' if tyxmhk. l)cDnl!cG VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 10, 1901. NO. 8 THE CAPTURE 0FGER0NIM0 Filipino .Vnmcsakc of Apache Chief He Was Taken by intm Picked American Soldiers. Wamiim'TOS, Jan. '.). A rewnt issue olMnil paper gives a graphic and interesting account of the capture nnd ottH defeat of the forces of the famous iosarpent leader, Geronimo, near Mont- !tati, hy Colonel .1. Milton Thompson B(1 1CW0 picked men of the Twenty-, sfcomland Forty-second volunteer in-j fantty regiments, in November last, i GiTdniiiio, from all accounts, lived up to tij namesake in this country in that he ' hurled detunce irmn ins uioiniiaiii -1 tret! in I. kIi the same way an (.loronmio, the crie'uatcd Apache chieftain, bar nt'freil nnd ditled our troops In the West. The insurgent chief was strongly lorii fied at l'lnaitrun, in Deniortu Canyon, near Mmtaltan, his trenches befog Strung a urg now fines lur a uieinnce ui sixorteven miles. "After the reoccupatlon of the presi dential elmir," says the article, "It was decided by the authorities to dislodge Geronitnij at any cott. The latter boast ed frequently of the time when the in-eurgt-iits killed 500 Spaniards, who made an unsucce-Bful attempt to take Pin- j stoppei' it by waving a bund. BaraD." ' lit wu9 taken to Salem on the over- The time for Colonel Thompson's at- j land morniug train, still bleeding won tack was set for noon, November i!2. siderably. He was c?nscious from the Theexi-edition whs divided into four ," the accident until he left lierp, detachments. The main one, under com-1 "" was very nervy over the matter. He mand of Captain Urandle, was in the j critical condition. lead, aud while advancing through the bed of the canyon wna the first to draw tbe fire of the insurgents. The in trenched Filipinos, believing the detach ment to be the entire attacking party, allowed the column to udvauce well up l. . I Ultl " uu' "ru" ,u co" 1 Tl I "Bottle it. w tien it nail reached iue desired point, the Filipinos, "yelling like Comiuauche Indians, " opened a vigorous fire, but simultaneously with their vollevs came the attack of the Americans from four distinct directions. Then Cjlonei Thomps Jti, leading tbe main body, performed the feat of en- j led to the making of worthlees counter garment, in climbing a stcp wbll (Vile. Re sure to get only DoWItt'e through dirt unJ underbrust , uud Halve. ClaiKe Kulk's P. O. Pharmacy. f- AVcgelable Preparaiionfor As similating tttcFoodandReguIa tiiig ttie Stoinacte andBowels of Promotes Digestion.Cheerlur nessartdRest.Contains neitler Opiunt.Morpliine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic . JnyJuA Satl' SU.Stnn sitw Stttt r Aperfccl Remedy forConstipa ion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea orms .Convulsions .Feverish ness iuid Lt)B OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. entcri'd tlio boa&tetl "impregnable for tress of the Insurant leader." Thu jnen bad to cut their own trails ami pull themselves up tho inoiintnln, grasping twits and pappliucs handover band. When the Americans reached the top there whs not a live rebel In sight.' The number of insurgents killed is estimated at from 50 to 150. The Americans lost j four killed and about a dozen wounded. Lots of com nissarv and qiiartermarter stores weredestroyed including insurgent uniforms to the number of nearly 1500. ii,w to cum :r.np. Mr. H. Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber- Iain's Couah Hemedy is the best medi. clue Jmve ever et)ll jt is a ()ne children's remedy for croup and never (a(le ,0 curL. Ufll Kjven as soon as U)e child becpiues hoarse, or even after ,, cr0upy cough has devoloped, it will j)reveut the aUac-. This should be mrn(, ; n,jntj n,i a hottfe 0f the Cough i:enuily kept ifjianti ready for instant use as soon as tlfVse symptoms appear. For sale by BlHfceley, the druggist. I.fiMt Until Lrg. Woonnnis, .Jan. 0. Steve Raker, of 45'... North Third street, Portland, fifteen years of age, was brought here ! this morning on the Albany local from , Brooks, where lie had fallen from n 1 freight train, several cars of which tan j over him and severed his legs, one above ind the other below the knee. After : the accident he lay beside the track an ! hour, until the local arrived, when lie j Admiral l'lirli ill of l'lieiirnuiila. J Nkw Vouk, Jan. 9. -Rear-Adruiral Thomas S. Phelps, wlio has been on the ' retired list since 1SS4, was taken to the i New York hospital last night suffering i from pneumonia. His home for eeveral vears Iiuh been in Washington, hut for the last few weeks he has been staying in the Hotel Kensington, this city, with friends ffjin Maine. The merited reputation for curing piles, vires and skin diseases acquired hy DeWittV Witch Hazel Salve, has CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Bears the J t Signature Jxf KjF Use NO HOPE FOR 90 ON BOARD Vessel Went Ashore Monday, and Since Then a Violent Storm Has De feated AM Attempts to Rescue. Mai!Skili,i:s, Jan. 9. Dispatches from the village of Faraman, near which the French mail eteamer Rursie, from Oran, Algeria, stranded Monday in a violent storm with fifty passengers and a crew of forty on board, say that all ellbrts V reach the steamer have failed, owing lo tbe tremendous height of tiie seas which are running. The pilot-boats and torpedo boats which have attempted to reach the Eteamer have been unable to battle with the waves, and have returned. The only hope eeems to be in the ability of the lifesaverB to throw a line over the Rusaie, as the wrecked vessel is driven closer to the ehore. The forecastle and part of forwnrd deckhouse are all of the vessel above the water. , The beach Mas lined all night witli watchers. Light were seen on board the steamer nnd is believed some of those on board of her have already drowned, al though no bodies have been washed ashore. The steamer seems to have stranded amid shifting sands, into which she is gradually sinking. Some years ago the Alix was lost with all hands near tiie same spot. The frequency of disasters near Faraman is due to a confusion of lighthouses. The Planier and Faraman lights are in positions almose identical; and in foggy weather it is next to im possible to distinguish one from the other until the doomed vessel is aground. The captain of the Russie is one of the oldest at the Port of Marseilles, and has made the voyage to Oran for many years. Kunerul or 1'. U, Armour. Chicago, Jan 9. Private funeral ser vices over the body of the late Philip D. Armour were held at 11 o'clock today at the Armour residence. Following the services at the house tbe bodv was taken to the Armour mission, where from noon until o'clock it lay In state and was viewed by thousands of people, in cluding throngs of employes from tho great pucking-houees and other business interests of the dead millionaire, many of them stunding for hours in the street for an opportunity to get n latt glimpse of their former friend and employer. The services at. the bouse were of the simplest character, carrying out the ex pressed wishes of tho deceased, and were uttended only by the family and close friends. The home of the dead million aire was filled with flowers. They came from everywheie, many beautiful pieces being sent on cable orders from far-oil' countries and from employes In nearly every lame city of the country. At 2 o'clock public funeral services were held in Armour Mission, aud here again simplicity was observed in every arrangement. After the conclusion of the services tho coffin was taken to a special funeral train and 1 conveyed to Graceland cemetery, where the body was laid to rest in the Armour lot. The Commercial Club aud the St. An drew 'es Society, of which Mr. Armour was a member, attended tiie services in a body. Representatives of the firm from Omaha, Kansas City, New Yoik and many other cities were also present, 1'Jnyeii Out. Dull Headache, Pains in vaiious parts of thu body, Kinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Keverlshiiess, Pimples or Sores are ali positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health, Acker's lilood Klexir has nevei failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly u wonderful remedy aud we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Jllakeley, the drug gist, l'uriiKtra liiiininoiied IIukna Vista, Colo., Jan. 1). The Colo raiio & Southern train from On unison, due here Monday evening, was citught in a snowslidu at the Alpine tunnel and has beon snowbound ever dince, A rotary plow from Como is on the way here, but it is doubtful if it will be able to accomplish anything us the reports from tbe tunnel say the snow is falling fast and being driven by high winds. The train is a mixed freight and pas senger. How many pasongers there are on the train it is impossible to find out. Unless they are released soon they will suffer from hunger and cold. The storm which commenced Monday evening has developed into a blizzard. All trains on the Colorado Midland and Hlo Grande are arriving in the city late and the Colorado & Southern is attempt ing to run no trains on account of the many emowslides on its line between here and the tunnel. Dkxvkr, Jan. 9. A great snowstorm has been raging at oiany points tn the mountains. The Silverton branch of the Rio Grande Southern road is blocked. Two snowslldes of large dimensions com pletely stopped all movements of trains on the branch and gangs of lsborere are now clearing tbe track. The storm has been heavy in the re gion of Tennessee Pass, on the main line of the Denver & Rio Grande, at Florence, below Cripple Creek, and at Aspen, on one of the branches of the main line. The reports of the Colorado & Southern show the storm as the heaviest at Alpine Pass, where a mountain of ehow has rccumulated. A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Eurnbam of Machias, Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning," writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her that fearfnl night. "All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it bad more than once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley'a drug store. 1 Changlne to Whisky. London, Jan. 9. The inquests to those who have died from the effects of poi soned beer, which made such havoc at Manchester, are being held today. The delay was occasioned by the desire of tho authorities to secure the opinion of ex perts. Over 1100 persons were being treated at one time for poisoning. Tho sale of beer in the saloons has fallen off very eeriously, many drinkers changing to whisky, nnd some, in response to the appeals of tho temperance people, stop plnu drinking of intoxicants altogether. It is now claimed in behalf of Mrs. May brick that her husband was poisoned through beer. Persons who suffer from indigestion can not expect to live long, because they cannot eat the fond requiicd to nouilsh tho body and the products of the undi gested foods they do eat poison tho blood. It is important to cure indiges tion as soon as possible, and the best method of doing this is to use the prepa ration known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat uuil restores all tbe digestive organs .to perfect health. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Pimt TIiiiu lu Ytr. Wai.i-a Wam.a, Jan. 9. For tho first time iu about eleven years this vicinity is enjoying an extended season of sleigh ing. Last Friday morniug about seven incheBof snow fell. The ground hap to be in the right conditio and the fun commenced at once. Since that time every one who could get hold of a horse and tleigh has been on the streots every afternoon and eyening. 1'rOkli .llllk ami Cruuui. A dollar saved if a dollar gained. I am selling the heat Jersey milk in the market, warranted to test five per cent butter fat, for $2 a quart per mouth. Also purely cjiitrifngally separated cream at -10 cents a quart. Why pay more when you can do better by phon ing to thu City Dairy. 'Phone 1185. (i.'lO.lm Hit'itr Haui.uy, Prop. If you have dandruff, your hair is falling out. Use Cocoaniit Cream, For huIu ut Finger's barber shop. nil-1 in Clarke & Fulk haye received a carload of the celebrated Jame VI. Putton strictly pure liquid paints Clarke & Fulk have on sale u full Hue of paint and urtist's brushes. Subscribe for Tiik CuuoNici.ii. Next SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE OF Never-Rip Knee Pants. ....TWO 8 dozen pair; 15 different patterns; medium and darks, checks and mixtures. The material an All- wool Cassimere full-winter weight, worth $1.00 pair. SATURDAY 65c Special This sale will afford you the chance of buying the best knee pants made, at the pricesnisually asked for much inferior grades. Sizes run from 3 to 15 years. Those from 3 to 8 years are made Junior style: open at side bow and buckle at knee. All are provided with the Elastic Loop waist band which relieves all strain and yields to every motion. Every seam is taped or double-sewed, and every pair goes to von with our guarantee (of a new pair) NEVER TO RU If you have been accustomed to buying the cheaper grades, try these and see by comparison how much cheaper it is in the end to buy the best. That's our object in this sale to induce people to buy and wear better goods. A. M. Williams Go. Guardian's Notice of Sale. Nottco Is hereby given ttmt pursuant to an order of miIu mailt) by tliu County Court of tiio Htnto of Oreuon for Vioeo County, tlio under Hiinied, tho duly appointed Kiuirdiaii of Humia I'Temlmr, will from and after tho "th day of February, 1WI, hell at privato wile tho followlui; described real property: Lot No. tl in bloek 5 of Thonipson'a Addition to Dalles. City, Wawo County, Oregon, beloiiKinn to Hie estate of stiid llaiimi Fleming. 'I'hu tald miIo will be for caih In hand paid. j'j MRS. I!, J, MUSSKK, (iuiirillim. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice in hereby given Unit thu uudurblgued luih been appointed by tho county court of Wasco county, Oregon, admluUtratov of thu Phlato'nf Francis Hosh. deceased, All persons having claims uguiubt tho estatu are hereby re quired to present the uiimo to me, duly verilled, at tlio oltieo of W, II, Wilton, lu Hulk's City, Oregon, within six months from the date limvf, Dated November to, iwo, GKO. I UOSS, novlO AdinlnUliator. Stylish Dressed Men.... Ant those who wear dotlioH that ant up. lo-tlatt) in tit, woikimuiHhip ami quality, My lint) ot Httinples rovum till tlio latitat ilnHlyua for full ami wintur, thu prion is right, anil I can Kdarantutt it perfect fit, Suits to Order, $10,00. John Pashek, The Tailor, LOTS.... 8 dozen pair; 18 different patterns; mediums and darks, stripes, checks, mixtures. Material Strictly Pure Worsted full weights only, worth 1.50 pair. SATURDAY 95c Special. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Statu of Oregon for Wiiu'o County. Joeplt ramtet, I'latutltf, vs. F. X, facpiet initio. L. Pallet, Defendants. Hy virtue of an attachment, execution, decree aud order of sale, duly Issued out ot and under thu seal ot the Circuit Court of tho ritnto of Oicgon.for tho County of Multnomah, to me directed and dated the 'Jltlt tiny of November, I'.HKt, upon a Judgment rendered and entered lit said Court ou thu 'JTth duy of January, 17, iu thu above entitled cause, la fnvoi ot the plain till' and against the defendants, ', X l'aiiiet aud 0. 1,. I'aiiuet, aa judgment debtors, lu the sum of four hundred (?I00; dollars, with Inteieit thereon from thu 80th day of September, isui, at tho rate of eight per cent per annum, and the further sum of lllteeu (lift) dollars, with Interest thereon at six per cent per annum from the'J7tb dayot January, 1S97, and tho further sum of thirty-one (il) dollais, cost, and tho costs or and upon this writ, and commanding uiu to nittkii sale of tho real property hemtltilter de scribed, 1 will, on Monday. February, ltn, I'.'Ot, at tho hour of - o'clock In the aftvrnocu or ltd dy, ami at tho rout door of thu county court lmma In Dalles City, w?.iiVC,-uuty, Oto- L'un, sell at plibllu auction to tho highest bidder Tor cash lu hand, all the rl:ht, title aud luteiest which the defendants, F. X. Paipiet aud O. l railtiet, or either of them, bad oil tho 'J7th day of January, lh'J7, tho date of tho judgmout, or which such defendants, or any of the defend ants heielii, have since acquired, or now have iu nnd to tlio following described real property, situate and being lit Wasco County, Oregon, to wit: The northwest quarter ('i"f thenotlhwcst illiilter (') of rei'tluii two (J), aud tbeliiortlf cist quarter l)ol the northeast quarter (), and thu south half of tho northeast quuiter (' ,) of tutillnil three (.1), all lu tinvuMilp sl Oil south of range twelve (I'Jj east of thu Wlllamctlo Meri dian lu Wasco County, Ureitou, and containing nuuhundroi mitt sixty (H'i0) auresi or mi much of said prm ci tr as will satisfy said Judgment ami detuu", with costs and accruing costs. rtnlil property will be sold tublect to coiillrma tlou and redemption as by law provided, Dated at Thu Dalles, Or., this tith day of De cember. 11W0. ItOllKKT KKU.Y, JS .It Hlierllt Wasco County, Oiikou,