlkO f-UlUilQIllUVjB lioot, Sbi. Hat. Cnp, Ki.tloiis. Ast. for W, L. DiiukIkk tilio. Telephone No. S8. VU eecoud at., Tie Dalles, Or, i DIREOTOK8 D. F. Thompson. Jno. S. Sciukc. En. M. Williams, Geo. A. Ljksx. H. M. Beall. MATT SHOREN, General Blaeksmith and tforseshoer. WEAK NERVES. Theru in not a chhu of nervous weakness in the world (hIh.v (no iiuiiter what tliHciuiBHorof how lonif standintr that ho iieeo LINCOLN SKXUAL 1'ILLS accord C !"o will hen I'ricH. l 00 ner box hnv mail on mieipt of price, in plT,f tapper. W LINCOLN PROPRIETARY 00., It. Wayne, Ind. M. Dotiiii-ll, Ajjent, The Dalits. illmalotm, whicli iirtniiiiplHBtid very easy to follow wii LINCOLN hl-AUAL 1'ILI.S will make you strong? 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE f! 1 I ... ...Hi i , The election of Corbett means lbeVd. complete surrender of the republican & FH,k- pnrty to the dictation of Joseph For sale One set secondhand car Simon, and for that reason, . and no penter 100,8 ot the la,e Roderick Mc because he bas any honest friendship Xea'' al eier nton'c. 20d-lw for the old man, .Simon has remained .iffS . away from the opening of the na- luster. It ia prononnced the finest tional com-reM and iB enuaijed in a Jnic 00 . e&rtb' Can 'd at Fraser's , , b , , b h barber shop, sgent. n9-lm 'Jesnerate and unscrnnulniw ftTnrf tn : . ' defeat tbe reelection of bis collenRue. ! xitJuT """" C'8ed Scndar i Peace in tbe republican ranks is. Bometbhig Mr. Simon does not wl.b.'oiklSwTa Uke TRACC MARKS JtSIGNB COPVRICHTt AC. Anrnnoenitlnr ankelrti and dMcrMlon ma' mleklr Hseertnln fmr oitinuiii free wheihfr j. iiiTenliiin ia probalilr vnlHiluble. ''oiiucunlrj (loimirictlriiintldeiitlal. Handbook on I'aleuu tent free. Oldest agency ur aeeurinirpateiiu. I'.iieuva taken tbrouub Jblunu ti Cu. recelru n-teiai warn, wiinoui cnarve, id ice Sckuflfic Jfterkaii A handtomelf lllmtrated weekly. dilation or any acieniinc journal. Terrot. a rears bold Ly all newtdccler. All kindF of blackEiuitbing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in firet-claee shape. Give him a call. Richardson's Old Stand, 1 Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. ! US Beslaiiianl L. V. Hont, Prop'r. i First-Class in Every flespeet, I MEALH AT A 1. 1. HOt'ltS. Oysters Served in any Style. ' T Second St., Tile Duller, Or. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. r,riJ'umJ!,:lI0U,i'1f H,',fc, fiml Uo' ut le than wholesale price. ill cell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. .ff1!1;11 b earrificed except Thompson's Glove-fit ting Corsets ba?gl.ns k'kI ,lUem"' Yurl.rieeswill be mine. Call early mcVrl J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. Subscribe for The Chronicle.